The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 18, 1904, Image 2

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, : . ; November Is' . 'IQ04 TI-1 E FALLS CITY TRIBUNE '
. . . , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = - ,
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More Suits About Revenue
' Phe railroads are tringto ;
. evade the new revenue law which
r " . . our dciriocratic friends agreed to
"j . ; . . ,
' rclc'e them of. 'l'hcy arc now
tcnd ring to thc Treasures of thc
. . various counties thc 19o3 tax and
'twcnty per cent additional : . 'l his
, 4 is an attempt to miHconsiruc thc
! ' . ' . law so as to permit to railroads
' . ' . tb pay less ta. . . . than forutcrly
' " . The levy being lower under thc
r4 ; . ' increased : assessment it would l
r"A. permit thc roads to pay the tax
' of 1903 under thc lower levy of
t ' 1904 said then add twenty per
, _ 'ccnt to that. This will of IOl1fRC
i t , . be productive of much litigation
r' , I , and as we finally believe will not
I , : , ' only be disastrous to the railroads
' . . . : but will con vi ncc' t hc general
. . . . ' public that the . revenue ll\\ : \ was
. ' cnacted for thc benefit of' thc
. . .t ? . . ' people and not thc great corpo-
- . rattOlls. Certain it is . that the
. . railroads , insurance companies ,
I . ' express coin pani \ : s and telephone
; ' ; ' ' ! . , . anll telcgraph companies arc all
: , , " . ' .f figliting time law , and in doing so
, " hn'c aligned themselves with our.
. . e
i.t . ' . . . ' x : friends the democrats. It will be
+ ' . . "T . , interesting to watch G lerdes and
; Lord to sec whether or not their
. votes arc cast with these corpo-
ations ' in .their attempt to repeal
\ the . law. ,
. . \
. ; . Campaign Expenses.
. _ R. C. James , county attorney
; : } elect files his affidavit that his
I . . . . '
total 1 cxpcrs : in securing 111selcc- '
.tiol1 amounted to 843.50. J. S.
' . , Lore spent 8)2.75. 41brt Story
. " , spent ' B73lC to bc beaten for sen-
. '
alor. , Y. 1-1. M rrow's expense
t was $ )5.00 which lie spent for
livery , assessments to thc county
5-- - central committee , telephone ctc.
, 'l'uc1'r spent 861.05 in this and
I ,
.Pa , VlCC county. V. IL Hogrcfc
. . expended 854.25. Sam Baync
treasurer of the republican county
. . . central , committee reports cx-
1 & pcnditurc of a little more than
I ' $300. George : W. Hell and treas-
) . urcr of thc Roosevelt club spent
'f' . : S90.00 for halls for meeting-so No
other candidate or officer has reported -
' ported their cxpcnsc.
, Castle Hall . No. 18.
. . . . Part of thc fifth district of thc
Knights of Pythias in this state ,
" involving castles at r1'ccum.sch ,
1'able Rock , DuBois 'l'almag-c ,
I IIumbolc1t. Auburn and Falls City
met in thc local castle hall 'Ved-
' . ncsda\ c'cningdnd enjoyed an
t . . . .
I ' . interesting and 1 instructive mce t.
'f ;
. ing- Those of the grand officers
\ . .
present on tIltS oo.aSlOn were
Grand Chancellor J. M. Kildow
of York , Deputy Gn : nd Chanccl-
lor Frank J. Kelly of Lincoln ,
Grand Keeper of Records and
Seals Will II. Lo'c of Lincoln and
. Grand Trustee W. S. LcyHa of
. .
this city. An address of welcome
, . . ; . . , was tendered , thc visitors by W.
_ _
S. . . eyda and was responded to
by addresses from the otter three
grand omcc'rs.
The secret work of the order
was exemplified by Deputy Grand
Chancellor Kelly to thc local
order and about sixty visitors ,
after which due attention was
given to an elaborate ltiC ; lieou.
The meeting closed about enc
o'clock and all present voted thc
evening imiost pleitsilut onc. 'l'hc
members of thc local castle arc
known everywhere as royal entertainers -
tcrtaincrs and havc met with
great success . in this city.
Knights present from lImn-
boldt were II. A. Maun , II. Mc-
Council CliiUnp 1VrightTint
Challin I : . C. james , C. H. Wilson -
son , 1. Shirley , Oliver Hall , Chris
Bcutter , J. Wozal , R. L. Linn ,
l\I. L. Wilson , B. : Litchfield , Dr.
Cooper , H. Q. Dalbey James
Davis and G. W. Segrht from
Table Rock ; A. I4. ShatTer , J. H.
Stewart , Lewis Stalder , A.Aylor ,
S. H. Dopp J. : po Morse , A N.
Ncwcomb of Nebraska City and
O. N. Barkus of DuB0is.
Thumb Shot.
. Master Han'cy StlttltP' while
pulling back the trigger of an air
r fle 'rucsday afternoon , was shot
in the thumb thc bullet lodging
against the boltc. It required
the services of a physician to remove -
move thc bullet.
Tax List.
' 1'he tax list was turned over to
the county treasurer by County
Clerk Tanner \Vedinesday. .
' 1'hc delay caused by the injunc-
tiOll suits has caused Mr. Tanner
and his assistants to work very
hard to get the list turned over in
timc. 'l'he total tax is about
S211OOO.00 or 831,000.00 more
than last ycar.
Notice of fleeting.
There will be a meeting thc
court house Monday night for
thc purpose of considering the
proposition of boring for gas and
oil in this neighborhood. Every-
body should attend and take an
interest in this enterprise for it
will mean a great deal to our city
if thc efforts of the promoters
should he succcssful. .
Collar Bone Broken.
While engaged in a game of
foot-ball Thursday noon , Lynn ,
son of Reuben Horracks had the
misfortune to break his collar
bonc. The broken bone was set
by Dr. Kerr and thc boy is doing
nicely. _
The Knights and Ladies of Security -
curity met Thursday evening .in
'Vahl's hall and completed the
usual scmi.monthly work. Miss
Ethel i\Iitcliell was initiated into
the or < 1er. After the close of the
regular meeting a program was
rendered followed by a sumptuous
repast in thc dining hall.
.r-- : . . . . : ; : - . ' .
- - ' " _ _ , _ JJ . . --t-- _
Bi1g. '
. . . . . . . . :
Reduction Sale
On all Trinll11cd Hats at the
, Bon . Ton Millinery Store
I - _ _ _ n - . - - - - .
For 14 days every Trimmed Hut viIi be sold
FOR CASH 20 per cent lower ti Fan the
regular price. i
Hats marked . , , .
$12.00 nov - $9.60
" " 8.00" - - 6.40
" " 5.00" - 4.00
" 3.00" - . , - . 2.40 i
. S ' - . . . . - , . i. .
" " 2.00 ' " - 1.60 '
c ' _ - ' " ' _ . _ _ _
"Ve have a very swell assortment of Hats
on hand. Ladies pleas come and see theill.
Helen Brebeck
. . . _ .
! L:11- : -4-- - i
. " , ' . f'.I- ' . _ _ . '
- - -
How About It ? M
- _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ - . _ - n. . . . . . - -
\Till 1 vou let us fit you in a pair of '
" \ inter Shoes if you are promptly .
and politely waited upon ; rightly fit- , .
ted and you get the best style your ' . " r " ;
price will . purchase ? ,
. 1\
If you get the utmost comfort that ' : . " ,
can be put into a shoe ; and have the - . I" : )
' . . . I
guarantee of a strmg 1 It-out shoe , ; . J
house ; to have any . complaint , no " . . . l
matter how slight , promptly satisfied , ' . . ' . t
and .to know that you get a dollar's' i
wortli for every dollar you pay ? " ! ,
How .tL\bout' Its ' . . . I
. : :
Tile Shoe 1Ian.
" . . .
" 11 " - , "If . . " 1111Jij' : - - Jw-
Baby hoods at cost and below
cost at thc Bon 1'on Millinery
Harold Belle of Kansas City is '
visiting with his aunt Mrs Fowler -
er in this city.