. . ' ,
\ l I I , Ip04 . _ _ . ,
M. 11. 'l'ayor ] was a Falls City
visitor Saturdar.
' arrived home
Mrs. D. Stong' a 1'1' \
Friday from her visits with her
mother il1 Iowa , she also visited
the exposition while g'ol1e.
1)r. A. 1) . Cloyd came down
from Omaha to attend the fune-
ral of Albert Lewis Suuday.
1'he Misses Spence were Stella
visitors this week.
Jessie Kenton came down from
Nebraska City for a few days
visit with relat1\'c8 and frhmds.
George Mathl'rs and wife of
Stella were visiting with relatives
here over Sand . sty.
Verne 'l'aylor and AUg'U5tU
Henderson were married Sunday
evening , they have the congrat-
ulations of the people in Shubert.
Sim \Veddle returned to his
home in Nebraska City tunday. )
A number of our people attended -
tended the show at Stella last
: Mrs. Myrtle Brannan and Miss
Grace Brannan were Verdon vis
itors the latter hart of the weelc.
' 'hree [ young ladies of. Stella
' came over Saturday afternoon fur
a jolly good time.
A lady friend from Harada is
\ 'isiting'Irs. . Whitehead this
Flank Simons , Dan Rateldn ,
Jake Swinfeorth were Falls City
visitor 'L'uesda
Alert Sullivan , wife and sons of
halls City visited at . his t place
'L'uesda " .
Sarah and Amelia oubideaux
were in'town Saturday.
James ! ' Mooney was a Palls
City visitQ.r 'i' lcsday.
West Coupe hauled htmber to
halls City 'l'uesday. '
Bd Gilbert was a Falls City
visitor l'uesday.
John Bauman , wife and daughter -
tel' Ida of Arag- were Hula visit-
ers 'l'lI < 'sday.
Agnes Schrader and Laura
Ailman spent Sunday with their
parents .
Will Story I wife and daughter
Bessie of Preston were Rule , 'is-
Her Sund.1)
1\1rs. Pete Frederick of Preston
visited over Sunday at this placc.
1\\s. \ Smith of Falls City was a
Rub visitor Tuesday.
Ida Davis is visiting Big-low
Missouri. . .
Jess Taylor has sold his livery
stock to 1\1' Bunkcr.
James Wittse spent Saturday
and Sunday with his family south
of town.
'rhc large new home of John
I' analy is being . . . rtpidly ; l ) ! ' com _
" \
" -
- . .
f.i > < : .1 < ,
. Cora Milo of 81. Joe is visiting
lug at the home of MI' . Van Vai-
kcn bti 1 I'g'
Ohio Pt-ecinct. ,
Hcnl'Y l\rendcnhall and family J
from fierce county Nebraska arc
visiting with N. B. Burn worth
and other relatives this wcck.
In'cn Keller was the guest of I
Harvey Peck Sl1nday. :
J.Y. . Dodds and wife went to ,
Peru Friday to sec their daugh- !
tCI' who is pt tending school there
this win tel' .
S. n. Kniscly wife and son
were guests at N. Peck's SUlldar. !
Hc , ' . Stoudcr and son were r
guests at 3D. Pecks Sunda.r.
l\Irs. Q'.i\Iara is spending thc
week in Rube caring for her daughter -
ghter and a nephew who is sick.
nan ' \Vamslcy and Anna Kuhl- .
man spent Sunday at Christ
\Y amsle ) ' .
Henry Albcrs died at his home
si. . miles north east of Falls City
on November 5 , JQ'L The func-
ral services were held at the Ger-
man Luthct an church November
7. Mr. Aloers was a kind husband - ,
band anc1 loving rather and well
thought of by his many fdcllds.
He leaves a wife Jive sons and
one daughter also a brother to
mourn hh los8.
- thunboldt.
\fiss ] Blanche Emmons was
down from 'eculI1seh over last
.Sunday . visiting numerous reI a-
ti ves. .
George Segrist has given up
his position in National bank of
Ilurilboldt and wc understand will
g-o on the road as soliciting agent
for the Nebraska li'arl11cr. Mrs.
Scgrist will , for thc present reside
with her mother l\Irs. Drmm.
Chester Power was up from St.
Joseph over last Sabbath visiting
his parents. '
Mrs. Anna Colhapp and son
were visiting in 'l'ecmnsch a few
days reccntly.
Mattie \Vilson left this week
for a visit with relatives in Le-
vant , Iias.
E. L. Sandt sky and wife of
Falls City were in this cit ) . ' over
Sunday guests of J. f. Walsh
and fami1 y.
Presiding Rider Wright held
quarterly meeting at the M. 3D.
church Sunday.
.1\rs. II. P. Marble was called
to lIubbcl Thursday by the sud-
den death of her sister-in-law.
Mr. Marble went out Saturday to
be present at the funera1.
Crcigh t Morris came down from
Lincoln to cast his ballot. Hc is
book-kecper at the insane asylum.
Will Schmelzel of Falls City
was renewingacquaintance with
Ilutnboldt friends on election day.
. . _ . _
- - - - - - - -
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" ' Ck I : .l < L2urmJn
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7IlCIJ 1
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) Clot hillY
y ' " carrRr ' r mi
CMA . AAU7M'N .67/VS / '
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- - - -
. : r.r.l j
Closing Out Sale } . j
flasnat.-.r.rctr.wnn . OF . . . . . % n " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , " " " . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . < \
'vVe have coo high grade
Overcoats which wc will close f
out at cost. -
a : : : . , , - , a.aetZfl - - ,
I Cletwing Sale-.Sbnrt5 t. -
I .
We have a fine line of Madras -
: r
, itJ
ras Shirts which we sold at
$ J : 25 , but to close them out wc
i have reduced' them to 75c Now
is the time to buy as these are
I Genuine Bargains. . f i ,
. . ® RRYOA. . .1.C1fs0'J.Z YCiM/rJA9Nd/aa _ _ _ _ . _ _ , _ h
- - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - . - - _ . _ _ - _ _ , _ . _ "H' ' .
. . . . _
That we have the Largest and Most Complete
Line of Clothing , She s and Gent's Furnishings ever
! I
shown in the county , and our prices are the cheapest , 00
quality ] considcred. Let us show you. '
t . . . . . . . - " " " " ' - - . . " . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . ' - . . . . . - - - - - - - - - . " ' - . . . . . . - = " . . . " " " " . ! n : .
I . . F. , . WVo Cleve land I , , ,
L Fall..f Cit.p' . , J'ieb10Q.J'a
. ) 1cl . Pl .W't'f : & .1 , .o = ; i , . 1 :
Allan D. May malc a brief
visit to Falls City I\Ionday.
\Vhile enjoying a horse back
ride last Sunday Miss Mamie
Bacon , living l south of town was
suddenly thrown to the ground
upon a stony road , and very bac11 '
bruised about the head and body.
Lou Slama received word 'Tues-
day of the ( lentil of his father who
lived on a , farm near DuBois.
Deceased suffered a stroke of par-
alysis from which he did not
rally. .
'l'ccutl1seh foot ball boys defeated -
ed the home team in a game at
the above place on Friday by a
score of 29 to Q. The home bas-
set ball girls also met defeat the
following day in this city in a re-
turn game with the TecumselJ
, Mrs. Mary' 'l'ant1cr. and little
Albert spent a few days recently
with Falls City relativcs. Mr.
Tanner going down to return
with them Sunday.
Henry Patterson was a business
visitor to Falls City : Mend ay.
Frank Sncthen made a business
trip to Lincoln and Aurora the
latter part of thc week. "
Dr. Morris , Dick Turner and
Hay Linn attended the foot ball
game in 'l'ccumseh Friday.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
i1. ; . ,
. If td ft'J 4.\\
. . . ' . . , .
V.ti 2.JJJi.Ab ) Jlli'\.r : \ : cJ.1 v
Tte day , Nov. 15 I
- - -
America's Greatest Home Play , Jamcs 'T -
A. Ilerne's Beautiful Comcdy-Drama .
. .
S , OF E .
A I .
, . - .
Presented under direction of
With entire New Scenery and 1 Ie- ,
chanical Novcltics.
" -
: '
Superb ProducHon Guaranteed .
" , . ! , " , I . '
; . .
" , . .
. .
Reserved Seats , $1.00 , 75c and 50c. , . ,
" . . "
Reserved Seats Now on Sale. ,