The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 02, 1904, Image 4

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nhnumntbm Hnplllly mitt Hnl1h'nllr Cm'cd.
Ullick(11'1 , IIr" Enutuua HmlwIJ'
Convenience , comfort , safety , speed ( nro
don iuuled ! hy the traveling public ill our
rapid century and the Iccellost illtolleotfl
COIIHllllltl III worlc ell tlleso lI'OIII'IIIH ) ]
are JllIIdlll ! wonderful progress ill ho I
coIIHlrucioll ! of tic flIl'II1I1Hllil' tool the
locollloli\'e. Like results ore sought ill
medicines IUIII DI' 'YilIiulIIs' Pink Pills
for Palo People urn nstouishiug 110 t world
by the trhllllllhH they are Wlllllilig ill the
rapid cure of obstinate umlllclloH , such nf !
rhcIII1IILtlln1\ With speed they eombluu
oll\'el1lcl1ciJ , perfect safety , nuts chenlJ'
Hcro 11'1 fresh of their
' proof cancen
tratl'cl "lrtlloH : MrN. Mllrgnret Gnlltz ,
of No. lli27 BIh'mr1ll ( ( HtI ' Cot , UurHlIgtoll ,
lowu , iH rm illlll1striouH OI'I'IIU\Jl WOlllnn ,
who nhollt two cud t\ half yciti ' ago
found herself in danger of losillf her
power } to wont nltogotht'r. She Hays :
" I rllolllllllUSIIl which mule
got my
ImecH and othowH very "tiff amI paillfui.
1 had difllctnlty ill 1'IIisillg my areas fold
I cOlllcl hardly lift Soy feet over lilY
doorstep. I ought to intro gone to bed ,
bilL I could ! n't IItrOl'd to do that , fO I
forced 'tOlf to work iu
Suynelf ; Hlito } of the pain
nod sti1Tnes , After suffering for about
t.ix 1II0nths , I teas toM about Dr. \Vil.
lilL1nH' Pilllc Pills for Palo People lIy 11
friend , wl10 said she had been cured by
tholll. 011 her 11.1'iro . + , I bought , ono box
ned in two weeks after I began tll one
them I was well stud \ J intro hud no need
tolHO hUIII t Stow for nearly two years ,
\Villinl11s' Pink Pills are 1L good Sued-
kino nod if I over have I'hO\11l1nlil1ll ;
again I will get 1L box right nwn ) ' . I
have told ninny friends whllL they did
for 1110 und I nlU glad to have everybody
kllow. "
This valuable news to all who suffer .
( fOr from rhoulilILl iSIII. These ; pills lUl\'Q
nine ; cured HIII1I1I0rl\ \ canes of locol11otor
ntllxill , partial paritlysin , St..Vitus' dance ,
til'illtiell , JlPI1l'ulgia , nervous hrlUlncho ,
ludpitttion : of the heart and nil forllls of
WPI\WCHH ! ill 11I1110 or fOl11l\lo.
They mo sold by nIl druggists , or
will ho sent directly from t.ho . ] ) r. \Vil-
lInllls 1\1el1icino Co. , Sellollecll\ll , N.Y. ,
Oil receipt of hu t price , fifty cellts per
box ; Nix hors for two dollars nlllllL hl\lf.
Look for the full naruo on every box.
A man whose Ideals are beneath
him will soon ho beneath his Ideals
Thc Wabash Is the Only Line Landing
You tt thc World's Fair.
nro\UHI trill rates from Omaha are
flS follows : $ S.r.O sold tinily except
l.'rhhnnd Sntllrdn . good 7 days
$1 aso sold dally , good Hi dll 's. The
Wabash Is the only line teat land's
passengers at the main trance of the
World's Fair grounds. Also the only
hue that can check your baggage to
the World's Fair stnllon. Think what
n saving of time , au noyance und extra .
tra car fnrc.
All agent I cnn sell you through
ticket and route you over the Wahash
Very low rates to many points South ,
Southenst. For beautiful World's Fair
folder aunt nIl information call nt GOl
FR1'I1\11' St. or "cllrnfH Harry E.
MooreR , Geu Agt. Pass Dept. Wab.
H. n. , Omaha , Neb.
1'h ro may ho people smarter than
you fire , but of course they dodge 'ou.
Important to Mother.
Examine carefully every bottle ot CASTOntA ,
a safe and lure remedy for infants and children ,
and sco that It
- -
r.Ioaturo 13catro : the ot # -f2 G - '
110 Use For Over ao YCllrll.
The Kind You have Always Doucht.
There are a few folks who confuse
impoliteness and Incon\'ontlonalltr
1'lIko ' Laxative D\Imo Quinine Tablet& All MUir
! : . I.ts r"luoli the money It It talll to cure. E. \ \ .
\ run' s signature II 00 each box : Sc.
More women weep over onlo11& than
f\'Qf love affairs
fans City ribuJ ! '
. - .
- - - a
ThcRO HUIIIm e"llor3'ino are 1'0'
Joking In lie liberties they now enjoy '
joy shoulll try 1\ few months at' editing
In America to gt 1\ grasp of what
reedol11 : of the III'CHS really means.
- - - - - -
A London physician ) thllls ) that he
has ! discovered that blonde women are
more subject to heart disease than
Imll1ottcli. Some blondes of the perox ) .
isle type ) lose their hearts loa early
for lhat.
A Hn1t1l11oro street car conductor
who l'oul1l1 $2,000 In his cal wits given
n reward of 25 cents when he 1'0'
lUI'IICll the mOlley to Its OWIIOI' Hetty
Green wasn't In Bulllmol'o at the
time , elthm'
From Buclalloflt conies tidings of the
Invention of a new musical instru-
mellt , the tnrogato , which , It Is said ,
\\111 prove ) n valuable addition ! to the
Wagnorlan orchestra. It has ! a Wag.
norian 'sound.
'ho English nowsllllp man who
has Invented a IlrOCeli'1 for making
bread without any additional plant or
'tHY extra Ingrolllont , so that It takes
only one hour for the dough to rise ,
In&tcad of from four to twelve , must
110 a handy JUan to have around the
' louse.
- - - - - - -
The Haul who never Haw a modern
football I game explains that when lie
wants to see slugging ho infers ) to go
to It regular prize light where he can
see It all. In It football match , no
saYR a good deal of' lie hard hllllnlr
In the crush must ho missed ! by the
The New York Herald In reporting
the loss of It $10,000 pearl necklace ,
says that the streets or New York
appear to ho littered with gems.
There Is a strong probability , how-
ever , that the patriotic citizens of the
metropolis ) will anticipate the street
cleaning department In removing this
Bal'rctt Wendell hlnl\8 t that Abraham
ham Llncoln's excellence consisted In
the fact that ho elevated himself
above the socallocl lower classes In
which ho was born Abraham Lin.
coIn , however , woulll probably admit
that ho never got Into Barrett Wen.
doll' ! cll\ss.
Time sandblasting machine has been
called into play ) In New York to remove -
move lie stains of time from the
grand old city hul ! . New York would
sandblast the pyramids ) anti think it
had hnlll'o\'ed their appearance.
A live toad was exhumed from a big
piece of coal In the Renton mine 1'-
cell tly. Paleontologists are very
much Interested over the find and perplexed ( -
plexed how to classify the toad , a liv-
lug thing ! cannot. be a fossil and oi11y
fossils nre supposed to exist In geological .
logical formations.
A young woman while looking In a I
mirror lost $3,000 from a hnndlmg. :
\Vhy Is such a temptation as a mirror
permitted to be In looking distance
when a young woman carries even a
million In her wallet !
That famous Egyptologist ) who !
found that It tool 120 years and $500-
000 to build 1'\onh's ark might have
gone a step farther fund told \IS If
Captain Noah equipped his Craft with
life preservers stuffed with sawdust
or weighted with iron.
About the best that can be said for
that University of California professor
who declares that "the large number
of women students attending the university .
verslty Is inconsistent with the attain.
ment of high scholarly Ideas" is that
be 1s a. moan old thin , .
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
hy local applications as they cannot reach the dls .
eased portion ot the 'ar 'f here II only one way to
cure deafness , ID < 1lh3ll is by IIIIIllItlnnr.1 ! r"cmn lies .
lIeatnl'AO Is 1 Caused hyan InnAml'd , eOlhlltln of the
IIIUCOIII Jlnlnl : at the 1tutachtsn'1'ube. When this
tube h In"'lIned you hate umhllnlr , sound lIT 1m.
portent bearlnll , and when It h entirely cloud Dl'at.
settle resultaandwuniesr the Inratntnatlnn can
ne 1 la the , . unle . the InlAmmatlon ! can betaken
tAken out end thl . tube restored to its normal CO"\I , I
tlhU . , hearing rend \ \11' detruycd forever : nine cases
out or ten : are caused by C atnrrh which , to I nolhlna '
but inflamed lulIIllllon ot the mucous aUrrRCe&
We will fit Po One Itundred Dollars for any enot
neatness lealt by clllurrh ) that : cllllnot be cured
by Jhll'd CRtlr1 b Curl' Send far clrclIlnn , tree
F. , I. ChlEEY & CO . Toledo , O.
Pond bv nrugAists. 75e.
Take tIall'l Family l'lIl for con tlplltlon.
Living for one's laud is far greater
than dying for H.
\Vo are the largest mine operators
In the west and cordially Invite you
to write for prospectus and full particulars .
ulurs about OUR NINE : ' ASSOCIATED
COMPANIES : , which have joined In
forming our VES'rOHS' I GUAIIAN-
'i EE ! ASSOCIATION , with :1,000,000 :
capital , TO GUARld'l'EI ALL OF
WrHe for free Information and he con-
325 Olive Street , St. Louis , 1\10.
Some men work overtime trying to
dodge hart work.
Ak Your Druggist for Allen's Foot-Ease.
" 1 tried Ar [ .gN'S FOO'l'-IJASloJ ! recent-
iy and have just bought ullother supply It
has cured my corns , and the hot ( , burning
aatl itching sensittion In my feat which was
almost ! unbearable , and 1 would not bc without .
out It now.- h'I1 , \ V. .J / 1Valkor. Camden : ,
N. J. " Sold by all Druggists , 2c. :
You can' always judge a man's
hank account by the artistic decorations .
lions on the front of Ills office safe.
Try me just one and I om sure to
come again. Defiance Starch.
The wise man who has anything to
say to a mule says It to his face
f ,
Every housewife gloats
over finely starched
linen and white goods ,
Conceit 15 justifiable
after using I Defiance
Starch. it I gives 8'- ;
. stiff , gloss white. , '
ness to the clothes
and does not rot
.them , It 13 I
Gi futely pure. It Is
the most economical
because It goes
farthest , does more
and costs less than
other To be had of all
grocers at 16 oz-
for IOC.
Ol.L'.HA. ND :
U core oQ I eyes. with Rae f Thompson's Eye Water
W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 49-1904
® .A.L.A.A.A.A..A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.O.AA . A.A.A.A.A . .J [
: Penetration is the cardinal virtue of . ;
I St Jacobs Oil
I In the treatment or P
Rheumatism ,
. .Ii .
aa 11 penetrate to the seat or tortures no other external remedy ; .
. 't . has been known to do and thousands certify to cures.
. . Price 25c. and SOC. ; .
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .
mv''v' 'V'V''V'Y'T'T'V'V'V'T'Y'V'V' 'V'Y'Y'V'V'Y'V'Y'Y'Y'V'V'Y'Y'Y.
{ n sheets oC PURE ANILINE BLUE. No lJOtt1cH. No pn , llcs , No waste. Gives the same
mount ot bluelug water each wush , ay. Ask your grocer for it or send JOe for a book or :5 : leaves.
Tim Handy Blueing Book Co. , 87 E. Lake Stir Chicago , III.
A / p
, I
LT4 fl1qTiii 1TP
- - - - - - - -
When Answering Advcrtlccments
Kindly 1 Mention This Paper
SYRUP cures roughs and colds ,
e e
HE E AL E 5E Ail . .
Beat Cough yrup Tsstes n7se
In ttme. PO1Q by drugaista
' -