The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 02, 1904, Image 9

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f 'L . . , TRI13UNE' ' - " ' "
-.December 2 , 190 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE
Sorosis enjoyed it plcasal1
afternoon on 'Vcdncsday of last
' . ; week at thc home of 1'11's : A. . J.
\Veaver. A large mcmbcrship
t was in attcl1danccan ! gave close
; attention to thc prog-ram , which
e was an unusually entertaining
I one , oucuing" with a musical num-
bet by Mrs. H. D. Smith and Mrg.
: . - Chas. 'Vilson which rccch'cd
hearty applausc. A review of
Enoch Arden was given by Mrs.
D. P. Smith and thc subject was
handled in a bright original wad ' .
j\Il's. l twin Stccc ] followed with
an interesting treatise of thc Influence -
flucncc on Amcrican : , itcraturc
of Robert and Mrs. -Browning.
s Current Evcnts brought out an
animated i discussion which came
, . , ' to p close only ] at thc serving of a
. / most excellent lunch. Mrs.
j 'Vcavcr being assisted by Miss
Ncna Morris. Annollnccmcnt
was made that Mrs. A. I . Hill
will bc thc hostess at thc next
meeting in three wecks.
Midland Concert Co. '
The Midland ] Concert Co. , ap-
dcared at the Gchling last Friday
r. evening under thc auspices of
the Sphinx c ] ub. This is one of
thc best entertainments of its
kind on the road and all who
were so fortunate as to attend
. . .
were given a musical I t rea. Tv -
. ery member of thc COmpeLny WdS
. worthy of special mention as they
were all stars in their respective
parts. This was thc second of
thc Sphinx lecture ] course and thc
club is to"bc commended for furnishing -
nishing' our people with such
high class cntertail1ment.
Winter Tourist Rates.
Low \ round trip rates to Denver
Colorado Springs and Pueblo , Col-
oradoGal\'eston ; and San Alnton-
. . io ; Texas : New Orleans , Louisi-
. ilna ; Mobile , Alabama ; Jackson-
ville and St. Augustine , Florida ,
and hundreds of other points.
If YOU arc figuring on a winter
excursion trip , I can furni = -h you
valuable information , 01' write to
f L. W. Wakeley , General Passenger -
ger Agent , 01l1aha.-G.Stc.wurt .
: Agent , C. B. & Q. R.I
Be Quick.
Not a minute should bc lost
. . when a child shows symptons ot
. ' croup. Chambcrlain's Cough
Remedy . given as soon as thc
child becomes hoarscor even after
the croupy cough appears , will
- " the attack. It
, -:1t" : prevent never
\ . , fails , and is pleasant and safe to
, takc. For sale by A.G. 'Vallncr.
Miss Leah Potcct entertained
about thirty of her friends Friday
evening at her spacious home in
: . thc eastern part of this city. The
I . evening was most pleasantly
. . spent various gamcs of whist ,
flinch and othcrs. Dainty refreshments -
frcshmcn added to thc pleasures
of thc c\'cning.
. .
. .
- - - - -
; A \THEN ve say a Complete I Market ! we 1
mean that we keep on hand at all
times everything found in a Complete r
Meat flarket and can supply you with the
best in i season. In I addition to our com = r
Mete stock of meats we have the celebrated
Heinz Pickles , mustard , Etc. If you have
, f not been trading with us , try us once and
: you are sure to come agal11.
, 4 The City lVleat flarket ' !
. WESLEY MILLER , Proprietor.
- . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' -
- -
Local and Personal.
'Vanncr sells ink.
Books of all kinds at A. G.
Chris. Hershey was a Lincoln
visitor Friday.
'Valtcr Veach returned to Vcr-
don thc latter part of thc wcck.
Go to A. G. 'Vanncr for all
kinds of school supplies.
George Culp visited with his
parents in this city thc first of
thc weck. .
Frank Simons of Hulo was in
this city Friday , hc was nursing
a very sore hant
A. G. \Vanncr sells everything
needed in thc school room.
Call 011 W. I-I. Crook and Co.
for guns and ammunition.
MFs. Landers , who has been
visiting in this city returned to
Nebraska City Fri < htY.
Walter Mctt and wife of
South Dakota are visiting with
his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Bart
Mctt in this city.
Mrs. Will Hearst of Padonia
visited with her parents , Bcnj.
Potcct and wife last Saturday.
Charlie McCool of Salem was a
Falls City visitor Saturda } ' .
1\1rs. N. J. Berg-sma and daughter -
cr Veva spent tl'hanksg-iving
with her sister Mrs. O. H. Ross
in this city.
Dr.R.P. Robertsdentist
over Kings Pharlnacy.
Mr. A. H. Kane , a prominent
druggist of Baxtr Springs , Kansas -
sas , says : "Cbllnucrlain's Stom-
ach and Liver Tablets are , in my
judgel11cn , thc 1110st superior
Preparation of anything in usc to
day for constipatIOn. They arc
sure ill action and with no ten-
dency to nauseate or gripc. " For
sale by A. G \Vanncr.
Doll Bat'llhardt of Auburn way
in this city on business Thursday
of last week and while here ' made
this office a Pleasant call.
Madame Stetson , the -palmist
who has been stopping at thc
National Hotel returned to her
home in 81. Louis Tim ursday.
Mrs. A. Clark and dauglmtcr
Stella who have been residing in
Los Angeles California for thc
past year returned to this city
Friday fteil1ool1.
Everything new at thc cider
building four blocks north of the
Douglas mill. 'Vc guarantee al
thc cidcr from your applcs.
Call on W. H. Crook & Co. and
sec his full line of Garland Heaters -
ers and Cook Stoves , also his
Quick Meal Rimgcs. Hc has a
nice display.
J. D. Evans of Vcrdon was in
this city Saturday. Hcvas on
his way to St. Louis to spend a
few days.
We guarantee all thc cider
from your apples No waste in
thc new cider mill , crcamcry
Eat Sowlcs Candy.
; . . : TIME ' TABLE
1i1 '
i b-Qffi1 Falls CIty. Ncb.
: - .
Lincoln Denvcr
Omnha Uclcna
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Snit Lake CIty
Kansas ( CIty Portland
St. Louis nnll nil San Francisco
poInts cast and and all poInts
south. west.
'l'UAIN1 ! Lfnvm ; A1110J.T.OW1 ! ! :
No. 42. Portland } St. Louis
Spccial ; , Sl ; Joseph ,
Kamms ; City , St.
I..ouis and } all poillts
east taI south. . . . . 7:24 : p 111
No. 13. Vestihulcd exprcss ,
daily , Deliver alld
all points wcst and
lIorthwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a 111
No. 14. Vcstihulcd express ,
daily , St. Joe , Iiatm-
sas City , St. Louis
shin all points east
aid south. . . . . . . . . . 7:43 : a 111
No. 17 Local express , daily /
\\rj'lIIorc and poillts
east"cstlIorlhwcst 12:17 1'111
No. 15. Vcstihulcd express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and 1
northwest . . . . . . . . . 1:24 : Jl1I1
No. 16. Vcslibulc/l express
daily , S + : Joe , Kansas -
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
east and south. . . . . 4:301'111 :
No. 18. Local express daily
Atchison and points
south and west . . . 3:581'111 :
No. 41. St. I..ouis-PorHaml '
Spccial , I..i ncoln , He-
lena , 'l'acoma and
Portland without
change . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p 111
No. 115. Local accommodation -
tion , daily ex-
ccpt SundaSalcm ,
Ncmaha and Nebraska -
hraska City. . . . . . . . 10:30 : p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
'l'ickcts sold and baggage checked to
sny point in the States or Canada. For ,
infprmatioll , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , -
G. P. & ' 1' . A. , Omaha.