' .i ; ' . .
. . _ _ _ _ - _ _ ' ' ' _ - _ _ ' _ _ ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' _ . . - . " . _ " . . . " . . . . . " . . . _ - , . . . . .
f . . _ 'j.- . .
: - ' . November 25 1904 , THE FALLS , . CITY TRIBUNE .
. , ' , . Local and Personal.
, .
, . .
'Vanncr sells ink.
. , John-Kanaly was a Dawson
visitor Frida\
. . . .
IIaydn Prater visited in Auburn -
bum Sunday.
Books . of all kinds at A. G.
- .
Miss Ri.liers was a Humholc1 t
_ visitor Friday.
Itnina Keller made her weekly
. . .1 trip to Dawson Friday.
Go to A. G. 'Yanncr for all
kinds of school supplics.
' . .
, Fred Cleveland sr , made a bus-
incss trip to Verdon Friday
Mrs. Ruby Jackson of Rube visited -
ited in this city Friday.
Dr. R. P. Roberts , dentist
. . over Kings Pharillacy.
A. G. 'Vanncr sells everything
needed in the school r00111.
o" A. Kentn r left for Humboldt
. .
' i : . thc latter part of last weck.
, , " :
_ 'Ed May visited with his broth-
" , cr in Humboldt Sunday.
, ,
' Miss Nann Adams of Stella
" ; wa : in this city Batttrday
Call on W. H. Crook and Co.
for guns and ammunition.
Ncllc and Georgia Gandy carne
down from Humboldt Saturday
, The best furnaces on earth for
sale by " ' . II. Crook and Co.
Baltimore oysters in bulk and
Michigan celery at Coupe and
Alice Yodcr spent Saturday
in Vcrdon with her brother Ho-
. " Hay Schaib1c spent Saturday
with his brother Warren in Au-
' : : .
' ' - _ ' burn.
_ _ Pork sausage and hamburger
a * ! " fresh every day at Coupe &tl'horn-
- . tons.
" , 1\1rs. Maude Wheeler returned
r , " ' - . to Stella thc latter part of thc
Gertrude Lum who was visiting
with friends in this city returned
to Vcrdon Saturday.
W. W. Jcnnc and sons Harry
. and Will returned from New York
. . ,
' last Friday.
\Vc guarantee all the cider
I from your applcs. No waste in
thc new cider mill , creamery
. building-
Bert Cornell who has been vis-
iting with his parents J. Cornell
and wife returned to Wymore on
't , Saturday via the Durling-ton.
11 Everything new at thc cider
building four blocks north of thc
Douglas mill. 'Yc guarantee all
thc cider from your applcs.
DH. W. L. KENNY of S1.
Joseph , LYE , EAR , NOSE and
tl'I-I1xOl SPECIALIST will be
j ' at Mercy Hospital , Monday , November -
\'cmber 28.
. ' -
& ,
. Lottie Culp and Hazel Tcllison '
went to Hiawatha Saturday to .
' visit friends and attend the foot ;
ball game between Oregon and ,
1liawatlia. 4
Bcrt 1 cavis spent Sunday at
Springfield , 1\0. , and Albert E
1\aust at St. Louis. tl'hcSphinx (
club is about to lose two valuable
mem bel's. - .
trhc ladies of the Christian c
church cleared ten dollars at thc
ten emit tea given at the home of
Mrs. J. R. Cain Friday - of . last , .
wcck. .
. Eugene HO\\tR of Omaha nephew -
hew of W. , v. Abbey was trans-
acting business in Falls City la ; t :
wcck. . 4
Mrs. C. F. Reavis and children
arc visiting with her sister Nell <
at Iowa Fal1sIowa , over tl'hanks- . ;
gh'ing- . t
l\1rs. John Joseph returned Sat-
urday from SL Joseph where she
has been visiting with her broth- ,
cr. e
W. D. Easlcy one of Kansas
Citys prosperous lumber n1:11 : is .
visiting relatives In this city. ;
Mrs. Maude 'Vigton and son
Dorrington cause clown from '
Omaha Saturday . aftcrnoon. .
l\Iiss Mary Sullivan returned c
thc latter part of last week from . '
Sydney Iowa. .
1rs.tl' . R. Mason wife of thc
.Mo. pac. agent is thc guest of I
Mrs. C. T Burchard. ,
Gertrude and Harold Bell who 4
have been visiting with their .
cousin Helen Fowler ] returned to .
. . .
their home 1 in Kansas City 1on ' - .
day. i
Francis Martin and wife spent 1
Monday ill St. Jos.cph. .
Ate Rat Poison by Mistake
As thc result of picking up and
eating what she supposed was a
harmless cracker 1\rs. Monroe
Rc\'clie wife of farmer living
\ , a \ a
few miles southeast of Humboldt
came very near meeting her lentil
a fcw days ago. She was visit-
ing- at the home of a neighbor
and took thc cracker from among
several which were lying on a
plate in thc cupboard. haters
when ! the hostess discovered what
she had dote : thc frightened
woman told her thc innocent
looking 'crackcrs"wcrc in-rcality
"rat bisket" which had been laid
there temporarily , and which is a
rank poison. The victim shortly
afterwards became quite sick
while . on thc way to town to consult -
sult t a pll\'sican , but managed to
to throw up about all thc poison ,
thc close having been too strong.
' . ' his the ph'sican claims is thc
only reason she still' livcs.
hiss , Florence Cooper and : Mr.
Clydc Linch , two young people
of Humboldt were married last
Friday "at Pawnee City , thc cere-
\ W # 1lW f/AJ
Th 'Be.st' Maiire
' .
? "
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$ . S7. ; :
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a - ' " , I.
w For health and comfort is a Felt l l\Iatrress. Ever -
it body knows it . hence the extortionate : prices ! asked
' : in every magazine . YOU read.
1 5
But if they only knew that this $8. 50 Sanitary
, Felt i\'Iattress ' is positively unexcelled in any point .
i they would have no other. r ' a
It's ma'cle from guaranteed corded sanitary felt ;
a by the largest manufacturer in Cincinnatti , Ohio , the
great cotton market town. It I weighs 45 pounds , will
not absorb moisture ) will make over like a hair mat- '
tress and is as soft as down.
A Flowery 'Bed of EaJ'c.
i ; Not half the people who read this add have a '
bed worth sleeping 011 , vet they spend every week
\ r
for foolish things more than the price of a.good beel.
You spend one-thin.l your time there.Vhy deprive
[ ! V ; yourself unconsciously one moment of comfort by
sleeping 011 a moor bed when so great a portion of
your life is spent in that way : Of all friends a mat-
tress is the most personal. See to it that it is cleanly ] , ' '
sanitary and comfortable. J ' I
- - - - - - ' . . . . . _ _ _ u _ _ _ " _ _ \ \
'ReaotJi.c t < f ! Abbey ! ;
I Falls City , , l/chraJ/a I 1
AAW'1 # 'V. Ii :
stony being performcd by thc
county judge j , tl'hcy will mil kc
their home with thc parents of
bride , 'i1liam Cooper and wife
in Humboldt.
iO\V'S This
On Monday morning there was
thc following notice posted up in
thc post ofi ce. Figure it out if
you can"LOStl'
A sctl skin jacket belonging tea
a lady lined with red flanncl. "
The Bet : Linimenf.
' ! Chamberlain's Pain Balm is
considered thc best liniment on
market , " write Post & Bliss , of
Georgia , Vt. No other liniment
will heal a cut or bruise so proem pt-
ly. No other affords such quick ]
relief from rheumatic pains. No
other is so valuable for lccpscat-
cd pains like lame back and pains
in thc chest. Give this liniment
a trial and yon will never wish
to be without it. Sold by A. G.
Call on W. H. Crook & Co. and
see his full line of Garland Heaters -
ers and Cook Stoves , also his
Quick Meal Rangcs. He has a
nice display.
Gehiin Thea ire
Friday , Nov. 25 I .
Second Number of the Sphinx j , ,
Club Lectures i
One of the Best Numbers of
the Course ;
Alice Drcnncn obinson-Colo-
ratura Soprano and Director Y
Rachacl Steinman-Violinist
Emily A. 'Vaterman-Rcadcr
and Impersonator
M. Charlotte Gates-Mczzo ,
Soprano and Accompanist.
- -
Prices 50 , 35 and 25 cents
Crook and Co. , have thc best j
line of fencing in town. Call
and sec it .