: . - - . . . . _ . . . . _ . . I . , - . . , I THE PILLS THAT I CUR I ; RHEUMATISM iI i i I I I I Mrs. Henry Story , of No. I 532 Musldngdum A vee , Zancs- ville , Ohio , says : HMy husband I suffered from rheumatism so . that he could hardly [ stand. His back hurt and he had such pain in his left arm that he could not rest night or day. The doctor did him no good and it was not until he tried Dr. WiHiams' Pink PiUs that I , he was helped. Six boxes cured him completely and he has not . , had an ache Of a. pain ince. ; We think the pills are the best I medicine in the world ! ' ; Dr.VViliiams' y Pink Pills II for Pale People cure rheumatism because they make new blood. It would be folly not to try a remedy with such a convincing record of 0. > > cures. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS r . - - _ Tlmu" " AU Signs Full in a Dry Tlm " TIlE SIGN OF TIlE FISH NEVER FAILS IN A WET TIME In ordering Towt'r'R Slickers , s customer 'TrltcK : "I 1010' u Itht'll will llfJ till right If they here the rFlslt I on tllem. " ( This confidence is the out- growth of IIlxty-nlno years at cU'cul I mnnllfucturlng. A. J. TOWER CO. ! he Slmctu..e . Fiala Roston , U. S. A. " \O'l/ERs : . . Tower Canadian Co. : . . - - R Limited _ . 17. Toronto , Canada ilf r Makers of Warranted Wet Weather C/othll1g N7 , w Save 1 on Drugs t.lJ write for our 100-IJl\ catalogue , showing 10(100 ( nt'Uclc" , lit cut prier ! PATENT 11EDIC'iNES ! . RUBBER GOODS 'l'UUSSES U. S"m [ A" 3. McCON1HL DRUG (0. . Cor 16th and Dodi Omaha. Neb. DR. Mea J E'VV For au years has muds II . .ppc'lalt\ ' or IfS"\ : : " OF . 'II'S. llhl- een year In Otnlhu ; ills II 4111t. 4 Trc'ntlllCmt h a H p"l'lII 1l1-1I'l' ' a cllrt'll thottynuds al .mall ; eo.l. ' lave lime : rod tmloiwy IIf'oll'I'lb. ! . lntr your ca' ; , nod \\1'110 rOI' Free hood anal : tCI'JI" nrtr"llllwlIll\Io',1 : Ji . clime ( PI'Ilt . III nlllin lIackrle ; : Jlox . it tai. ; oaten lJIi : South lUll Street , J1I'lha. ! r'r'IKka. . \J \ I DID YOU ; KNOW ikit you can get more light for lets muney with a MONARCH CARBIDE FEED ACETYLENE GENERATOR than from anything 01.0 In the world-except the aunt Send for Catalogue D. MONARCH ACETYLENE GAS CO . 101Z Famam St. . 0I r.ha. Nab. ' ASK YOUR \VFE ! It she thinks you ; ought to llc goud to your scalp and keep the hair nature gave you. She I knows. I I THEN ASK YOUR EAREER about UNDdh1A , thc greatest hair saver ot the aiC. It's guarunteed. Ho Imow6. Send UB your nome for free trectment. ' THE UNDOl\1A COMPANY , OMAHA W N. U. , Omaha. NQ , 4a-190 r BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP ct.trcl ; Ct , lts tU14 Gfiol4i. a.uA--.IR.r.r . - - . - - - - . - . . -.u , - - - . . . _ - " " . _ , Flesh of Bear and Camel , Tn Germany boar's flesh Is greatly I favored , and smolod bear tongues , ' hams and sausages arc both appetiz Ing and expensive 'or since Purl" , I In the siege of 1870.71 , was drlvon to I eating up the animals at the zoo , I camet's flesh has been demanded by French gourmets Remarkably like beef In appearance , It Is as tender us I , veal , nnd there are Parisians who import ' port It regularly from Algeria. Wood In Iceland. l'eland has been found to hI not so destitute of trees liS commonly l'epol't- cdI Prof. Prylz of Copenhagen finds that it contains roes of considerable size. A country so cold wilt not stand the reckless destruction of trees which it has endured In common with other once heavily wooded regons. : \Vlth I care It is believed that Iceland may yet ho covered with forests SImple Remedy for Glass Wound . JC cut bj' glass examIne wound care fullY , cleans with antiseptics , holding the wound over 8)1 empt bowl and repeatedly - peatedl squeezing ) the antiseptic Into the wound. 'When sure that there Is no glass left In , wet a compress In the solution and bind on with n dry , hnndage. For a simple cut wet com. press In l\nUseplic solution and bind on firmb' Saved with FIEhing Rod I \Vhlle fishing In I-Ifford reservoir the caretaker of Stll'chle Institute. Birmingham , England , saw n domeR' tc ! servant named Annie Curtis throw herself Into the water. Being unable to swim , he cant for her with the rod and , catching the hook In the girl's clothing he lIIanaged to bring her safely to shore. School Children Are Wily. I I Under a new rule women inspectors I visit the public schools of l.ondon and Inspect the pupils. Those that at e not I clean are sonl hOllle. But alreadY It has been found that some of the chil- dren smear themselves with mud before - fore entering school , In hope that an ' , inspector will PRY a 'Islt. I London as a Railway Center. There are 391 railway passenger stations ! within twelve mites radius of : : : a. Paul's cathedral , London. Mosque . for London. The 2.000 Mohnmmedans resident In London arc preparing to erect a magnificent mosque. - - You never hear = any one complain ' about "Dcllance Starch " 'l'hcre Is none \ \ to equal it In cluallty and quantlt 16 ounCCH. 10 cents. Try It now and save your mone ' . One hundred million bushels of grain ! are sent every year to the mills of Duluth nod l\Jll1l1eapolls. Ifr" : : Wlnllto/I Soothing Ryrup. l"or C'lllIelrcu tcetbiag : . otICD ! the 11I\11' , rcdur. . . 1& flamatlou.sIhyopancurcawlndwll. ; : . _ L'ScabQtIe. More enemies nave 1 slain by mercy than by mall ca. " : " ' " t't'TITI"rl'nUy CUrt' ' ' . SO Otll or I'c"cnlntll' altlf' I"IT" t 1r"t day's a.e of Dr "line" , Great Nrr.e Itr1tol" et' Fund tar IrItFli gh.OO trial bottle and truatUf . , . VB. R. H. KLUiE , J..t\1. , wi V14 urct,1'Yttsdv I ! hta , Pa A man's title to glory does not depend . pond on the glory of his title here. - - write Mum m 1'E 1IEMCUY Co. . Cblca , It your ryee ere sure or 1Ir.nmell , , and jt'1 IICull , I'1 advice < anti tree .an.pleMUi11KE. : ! Lcure. . all ere-l11e Men who are always on the make never make : much of an.thlng. Defiance Starch It guaranteed biggest . gt ! and beat or money retuntled. 16 : ounces 10 cent Try It now. He has made no great guns who has never lust nn .thlng. "Dr Ilvlctt'nl1l'Cly' . . rnorltn Remedy pOndmn.S.y'enrolmy.rlouektdne } ' ( radii , . I Rain , i 1 pJ\1nd. " II. \ \ . . .nJeli.lIlrn. . , III. . . ? \ . . . 1I0ltlu ( . I Heal religion never has to advertise ' for a chance to do good . t t I \ , _ _ , J - . \ . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - GOVERNOR OF OREGON , Uses Pe.ru-najIIn His Family , . $ , For Colds and ! ' Finds It an , . " Excellent j Remedy. . ' : : : . , . , . f I Y V- s . CI . . e , , n . - ran r , I M ll + .tSt Vj ' . The Magnificent Statc Capitol , Building at Salem , Oregon , PRAISE FROM THE EX.GOVERNOR OF OREGON , 1\ \ I ETtUNA i" known from the Atlantic PERUNA to the Pacifle. Letters of congl'at- elation and ! commllJlllntlon tI'Htif" . ing to thcmm'itsof PCI'ItJ1aIlHIt..cllt.llr'h . { remedy are pouring ( in from every State of the Union Dr , Hartman is receiving h\llllh'cds of such letters 11nily. All classes write these letters , from the hiJ.'hest : to the lowcst. The outdoor . laborer , the indoor III'Li- san , the elm'le , the . clli tor , the Iollltl'slIIlIn , the prcacher-all agree that I'et'\llJa. is the catarrh rcmclty of the nge. The . ' and rostrum stage : : , recognizing catarrh IS their greatest ! . enemy , arc especially . pecially enthusiastic in their praise anti testimouy , Any man \ who wishes perfect health must he stair . . . ly free fl"oll1 c'alarl'h. Catarrh is we11-uigh universal ; almost UIllU i 1)J'cHent. . PPht la is thc only ; absolute safeguard lmown A colll is the beginning or catarrh. To prevent cells to euro colds , is to cheat catarrh of its "ictiu1H. P..runa not only , cures catarrh , hut prevents Every bouse/lOld should be supplied with this great remedy for I coughs , colds and so forth The Jox-Go\'cl'l1nr : of Oregon is nn ' ardent IlIlmirer of Peruna . He keeps it 'I continually in the huusc. In n. letter to The Peruna Medicine , ' Co , he says : : STAT : OF Onrtoo , l l ExlcU'rlvl , iieAtiiIMiCNT : , r . ; The I'crunnl\etilehic ( Co. ' , Columbus , O. - ! Dear Slr.- [ I't/vo had 1 cession to t use yoitr Perunn medicine In'my ( am- " , " lIy for colds , and It proved to ho sn excellent - : cellent remedy. I have not had OC. ' WLD Ail : . .l . . " \ t - ; , " . -1 ' ; ' . " " . - - . . . f I "U 'J.J I1J utii'v " , -ul. L" 11 . .J If ; . , . ' r I ' . & " " ' " ( < I'T' ! . ' . v , . . iljj , 't : > ; , r------ w. L. Douglas r.1':1fICn nml SC'3 mol'O men's $3.:0 C , shores than any ofbar nu"uflJctlrcp In 1110 "ol'/d. The reason W. I. n'll1llrl S1.ut elloce are the rreeteet , "lIerll In the . world I" brenne ot theIr nxeel lent style r..cy IIlIln and nl''rlor'.c'rln ! : ' 1111I1' ' 1' I t. . It I clII'llI ChoW run ' clllr"rollt'c , l'cl\\cl'lIlho , .J' Fhollll ntniin In my fat ; tnry nod there ot other " ntnl r , ,11\,1 the Iiigt . , trad. , Ip.nlh"r"II"yulI " . wnnid uudrr . IIIH1 Hhy W. I. . Untll.I : ! + e f3.r.o rllocn COAl mere 10 nnI , ; a , why they hold ' their I'hll' . lit better w'u " IOIl'r , and , ere "r rro.der Inlrillplr v.11I1 tlllll : anyol11er Vt..o 811110 011 1110 market tu day , cud why ) till' eaten fur Ih . vrlr : ( 'uIII'II.I"ly ' 1./f. ! were . . ; ql.\II.I".IICI. : ! \ : ! ; W. I. . lnliJlhll ! guarnnteeeHeir ! vllino Uytnuplna , , hie came and price on the bottom. Look for It- take no stll.lItute. 1,1 , loy hoe dealers c\'ry" hertl. SUPERiOR Iii FIT , CfrllFOnr AtiD 'VI/EAR. " / hare rain 11' , lh ! 11t"lell ! , 13 fd Lars Jar tbr lad ttrrlre "mf' Wilk "bu.ll// enlitfurh ' a. It,1/ . . rrsal.rnor ill 111. rr lIlt' " r I , "lff c'c" ' , . h. .lIu' ( , ' e r.a"Ol.fO' " f.jOO 10 1.to.-B . B. J/t'l ' ( 1'1 : . h . pt. , ( ' ,11. , tf. S. b./ / lin'tIIl/f JIdUlIUtC , , 1,0. , " ' . T. . nnllJ'JrltI " 'C" Cnrtln" ( 'nlt.ln ! In his tlI,1i1l : , hn"4. Curnnn Colt 1/4 conceded ! to btJ tilt fincHt Talent Leather ) .I1I1tc' ! , J"u..llllIr JyclutK : nerd 'xt'/ullh'cy. / ! . - W. L. DOIflLAS , Drae/don , M..ohUII. , ' . . _ _ _ _ _ _ l . . - . - - - - HAVEYeUAE ? * WOULD YOU LIME US TO / ° 'fir Via. . „ " SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUL ! ! t . , , FORTH ! MOST VCHDERI"UL SADDLt OffER C\'CR HOARD / ' Ot' . an offer br whloh .nrone can hue 'he nlcut doggie In III. " nelahborhood. cut thl ad ollL and rend 1 It 10 us nnJ ) ou will , " A rutwl to Cur Hew. Dip and flpaulilul Special ' ' Saaots Colaiur " . . large , handsome pl holo"r"v"1o , IlIu.triiUOol ur ell kind Qf w tf ; ' 1. a - Men'o , Women's , Boya' and Girls' ) SaddleD , i 1 , > ! : Stock Saddles , Ranch and Range SaddluB , r _ SMALL LliDIUI. AHD LARG , PLMH AND "ANCY % SADDLES ' { EVEtt' IMAOltll JLC KIND A.iD STYLE Alnl SHAPE or LADDLL : . . ' ' I OUR PRICES } WALL ! ASTOUISH AD PLEASE YOU. 1 Yeu will get our Very Latent and Meet Aatenlahingty ' r Lloorat Offer. you will get our New free Trial 1'140 . von wIll recelve a ruNlt II her I that.very honot it , t I owner should havoatonro . lrvonownnhorodan'tfdttorotI.l.ndcut , 1 I . andrendtou.todayanti eoshntatlyougetbyroturnnuallrcoyoetp.id . lilt r i. ADDRESS , SEAASJ fOEC ! G CU , CHICMW. ilW r : . 1 . IEt"S. ) i\6LE } ! Am : ' Tilt BEST QUALITY B H l'J DEE SIRAIGIII5 Your tuuber ' } 9R ALWAYS 5 , . h'rtory RELIABLE , I'oorla ' : , , lit. 1 clsion to use It for otlcr nl/me"ts. Fours very trots , , - W. Jr. 14ord. ; It will he tlOUcf that the Ex.Gov- " * 1'1'1101' says ho has not had occasion t.o mist 1'erulet for ether itmenlR. The , . reason for this i" , most other nihncnts ' begirt with II ol(1. Using i'eruna to promptly cure colds ' he protects his fnmitj' against ! other ' . ailments. . : 'J'his is exactly what every other . \ , family iu the United States : should do-- keep 1 'Pe1'\l111t in the hOUSl' U\ \ it for ; coughs , Collis ha grippe and other . ' , CllllllLtiC atrl'.tiom or winter , uIIII thero' twill t II will be 110 other ailments in the house. . ; -inch : families should provide themselves - ; , : . solves with IL copy or Dr. 1I11rtmnu'd . . . free hook , entitled , "Chl'ullill ' Cat.arrh. " ' -1 Address 1)1' , H. B , Harilllall , President . : ' of 'he Hartman Hanitarillln ; , Colum- 1 \.Ius \ , Ohio. All correspondence lwlcl . ; , strictly : confidential " Wanted RAW FURS : all kind ; . \ . 'rorn ell eoclltu ot the counlr\ . Will pay IIlvbelt I : cart peke . , A E. HunHIJAItU'l' , JnttJr- . , : nlltluu 1 Fur : \J.rchullt. CJ ( 'l-ATl - , 0. " PUTNAM FADELESS DYES i ; I a"le' rtnnrs Ceoda htiphter and fester eobri ! thIn .n ; ' ot hsr dye 0"1 tOil DICk'ID ! colors silk , wool ' and ! Jot ! : > " equally wti1 and 'I ' UI e nt"I : tJM Ystlett J" sult . . ' . I m 'K' ' ? \1141"111 "lid , Ot' ' .hi.t , , 'CJ4' ' eeakiee , Wrlttl9r Ira , G..kl.-Hw ' to D : " tl"Qh and Mill Colva , JIiMUJ , ; ypus C 111 , - . .i8MW. , , " t . , I a .