The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 11, 1904, Image 15
A Country Breakfast Room. , A bright and cheery breakfast room In a country collage has broad , low windows of leaded glass-pale amber and green. The wall paper Is a soft clear green which is cool and reposeful - ful In effect and harmonious with the weathered oak furniture. The frieze above the ' has large ) > - green paper poppies pies In shades of deep tan with natural - ' : \ , . . . ural green foliage on a ground of the tame tone as the paper. Marriage a Matter of Businc3s. : The average Japanese girl rarely i. knows that her hand has ever been . sought until all the arrangements have I , been made btween her father and , . her suitor. The latter , however , does not manage this In person , but leaves aU the arrangements to some trusty emissary , generally nn intimate friend. \ i - Demand for Small Farms. , In England the best remedy for ) . ' farm depopulation Is held to be small ' .l farm holdings. It is stated that when- f . ever a large farm is divided into small I holdings the demand for the land usu- f ally far exceeds the supply. False Windpipe for Heaves. There is a cab horse which can be ceen on one of the "stands" along . . Broadway which has breathed for years through a false windpipe. The animal had the heaves , and not only made as much noise as a locomotive , but his speed was reduced nearly half because of this dlmcult ' . A veterina- rian inserted a tube and the horse breathes as well as ever. The only part of the apparatus which is visible Is a small metal disk through which the air cntm's. Stay in Bed. There Is something exceedingly sat. Isfactory in the statement of an eml nent London physician that "criminals sere always recruited from the early rising class. " There is usually something - , : ill.thing dark and devious in the ways i ( I of the man who rises before sun-\1p.- ' Boston Transcript. , Hard.Hearted Government One of the great drawbacks to the budding poet is the refusal of the government - ernment to supply postage stamps oa credit. Cured Her Rheumatism. . . Deep Valley , Pa. , Oct. 31.Spe ( . . clal.-There is deep interest in Green _ county over the cure of the little daughter of I. N. Whipkey of Rheu- matism. She was a great sufferer for five or six years and nothing seemed to do her any good till she tried Dodd's Kidney Pllls. She began to Improve almost at once and now she Is cured . , and can run and playas other chili - i ' dren do. Mr. Wlllplccy says : l "I am indeed thankful for what Dodd's Kidney Pllls have done for my daughter ; they saved her from being a cripple perhaps for life. " Dodd's Kidney Pllls have proved that Rheumatism is one of the results of diseased Kidneys. Rheumatism II caused by Uric Acid in the blood. If . . . the Kidneys arc rIght there can be no Uric AcId in the blood and consequently . . . quently no Rheumatism. Dodd's Kid- Iley Pllls make the Kidneys right. Steal Burglar Polley. Some burglars not only stole the silver plate from a house In the sub- urbs of London , but carried off the owner's burglar insurance policy. , , , Sage Advice. - . . . ( ) . Draw the curtain of the night upon injuries , shut them up In the tower of oblivion , and let them be as though they had never been. To be always thinking about your manners is not the way to make them good ; the very perfection of manners is not to think about 'ourself.- Whately. I Women are fond of gold , but not at . . ' golden silence. , . ' . " \ \ . ' I l - Q Object to Matrimony. "Loolt here , " said the sour . faced lady who had answered the "person- aI , " "your ad. is It fake ; It distinctly stated 'object matrlmon ' " 'Ven-el'-um-yolt see , " faltered the man nervously , 'thel'o was some mlstalw. The printer omitted a word. The ad. shoult have read , 'object "to" matrimony. ' " -'fown 1'oplcs. - - - Modern Maid In a .Quandary. Modern mnld-I wish sonic advice Old lady-Certainly , dear. What Is it' { Modern maid-Shan I marry a man whose tastes : are the opposite of mine and quarrel with him or shaH I marry a man whose tastes are the same as mine and get tired of him ? -New York Weelt1y. Looking Ahead a Long Way. "What arc you crying for , my boy ? ' "I ain't got nobody to play wid. " "But where arc your boy friends ? " "Dey are all at de reform farm. " "OhVel1 ! , don't cry. You'll see hem soon. " "All , go 'long ! Do judge said I wGuldn't bo old enough to go dere for two years. " - - - Latest. "Who owns that strnnge.looldng rac Ing machlno over there ? " I "Whr , the new barber. You get In. side and get shaved. " "You don't mean to say he shaves j'ou In the automobile ? " "Yes ; he goes so fast the wind just cuts your beard oft as clean as n whistle. " . . Her Only Trouble Mr. Stubbs-"Goodness , Martha , the baby has been crying for two weel\l ! What is the matter with him ? " Mrs. Stubbs-"Whr , nature Is giving him his teeth , John. " 1\11' Stubbs-"Well nature may ho all right in sonio ways , hut she is certainly . talnlr : a slow dentist " Boxed. They were returning from the huak ing bee. "And were there any red ears ? " asked the friend. "Oh , yes , " responded the girl In the gingham dress. "I had two when 1m caught that city fellow kissing mo. " Apprehension. h. . . . . . . , ; Little Edlth-Oh , ma , when I grow up wlll I look like that { -Pittsburg Telegraph. Something Wrong. "Now , Henry , " she began , with set Jaw , "I must have $50 to.da ' . " "All right , " replied her husband , "herA it is. " "Gracious , Henry ! " she exclaimed , suddenly paling. "What's the t matter - ter ? Are you sick ? " Royal Wit. \Volsey was saying : "Farewell , a long farewell to all my greatness. " "I hope It's not a Patti farewell , " added Henry VIII. , with coarse humor. . . . . . ' y , , r i } { , . " II.&a , , _ _ _ _ ' ' ' 'fI ' ' . " , . . - = 1ih1 " . , ; "I'/'J " I , r. r , ' : , i1f.o : ; ) } tll nl ( ! : " 1i ' ; ' ; 1. , . , . / ; ! , t 1. . # , : < P 1j ; ; . ' . ) " \ ' : " . : . . ' t ' ! . oJ. . . . ; [ - . . . / ' " ' . . p , , I : j " ; < , " I' . : -o . ' , . It" . . . . . . . . . . , . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . " , . . . . . . ; j . . ; . 1. ti , 1. . . ' " , . ' : . , t' $ ' ? : . : ' ; : : .1 . ( : . . . , . . ' , . . , . . . . . . . . . . , J . ' ilr i . : . . . . . . : . . : . . : . . . . . . . , / , . ; : , " ' ' ; ' " lf f 3 . . . i . . : . .1' . _ , . . ' . ; : , I..t. . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . / , , . . . . . , . . . . ' . , . . . , .l ' [ J. ' ! I-/ " -:1.-.1. ' ! : .j. ! t ,1.I'1 ' . . . . . . / " " , ; ; ' . - . : . . . : i"i : \ ' $ / . ' { . ir. : : ' r-'J . . .p- . , . ! , , : : : " ' ; . ' : " ' . , . . . : . . . . . , . V "i' " " ' \ " , " : . : ' " ; : : . " ; " " ' : , : t. " \ ' I. ' . ' ! . " , ; " : . / ' . ' ' . . \ " . . . ' . : . < " ' 1'"j.II" : , ' ' ' ' : : ' ' , . ; ' : r.\- . , I , ,1 ; : , ' : , . : . " ( I 11-- , , ' ? . . ( / ' . . . . " " . " ' : . J , ' , . : - (1 . ' , . \ - - I C' I ( I /ff i i J / I I J " . ! i , . . . . I - - - - - " ' ' . - . . , , Young women may avoid much sick' 1t ' . . ness and pain , says Miss Alma Pratt , if ; they will only have faith in the use of Lydia E. Pinkhamt Vegetable Compouri PiJI'i' cc DEAR Mns. PINKIIA : - I feel it my duty to tell all young women how much Lydia ; El. inkham's wonderful Vegeta.blo COIUIOund hag done for mo. I was completely run down , unable to attend school , and did not care for any kind of society , but now I feel like a. now parson , and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months. " I recommend it to all young women who suffer from female weakness - ness : -MISS : ALMA PRATT , Holly , Mich. . . . . . _ - e FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO YOUNG G1 tLS. . _ _ , _ ' - 'All young girls at this period of life are earnestly invited to write l\Irs. Pinkham for advice ; she has ! gnhleIin a motherly way hundreds of young women . ; her nd\1ee is freely and cheerfully given , and her address is Lynn , l\Iass. . _ _ ' . _ _ Judging from the letters she is receiving from so many young girls Mra. : Pinkham believes that our girl are often pushed altogether too near the limit of their endurance nowadays in our public schools and sem { lllLric . Nothing is allowed to interfere -with studies , the girl must be pushed to the : front and graduated with honor ; often physical collapse follows , and it takes years to recover the lost vitality-oUen 1't is never recovcl'cd. ----1 / \ . , ' A Young Chicago Girl Saved from Deslmlr. - - \ - "DEAR Mns. PINICIIA-I wish to thank you for the help and benefit - efit I have received through the use of Lydia E. in1c1mm'H Vegetable - table Compound and Liver PUIs. When I was about seventeen years old I suddenly seemed to lose my usual good f health and vitality. Father said I studied too . _ hard , but the doctor thought different and prescribed tonics , which I took by the quart without rehef. Reading one day in the paper of : Mrs. Pinkllam's great cures , ! ' and finding the f y1n : toms described answered - 'J' swered mine , I decided I would give Lydia E. lil1k1U\l11'S Vegetable Compound a. trial. I did not say 110 word to the doctor ; I bought . it myself , and took it according to directions regularly for two months , . and I found that I gradually improved , } and that all pains left 111e , find I was my 7 old self once marc. - LILLIE E SINOLAm , 17 E. 22d St. , Chicago Ill . , : Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the one SlU.C remedy - edy to be relieI upon ut this hlllOrtant period in n young boirl's life ; with it she can go through with courage and safety the work she must accomplish ! , and fortify her physical well being so that her future life may be insured against sickness and suffering. . FORFEIT It we cannot forthwith produce the orlglnnl1cttcr : i and eignatnre ! ! oJ IT $5000 above tort otliab , which will prove their absolute genulnonons. Lldla E. 1'lnkbaJU. JUcdlcluo Cu. , LYOD , 1\1" , , . I y and will Bond you prospectUi E WANT YOUR NAME and full particulars of NINE SUCCESSFUL GOLD SILVER , COPPER , LEAD , ZINC AND QUICKSILVEf Mining Companies , If you will send us your name and address Mining Maps Free - UCKLE-GOODE COMMISSION CO. , 325 Olive Street , St. Louis , M. I i U aMlcle4 wIth ( t When Answering Advertisements IOrll IIf6' , uae Thompson' . EYe Water : Kindly 1 Mention This Paper. _ W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 45-190- e s hUNE WNElh All lSE FAILS. ISestdoughtlyrup. Ta torlood. In ? fins tolU by Aru Rlats. BEGGS' CHERRY ( COUGH SYRUP CUI'CS coulhs and colds ! I