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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1904)
-l ! : - r 01'- I L . . ' ' , . , . . . , - " , . _ ' ' ' J .4IJ ' ' ' ' . - - ( ' ' 'i.\t' ' ' ; : 'f.i : " ' ' . : : ' ' ' : ' " " ' I - Ij I II I I ' ; ag 11 . , . . . . ' " , " . . . . : ' ' Y. . , j ! - - \ " , I II November :25 : , 1904 ' THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ! - I Y Local and Personal. - .J Eat Sowlcs Candy. I Thomas Glines and Oliver Stoughton were Humboldt visits - II' s ors Ionday. 11t. . Dr. A. Gaiser , dentist over Richardson county bank. \ ' I' i \Ve have experienced plumbers iE and will do your work reasonable ; - Crook a nd Co. o ; o John Powell and wife left for St. Joseph the first of the we k. .t . .tt l A complete line of fresh and I l cured meats at Coupe & Thom- r a t. I : tons tonsMr. Mr. and lrs. Judd of Dawson I . t. ' were the guests of Supt. Crocker and wife Sunday. t , \Vanner is the place to buy 11 Jour pens , ink , pencils and tab- ' 0 ' I lets. . \ Margaret Wicks and Carrel 11 ' Pryor visited with friends in Lincoln - e " . : coIn Sunday. . " . Bring your apples to the new ) .1 cider mill at the creamery build- 1\ , ing , four blocks north of the l' Douglas mill. I ' , : DH. \V. L. KENNY of St. Joseph , EYE , EAR , NOSE and i THROAT SPECIALIST will be 'J.I ' ' at Mercy Hospital , Monday , Nor - "I , r i vember 28. ( ! Hess Stock food good for every : : animal. Price only $5.00 per hun- . ' ' dred. Why pay more ? For t/ ) : : . I , : sale at A. G. Wanner's. , : ! Two young men from Barada I by the name of-Vasscr were arrested - : rested last : Monday by the con- stable and brought to Falls City and landed in the county jail for l disturbing the peace. Ioores Hog Remedy guaran- teed to h.lllice cure mange scales. For sale at A. G. Wanner. Miss Dorothy Iorchead pleas- antly entertained the Presbyterian - terian Junior Society at her home on last Friday c'\cning. A large number were present. All roads lead to the cider mill at the creamery building four blocks north of the Douglas mill. every thing new. Brim us your apples J. e. Iorehead , J. E. Leyda John Hos..s.ack . A. G.ecnwald and B. F. Foster drove to Sal 1l1 Monday night and attended the A. O. U. \V. lodge and witnessed initiatory : ceremQnies. New cider mill at the creamery building four blocks north of the Douglas miB. The school children are invited to call at \Vanners for their school supplies , Cider and pure apple butter at the new cider mill tit the cream- ery building. ) Irs. cKall spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter Era at Liberty , Mo. Sweet cider and pure cider vinegar - egar 20c a gallon at Heck's feed store. Vincent Arnold of Verdon was in this city on business Tusday. 'Rev. Pougeon returned Friday from Lincoln after spending several - eral days in that city. EphraLnVithec came down from Stella and spent Sunday with friends. Fred Cleveland jr. , and Sydney Lapp spent Sunday in Hiawatha. City Pharmacy for drugs. Runa\vay. Monday afternoon a horse belonging - longing to J. Kanaly became frightened at an automobile and started at a fast pace south 011 Main street. The animal ran up on the walk just in front of Rest- erer's furniture store and left the buggy up against a telephone guy pole. The youngest son of Mr. Kanaly was in the rig at the time but was uninjured , and the horse was caught about a block farther on. Surprised. Ruth and Ruby Knickerbocker were most pleasantly surprised last Saturday afternoon at the home of their parents I/o Knicker- becker and wife by about twenty of their little friends. The party was in honor of the twins ninth birthday and < 1t five o'clock the guests were : served with dainty refresh men ts. Basket Ball at Auburn. The High School boys basketball - ban team composed of the following - ing- players : Steve Mower , Jake Grecnwald , Fred Graham John Taylor and Frank Neitzel played at Auburn with the High School team of that city last Saturday ; " afternoon. The game was lost by our boys after an exciting struggle. The return game will be played on the local campus in about two weeks. In the evening an elaborate reception was tend- ered the boys at the high school building until train time. Misses Kate and May Maddox came down from Lincoln and spent Thanksgiving with their parents in this city. Miss Helen Fowler very pleas- I antly entertained about twenty I of Falls City's young folks at her home on South Stone street last 'I Friday evening , the event being in honor of her cousin Miss Gert- rude Ben of Kansas Ci ty. Games and music caused thc evening to pass only too rapidly. Elegant , refreshments added much to the pleasure of thc c\'ening. A Creed. President Roosevelt to the catholic children onVashington- "In the first place , the man I must have the power to bear his own. You probably know that I don't care very much for the coward or the moral weakling. I want each of you boys , and the girls just as much and etch of you young men and women , to have the qualities without which people may be amiable and pleas- ant while things go well , but without which they cannot stand in times of stern trial. I wish to see in thc man manliness , in the woman womanliness. I wish to see courage perseverance the willingness to work , to face you men , if it is necessary. danger . the determination not to shrink back when temporarily beaten in life , as each one will be now and then , but to conic up again and \ \ ' rest triumph from dcfeat. I want to see YOU men strong and brave and in addition , I wish to see each man of you feel that his strength and his courage but makes him the wolsunless to that strength and courage are joined the qualities of tenderness toward those hc loves who arc dependent - pendent upon him and of right dealing with all his neighbors. - - - - - - - _ - , . - - I . : I BEWARE OF IMITATIONS I ; of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR 1 " On account of the great merit and popularity of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR : for Coughs , Colds , and Lung Trouble , several manufacturers are advertising , I imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably : known reputation of FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON , " ; c V\'e originated HONEY AND TAR as a Throat and l Lung Remedy and unless you get , FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR you do not get the original and genuine. ! Remember the name and insist upon having FOLEY'S HONEY AND T'AR. Do not risk . your life or health by taking imitations , which cost you the same as the genuine. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is put up in three sizes - 25c , Soc and $ ioo. ' Prepared C 1ly by FOLEY & 00 , 92-94-96' Ohio Street , Chicago , IIIi Oise SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY - , DR. McMILLAN , Proprietor City PIlarlnaC ) ' . " , . . .Y : . " . _ . . " . _ _ fNr' 1Wtor : .a. ' " "