The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 18, 1904, Image 5

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It Is unusual that sbtglo a
city of 8 XIII ( ) lI"Onlo trill ova ' , hadott ' 111 1m.
instance ovary mite ' 'lt1torl\ I" but such II'
the case wit the Amorlcan Hcboul of
Osteopathy A T Still Infirmary lit .
I\1rkflvlllo , Mo
A stranger ill Klrluwlllo Is immo.liately
ImprcIIlcd with tin Idea that the tOWl1 III
. Rlllltuilled l hy this lustltut.lon , In not ,
i Klrl'lIvlllo has boon made : \\"Imt It Is
+ hy Dr. Still allll his fam'ull School and
Iuflrmnry. It III the largos ! [ l'atrol1lzcd ' UII'
endowed Institution of Its kind III the
United StllteK.
Dr. Stlll'8 school on rolls over students
yearly and each 8tllli0lit is required to ut-
tOlld four terms of five month each before
I mplotlnfr the cour..lonf IItlllly. 1'ho.'o are
over 1 ? OOJ ) JrlltultcK and they are practicing -
ticing ! In every stn'olnd territory of the
Uliion. Ahont t1t e . tilit'ds of the states
have passed sJlcclal laws legalizing the
'l'h III school teaches every branch taught
I In inedicul I oilleges except "drngs" und
osteopathy h substituted for that. So
i thorough Is the teaching In ullntomy that
over one h11l1l11'ec hUlllan bodies are dds
lIoeted yearly by the IItudontK.
At the Infirmary , patients from ovary
part 01' the country and with ullllost every
frrnt of dlscaRIJ are eonstnntly under treat-
1110nt. For the past : fHtcen years almost
every train coming to I\IrllIvllle : has
broulht sonic new sufferer hoping to find roe
IIn by the science of Osteopathy. By the
thollslllIls : who have left the institution
benefited hv the troatmlJnt , the science has
becn heralded to the world \ nil n sao and
rational 1IIetllll.1 of cmro Several : years ages
s free clinic wits cstl\htlshe t In connection
with the practice \ department of the school
Mill this Is still in opcration. Hundreds or
the wort.hy1001' \ , who arc unable to pay \ for
treatment , are treated every afternoon by
the senior students free or charge.
Cupid deserves a lot of reRpecl. He
hag been doing ) business for six thou.
! Rand years nod ho's 'ollllg ret. :
Tbere h mllre C'IIIlIrlill III Iblll .rrtlllll the country
thllll all oIlIOrdl".I . 4 " 11t loge thrr , and until the last
l few yrnr. wnr OIlI'I"or , i"l hI' IlIrllrlll1le. Yur a 1\
t nlllny yearn cllll1lur. l'r"lIulIlIl'l'II It II Inca ) dl"I' ' ' . ' ' and
l'rcllrrlllr,1 hoco\l renlydlea , and , lIy 11I0(111111) tailing
to 1"I1f0 wilts iocnl Irt' ' \ tlneut . pronounced It IlIcllrnlllo.
Science has proven Catarrh tu tp' a UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII dll'
. .
[ [ all's Clllllrrh Cure manufactured lIy V..1 Cheney
k co. : . Toledo , Ohio , is ' its s only I'IIII.llIlIlIolIRI cure on
the IIlIuket. It III taken Internally III cloaca from 10 ton tOIl'pI"llrlll It nets directly un the blood
sad III II rOil I utfnrea or the . .Y"'IIThey otter site
hundred dollar for ' IIIIY cue It rlills 10 curo. Send
fur rlrl'III1II8 and teatlnmminl. ,
Adllro..1 r. . f. CIII' : : ' : Ink CO. , Toledo Ohio.
Sold by ! 1Ir1IIlFI.II. it.e.
Take tlnll'lI Faullly 1'1\18 \ for conNllpnlion.
A man Is not firm In faith because
ho IR Cosslllzel in mlntl.
Blanke Coffee Wins Everything
St. Louis Nov. S.-World's Fair
gives C. Ii' IJIl\nko'Tea C Coffee Co.
highest award grand prize and gold
medal , on coffee , also five additional
hhheRt awards 011 Grant Cabin Ten ,
Quaker Ceylon Tea , China Tea , Shid-
zlIokal\Cn Japan and Formosan Teas ,
making greatest number grand prizes
over awarded one firm.
The Best Results rn Starching
can be obtained only hy using De-
fiance Starch , besides getting 4 oz.
more for the same moncy-no cooking .
A secret sorrow Is a joy forcver-
to most lIeolllo.
Making a time carts for others Is
not the same thing us taking the
train ) 'ourse ) ( ,
- .
Defiance Starch Is put up-16 ounces :
In a package . 10 cents. Onc-thlrd
more starch for the snare monc ' .
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle or CASTORiA
A sate and euro ll1l't\y \ for infants and clsfldrerr
and see that It
Dearlltho . . .
, I-
Signature or #
In Use For Over :10 : YCllrs.
The ! KInd You have Always ouShl.
. t
To live IR to cat crusts ; to live and
to love Is to banquet.
Mustang liniment
' cures Sprains rind Strains.
: w Save 2 on Drugs
UJ write for our IOO-page catalogue ,
showing tolOO articles at cut prices.
. Coy . Sixth anti D. . " , 9m'h. . N.h. ,
. . .1 ;
. .
: . , " ' ,
. . .
. .
" . ' . . f - . . . . _ - . . - - : - . . . . . . . .
. . _ _ . . _ _ _ : . . . . :
r . . . . . . - ' _ _ _
- . , . . , '
xw. 'l _ _ . _
_ . - . . _ _ . . "
Had Learned to Save.
i'athcr-I1nlloll , where did you get
nil those toys 7
130n-I bought 'em with the money
you gave me.
Fnther-But I gave you that money
to teach you how to save.
Son-YcR , pn : I hoot It for three
weeks , unlll I learned nil about saying .
ing , and now I am learning low to
shop.-Stray Stories.
- - -
"Why , John , " said . Suhhuhs , returning .
InJ from a month's vncllllon , "tho
lawn is all dried up. "
Can't understand It , sir , " replied
the lazy caretaker : "I worked harden
on It all the limo you was gone. "
"All I You shouldn't work so harll.
You probably ran the lawn mower
over It so vigorously that you
scorched It. "
Couldn't Touch Him.
\l ! A
The Golfer-Are you laughing nt
me , boy , because I missed the ball
The Cnddr-No : , I was just thlnkln'
what a cinch It would bo to bo your
bad little boy.-Phlladelllhia 1'ele.
- -
Sizing Him Up.
"Pon my honor ! " complained III
Trngertly , with an air of great disgust :
Just , "that railroad Is positively atro-
clolls. It took mo thlrty.two hours to
come from Chicago. "
"What are you talking about ? " de I
mantletl Love Comertly. 1'hat's
mighty good time for a freight train. "
- - -
Laid It to the Sermon.
nip Van Winkle wakened rather
flustered from his twenty 'ears'
"Yes- 'cH , " ho muttered hastily ! ,
"tno sermon was very fino.
Perceiving , however that he was
not In church In time , ho tottered
down the hUt
Some Relief In the Situation.
"Don't you sometimes feel ! discouraged .
aged about our political system ? "
"No , " answered Farmer Corntosse1.
"I kind 0' like It. U's a great relief
to have 11 man come around shaltln'
your hand nn' to11ln' you stories without .
out trrlll' to sell ) ) you books or ghtnln' ) )
rods. "
How He Got Even.
She had just worked the "I'dl . bc . a-'OU" degree on him.
"Exc\lO : : ate , Mss Chllllngton , " be
said , "but as I am already wen supplied '
pod ) ) with elder sisters , would you
mind helng a grandmother to mo In.
stem ? "
Proof Positive.
Soqlles-"I must have been unusually : .
ly drunk ) 'cstordn ' . "
Hoqllei-"Whr do you think so ? "
Soques-"I found a receipted bill \
( rom my tailor In may pocket this
morning. "
A Suggestion
Miss Pnsar-hW"II , what do you
think of her ? She had the face to
say I'd never see :10 : again. "
Miss Pepprer-"PerhnJs It wasn't
her taco that prompted her to soy !
that. "
A Bnchelor'a GUess ,
"There Is 1bo ' In London who tan
understand : three dltt.r nt t n ; uasell,1I
"Wh t Are th r.11 brb ' ; } . talk ; Nranttmn
talklaid EI\&Ub t'1 '
- -
. - , . - ' - _ . , - ' .
, , - ; ;
, . . " - ' - . - . - - - - - - - - . - , v
Golf Is World Game.
At Bagdad there huts boon a golf
club for nearly ten years . The eig'i- 1
teen . hole course , which Is Inl,1 out In
the desert some three miles from the
city , IB said to ho of "a decidedly \
sporting characler"-whleh means : , according -
cording to some that one loses an immoderate .
moderate number of balls ) ) there. Golf
bony he Played nt Zanzibar , Benin
( "the city of hlood. " It will he rev
mombered ) , Crete , Bnngwlt ! , HOIlOI'l'
hi , Pera ! and also at \Vei . IlaiVei. . -
London ' 1'lmeB.
Black Kerchiefs for SallorG
All ) ) sailors In the British ! ! navy are
obliged to buy It black silk hand1Cr.
chief They gpl It from the government .
ment stores , amid the price , about $1 ,
Is deducted from their pay. This year
the Admiralty has ordered GOOOO
handkerchiefs from the largest silk
manufacturers In the worttl. Tilts
number Is 40,000 more than has ever
been required before. Each handkerchief -
chief Is thlrly.five Inches square.
To Utilize the Shark.
The shark , which Is so abundant In
the waters of Central America , Is to
be utilized In commercial prodncts.
A company hag been formed which
converts sharIs' fins into jelly and
tinned soup , mattes fine machinery oil
from their liver handsome leather ,
equal to alligator's , frqm their skins ,
walking sticks from their backbones ,
and numerous articles 'Crom their jawbones .
bones and teeth.
Unable to Distinguish Rect
The most common form of color
blindness Is an Inahlllty to distinguish
reel. Last year thirty-four officers ( and
would.ho officers of the Bl'lti3h mercantile .
cnntlle marine service failed on their
color tests , twontr.threo being reel
blind and the remnlnder unable to distinguish .
Ingulsh t reen. The 4GOO candidates
for certificates were also submitted
to the form vision tests t and twenty- :
two of them failed to distinguish the
form of rho object mbmltted.
Trick of Photography.
If you are an amateur photographer
and have a negative of some friend
whom you woulll like to see locked
up for a long term , put your printing
frame just Inside a wire mosquito netting .
ting when you print the next picture
from the ncgatlve. 1'he result will be
a print "hawing your friend behind
the bars. 'rho effect wlll 1Jc almost
You can not atone for stealing the
bakery by giving away a few biscuits.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _
v j
I , ,2' .
I h $ fAt ,1
. ; f ,
e 5 j
Mrs. Mary E. Meserve , or
Salisbury , Mass. , was cured of
An mia , n disease in which
there is an actual deficiency of
the blood , by the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People
She says : "The first symptom
was an unusual palcness. Later the
blood seemed to have all left my
) body . 1 had shortness of breath and
fluttering oC the heart : was depressed .
pressed , morose and pcc\'ish. 1 suffered .
fered for two years. Physicians did
"mo little good but I am now a well
womn ; because I took twelve boxes ,1 {
of Williams' Pink Pills. " i ;
These pills really make new "
hlood and have cured obstinate
cases of rheumatism , scrofula :
and erysipelas. They arc especially
pecially useful to growing girls.
Sold by all Druggists.
- - -
"I have used your FISH BRAND
Slicker for five years and can truthfully .
fully say that I never have had
anything give mo so much comfort - I
fort and satisfaction. Enclosed
find my order for another one. "
t NAME : AND ADORSS ON APPLlc.uorll ) / ,
You can defy the hardest storm with *
.Tower's Waterproof Oiled
' Clothing and Hats
A. J. TOWER CO. ic5J'ER3
Doton. U. S. A. . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
zoronro Limited . C . . . 5Aca hen -.j IJN I".rt\
8' 0
- - - - -
( WJACMitR . )1 )
} , " ' :9r - RIFLE (81 PISTOL CAR. TRIDGES.
1 @ I - : ' " It's the shots that hit that count. " Winchester
L. . , > . s. , ) . Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit , that is , -
" " : ; \1I'f1 ; " "
) jW 'lIX : they shoot accurately and strike a good , hard , pene-
: : trating blow. This is the kind of cartridge you will get ,
II' if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make.
rs.o r
_ . ,
j yp3
W. L. Dougll nlzfcos tJnd : ells mooo nrcn' , $8.60 p L
8008 Ult'1 any clllcr mnllufacluocr lu tIe world. \ ' !
The reneoss \ \ ' . I. non IRa t.rJI apnea Ire the vrf'lItcsl l'lJorlIII lhe world la III''a1l50 of their excel .r' ,
lent style raey htting ! : amcl IIIprlor wellrlll qualttle > ' . I r 1 c"I.11I chow you the 11Ilfl'rCliOOletwel'lI the .
shoes ntncto III IllY fu'I'lry : mill t hC'.1 } or other 11I,1,11"111111 the hh\I. rllle l.uIheraiiaedyou wOl1ld under-
tallli atty1' . I. . IhmIII ; : , : ; .r.o shoes Coat moro to make _ why they hold \ their hlll'C\ ' tit " \Jtlcrl wear
longer . . and are . of It"'r IlItrlllh' valise than IIIIV other : N.tO shoe otr the market : today \ and wiry the
lIull.q for Iho year 0111111111 IIIIy I , Ivl ' . " ore t- 1I , IIs.tII.II. : : )
W , I. . Ih\II:11I11 l III111rlIlI"1'1I : their value loy 1oIlInlllI , Isla mane and price on the bottom Look for stake -
take no aubatttuto . : 'u1I11I1 hoe dcllers IIvlr'wherc.
" / here rMrn 11' f. DOllllicu 13 r. rim . " lor the tlCtlre rears with , aFeoltsfe
tatVaettny ' / . I. fnc Item cu7"ror .11 lit . om/t'ft last seen' 10 0lh < l8 c'l/nll / , r . rtt
. j.'TJ0 / St.OO11. . ii , J/c ( CB.J'pl , Cut / . , t , B. Jnl &rcnut , mC""IO/II/ i'a
\'tt4' J,1nlllflfll- tiara (10tnh" Colt"I"n In lilt A'lLfi : / ; ai o " , Corot [ " Colt III eoncedod to
bo t 10 flutist ' . .hlnt 1.0l\Uler made rant cirllr J : yelcta uaetl exvtuaivoly : ,
W. Y. . DOUGLAB , O.OOftfQH , M a..ehua.t , . .
w _ " ' . . . ; . . . : . . . . . _ i
. .
\ .
\ ,
. . . .
' 1 - -
IJ 111 I