The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 25, 1904, Image 19
# 04000040 't TAAOg , fIARK. : ; A Marvel ot Relief St.Jacobs Oil Safe and sure for Lumbago . and Sciatica It Is the specific virtue or penetration In this remedy that carries It right to the pain spot and effects a prompt cure. Effect of Bee Stings. Two bee stings suffice to kill a spar. row in two or three hours. Analysis of the bee poison has shown that It contains three prlnclples-one con vulslve , 'one stupefying and one which gives rIse to acute infiammation. Every nouseJteeper snould Imow that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they wlll save not only time , because It never sticks to the Iron , but because each package contains 16 oZ.-one full pound-while all other Cold Water Starches are put up In 14.pound packages . ages , and the price Is the same , 10 . cents. Then again because Defiance Starch Is free from all Injurious chem- Icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a. 12oz. package it Is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before ho puts In Deft tnco. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package In large letters . ters and figures " 16 ozs. " Demand Defiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the Iron Itlcldng. Defiance never sUcls. : When Babes Learn to Walk. Nearly 10 per cent of children learn to walk : before they are ten months old. The Wabash Is the Only LIne Landing You at the World's Fair. Rround trip rates from Omaha are as follows : $8.50 sold daily except Friday and Saturday , good 7 days. $13.80 sold daily , good 15 days. The Wabash Is the only line that land's passengers at the main entrance of the World's Fair grounds. Also the only line that can check your baggage to the World's Fair station. Think : what a saving of time , annoyance and extra . tra car fare. All agents can sell you through ticket and route you over the 'Vabash. Very low rates to many points South , Southeast. For beautiful World's Fair folder an . all Information call at 1(01 Farnam St or address Harry E. Moores , Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. Wab. R. n. , Omaha , Neb. I Chinese Outside the ' Empire. The number of Chinese outside of China is estimated at over 7,640,000. FOR SALE. t Horses , Mules , Harness ; One and Two-Horse Baggage Wagons i Landaus . daus , Berlins , Hansom and Four.Wbeel z Cabs , VictorIas , Ten.Seated Passenger ' Coaches , at reasonable prices for . ' , casb. This Is surplus equipment purchased . , ' { chased on account of the World's Fair. \ . . , ' 4 Address D. Jamison , Superintendent . Passenger and Baggage Department. I st. Louis Transfer Company , Broad : way and Spruce street , St . Louis , 1\10. \ ' j\ P I ' " - - - _ . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . - . _ - _ . , . - 'I \ i 1 iI ii i i I The Smyrna Fig In America I In past issues we have discussed the Smyrna fig In the southern end of the seml . arid belt. It may be Interesting . estlng to note the growth of the fig growing Industry In the United States. Until a few years ago nIl fine figs used here were Imported from across the water. The growing of the C0111' man fig of commerce , White Adriatic , began some time ago , but the Inability of this fig to compete with the Smyr na fig led to a Californian , George C. Roedlng , who lives in the Joaquin Valley , attempting to grow the Smyr . na fig. But for him we might still be without trees of this vm'Iety. He began the enterprise In 1883. Eight years before a California paper had distributed cuttings of the Smyr na fig tree to its readers and many thrifty trees were the rosult. nut when the trees came of bearing age , they persistently refused to produce the fruit for which they had been planted. The figs on these trees set but never matured. They dropped from the tree before getting half of their growth. It was evident to any investigating horticulturist that the figs were not pollenlzed. An Investigation of this Smyrna fig showed that It was only the female of the Capri fig and that pollen from that fig must be Introduced Into the flower of the Smnna fig to enable its fruit to reach full development and maturity. In the country where these figs are produced there Is a little wasp called the fig wasp that does the work Qf Introducing the Capri . pri pollen into the Smyrna 11g. This Insect is dIgnified by the scientists by the name of Dlastophaga grossorum. It Is a small insect , in spite of Its big name. Mo.'I This fig wasp is born in the Capri fig , but leaves it while the fig is still in blos om. It crawls out through the blossom and covers Itself . with pollen as it does so. It takes refuge in the Smyrna fig blossom , crawling down into It and leaving its pollen for the use of that fig. This pollen enables the , Smyrna fig to mature and ripen. Mr flooding trIed growIng both the CaprI and the Smyrna fig trees , but they did not help each other. He trIed hand pollenizlng and succeeded thereby in getting some fruit. Then he tried importing the fig wasp , but in all cases for several years the fig wasp was dead on arriving in this country. It tool eleven years to get the wasp lntroduce'l alive and then success . cess came. In 1899 the first fig wasps began work In this country and quick. ly pollenlzed the Smyrna 11g. The next year the experImenter went to Asia Minor and spent some months in studyIng the practices of the fig. raisers tbere. For three years the industry has been growing greatly in Central Calf- iowla , now orchards being planted as fast as trees can be obtained Farmers' Review. It Is not advIsable to keep the ground bare of vegetable IDatter. Cover It with stable manure or with a cover crop that will die with the coming of frost. When grape vines are being set out the holes should be dug deep enough and large enough to permit of the roots being placed and covered with out bending. When calves of different ages are fed together they learn to eat grain when from three to six weeks old. In their best development they require - quire all they will clean up twice a day. Sudden changes In the calf's rations - tlons must be avoided , but changes should be made graduallj' . . , . . , . - , . . . . _ , . , , . j ' " ' . , " . . , " . _ . . " . , _ ; L " " . _ . . _ f InP.R'o . ' . , 1 . I . Tor Infants find Children , T u i unwinuninunUUm ' ' nm7 ammxiewlw'61i" ' i ' ; eA ; : : : : S , ' : D ' > ' } /1 . fll The Kind You Have ' 1" " . I" " . ' " - ' ' J > _ ' \ ' . ] - " } , . In ' ' ' " ' , . ,7,11' , ' " . , , j" ' " , 1 . " - . + , , , , : , ' : , : - , ij""I' 'I I Always Bought A\ ' ' . ' Agcfnble Prcpnr lionfor As- similatingIhePoodandllc tilati ti \:1" : , lingtlte5tomachsuntU3olsof Y : Bears the U f ; " , , 1 - ; , S " , Signature Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful- l ; ' nessandfest.Containsneither \ ' OpiumMorphinc nor Nincral. il' " ! of . NOT"N..tUt.CO'l'ICo . . , ' 1' ' . . . - 'i' ' ' il " o 't ' ; a Afpeo/'Old./lrSANUELPlTC.'IEIl il " / , ! , i , .f < . < ; t- : . 116 Aftfrnnn $ .11I- i rsrrdf , ' .ftwl' \ I JII11'nru"6.u , . , . \ li . ! : n mr 'l1roOlt. Jumoz " .1J ! 1b . , ! I' " > f7fr"d- . IU' ' , /orlydnrp4l. . . , . f : ' J .lyaa"Rgv ; f' ' " 0 USe frr ' Aperfecl Remedy forConsUp 1 I' ' : k non , Sour Slonmch.Diarrl'oCc.1 Iii' Worms , Convulsions , FcvcrJsh- ; FcvcrJshti , ness am1 Loss OF Sump. : i F 0 r 0 V e r ' I Fac Simile Sibnnlurc of ; 11:1' ' - : : ; Thirty Years NEw YO _ _ nIf. _ liii I VP I ' ' 'Iin' EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ' ht CASTORIA ( ! . . . THIi ONTAUft COMPtlNY. NEW YORK om. " " ' I" " " " ' i .il . : ; . : r . . . - : ! _ ! ' . . . . . . _ _ " = . IT CB un and will send you prospectus W" .IT PP9 Yo eR CAE An u allN . . and full particulars of NINE SUCCESSFUL COLD , SILVER , COPPER , LEAD , ZINC AND QUICKSILVER Mining ! Companies , If you will send usyour name and address. MinIng Maps Free ARBUCKLE-GOODE COMMISSION CO. , 325 Olive Street , St. LouIs , Mo l Some men have n delicate sense of humor and the humor of others Is senseless. "AlL Si IGN5 fAIL IN A DRY TIME : rut 5IGN or IIit ! ; fIStl NEV [ R fAILS 110 IN A weT TiM1r : . ( . ' . - WHY PQt\ , \ YOU t'lCMt Ii- # ; 1 'taWEI < I . . . r 4' : ; " Iii - caa : ' ! : /SH BR \ \ \ I VS1cK ( 1 / i . : : r ELACA gQ nUOti w . . AND K&t ( ) Prt'Yi CEWARC . . Of IMITATION3.l00 tAeOVe , TRAet HARK ' . . . , latalolc ' 'rre'uunn.K t uji I.In. U Iearm.UU and IIdi A. J. TOWER CO. . nontoa Mnne . U. B. A. TOWeR CANADIAN co. . Ltd. . ' Toronto Clln. DON'T WEAR A VJIG ; Keep the luxuriant healthy head ot hair which nature gave you. It your hair is talllng out you can stop lt-uso Undoma. It gives new life to sickly hair. It's uarantccd-Ailt your barbcr. Send us your name for free treatment. THE UHDOMA OOit1PA ; YI OF AM1a. .OJ Save 2 on Drugs w write for our IOO-pugo catalogue : showing IO.Goo articles ! at cut prices. ri PATENT MEDIC'INES , RUBBER GOODS , 'l'HUSSES. SHERMAN & MON LL DRUG (0. Cor. 16th And Dodue. OmAhA. Nob. W. N. U. , Omrtha. No. 47-1904 . GUHEs WHtIiE ALL ELSE FAILS , Heat Coulth dyrup. ' 1'aate > f Good. Use In time. deli by dnll Rlt , . I. - - o -I II I w + C Y. . o. . ti Wo would teach the lady l t ' , who buys. . Lesson number ontt. Starch is nn extraction of wheat used to stif- fen clothes who Inundered. Most I . starches in time . will rot the goods they " % arc used to I btiff n . ! They contata" r' ! chemicals. : Starch I Defiance is absolutely pure. ! It gives new life to lincn. It gives satisfao- : tion or money back , It : sells 16 ounces for 10 cents I Ilt nil grocers It la the ' ! . very best - I MVIUrACTlJRm OY " Tb2 DHIAHCf STAR(11OM . OMAIIA . . NEB. . . , * " T . BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. p