The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1904, Image 11

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December 9 , I9o. } . TI'IE l FALLS CITY TRIBUNE
- - - - ' - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
D. _ of I-I. Officers.
On last Thursday evening the
Degree of Honor elected thc
following ccrs for the ensuing
year : Past Chief of Honorlsa
1'1. Hossack ; Chief of Honor , Ada
L.l , A. Leyda ; : ady of Honor . Sophia
, - Tanner ; Chief of Ceremonies , 'loe
Wilson ; Usher : , Anna NcitzelRe- ;
corder , Mary J4 , Norris ; Financier -
cier , Mary Brcithaupt ; Receiver ,
. . Chas. M. \\Tilson ; ' , Georg'e
, , . Rei : hers ; Inside Watch , Hattie
Leyda ; Outside Watch Louise
Farmer. At the close of lodge
the members enjoyed a talTy-pull.
: Sphinx Club Lecture.
In a letter to the Sphinx Club
} the Midland Lycumn Bureau has
J I the following to say about \lrs.
} William Calvin Chilton who ap-
. \ . pears at the Geh1ing' 'l'hursday
t night , Dec. 15 , 11.104 as the third
entertainment of the Lecture
conrse. "She has recently been
in the best towns of the Black
, ,
. . Hills country and every where
' \ she has given fair satisfactlOl1.
, I. So enthusiastic hathe reports
i of her work that we have already
:0 , i' arranged with her for another
season. \Ve have also just sold
. her for three days in the line
4 opera houses of Council Bluffs ,
l' Fort Dodge and Mason : City , I'a.
. .
- . t You I1I:1Y promise your people a
" - ; rare treat and we promise \ you
} . that you will not bc disappointed
, , t Mrs. Chilton will please you "
\ . ,
r ) . .
I" Local and Personal.
- - - - - - -
, . Clarence Smith transacted !
. . , .
, ; 1)ttsinesS ! ill iliaatha 1 Friday. 1
'i Go to A. G.Van ner for all
'u kinds of school l1ppJies.
ti J phrait11ithc ( ' of Stella was ,
j the guest \ of friends in this city
i Sunday.
} ) Dr. R.P. Roper sdentist
t ) .
1J ' 't" '
' , over K.Ings t""nfil"nacy. !
t. Charlotte LipP111c1 left ) Friday
t. fflr . SelJa ; where she will visit with
" rtCi : ( 1 R.
- A. , G. Vanner sells everything
. . needed in the school 1'00111.
. ) .
; : , John .1. II'aul1mer 1 is mentioned
; f . promi ncnt1y as the next mayor
.1 . r of mast St Louis.
. A large nl1mbcr of Falls City
f people attended the Gus Kaiser
f4 . funeral at Preston Sunc1ay.
John Wright of ishnabotna ,
y Mo. [ . is visiting at the t home of
J- his daughter , \lrs. R. B. 'ok- :
p r - ' , Malian in this city ,
Dr. and \lrs. : Keeler were up
j from 81. Louis last week.Vhile
f. . ' here the doctor purchased largely /
4 of the Rush instruments and
surgical applianccs.
, \V. A. Greenwald of the Sfate
. Bank is attending the meeting of
the bankers \f Iowa , Kansas
Missouri and Nebraska which is
being held in -31. : Joseph this
\\'cck. ' . . ,
. ' " . . . . . . . , I
, /t" I 'I. , - ' . . , '
" . . ,
. . . , .
Mr A. R. lime , a prOtllillCltl
druggist of Baxter Springs . Kansas -
sas , says : "C1.ambcrlain's Stomach -
ach and U\'cr 'l'ablcts arc , in 111Y
judgemcnt , thc most sup'r or
preparation of anything in use today
clay for constipa tlOn. ' 1'hy : : are
sure in action alld with no ( cii-
' ' ' . " For
clency to nauseate or g'1'ipl'
sale by A. G \Val1l1er
Mc'srs ! Burre s. Armstrong and
C1'1ttllmcl. thr'e promincnt Au-
bum mcn have truck oil in
Cleveland O. ' 1' . and have just
finished their first oil well ! . which
is flowing at the rate or 100
barrels per day and is netting the
three members of the linn about
srO per day each. They have
been offered 825,00 ) for their
leases aside from their well.
VoJume 1 , No. 1 of the "o.kIn- ;
tire ( Iowa ) 1\Icsseng'cr reached
our exchange table this week. It
is published by Mrs. l\I.JD , Orang--
cr , who spent { several months in
this city last sum1l1cr. The pap-
( : r is it five column ! ( fun rte and is
well tilled with advertising ! and
local news tnt < : Hcr.Ve wish
success to the publisher
C. A. H-awl a promincnt attorney -
torney of Plattsmouth was ill the
city on , legal business Satmela ) ' .
1'11' ? . Raw1 says that CasH County
would like to see thc candidate to
smceeel IJurkett come from outside -
side Lancaster Coun ty.
Mrs Paul n. Weaver who has
been very ill with typhOId fever
for several weeks is reported as
con\'alescellt. Hcr mother i\Irs.
G. J. Crook has been ! with her al
her Oklahoma house for the past
three wceks.
, Alomw Dill and Mary Pickle
were married out west the other
day. 'T ' hey have a long and
hard task before to equal Heinz
with his fifty seven varietics.-
81. Joseph Gazctte.
Call on \\T. 1-1. Crook & Co. and
see his fall line of Garland Heaters -
ers and Cook Stoves , also his
Quick Meal Hang"cs. He has a
nice display
Bixby of the State Journal
gives this prescription for a cold.
'rake a pint of good whisky , pour
it into a quart of good whisky.
Mix well and take two ounces
every thirty minutes
He\ Griffin who has . heen visiting -
ing with his daughters in Kansas -
sas City returned to his home in
. this city the latter part of last
Hess Stock food good for every
animal. Price only $5.00 per hi u11-
dred. Why pay more ? For
sale at A. G. Wanner's.
Baltimore oysters in bulk and
l\lichigan celery at Coupe and
Thorn ton s.
Allan D , May was clown from
Humboldt for a short time Mon-
. ' , " , , , "
. . . . r
, . ) , I
. lr.
" . . . _ v
. 11..4 . . . . , 1.114 . ' , " . . . . . bf . , i
. , . . , h. " , . . . . . " . .
- - ' " ,
r ; ' ; , c 7Y t
[ d
1M 1
M Catut'lampold LaCsi\ . ' \
r s .
wwr'a _ _ fnta w as . rw-r = . , . , . . . . . . . . " awrveMs . . . . -oaa.- Wcv.IflJtW . .
reter > l f Shoe Co's. "Diamond > Brand"
. y :
, Shoes
I 1-l as been awarded the Grand Prize at the : St. Louis .
, Exposition. , The award of the Grand Prize was mach I
@i @ 1 by I nternational .I ury' ' composed of' experts frol11 the
" ' United States and foreign countries amid was \'ori in
. .
competitIOn with thc whole world \Vc sell t1Cm } ,
CCme in and get a pair. . ' ,
. . . .
r.1 ,1 J1 Cb V. Cleveland '
L Fails City , J % cbraska :
' i' =
. ' .
I'm weary tonig'ht. clarling" mother draw near 1I1e , . .
I feel that my hours in our home will bc fcw : ' . , !
And soon will I sing with time pure , white robed angel
But , mother clear , surely I'll tell them of you.
Don't weep clan ling mother because 1 am going
' -
' 1'0 the faraway land of the joyous an(1 , blest ;
For ; I'll tell the dear Saviour that some clay your coiling ,
Anel 1'11 ask I.Jim to save you a . sweet place to rest.
For I'm sure that TIe loves you as I do , dear mother ,
Because you have always been good , kind ancl trite :
And some day when you have completed your labors , .
Hel\'cn : gates wilt Lc open to welcome you too .
. .
So do not be weeping because of our parting ,
Dear mother 'tis certain that we'll meet ag'ainj ; '
And though death seems cruel in taking mc from you . /
"l'h bes t , for it frees mc from all earthly pain ' .
Good-byc , darling mother , please hold my hand tightly ;
Even now do I hear the sweet songs from 011 high :
Mother ! Kissme ! Your darling going to leave you : Y
But we'l1 meet again in our home 111 thc sky.
w. 11. MADDOX
Lands bought and sold
Hartford Fire Insurance
Houses in city for sale
floney [ to Ion
Telephone 1,8
" .
2i'\\'I ! : : a '
Our Ci.osin1g
Jut Sale
of O'vefCOmt ' ,
Is still going on and \ \ ' i11
continue until ; the P 't's'nt l ,
. stock is exhausted. ' 1'1i\ : ! ' I
arc " going fast : and . you
had' better come in right ; 5
away . if you want lo talc .
' of [ the ' '
advantage q cxt1'en1
Iy low prices wc are inal . . -
, ing' as they won't last .
long' Come in now .
while there is a good ) as- m
sortl1wnl to select from.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1
De Quick.
Not a minute should be lost
whcn a child shows symptons ot x
croup. Chambcrlain's Cough
Remedy gi'cn" as soon as the
child becomes hoarscor even after'
thc croupy cough appears , will
prevent thc attack. It never
fails , and is pleasant and safe to
take For sale by AG. "Tanner f
, . , ,
' '
, , ' . . . . :
' " , . " , . . ,
. . J" . " r..3