The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 02, 1904, Image 6
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I J ) ATALC 0r Tf : CUA'\N WARm . ' . ' m GGUC-Gc .P/Jlf/6Y19Y CHAPTER VI. I The Room That Faced Edinburgh Castle. .Juclt amuses himself the ollowln I day knocking about the city , tal\n \ ; u tram ride down to I.olth , and \\'l1lchln : ; the IIHhormell there and at Newl1o.vcn COIIIO In wllh their cutch. ' ] , l1on ho spends ) / Ramo time up nt1ho ( 'I\StlO-lt most fascinating spot for all tom porary ) ) sojourners In Edinburgh : ohRon'H : the Highlanders go through their drill , and IIQ ) all Yankees , mentally - tally COIIIlIIroS ) tholll whit the boys In blue I\t 1101110. , Jack dlncs III the hol1 1 said then J'olllol1lIlos ) ) Princes Htroel , observing the throng , until IL I IH neal' the 11P- lOlntod ) hour , when he retires to liP-I I morn , IUIII prepares ) for the reception of his expected guest Imvlng given orders that the Spaniard he shown \Ill when ho 1I1'1'lves. ( lie unt\elplltm \ II lively scene wh\ll the disclosure 18 I11lule , and feels that I his future course must ho In a ; ; rent 1II0l\HllrO governed by cl1'cIIIIIHtUtlCOJ. I : Four by the clock , the bells are jllrt I ringing the hour , when ho hears I ' voices , und then comes a rap 011 mho dee . I "Como In ! " sings out Jack In hIs ! genial way So the door 8WltllS open ' to give lulmlttanc to the urbane don. 110 is just as slrlldng In his appellr- anco ; as on Ito ( preceding uiglit and wears the same dark velvet Jacltet. People turn to gape after him In the street , especially whoa n large ] cream colored sombrero rests jauntily on his head IInd every ono must have guessed he Is some distinguished ar- tist , which attention pleases the worthy Honor exceeilin f.IJ" ; . I10lltlng his wonderful headgear In one hand ; he advances quickly , his face wreathed In smiles and Jack Iii t- gul.I1 . rises to meet him So they cross ! palms ) for the last ) t time ; It IH only n question ) of minutes now 01'0 these two wlll ho glaring ; nt each other across the table , deadly enemies. "And how docs our happy bridegroom - groom find himself today ? Come , do llh l I I I / / i I ; , 1 . ; . / i. , /l / ' c r rl ' t , hr I , , I i ' ' \ ! _ I + , + 1 f I - , . . . . , Advance quickly. the fetters gall or , after all , are you thinking only of the rich results to come from the enterprlso ? " asks . : ob- Indo , with a glance at the decanter Jack has had brought Into the room "lIelp yourself , my clear sir-sherry , port , und genuine Scotch mountain l'OAs for myself , I'm feeling fairly bright and I reckon ] , us wo Yankees say , equal to the occllslon. Don't deprive - Irlvo yourself , senor ; have auotlter " "Cnrramba ! that Is nectar fit ( Cor th gods.Ve ! shall not want for It after thIR-eh , Senor Jaclt-smncltlng his IIIR ) , after having half emptied ono of the decanters. "You have come then , for what specific purpose ? " " ' 1'0 for tale transfer ' ' arrange according - Ing to our agreement. OC course your fh'st 1II0\'C wlll bc to go to London and prove your identity aR Jack TI'avOl's to the legal gentlemen having the estate In charge. ' You will want the e-I- denco of your marriage with the part nallloll In the wlll. Here are the necessary . sary proofs ) , Including the regular ee'- llflcllle oC marrlago. " "All , tllUIItH ] , They will come 111 ! handy , I um sure. You lIIa\O one mistake . taw ] , however , senor " "Voya hombre , what may that be ? " asks Ito artist , In the act oC lIghtng : : t weell. "Al/out / my visit to the sol1cltors- there Is no need of lilY hastening' to SPO them , since I have already been In Chancery hmo " 'J'ho ] Spanish ) artist 1001s anxious. I "You were holder than I thought posslblo. Tell me how did you sue 'I ceCIl ? " ho demands , puffing vlgc 1'011- : ly. t I 'I'ho result was all that could be expected ) , " answers the young American - can , coolly "Good-good ! 'rhen they recogniz- ed you as the genuine party In ques- : lion / " I verythlng < ; Passed I off In my . . . . " f.0 / \ . I "Oh , what great luc ] we arc havlll , Senor Jack ! Ii'OI'tune brings everything - , thing In lilY wu ' -I. who WU only ! lately contemplating ] flitting to Cub , I where I have some Interests that hiring 11I0 In It scanty living. 1 hardly i know hoI shall Invest mr : share of I alto spoils. " "PcrhapH you may yet he saved the trouble , my dear Senor" "What Is that you say ? " "Well , only an old proverb to the effect that 'thoro's many a slip 'twixt CUll und lip- ' I Senor Hollado ] laughs In his disagreeable - agreeable way. I "I have no fear there will bo any. i tiling of that kind hore. Oh , no my 110/\1' young frlond. I have anticipated - ed everything , and It Is quite hnpos slhlo that you receive the benefit of this great property without sharing the same with your wife and her stt"p- fathel' Make your mind easy on , that score , for It docs not worry ale n lit- tle bit You signed the papers , there- fore I have you Jowerless } " "Pardon me , lie only binding act that 1 have done was to promise my wife I would not force my presOl.ce upon her , and that I shall keep most rei ] lously , " " " "But-tho - papors- "I have signed none " Senor Hoblado seems In doubt whether to laugh b derision or swear Imlllr In Spanish Ho looks ] ] at his cOlllpanlon across the table and en- deavors to read the cool sphinx who leans back In his chair apparently In- tent only on watching the rings of blue smolw that go curling up from his elgal' Finally the artist compromises . mlses ; ho realizes that It Is necessary for him to remain calm In order to keep on a footing with this customer. "Senor , are you joking ? " "Never 1II0re serious In my life I assure you , " cOllies the reply _ "Then you mean to play mo false. Trace care ; I am In a position to hurl you down from your station , even If I have to keep ] you company , and men oC my race will never forgive treach- ery. You swore to keep the faith with me. " Senor RobJado grows excited-he leans ! across the table and endeavors to throw a bit oC emphasis In his voice ; but Jack appears still at his ease , and us he turns his gaze upon - his companion , something between : a sneer and a smile can bo seen on his countcnaJ1ce. "Pnnon ) me again , but I swore noth- ing oC the kind , either verbally or on lJa per. " "Carnjo ! beware , young man. You tempt mo too fal' I am 110 fool , neither - er am I blind. " "I had begun to thlnc ] the latter , ese ] you must have caught on to somo- thing before IJOW. " "Caught on-l- 'ou say my eyesight Is not good Come , what have I failed to see beyond that you were a double - rogue posing as II gentleman ! Tell I11C. sir ! " Senor Robla Is waIting up to the seriousness of his cause , and as tie speaks he raps his knuckles imperiously - ously ] on the table , while his face no longer appears tranquil , but Inflamed , his eyes blazing ] with gathering wrath. "First of aH , that i am nol the per- son you took me for. r declared to L . ' l/ / / \ rl , , \\tJ. J _ . a'i r - : o _ 1 S s ea rY1 y = - - c- ± _ _ "Malediction I Then you are- " you that I had signed no papers save those connected with my marriage. That 1s absolutely true. You have let- tors , but they were not written by my hand , nor did I ever see thom. No wonder you look mystified , Senor Roh- 111(10. 1 shaH have a little mercy upon you. Settle YOUl'sef ] comfortably , then , and listen , while I spin a little yarn that w1l1 make the whole thing as ! ; ; clear al noondp.y. ' "I had an appointment last night In the Canongate. While I waited for my friend to appear , a hansom drlv'J } recklessly ] , lost a wheel and was wrecked The inmate a gentleman , was badly hurt , and while we walled for an ambulance to take him to TrInIty - Ity hospital ] , he uttered various things III ! It half delirium , that attracted my attention. As I hall once known the unfortunate gentleman , I thought It might be an act of charity to seek the hOllso of seven gables , and let the good people know what had become of hll11. " 'Voll , I ( lid so. You came to the door , and gave mo 110 chance to ex- 11laln. I was quick to perceive that you mistook me for Howard Spencer , and having already an inkling of the game , determined to allow myselC to ho drawn on . with the Intention of finding out why that man bad assum- ell the name of Jack Travers. "Yon know the rest. I need not tell you I entered Into the spirit of the game , and that I consider myself very- fortunate In being the legal husband of so charming a girl. " The Spanish senor has some difficulty - ty In finding his voice , and It Is III a hoarse whisper ho cries : "But-m letters ! Yon had them Yon are surely playing a Yankee jOlc on mo. " "A pretty serious one I am afraid , then. As to the letters ] , my Chinese servant picked lent lIP when Spencer had been trotted off to the hospital. When you asked for letters I remembered - bored them , and they seemed to fill time blll admirably. " "Then-It Is all-true ? " . . . I r "Absolutely , senor. " "YOll are not Howard Spencer ? " "Most certainly not. That gentleman - man docs not hear a very enviable reputation around the Cripple Creek mining country , and I should serlouo- ly I object to being compelled to stand for him. " "You are nol my correspondent , yet you know ] about the game ! Carramha ! you even tell mo there Is no necessity - Rlty of hurrying to Chancery Jane , lie. 7 cause you have already seen the law- J// years and It Is all right. What Is all right ? And you have even had the sublime assurance to marry my stepdaughter . daughter and ward , while admitting that you are not the party named In I the special license ! That Is the height ) I of Impudence , sir-it Is damnable ! II "Ah , Robado ] , that Is where I have you ! The special license was perfectly - ly framed , even better than you thought , as I was not reduced to sailing . Ing under false colors In order to ulf1I1 Its concllUons. " 'fho senor sees light all at onco. "Malediction ! II he shouts , In the most Intense excitement : "then you " aro- "Tho gonulno Squire .1ohn-lOlo\\1I In ( lie wild and woolly west as Jack Travers , " replies the other , compla- Clltlr. ' - - CHAPTER V11. Diamond Cut Diamond. { The picture when Travers proclaims his Identity Is certainly one well worth seeing , especially the consternation . stamped upon the features of that rc ' ; marlmhle man with whom Jack holds : i his Interview. Senor Robado ] Is apparently stricken dumb for the time being : the hatH ! that holds the smoking cigar trembles as might an aspen leaf , and " his fierce black eyes under the shaggy grer ; brows are fastened on the Yan- lwo with the look of a hungry wolf. "You are the genuine Jack Travers ! You who sit there dare to tell me that a8 coolly cts yen might speak of your elgarro ! Per Dies ! man , I admire . . your nerve , though you have come ! .i. near shattorlng mine with your de..l1- Ish Intelllgonce. I feared treachery : I prepared against It , but hola ! you - overwhelm me. _ Still , a Roblajt never surrenders : we sometimes die In the last dllch. " . "Ah senor , " laughs the tantalizing Jack , " 'ou remember I warned you It was full thirty feet from my window and a hard pavement that of Prlncef ! street. Don't do anything to tempt me , I beg. " The senor , who has risen haltway from his chair , drops back again ; one glance at the muscular figure of the American has convinced the Spaniard that ho cannot hope at his age to cope with such an athlete. ; "All the Fates must be against mE to bring you here at such a tlmo. I believed you dead , Jack Travers" be growls , hardly knowing what else te Slt- say."So "So did my dear friend Howard , and ho had good reason to believe him self haunted by my ghost , since It was by his orders I was Wayland , robbed and thrown Into Dead Horse Cal1'm. But I am a favorite of fortune , and I escaped , as you see , to baffle your schemes " "Then wo have lost oYer .thing. You have swept the hoard , Senor Jack ] : but there is one thing still left to mo " ( To bo continued ) - - - State Must Pay Bounty. As the result of a decIsion of the * supreme court the state of California ' I ; will he compelled to pay $287,615 to - ' the holders of coyote scalp calms. ] In / 1891 a law was passed placing a boun t3' of $5 each < < upon every coyote killed In the state , so great were the ravages of the coyotes among the sheep and chlcltCns. The scalps , when delivered ered at county seats , were to ho de- stro 'ed. But the state asserted that the scalps were sometimes used morn than once , and scalps were Imported from Nevada and Arizona. So when It bad paid out lJOOOO ! ( It ftoppcd. But It could not prove Is case. , r )