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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1904)
. , . November - 18 , IC)04 ) THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , Published Every Friday at FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA B\ ' ' . . } \t. : 4 ; . TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO. Entered m sccond-class matter , January ( - ary 12 , 1'J04at the post otliccat balls City , Ncb" , under the Act of Congress of March 3 , 1879 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Telephone No 226 CONGRESSMEN. , ; - The subject of thc succcssor to fi Hon. "E , J. Burkctt is now agi- I tating thc minds of thc politicans of thc first district. The two mcn most prominently mcntioncd r by thc state press arc A. B. Allen of Tecumseh Sec'y to Gov. l-.Iick- . ep and Judge Paul Jessen of Nebraska - - Lraska City. Either of these two men will make acceptable congressmen - gressmcn , but Judge Paul Jessen will probably have thc call. ' Judge Jessen is one of the re- I markablc young men in the west and is thc mental cqual of any young man in thc statc. His administration - ministration as district judge for Cass and Otoc counties was so . , eminently satisfactory that when - hc , was noulinated by thc rcpubli- cans last fall for a second term thc democratic convention met and indorsed his candidacy ; and this notwithstanding has always - t.\ : , - ways beeti an uncompromising .a ' 'r rcpublican. \Vc do not know . . . . that Judge Jessen would accept : . ' the nomination for congress , but wc do know that lie would make " " , an almighty good congrcssman , ' , , - , , - - - - I ' ; Missouri "has showcd" thc . , ' _ , _ " ' . . > . " natIon where " she is at. " I , . ' : . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ ® - . ' . , ' " J If Nebraska ever goes against ! : . " . _ _ _ . . . the publican party again , it 1. ; ; will be.the fault of thc republican t " party. . . _ - - - - - . Put a pin n this : Josh Lord is : : , going to bc thc next democratic _ candidate for trcasurer. The " _ . ' . . . f" It boss has spoken and thc boss must be obcycd . . , i - 'rhc next legislature will have but nine fusion members two of ! I . . whom will bc furnished by Rich- ardson County. Every member , 1 of thc senate is republic , thc . . : nine fUSIOn members being in thc 7. . house of . : . < : .prcscn tatives. , z ; v Time World Herald continued , , its policy of claiming thc election , _ for several days after every one ' ' else knew of Bcrg'c's dcfcat. As a result several of thc local demo- 4 I , . 'If crats arc lighter in pocket , they " having bet that thc World Herald - aId could tell thc truth. - The republican party in thc state and nation is confronted with great responsibilities. In the I state legislature ] is needed such as a new road law and ' certain . amendments to the , revenue law. Absolute fairness y , ' - r , between all citizens and between all property , corporate and pri- vate. Giving to each what is entitled - titled and no more. Sufficient and capable administration for each state institution and thc strictest economy compatible with efficient service. In thc nation , active , earnest effort to curb great commercial corporations and combinations of qtpita1. 'Co ( take from no man that which is his , but to permit no man to take that which is not Iiis. No prcsi- lent can accomplish much with- out thc active co-opcration of Ct)11- g-ress. The people have spoken in time election so that 110 man can misunderstand. Woe to those congressmen , if such there bc , who have not heard , or having heard will not obcy - Captain Richard P.Hobson who will bc remembered as thc young officer who engineered and ac- complishp.d thc daring feat of sinking thc Merril11ac in Santiago harbor and who subsequently accomplished - complishcd thc asinine feat of entering into a public kissing match with every fool woman within kissing distance , was one of Judge Park < : r's head liners luring thc recent spell binding season. In a speech in Indiana hc gave utterance to thc follow- ing statemcnt. 1'1 predict thc downfall of this man ( President Roosevelt ) if not now , at some future time , in a more tragic manncr " Had such a statement come from a red mouth anarchist he would have been arrested within - in the hour , but coming from one who owes his education and COIll mission to thc government , it is additionally shocking. Howc\'cr thc character of thc late campaign - paig-n would haturally produce a condition out of which such expressions - prcssions grow. President Roosevelt - vclt was held up to scorn by every man who was close to Parker and his manag-ers. Judge Parker so far forgot himself as to make se- vcrc and false ] accusations against thc presidcn Thc things said and written about Theodore Roosevelt were calculated to influence - flucnce a hair brained fellow like Hobson to predict thc assassination : of thc president of thc United States , and would have a tendency - dcncy to create hatred in thc hearts of that mentally unbal- anced crowd who have no party , mme citizenship , no law save that of thc bullet or thc knifc. Scarcely - cely three years have gone since thc whole nation was horrified by thc assassination of its chid executive - ecutive , yet here is one man , talk- ing' to a miscellaneous crowd of men and predicting something that might tend to inspire some fellow with a desire to fulfill the- prophccy. This man Hobson would better go into retirement and thc sooner thc bctter. , . , You should do your banking VII3T Y business with the I Falls City State Bank Because Because Because Because Because Because Because Because Because Because It is n strong , careful , conservative amid JICCOmIl10- dating institution. It is operating under the supervision of thc State Banking Departmcnt. This is a growing , active , modern and hank , in every particular. Your business will hc appreciated and your interests ' carefully considcrcd. , This hank studies ; your needs and safeguards them whether your business is large or s1\lull. It welcomes thc accounts and business of thc small as well as the large dcpositors. It opmms aim account with ONE DOLLAR and upwar s , It encourages thc children to ave ! their money by paying them interest on their accounts This hank has a good firc-proof vault and a burglarproof - proof Moslct' Screw door safc It especially solicits thc bUHincss of the vast nU1\lhct' of mcn , w01\lcn and childrcn who keep no bank ace't BECAUSE We are doing an exclusive banking business-find a deep interest in your welfare and stand ready at all times to assist and encourage any worthy man , woman , or child on the road to success and prosperity j Speaking of lHlrty loyalty , look over thc returns from West Aluddy ' and sec how J.R. : Cain jr. stayed with thc tickct. Chose nho know Bob Cain arc not sur- prised , but thc vote in his home precinct is it tribute to his re- puhl1canhm1 which is highly appreciated - prcciated by his hundreds of fricnds. In the , joint debate between Senator Dollivcr of Iowa and Senator Stone of Missouri which was pulled off during thc Auburn chautauqua last SU1l1mcr , Senator Stone told of seeing thc President with a relolvcr in his pistol pocket and inquired what thc audience thought of a president who would carry a rcvolvcr. Dol- liver replied that if Stone would tell that story in Missouri Roose- vclt would carry thc statc. TIme question is why didn't Senator Stone heed Dol1ivers warning and keep thc revolver story away fro m thc Missourians ? John Hay , Secretary of State has consented to continue his service to thc country in his pres- cnt position. This will bc a source for congratulations for every citizen of thc United Statcs. Mr. Hay is today thc most accomplished - complished statesman and diplo- mat in thc world. Into thc diplomacy - lomacy of thc old world hc has brought a new order of things Never before this time was it con- sidcrcd essential to diplomatic relations - lations that a man be honest or truthful ; in fact it was usually , considered incxpedcnt. l t John Hay with a finish and courtesy and yet with honesty and plain ' speaking has gone about thc settlement - tlcmcnt of international afiiairs , accomplishing' always what he endeavored until his name has bc- collie the fnmiliarof every foreign court and is s'nono mOllS with succcss , high mindedness and rec- ti t lldc. There is no greater Americal\ than John Hay an his continuation as Secretary of State is an earnest as to Prcsi- ( den Roosevc in tcn tions. 'oNc predict that thc end of fu- . sion in Nebraska has been rcach- hc almost utter absence of Watson votes in this state will Convince the democratic party that fusion is not an essential to ' success. For years thc Nebraska democracy has been gold bricked into believing that the populist party had many thousands of , votes to give ; consequently thc two parties have agreed upon a f division of thc offices and have gone before thc people as a I double deckcr. Now that emoc- I racy has been shown that there arc very few populists left in Nebraska - m braska , it will break way from thc alliance and paddle its own cano t : . Then will it have come . to pass that republican prophecies of the absorption of thc will have been verified and the existence of Il a once formidable political organization - d ganIzation will bc "as a talc that is told , or a watch in the night. " - ' I