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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1904)
i , November 18 , 1904 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . , ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - . . _ - - - - - - - - - - Educational Department . Conducted by pountySupcrlntcndcnt Croc1cr Miss Miller , of thc halls City High School , planncd a Girls' llaskct-bal1 'l'ourl1aJ11cnt for last li\riday. 'T ' he plan was to have three gaJ11CS- ; V cnlon "s. halls City ; Dawson vs. Humboldt ; and then thc winners were to play for championship , hut thc thrcat- cuing weather spoiled thc plans. Howcver , the Vcrdon High School came down and ; played a glIll ( : with halls Ci ty. The score was 15 to 2 in favor of ] ; Ills City. Two of our High Schools have nlreadyorganicd Literary and Debating clubs 'l'hey are plan- nin-t' , in good time for the regular High School Debating Contest to hc held in connection with thc spring meeting of thc Richardson County 'l'eachers' ' Association. It is time to get the debating work startcd. 1'0 HIGH SCHOOl. 'l'JMCIIHHS. Arc you sure that your high school pupils , ahd ( in fact , all the pupils in thc school in which you teach , know what your school colors arc ? Every school should have standard colors ; , and every pupil in he school should know thc colon and he proud to wear thcm. Keep your school patriotism - triotism alive ! Last week Miss Jamie Brown resigned her position as teacher in 1)ist. , . No. 104 , and , . , now . . she is . . 1\lrs. Clydc Bicrly. The teachers of Richardson County extend COIl- gratulations. The County Supcr- int u lent does ( not tell secrets , but thc birds arc saying , that two more of our lady teachers arc to be married during thc IIo1idays. L'o thc tcachcrs-If you do not have quarterly report cards , please send for thcm. Jennie Gra\ ; tt reports nn enrollment - rol1mcn of 11) Dist I-Vivian Aten , teacher. "TC have satisfactorily finished the first quarter and are trying to make this an improvement over the lastYe find the Hubbell Mathematical charts a very con- venicnt and successful method of teaching numbcrs. \Ve have 23 regular atrcndants on our roll just now ani. of these 4 were neither absent nor tardy last month , hour ! more were perfect in attendance and two had no tardy marks against thcm. \Vc 1 have a system of stars for mark- jug attendance , which arouses a r healthful rivalry for perfect rec- ords. Our school will give a box supper Dcc. 3rd. . The Richardson County 'l'cach- , ers' Association has a "CON- scI1NCI ; : FUND. " Saturday evening - ing the County Superintendent received the followinff- letter : . , . " - ' . . "Hcrc is a nickel which I owe you. Last night a crowd of us went to thc lecture and you were told that I went to school so I was let in on 1Oc. 1 So to make , everything right I will send you the 5c. " No name signcdVc cannot avoid mentioning in this connection , that several people have borrowed books from thc County Superintendent ill thc past. It is a sad fact that about 1-4 of our schools do not have large watt map of thc United Statcs. It is a shame , too , that this is truc. A large wall map IS a silent , but constant and powerful teacher. While looking at this map , thc child learns Ul100l1Sciously , and thc forms and relative size of thc states are foxed indelibly in his mind. A teacher can make splcndid rise of a wall map every day. Theo why arc so many schools without a wall map of thc United States ? It is easily \ answered ; and it is no more thc t fault of thc school board than it i is thc fault of thc tcacher. If f thc teachers make their wants known in the right way , the boards will usually get the sup- plies nccded. The County Super intendent has in his ofiLe 25 splendid wall maps of the United Statcs. These arc for thc schools hat need them. Teachers and school boards arc asked to call or send for'hcy are free but it costs 15c to mail out. Dist. No. 7.7-D. D. Houtz , tcachcr-\Vc will have vacation during next wcek. Pupils arc shoving a desire to learn and arc doing good work. Attendance is good reaching 1)8 per cent thc last month. Last week one of the merchants of Vcrdon offered a prize of $10 to thc person unloading thc larg- est load of people . in front of his store.Vc concluded that this was a good opportunity to add to our library fund. So wc induced some of thc patrons of'thc school to bring a four horse team har- ncssed to a hay wagon and load- ing' on the school and other members - bel's of the district until thc nUm- bcr reached 77 persons , wc took them to Verdon and unloaded at thc store , easily winning" thc prhc. In a , school we visited a few weeks ago thc teacher had 110 place 011 his program for writing. ' 1Vliy is this" wc asked and tine teacher replied "Oh , we do not have tine for writing. " The teacher was told to take time for writing. Reading , writing and arithmetic arc our three H.'s thc tripod of cducational. Do not leave out either one of them. It ' - of _ - , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - is the duty of each teacher to have at least three definite periods - ods each week for writing with pen and ink , and every pupil in thc school should be required to take part. Ycs with pen and ink -lcad pencil work is not suffi- cicnt. It is thc duty of thc school board to furnish all necessary - cssary writing material 4 for thc entire school , and it is thc duty of hc t teacher to ask thc school board to get this materia1. . 'l'lIIt 'I'J ; ACJ1J HS' n ; Wl'ING. . 'rhe regular mccting of thc Richardson County tfcadlcrs' Association was held in Fails City , Friday evening and Satur- day , Nov. 11th and 12th. The as published in thc Educational - cational Department last week wa ucccssfully carried out. The Friday evening Session was held in the Methodist church The room was well fiUcd. 'l"'hc efforts of tl lie Falls City high school chorus were well rcccivcd. Dr. Barbour's lecture was : imply grand : in every sense of thc word , aud was thoroug'htly enjoyed by all. During thc business mect- ing resolutions were adopted. \Yc have space for only two para- graphs : "Rcsol\'cd , that we tcn- cler thc thanks of thc Association to the Falls City Board of Edu- cation for thc use of the C' ntral School Building. \Vc heartily endorse thc 1l10\'C- ( rent for uniformity of text- books.Vc earnest ; } approve and rc-cnc1orsc ( for the 4th time ) our recommcndcd list , and erg school officers to introduce these these books as soon as their means kill possibly permit. Marie Crotty , . Edna Brown , C , l\I Frcnch , Committec \Vc regret that wc do hot have space to speak of thc good thin s on the program. Each teacher did well tl'he records show that the following teachers were pres- cnt ent.E. E. R. Huff , Iva Low , Nellie DavisonBca Riley , Florence Judd Pearl Cumin inghan , Elizabeth Thomas , Florence Lesley , Marie CrottyAE.Knisely , Nellie Dunn Laura Aikman , Agnes Moran , Prof. J.V. . Watson , Alpha Rob- erts , Florence Acott , Carrie E. Boyd , Nora Fcnton , Supt. H. L. Hoff. Osher , Schlaifer , Josephine Duras , Rose Novak , lone Norton , Daisy Morris , Maud 'l'osland , Ada Allen , Elizabeth Brecht , J. H. Reel , Mary \Viltse , Prin. C. 1\1. French , Cecil Kanaly , Mrs. Bes- sic Brinegar , Julia Cronin , Vcrna Vastinc , H. L. Kloepfcl , C. I-I. 'Wiltsc , Lizzie Hossack , Supt. W. H. Pillsbury , Prin. B. L. 'l'obie , Elcnora Miller , Mary Davies , John Roberts , Mablc Bridgcs. Elfie Foster , Grad Saylor , Prin. I Cora Betts , Pearl Hanna , Josie I . - - - - - - - Graves , 1\Irs.EI11ma Snyder < , Maggie - . gic Fcrgus , I..Jizic Naylor , Maud " " " . Hcck , Ethel Barker , Prin. S. Ii' . . . . ' . Fcuerstcin , Ah'irda Allen , . brie - ' " French , Minnie 1. Jennings Ii : ward Hodapp , Florence Jones , Prof ' 1J. . Olivar , Gustay Hcrr , Ncna Emmcrt , Lizzie Morris , Ed- na Brown , Clara Babb , Prof.I.G. .j ( " \Vilsol1 , Maud Montgomery , Sadie Joy , Mrs. I G. Wilson , Jennie " Thompson \labcl \Vhitakcr , Alice Douglas , Della Kniscly , A. L. . Knisely , Clara Laughrey , Nellie Hanna , Frances Kelly , Lillith \Vaggcncr. Prin. C. James , ' 1' . J. \Yaggencr , May C. Cra wfonl. Ve- : nctta Shier , Martha Kerncn.1\ . licc . . ' l\IcCray , A. D. Larrabee , OI1ie . Bain , Prof. P.Y. . Carr , Amelia Nusbaum , 1\Iinnie Junes , Carrie . Dietrich , Myra Shraugcr-Othcrs tix -Evan1clync Vance , Prof. P. D. ' . Smith , \Vinnic Ryan , Mable Ma- . comber , CV. . 'l'uckcr . . . - - Winter Tourist R.ates. Low round trip rates to Denver Colorado Springs and PuebloCol- 1 oradojGalveston ; and San Anton- i' io ; Texas : New Orleans , Louisiana - . ana ; Mobile , Alabama ; Jackson- \'iltc and S1. Augustine , Florida , and hundreds of other points. If you arc figuring 011 a winter excursion trip , I can furnish you valuable information , or write to I. , . W,1.Vakcley , Genera1..Passel1- gel' Agent , Ol1laha.-G.Stcwart Agent , C. B. & Q. R.E D. S. Mccarthy 'itt. PROPRIETOR OP CITY DRAY LINE . Special Attention to Household Moving ' Phone 211 Palls City - - Nebraska . Public Sale. , - - " - - - - - - Good Sollid' . REASONS b , -.r # - ffi' Why you should buy Jewelry from us will be found by looldng through our line of fresh , desirable goo s- up - to - date in style and hOliest in quality-prices lower than the low- est Jewelry is something that the . { average person knows so little ' ; ! 'f , about that he mist needs depend almost entirely upon the jeweler of whom he buys . The Old Reliable Jeweler A. E. JAQUET . . . . . . _ - 4' . ' . . . " . . ' ' " - - - - - - . . . , ' . .