The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 11, 1904, Image 11

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Steel Rims of Old Locomotive Wheels
Put to Good Use.
Most of the towns In Now Jersey ,
even including so largo 0. place ns
Long Branch , have steel wheel fire
alarms , which arouse communities
around them in a very wide radius.
. Th ; wheels are merely the steel rims
" of big locomotive drive wheols. They
are given to all towns desiring them
by the Central railway of New Jersey
F , , from Its disabled rolling stacIe. Sometimes -
times the alarm Is mounted In a
wooden tower frame , and again 1B
hung tram the arm of a stout 1108t.
A big hammer hangs on a post , and
any one discovering a fire clangs the
alarm and calls citizens to action.
1'110 above photograph was made
from one of the most gracefully
11F 11 L e.i , d ! , pi
F Ztz' 4 r 4 ;
. '
ti t :
, k f
'i mounted fire alarms In the State at
i" Avon , the rival of Pleasure Bay , on
Shark river where ocean beach summer .
mer resorters drive for steamed clams
and cooked crabs , taken from the
salt water while you walt , observing
( ' the whole process from dining room
verandas overlooking the water.
Soldier Finds Widow of Man Who
t- , , : M Lent Him $15.
, ' I : Mrs E. R. Bootey at Jamestown , N
. , y" , was at home the other day when n
t. . stranger came to the door and asked
her name.
, Finding she was Mrs. Bootey , he
said ho was lying in a southern hospital .
, . pltal fort . .two years ago , and wanted
I . to get home , but had no money. A
. .
, companion gave him $15 , with which !
t I' : I' . . , he made the journey. His companion
' .
' \1' \ '
f , ; s' . , ,7" yt was E R. Bootey , a lad tram Chautau :
I. . , . , , " , . : ' , " , " qua county , and ho never J : : 2w him i
" . ' , , ' , ) : ' . . ' . again.
: f : ; ' : ) : : ' . Mr. Bootey has been dead several :
: - : ) $ ) ' , years , and the stranger paid to his
' '
I 'f ; : widow the $15 , adding another $10 ,
I. . : : ' . for Interest.
_ - . . " ,
Mrs. Bootey had never heard her
husband speak of the Incident , but ac
I . . . . . . cepted the payment and thanked the
. . . . .
. " ' man who was willing to pay a claim
t that everyone else had forgotten after
, torty-two years.-Now York Herald.
. , Fifty Goats' Fatal Spree.
. Fifty drunken goats caused a great
. .
deal at excitement in Old Forge.
Some men dumped a quantity ot fer.
, , / , . . . mented wheat in a vacant lot near
I : t , ' " where a number of goats were pas.
, . ' . . ' , turlng.
\ , , The odor arrested the attention of
the goats as being very tomptlng
They swarmed down the mountain
\ I and had a glorious time eating the
wheat. The effect on the "butters"
proved fatal , as they had eaten so
f much that they wore poisoned. The
I >
, residents feel the loss severely , as
they derived their milk supply from
\ - < ( the goats.-Montrose ( Pa. ) Independ
Curious Fish.
The oldest Inhabitants of the New
. York aquarium are the striped bass ,
which have been there for ten years ,
having been placed in one at the floor
pools before the building was opened
to the publlc. In May , 1894 , fifty.five
specimens , weighing from a quarter
ot 0. pound to four pounds , were se
x cured , thirty-seven ot which have sur
vlved. Most of those that were lost
died In the first year , and In the last ,
four years not one has died.
. .
: . . : . I r . " " --t" ' _ - I _
Admiral Schley Uses h < t In His
, . , " . , . . " . ' , , . ' . , ' ' , , . . . , . . . . , , . . . . . , . , . . ' . . . ' . . . . . . . , . , , ' . , , . . , . . . . , . . . , . . . . Home
I ; w. ' : " : ' : ' : : : : : : ; ' : ; : : : : : : ' 'v " ' ; ' : ' : ' Pe-ru-na
, - ru - na .
ti \ \II.\ ;
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Peruna Drug Co. , Columbus , Ohio.
OentJemen-1 state that
% : - can cheerfully
Mrs. SC/1Jey has taken Perllna and I be-
/Jeve with good effect. " ,
, , . ,
} l ; l MM
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. . , .
"t " rJyr l.'rr > : ' } + : ; ' 'r.tS
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* ' - , . . . . . . \ . . .
Battle of Santiago , Where Admiral Schley Made IIfstory.
, - -
of the greatest naval battles in the world was the
Fight Oft Santlng\ ! Never since the dispersion of the
Spanish Arulluia
more lilts there op- I A GREAT NAVAL BATTLboo \ I och uml- n It
lug victory in the onward march ol civilization than in the
notable . event or July 2:1 : , 1808 , in which the great hero ,
Admiral Schley , took a leading Plu't.
It was a Treat naval buttle. Without a moment's warning
it began. Quick decision , undaunted courage ! , excellent discipline -
cipline , resolute self-confidence-thcso combined ill Almiral
Schley to produce that dash und daring so characteristic of
the American soldlcr.
A mall must think quickly in these days. There is no
time for slow action. New enterprises arise ill nil ] tour.
Old ones pass away ; in a momcnt.
A multitmle ol great themes clamor for notice. A man
man must take side ! : for or against by intuition , rather than
logical deduction.
One day this fighting admiral , Schley , happened to 1)0 in
with others -
company ers who I ADMIRAL'S OPINION OF PE-RU-NA. I w ere
talking . on various
topics of popular int < Jrcst. The subject of lo1'u11n. wus
Attributes of Beautiful Woman. I
A beautiful woman Is a practical
poem , planting tenderness , hope and
eloquence in nIl whom she ap-
Mother Cray's Sweet Powders for Children.
Succcssfully used by Mother Gray , nurse
in the Chlldrcn's Home In Now York , euro
Constipation , Feverishness , Dad Stomach ,
Teething Disorders , move and regulate the
Bowels and Destroy 'Vorms Over 80,000 tes-
timonials. At all Druggists , 250. Sample
Fl EE. Address A. SOlmsted , LcUoyN Y.
Smile and the world smiles with
you-if you are wllling to settle with
the bartender.
Defiance Starch
should be In every household , none so
good , besides 4 oz , more for 10 cents
than any other brand of cold water
Endurance is the crowning quality ,
and patience all the passion of great
"Dr. David { enncdY'1i Favorite nemedy
cured IDO ot Drlght a Ulhe.nc1 Jrayel Able ph'llclana
tailed. " ! Ira , E P. &lIlner , lJurghlll , O. \.OO a otue t
A live saint needs to wear no sym-
w. ' ' ' ' ' ' = R ) _ 1.I .
'raiscll-lts ' popularity flS U catarrh I'Cluclly , its J1utlollallm-
pOl.tllllcC , its extt'nsiye usc.
One nslct'd ] his oplllion. ' \'I thou L a I tuuuwttt'a licnitatiou ,
he said : 'I call ehcerfnily say that : Ml'Ii , chley has ) taken
PCl'll1ln. IltHI I believe with rood efrcd II
Like the Battle or Santiago , tl\\ thought vas > s , rung / ( upon
him without any Wlll'flllIg' , IUIII ho III/IpOIj11 : ; ! or Sllr\1I1/ the
dune vim anl1 tlt'eiSion aH ho did with the pUlliHh fleet led :
by the ill-futct1 lriscltyst ! : ' .
Ills words concerning lrl111rt have gone out into the world
to he repeated by a thoui' > IUlIl tUIIg'UI'Ii , bl'CILUHO ho loin ) r\ldd
Like the news of his \ 'ictoro"er . CC\\'el'Il , his words consenting -
senting / ( Y e l' u nl'
h.y the , . . . _ . . . . multitudes
and passed from mouth to Mouth , across oceans anti con-
Except for 1m jn-l > orn manly indetpendenco , in It country of
free Hpccch , these words lIm'or woult have been uttered hy an _
ol1lccr in such : It notable position ni that of Al1mlral Schley.
Except fur n wor1l1-wlelo notoriety sold popularity , such ua
Perl11l1L enjoys , no remedy could ( ' \ 'cr11.1) received such out
spoken ! : ! puL lIc cndol'icmcl1t : : by such n nualt
I '
S anti ,
S Cuts
In sheets of PURE ANILINE BLUE. No uotllctl. No paddles. No \VIISto Gives the JIuno
amount of blueing water each wasli dus. Aslc your grocer fur it or send IOc for u boolc of 2.i Icavell.
Th ; Handy Blueing i Book Coe : Tet Lake nSt.o : Chicago ; : III. l I
0 .
. St. Jacobs Oil . ' 1
r , +
Known the world over liS the Rh eumatlsm N ai-
ie and Neuralgia
D ompteat sure cure for gia
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dre. One IOc package colors silk wool and cotton equally well and Is guaranteed to dire perfect resuns
Ask haler or we will send post paid at hOc a package. Write lo ! free I'Jloklet-Jfcw tu Dre. leach and Mix Colors..t1UN1tOL 1JlC UU CU" , U"folttllU" , dtfaaour4