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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1904)
I , December 2 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - , Local and Personal. Archie Cook left Sunday night for Lincoln. Jack Glines was a Stella visitor - or Monday. 'l'hurston McCoy returned to St. Joseph Sunday. Dr. A. Gaiser , dentist over H.ichardson county bank. P. S. Heacock returned from St. Joseph li'riday. Col. Marion and wife spent Friday in Merrill , Kansas. Jack Wilson came down from Humboldt Saturday. Alice Clever left Thursday afternoon for Chicag-o. E. O. Lewis was a B. & 1\1. pas- seng-er for Lincoln Monday. The best furnaces on earth for sale by W. H. Crook and Co. Mrs. Mac icg-l'r of Rube I wa , shopping this city Saturday. Sixty-three guests took dinner at the Union House 'L'hursday. Ch. s. Bacon of Lincoln was a guest at the t National Saturday A complete line of fresh and cured meats at Coupe 'l'horn- tons 'Vanner is the place to buy your pen , ink , pcncils and tab- lets. Pork sausage and hamburger fresh every day at Coupe 1'hol'l1- tons. toils.Fired Fired \'elandHarry Cain and Sydney Lapp were Hiawatha vis- itors Sunday. Mrs. L. Graham of Dawson was a halls City visitor thc first of the x ; 'eek. 'Ye have exp rienced plumbers and will do your work reasonable - Crook and Co. James Jcllhwn came down from 'l'ecumseh and Spell t Sunday with his family in this city. Wesley Maddox and daughters Maud and May were passengers to Lincoln the first of the wcek. Baltimore oysters in bulk and i Michigan celery at Coupe and Thorntoits. " , \ ' . J. Peak of DuBois was it : this city on business Monday ann made this office a pleasant call. James Downs , wife and child of St. Joseph visited at the home of his parents in this city the first of the wcek. Ollie Fisher who has been visiting - iting' with friends in this city for the past two weeks returned to her home in St. Joe Sunday. A. Fal100n the commercial man man of Padonia , Kansas was 1n this city the first of thc week selling cheap talk and blue twine. All roads lead to the cider mill at the creamery building four blocks north of the Douglas mill. everything new. Bring us your apples , , The foot-ball game between the high School teams of , Nebraska City and this city last Thursday afternoon , was a warm one with- out any assistance from the sun , and resulted in thc score 11 to 0 in favor of our local tcam. Gag- non atured in excellent line plunging , Kanaly in end runs and Stockton in fine defensive work , while he t work of the entire - tire team wascxcellcnt. The visit- ing' team also gave good practice. 'l'hc game Thanksgiving day between his t city and Tecumseh played at the latter city resulted in defeat for Falls City , score be- ing- 15 to 5. On account of the interference of spectators our boys were not given a chance in iytlii11g. Col. Powell and Al Docrncr arc busy these days painting their tal1yho. It is understood that thc " Col. " is furnishing paint and directions while Al accomplishes the desired rcsul ts. John Ashcnfclter and wife of Beatrice arc visiting with Mr. Ashen felter's sister , Mrs. John Lichl allll . Mrs. Ashen felter's niece , 1\1rs. Everett Scott in this ci ty. ty.Mrs. i\Irs. McKie\'cr and laughter Mazie : left Friday for Chicago which city will be their future homc. Bring your apples to the new cider mill at the creamery build- ing , four blocks north of the Douglas mill. 'Ve arc opening a large line of holiday g-oods. Call and sec them.-Ci ty Pharmacy. Pete Douglas of Falls City had a car of cattle on the Kansas City market Tuesday of last wcek. Bessie Arnold and Margaret Ferg'us visited Humboldt friends the latter part of last wcek. Mbores Hog Remedy guaranteed - teed to kill lice cure mang-escales. For sale at A. C. "Tanner. 1\Irs. G. C. Jennings returned from a visit at Salem on Monday afternoon. For sale good Bridge and Beach wood heating stove nearly new chcap-'Vhitaker 13ros. George Cleveland made a busi- ness trip to St. Joseph on Mon- day. day.We 'Ve arc still selling wal1-papcr . Pharm- at reduced priccs.-City - acy. Josie Dorc was a B. & 1\1. pass- enger for Chicago last Friday. Mattie Shuck returned from Lincoln the first of thc week. Nellie Jennings was a Salem visitor Friday. Notice. Patrons of the rural routes out of this city will please remember that the carriers leave thc post- office at 8 a. 111. instead of 8:30 : as heretofore. ' ' " " . , t , . ' . . - . . . 4I . Cj- Cj.r. . : , . - - ' . . , . . . . -.r. How Abottt It ? I JI , " . . - - . - - - - - - " ' " . . . . . . . - - . . - . . . . \Vill you let us fit you in a pair of . "Vinter Shoes if you are promptly and politely waited upon ; rightly fit- ' j ted and you get the best style . your price will purchase ? j If you get the utmost comfort that can be put into a shoe ; and have the . guarantee of a straight-out shoe house ; to have any complaint , no N matter how slight , promptly satisfied , and to know that you get a dollar's worth for every dollar you pay ? How About It ? - - - - - - - _ _ ' 'A . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . ! : , GEORGE B. JrIOLT I : The Shoe nan. J I tAJ "tS r . - - - - - - - - Union Services. There were union services at thc 1\1. B. church in this city on tl'hanksg-i\ day , which was , well attended. . Hc\ ' .H. Selingcr of the Baptist church preachcd an eloquent an intcrestit.g- sermon which was mtichappreciated by all who . . . heard it. Died. Nellie May , the infant daughter - ter of 1\11' and Mrs. J. F. Clegg , lied on Sunday afternoon , November - vembcr 27 , at the age of 15 lays. Funeral services were conducted from the residence Monday after- noon , conducted by Rev . \V. T. Cline of the Methodist church , after which the remains were laid to rest in Steele cemctcry. 'l'he bereaved parents have the sym- pathy of the entire community in their bcrca\'ement. Verdon. Dr. Griffin and family of Pres- ton came home for IHll1ksgivil1g. ' ' with The Verdon team played pickup tea.l1 Thursday the score was 12 to 0 in favor of the team. 1\11' Lord and family of Salem were over Thursday. . . The basket ball game advertised - tiscd Thursday , Verdon vs. Dawson was postponed. Mrs. Will Ross was on the north bound train Sunday. Isham Hull sold his house and lot last week to Bert Skinncr. Consideration S375. Messrs Cullen and Gibson , Misses Grace Sailor and Nettie Moore went to Nebraska City on Thursday night to attend a play l 1lrs. C. . 1\1. Hdnzelman was on the sick list the forepart of the week. Nellie Weaver went to St. Joseph Saturday. Miss Clara Boyd came back i from Rube on Sunday to resume her duties in the school room. y harry hum went back to college j at Crete on Sunday. Martha King and Vashti Cor- nell returned to Peru after spending - - ing- their vacation : at home. 1 Dr. Meyer of Hiawatha spent Monday and Tuesday with us. Mrs. " , Y. C.Sloan and son spent . . . the latter part of the week in ' " . . Falls City with her parents 1\11' and Mrs. John Hossack. . 1\1. A. Veach and wife returned - I' - ed on Sunday from an extended trip cast. Mrs. Sue De'Vald returned to her home in Falls City Sunday. Mrs. J. " , V. Bourne returned to her home in Auburn after visit- ing- her friends here. Mrs A. D. , Gise went to Hum- boldt Friday to visit her parents. Time mother of Mesdames Rick and Gage left the first of the S t week for her home ill Howe , Neb. 1 Jennie Curry of Stella canoe . 1 down Wednesday evening return- . W ; ing Friday. 7 I Bcecher Cornell went to Oma- , 1m 'l'hursday. t Jesse Griffith , Roy and Harry hum and Ray Arnold came down " from Creete to spent Thanksgiving - giving at home. 'Vhls Nussbaum went to Falls City 'rtu1rsday. D. M. Davies of Falls City was - , in town 'l'hursda\