. - - - - 1 _ = : . _ _ . . . . . . - - - . _ . . _ . _ n. . _ _ _ _ _ . . v _ . _ . . . . . 4 . ' . . - - . ' ' - ' . , . " ! , . , . . . 'J. . . . . , . . . . , . . . n. . . . J" : Ww . , , . . . . ' s. " " : : November . . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 25 , 1904 . . . . . n.n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ I THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Published Every li'riday at li'AT.JLS CITY , NEBRASKA By TRIBUNE 'PUBLISHING CO Bntered a\ secolld.clas matter , January - ary 13 , 190-lat the post omceat I . ' alls . City , Neb. , tinder the Act of Congress _ of March 3 , 1879. . . . - - - - - - . . ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR , \ J" Telephone No. 226. A DUTY. . : . Stupendous majorities . beget _ , stupendous responsibilities The . - , government of thc state of Ne- braska for he ncxt two years will bc wholly and entirely administered - ministered by thc republican : partyIn no branch of it , legislative - , I , lath'c , judicial or executive can the party divide the responsibility. , - Thc ensuing legislature owes a duty to its party , but a greater duty to thc tax. payers of thc stat < : . Every member should exert - crt every influence towards economy - OIllY and should not vote for the appropriation of a single penny not absolutely necessar ) ' . II the legislature will elect . . . . lIon. g..r. .Bmkctt without delay , pass the appropriation bills which should carry no more money than is required and adJourn without . ncccssary delay , the state of Nebraska - braska is safely rcpub1ican. If thc legislature fails 10 do this , wc may expect continuation of thc doubt which was apparent but a rc , , ; weeks ag-o. . . . . . . . . . - COUNTY rl/IONEY. Richardson County will have more money 1 his year than it can . lcg-itimatety usc. It is the duty of every member of thc board to use c'cr.efrort . to economize \VC arc assured that thc two republican - publican mLmbers elect will do so. \Yc know that l\Iessrs Atwood and Zoellcr will use every effort to reduce thc expenses of thc county. A large surplus is a great temptation to excessive cx- - pcnditmc. 'Vc trust that thc next board will be able to resist the tcmptation. . . - . . . - . - - - - - In the meantime remember that we have kept thc faith " and " ( . have fought a good light hhd , that all thc powers of evil aided and abetted hy the everlasting office seekers will not avail in thc cnd. - - - - - "rhc meeting thc state central - tral committee last week ; which promised to bc sensational passed on without thc slightest trouulc. ' , The republican party is big . - enough to stand success and thc disgruntled individuals who were looking for trouble were run over . without cercmony. . oan. _ , _ The Journal wails that thc county central committee did not consult it during the last cam- paign. The county central com- mittec would have been err glad to do so if it had darcd. It went as far as safety would pcrmit. Why should thc republican party submit its plans to young Martin who is in democratic employ ? Why should thc republican part reveal its plan of campaign to mcn who were openly lighting 1 thc ficket ? Wliy should the republican party consult the court reporter of a delllocratic judge ? There is a great Amcricall game called poker and no one is more familiar , with it than thc Journal crowd.Ve are told that one of its cardinal rules is never to show' your hall l to your adversary. . If thc committee prcfcrcd to follow this rule , why should thc Journal complain ? Can thc leopard change its spots ? Can a man whose daily bread depends upon democratic will bc trusted with thc details of a republican campaign - paign ? . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . What a shamc that of all thc ° republican counties of the state , Richardson alone fell out of thc brothcrhood. Just nine fusion members of thc next legislature and this county furnishes two of thcm. Every other republican county remained stcadfast. Many counties heretofore democratic became rcpublican. \VC alone have &inncd. And yet there is a better day coming , when thc pet- ty malice and spite of a few disappointed - appointed men will not avail thc opposition. The republican party . knows its friends and its enemies and by this knowledge ] is prepar- cd to wage the war with succcss in the futurc. - . . . - - - " ' 1'hc l\'Iartins ' did beat Hcavis one year ago and they are proud of it.-1'hc Falls City Journal. Once upon a time , long years alto , so the fable runs , a chariot was pursuing its lumbcring' way down of Iomc. A - thc streets fly alighted - cd upon its hub and watching thc dust that was raised cried out in its ' thi : . weak voice "sec what a dust I am causing" " The Miles : estate ran a chariot whose wheels were sticky with"dong-h"throllgh the judicial district last year and caught a g'00d1l1any flies among them being several democratic apostatcs. Never discouragc- mcnt struck thcm since . but that as a relief from present lcpudia- Hon and disaster their minds have recurred to hc t chariot. , rid and their weak , impotent voices have been raised with cries "Good Lord what a dust we flies did kick lip. " or Now that Th2nksgiving < : is past it is time for the mcrchants to begin - gin to think about thc holiday tradc. Of course they have all laid in a supply of goods to meet thc demands , and now they must find buyers , and thc way to do . this is to advcrtise. .In this respect wc wish to call their attention to the fact that The Tribune is the ' -BmS'l advertising - vcrtising' medium iit thc . county. That's a plcnty. . ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . _ - - - . . . - - - - . . - . . . . . - . - - 1 I I How - People Lose - ntn oiey -S I . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Despite the prevalcnce of robbcry a goodly number of peapl ( ' continue to tow away money in lHl1g's , Jugs amid Jars , by l sewing it up in Skirts and Bcd Ticks , by tucking it under Couches and Carpets , in cupboards and bureau drawers , or carrying it about in their pocket - thus endangering their lives and none- . Better - ter stow it away in thc FALLS CITY STATE BANK \Vhcre you can get it when desired. r R _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . _ _ . . . . - _ _ _ n. _ _ _ _ _ _ . JjjI. M& i } A "t yt 4 . 4 I t i How About it ? ) I. H I " . " _ - _ . . . . . _ - , - _ _ . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . - _ - _ " . " " " _ . . _ . . . . - . _ _ . . . . . . - - - .o..e. . . - - - - - - _ . - . . . . - . - _ . - . . . t j. I , , ,4 : , Wi11 ] 1 you let tiS fit you in a pair of 1 ' $ Winter Shoes if you are promptly i f % and politely waited upon ; rightly : fit- red and you fret the best style your. I ( , price will purchase ? f J If I roe get the utmost comfort that . „ . : can bc put into a shoe ; and have thc I guarantee of a straight-out shoe I house ; to have any complaint , no - ' , ' : I . matter how slight , promptly satisfied , . . . i E I ' and to know that you get a 1 d llar's ' : j . worth for every dollar you pay ? , ' " I I : tlow About It ? I . ' 1 , . , - - - - - - - - 1 GEORGE B. HOLT ' ! The Shoe l1an. I I' f2 WtlfN4fH:1. II Itmf 1j if 1t 1i ! TIME TABLE $ . " 1 m''fl1t.W&t YJ f - f \l1 J Ii. t j Palls City. Neb. tbf.cm \ , - , Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte , St. Joseph Snit Lake City Kunsus City Portland St. Louis and all San Francisco points cast and and all points south. west. TRAINS r.iAV8 AS i IOJJOWS : No. 42. Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and ; all points cast aJll south. . . . . 7:24 p 111 No. 13. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver aJll all point west and northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a 111 No. 14. Vesli1iuled express , daily , St. Joe , Kan- sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south. . . . . . . . , . 7-13 : a III No. 17 Local express , daily \VY1110re and points eastwcstnorthwest 12:17 : p 111 I No. 15. Vcstibulcd express , , . . I ' daily , DCllvcr , and all points west and . . northwest . . . . . . . . 1:24pm ! I No. 16. Vcstibuled express daily , S. : Joe , Kansas - f sas tity , 8t Louis Chicago and points cast aJlI south. . . . . 4:30 : p m No. 18. Local express daily Atchison amid points 1 south and 'Vest. . . . 3:58 : p m No. 41. Sl. Iouis-Portland i SpccialLimicohtI-Ie- lena , Tacoma and Portland without c ; change . . . . . . . . . . . -10:07 : p 111 ° m t ' No. 115 Local accolllllloda- I I l tion , daily e x- ' x"i " 1 cept SundaySalem , I : . NClllaha amid Ne- I \ braska City. . . . . . . . 10:30 : P III it ( Sleeping , dining amI reeling chair I" " cars ( scats free ) 011 through traills. " 'ficlets sold and baggage checked to I } sny point ill the States or Callada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ) Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Frauds , G. P. & 1' ' . A. , Omaha. 1 When you need a tablet call at A. G , 'Vanners. .f , JI