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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1904)
, . , , ! . ' \ ' ) I. . , November 18 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Rulo. . - , Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Mc- " . , . \Vain \Vednesday a boy. After a lingering illness the death of Mrs. 1\loreland occuied at her home \Yedncsday cvcning. She leaves a husband and one daughtcr. 'l hc funeral sermon vas prcached from thc Methodist church. The bereaved ones leave the sympathy of the entire com- munity. Mrs. Steve Cunningham made a business trip to St. Joe 'rues- day. day.L. L. E. Plumb and wife ' returned Saturday from an extended trip - In southern : Missouri. :4 < 1 wrcncc Santo and sisters Josie and 'fhcresa of Arago visited at John -ajurcs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ha r . were in . Falls City Monday. . . Mrs. Chas Huber is again able to be at hem : after undergoing an operation at the hospital in St. Joseph . ' Mesdames \'erzagie and Sim- J 1110ns and r'cna Cavei . age and 4' Mary Simmons returned Monday . . from a few clays visit with relatives - tivcs at Rockford , Ncb \ . . , i - The little son of Arthur Dar- f4 vcau is very sick" James Roberts thc oldest son of Chas , Roberts and wifc died at at his home Tuesday afternoon . after a short illness. The funeral - ra1 services were held at the home The bereaved parents arc heart \ \ broken over thc loss of their son. They have thc sympathy of a ' _ their many fricnds. - Davsol1. . ; Tom Riley vas absent from S . . . . his post of duty at thc drug store ; 1 _ the first of the week on account : : of ckness. \ ' - . Dr. Burgher moved into his ; new office on main street this 1 . , week and he now has a finely . . equipped office in thc best loca- . . . . tlOn in town. A. Crandall and family arc moving to Humboldt this week , . where , O.ey expect to make their future home. Harry Crandall , will farm thc home place next . ycar. ' John G. Smith and family left Sunday for their new home at i Blair , Neb. Harry 11'cichts and Jake Bol len- bacli returned home Sa turday from a ten lays trip to St. Louis. Miss ilea Riley was down from j { Humboldt over Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Grady returned home Sunday from their wedding trip to St. Louis and are now cozily located in their new cottage ill thc north part of thc city. G. A. Alexander and family . were down from Table Rock w ' . - - , . . . . 1 - = - ; - ' ' > -IL < ' - ' - : & STRONGEST CLOAK , SUIT AND SKIRT VALUES IN FALLS CITY T HEY will bear the closest scrutiny , upon the several points of quality , fit , style , make , or price-and we are not at all afraid of the result if you will give us a look You will buy here and join the throng of satisfied money sa vcrs. . . . In Children's Cloaks we have placed a number of long and short Cloaks , in ages from 6 to 1'2 years ranging in price from $3.00 to $5.00 and we are making this unpreced- en ted offer on them : Your Choice. . . $ i .89 Children's Fancy Cloaks in . Zibelines , l\'Ieltons and Ker- seys , nicely trimmed and lined l I At - = $3.50 to $10.00 In I Suits we have just received a lumber ; of new designs in mixed and fancy weaves in the latest styles , mule with the full sleeve at shoulder , prices from $ 10.00 to $25.00. In Skirts we keep them in all sizes from 29 inch for Girls , 35 to 39 inch for Misses - and a full line of Ladies' sizes , ranging in price from $ . 00 up to [ 0.00 and 1500. This is the most complete line of Skirts in the city for new up-to-date styles and We in- vite your inspection before bu viner. b Gait I until YOll see our llJlllOUJlCl'J/lcnl o.f Toys and Dolls before bu'ingIt will day : YOle . to f rice thcm. . J. S. JOHNSTON & . SONS ( : ; -JIf2i" ; ' = ' ; " ; _ _ I . . " ; - " _ ' - " " ' " . . . . . . . . " " - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . " " ' _ " , . - " 1 ! several days the past week visiting - ingrclativcs. . \Vm. Mowcry and family of crc1ot1 spent Sunday at thc home of F. P. Page in this city. D. C. Kirkpatrick of Falls City was in town on busi ness the first of thc weck. W. B. Fishcr's annual Poland China Hog sale was postponed on account of inclement weathct from Thursday of last wcek till Tuesday of this week , when a large crowd was present and thc stock was quickly and profitably - ably disposed of. E. B. Judd was in ofT thc road Sunday visiting his family. Clc\'e and Harvey Estcs went to Table Rock Saturday and spc.t : Sunday with their sister , 1\'lrs. Pearl Malonc. Hugh and John O'Grtdy ; , trans- acted businrss at thc county court Saturday. W. D. Bit tner has resumed his work as night operator for the B. and 1\1. at this place after a two weeks absence during which time hc visited thc worlds fair. Ohio Prec nct. L. H. Kniscly and wife Sun- daycd with Grandpa Pcck. Henry Brim and sistcr May of Hamlin , Ka . , were guests at Mr. - . Ai//7 I / i ( j [ II/ / Q . Knisely's Saturday night . and Sunday. Noah and Rph Peck were in Shubert Muuday. Rcv. Stouder lest lcftlast week for Emporia , Fans " to hold a series of meeting and to visit with his father who lives at that placc. A number of young folks in this vicinity were entertained at Conrod Brccht's Sunday evening in honor of Mr. E ngle. Emma McCann spent Sunday at O. A. Burk's Sunday. E. 1\ Peck : and family visitcd' in j'alls City Sunday with John \Viltse and wife. . Mr. Eng-Ic of New York is vis- iting with Conrod Brecht and other relati yes. Rev. Mohlcr and family of Falls City were guests at Ep h. Pcck's S unda y. : Mrs. John Burk sr. of Rule is visiting in this vicinty. . r I I TIME TABLE . I _ ' Palls City. Neb. Lincoln Omaha Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points east and south. Denver Helena Butte Salt Lake City Portland San Francisco and all points west Ladies' short Butcher Cloak all wool kersey , black and castor , well lined , velvet trimmed - med collar , a regular $ 7 value Our Price. . $5.50 Ladies' Cloak , made of an English l\Iontenac , lined with a guaranteed satin lining , a very nobby cloak A Big Bargain ut $10.00 OUR SPECIAL-A long Tourist [ Cloak , black only , in a Glee quality of Kersey , stitch- ed and trimmed , this cloak would be a bargain at $ . J 2.50 Our Price while they last . - - $10.00 _ n TRAINS r,1A\'E AS 1/01,1.0\\5 : I No. 42. Portland St. Louis . Special , St. Joscph , Kansas City St. Louis and all points east allll sOllth. . . . . . 7:2" : p 111 No. 13. Vcstibuled express , daily , Dcnver and " all points west and iiortli vest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a 111 No. . H. Vestibuled exprcss , daily , St. Joe , Kan- sas City , St. Louis and all points east . . ' allll south. . . . . . . . . . 7t3 : : a 111 No. 17 Local express , daily 'Vymorc and points east , west , northwest 12:17 : p 111 No. 15. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver and all points west and , nortliwcst . . . . . . . . 1:2" : p 111 No. 16. Veatibitled express daily , St. Joe , Kan- sas laity , St Loitis ' Chicago and points cast and south. . . . . 4:30 : p 111 No. 18. Local express daily Atchison and pointR south and west. . . . 3:8 : p 111 No. 41. St. Louis-Portlalld SpcciaILincolnHe- lena , 1'acoma amI Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p 111 No. 115. Local accommoda- tiOIl , daily except 'cept SundaySalem , Ncmalm and Nebraska - . . braslm City. . . . . . . . 10:30 : p 111 Sleeping , dining and reeling chair cars ( scats free ) on through trains. 'rickets sold and baggage checked to r sny point in the States or Canada. For illfor1l1atioll , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , . Agent , Falls City , Neb. , 01' J. Francis , G. P. & ' 1' . A. , Omaha. Lead pencils given away a King's with each 5 cent tablct. tablet. w . .