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November II , 1904 . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . i , j
- _ _ GIVEN I i..rs.
John L. Cleaver
'vVe carry a. . . .
Building Material
And all kinds of
Lumber f&l Coal Co.
Face to Face
T.oole your watch square in the
face and ask yourself if you are
treating this old friend right in allowing -
lowing it to lick its life away for
r need of timely attcntion.
Perchance a drop of oil now , a
little grit or dust brushed away will
prolong its period of timeliness for
mall ) ' Clays
'Vc clean , repair and pat in order
timers of all kinds , from the costli-
cst chronometers to tc chcahpcst
! Roberts , The Jeweler
It don't pay ! Don't send
away for Nursery Stock !
The best trees , the finest
fruits , the best results arc
obtained by purchasing trees
SERY. A large stock of
choice home grown trees to
select from Low prices for
; High . Grade 1'recs.
WM. MOtILER , Proprietor
Lands bought and sold
Hartford Fire Insurance
Houses in city for sale
honey to 10"11 '
Telephone 18
Lead pencils given away at
King's with , each 5 cent tablet.
City Pharmacy for drugs.
II. V. Davis of was in . thc city
' 1 ucsda ) ' .
City Pharmacy paper and tab-
J. I I. l\lilcs was in Lincoln on
Best kerosene at thc City Phar-
Mrs. Mary Wirth left Tuesday
for St. Loujs.
County Horncy-elcct James
was in the , city \Vcdncshl ) ' .
New goods received every week
at Bon 1'011 Millincry.
A. \Vanncr sells everything
needed in thc school room.
Frank McDermand of Kansas
City was in this city 'l'ucsday.
Books of all kinds at A. G.
Dr. R. P. Roberts , dentist
over Kings Pharlnacy.
C. n. Schaeffer of Rule was a
pleasant caller at this office on
Wed ii CSl a ) ' .
E. F. Sharts of thc Humboldt
Enterprise was in thc city Wednesday -
ncsday getting election returns.
Go to A. G. \Vanncr for all
kinds of school supplics.
Baby hoods sold at reduced
priccs.-Bon eon l\Iillincry.
Born , Wednesday morning
to Mr. and Mrs , Byettc , a daugh-
Do you want a good lead pen-
cil with rubber ? Buy a 5 cent
school tablet " ' .
at King"s.
Mrs. Frank Shields was called
to Hiawatha Tuesday owing to
thc illness of her 1110thrr.
For sale good Bridge and Beach
wood heating stove nearly new
cheap-\Vhitaker Bros.
School children bur yourtahlcts
at King-'s , and get a lead pencil
free with each tablct.
Don't forget 'Whitakcr Bros.
land excursion November 15.
Moorcs Hog Rcmedy guaran-
teed to kill lice cure mangcscales.
For sale at A. G. \\Tanncr.
The rest of this month we wil
give a lead pencil free with each
5 cent tablct. King's Pharmacy.
.Third Aniversary.
Monday evening , E. E. Hammond -
mend and wife were taken entirely -
ly surprise at their hcmc in this
city by a number of friends , thc
party being in honor of thc young
couplc's third annivcrsary. The
evening was spent in playing
Panic , Flinch and \Vhist. Ice-
cream and cake were served and
the guests will remember with
pleasure the 7th of Notcmbcr.
As a token of their best wishes
thc visitors presented Mr. and
Mrs. Hammond with a beautiful
palm and fcrn. Those present
were 1. C. Maust and wife , Jake
Messier and wife , Geo. Jennings
and wife , Chas. HolTman and
wife , Frank Norris acid wife ,
Frank Messier and wife , Byron
Priest and wifcMmcs. A. Norris
and Addid Newell , RuthMessler
and Leon Nerds , Dr. Messier and
Fred Hoffman
The post office department has
just issued a booklet giving classification -
ification , conditions and rates of
postage. It contains much valu-
able information and parties mar
get a . copy of it by calling at the
post officc.
Whitaker Brothers'
Land Excursiol4
Now the eleccion is over and everything bids fair for ,
great prosperity through out the entire country for the next
four years , and as such you will see land go higher and high- '
er , If you want a home or want to make a good safe invest- .
ment where your money will make 10 to 20 per cent come
and go with us on next Tuesday the 15th and we will show
you some of the best bargains you ever saw in farms. We
are selling good improved farms in Dickinson , Saline , Lin- .
coIn , l\'Iitchell and Osborne counties Kans. for from $15 to
$25 per acre. Iy you want to know what great barg.ins Wt
have in these counties , See County Treasurer Zook , as we , -
sold him r Iz section Fred Brecht I Iz section Ed l\I
; a , ; a , May 170
acres , Clarence vViltse 160 acres , Frank Ramel of Verdon .
Christ Horn fine 160 l\'Iahlon is -
J60 acres , a , Beachy living
160. See any or all of these parties and they will tell yOu
that there is nothing in the way of good agriculturial land , for
the price anywhere that , is being offered in these counties. . : .
Fine schools , churches , plenty of good water , fine. class of
well educated people , fine towns and good markets. \Ve sell ,
you a good farm for $25 per acre with $ iooo down balance 5
years at 6 per cent and give you ; Iz or all of the 1904 crop.
Don't forget the date November 15. The railroad fare is
only $ 11. 65 for the round trip good 21 days. Call at our ,
office and get list and see some of the products of these
counties. Don't fail to let us know if you think of going on
the 15th a day or so before.
A fine home consisting of an 8 room house built of the . .
best material , boxed withthe best shiplap , papered and sided
with a good grade of lap siding , good foundation built of fine , . 1
large pitched face stone , back and front porches , good cistern
and 2 fine wells of water , a good cave arceed with stone with '
house over it and connected with back porch , good barn with
hav mow , chicken house , smoke house wood and coal house '
al ( nearly new. Plenty of small fruit , strawberries black- 1
berries , raspberries and a fine budded peach orchard. Fine
shade and ornamental } trees nice blue grass lawn. Located
on 5 / acres of smooth land fenced and cross fenced , part in
good tame grass pasture with well in same , In the northeast- . .
ern part of the city w ithin two blocks of the high school and '
as the town is rapidly bullaing north this tract can b sold in -
lots and blocks at a big profii for \V „ sell this cheap : and must
be sold sold soon. Can make terms if desired.
Whitaker Brothers'y. .
Office in State Bank Building. - . 1
Chi.\.mberla.an's Cough Remedy is
Pleasant to Take.
The finest quality of granulated -
ed loaf sugar is used in thc manufacture -
facture of Chambcrlain's Cough
Remedy , and thc roots used in its
preparation give it a flavor similar -
ar to maple syrup , making it
quite pleasant : to take. Mr.V. .
L. Roderick , of Poolcsdllc , Md. ,
in speaking of this remedy , says :
"I have used Chamberlail1'
Cough Remedy with my children
lor several years and can truth-
fully say it is thc best prepara-
tion of thc kind I know of. The
children like to take it and it has
no injurious after cffect. For
sale by A. G. \Vanncr.
The Best Liniment.
! Chambcrlain's Pain Balm is
considered thc best liniment on
market , " write Post & Bliss , of
Georgia , Vt. No other liniment
will heal a cut or bruise so prompt-
ly. No other affords such quick
relief from rheumatic pains. No
< . . . . _ - -
other is so valuable for depseat-
ed pains like lame back and pains
in the chest. Give this liniment ,
a trial and you , , ill never wish "
to be without it. Sold by A. G. " 1
Eighty acre farm for sale - -
cheap-In thc neat 60 days I will
sell 80 acres of good land one
mile cast and one and one half
miles North of Barada 011 the
main road. 60 acre are in cultivation - -
vation and the balance is in tim-
ber and pasturc. Good house and . ,
well and other improvements , a , '
spring and running water on the J -
land. Part cash and balance on
long time at ( , per cent intcl'cst.--
P. 1-1. Jussen Falls Ci ty . Neh.
D. S. McCarthy
Special Attention to Household Moving.
Phone 211 ' j
Palls City - - Nebraska ;