The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 11, 1904, Image 1

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( ! II'
Time election of 1904 has be-
come Dart of a nation's history.
. . .
A nation of eighty million persons
has by popular choice elected : ; a
head for the next four ycars.
The citizens of America woke
\Vcdncsc1ay morning to find
that thc tumult was over , that bus
iness was pr\ccccHng' along orchn-
-.i. an' channels without incident or
-.J '
interruption , that thc spell binder
wa"s no longer abroad ill the land
- , - , ' . , . , , . " < , - - and that one Theodore ooscvc1t
stood silhouetted against the sky
line of the future as thc most
commanding figure of his time
By a' vote well nigh unprecedented -
, dented thc Amcrican people have
. . . : _ , . . , . declared that it pays to bc , . hon-
. ' est , dcccnt and fair. By giving
thc elcctcral vote of e'crnorth -
_ ern state to President Roosevelt ,
: the t citizens of America have en-
( "
f -r ' . coura"cd ; ecl righteousness and
. " , "
: . I : ) courageous conduct , and have
" ' " . . done wore towards character mflk-
" . ing- than all thc sermons since
; " .J the one on thc amount t or all thc
/ , " preachments since thc days of
, ' . ' ' papyrus.
< J.
" , " It is a source of delight to the
. I ' , , ' writer to relate of President '
Hoose\'clt's : clccti0n , It is a matt -
-I. a ter 6f mutual congratulation that
. Nebraska-has contributed to thc
I. .
total of his vote thc - -
v ; grand , arg--
_ _ - , cst maJority ever given to any
l' : : a candidate in thc history of thc
state. Governor Mickey is rc-
. . " _ . . . . - . . , elected by apprmdmtclr ; ; ten
thousand majority. The republicans -
cans have elected all six congressmen -
men in thc state and have every
. , " number of thc legislature ex . ; ept
twenty five f which fact insures
' thc uromotion of lIon Elmcr J.
-Burkett to thc senate of thc Unit-
" 'Il - ' , - cd Statcs.
P A together "we arc doilg'.to cr-
. . " -ably wcl1. " But what ot Richardson -
- , , nrd50n Count"-lOOr old Richardson -
ardson County ?
. . _ : Carrying thc county for thc
President by many hundreds , giv-
inn tG thc state ticket about three
\ ( ' h und red majority , wc find George
. ? , . : . Smith and R. E. Grinstead defeated -
cd for legislature and , Y. II. Morrow -
\ row for county attorncy When
thc roil call of thc joint session
of he legislature is had , Richardson -
son County will cast two votes
, ' , _ for 11on. \Y. J. Bryan and one for
E. J. Burkctt.
. , , - a Poor old Richardson County ;
. . she has about gone over to thc
opposition and in thc , aftermath
. ' : or the struggle we arc inquiring
- : . .
why ?
It was last new years day wc
belch'c that thc Falls City Journal -
al called a mass meeting of republicans -
publicans for the purpose of 01'-
g-anizing' it Roosevelt club. Notwithstanding -
withstanding it was a stormy
night and thc show and wind
were blowing blinding sheets
down hc dcsertcd str ccts , a great
crowd of earnest , loyal men left
their firesidcs to attend thc meeting -
ing which that paper had volunteered -
tecrcd to call. A club of : , plcndicl
proportions was organized by the
election ofV. . E. Dorring'loll
President , V. G. Lyford _ Vice
President and ' 1' . J. \Vhitakcr
Secrctary. These men did not
suit thc Journal. Notwithstand-
ing" their rcpu1)licansil11 had never
been questioned they were not
the men whom that paper prc-
fcred , so this cro.vd left thc hall
and no member of thc Journal
family ever became a member of
the halls City Roosevelt club or
ever contributed one penny to its
110n g. J. Burkctt was thc
next offender and was granted the
honor of thc intense and mali-
cious hatred of this crowd when
hc appointed G. J. Crook post-
master to succeed E. O. Lewis.
What mattcred it that a definite
and specific agreement had been
consumatcd by which Mr. Crook
was to wait a given time and let
Lewis hold on a little longer ?
\\That mattered it that Crook had
thc indorscmcnt of ninety nine
per cent of thc true republicans
of this county ? He was not the
Journal candidate and so Burkctt
had offended thc wish of thc
mighty and must bc thc nest
sacrifice to thc wishes and wel-
fare of these rule or rut 11 mcn.
' ' Cannon.spcak-
Then Hon. Joseph
cr of the national house of representatives -
scntativcs , a man sccond only to
thc president of thc United States
in thc official life of thc nation ,
honored ( Falls City by consenting
to deliver a political speech at the
Geh1ing- Opera housl' In some
way the expense of such a meeting -
ing had to bc raised , 50 a subscription -
scription paper was passed among
thc local republicans and not one
refused to contribute save the
Journal family who curtly and
decidedly dcc1inec1 to give a pcn-
ny. Yet thc rcpublkan party has
been supporting this family for
ten years and is now the sole sup-
port of its ncwspapcrfor without
thc republican subscribers in this
county there would be no halls
City Journal.
On thc night of thc Cannon
mc ting a package of tickets calling -
ing for thc best seats in thc opera
house was given to thc Journal
crowd but they were refused and
rcturncd. Not one of them could
find it in his heart to' atttend a
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
meeting addressed by one of the
most distinguished republicans in
the United States.
It was apparent that this crowd
was fighting thc republican tick-
et. This fact was rccog-nized by
thc committee and by the c.uiCH- .
dates. This fact . was further emphasized - : hy an I employee of the
Journal dbtribllling' scandalous
literature in thc shape of cards .
against W. H. Morrow candidate
for county attorncy. This Jour-
nal employee scattered these
cards all over Richardson county
and worked in and out of season
to 'defcat the republican candi-
date 1\11' Morrow called upon
thc Journal and asked theist to
say something in their paper a
supposed republican ncwspapcr-
about this story which was being
circulated by their employee , but
thc refused to do so."T. . P.
Fergus is known to probably
most of the republicans in Richardson -
ardson count\ He has twice
been sheriff o'f thc county and is
everywhere regarded as a good
citizen and a god republican
One of these cards was given tv
him at his home by a Journal
cmployce and li'erg'us told the
distributor what hc thought of
such conduct and while no word
could be gotten into thc columns
of that paper ! for Morrow , thc fol-
lowing' appeared in thc Journal
last week under thc heading
" 'v. P. l i'ERGUS.
Even in these advanced times ,
when thinking ! "cac1ingintC'lli -
gent men arc everywhere the rule
one occasional1y meets a man so
fearfully partisan , so blindly following -
lowing his leaders , so wonderfully -
ly made that hc would vote for
a yellow dog afflicted with thc
rabies , were thc said dogs name
on his ticket. No argument is
convincing enough to makc him
believe thc yellow dog is not pure
white and thc froth at thc mouth
as harmless as the froth on Ueh-
lings ber'r "
Sounds good coming from a republican -
publican newspaper edited by a
man who is drawing a salary given -
cn to him by thc republican par-
ty doesn't it.
But l\lorrow was not thc only 1
man whom they were i ghtini.
Grinstcad and Smith were defeated -
cel by hc same crowd. Somc of
our legislative ticket were approached -
preached by these bolters with
promise of their support providing -
ing they would agree not to vote
for Burkctt for United States senator -
ator , but such a dishonorable
proposition was imcdiatcly turn-
down Another one of the crowd
sought to convince thc legislative
candidates that they were not in
honor bound to vote for Burkctt
if they were elected , to which
proposition thc candidates , be it
said to their credit , promptly dc-
murrcc ! . Bukctt : was thc man
they were after this fall. They
have never forgiven him for ap-
apIJoitltillg- Crook
'l'hc.rc were thirty-six rcpubi- \ .
can 'otes cast in Falls City on
which Burkctt , 'ruckcr , Smith , t '
Hogrcfc and Morrow were scrat-
" "
ched alld there isn't a man in
Falls . City who docsn't know who
cast these 'otcs. Smith is beaten \ . .
hy four votes and his defeat was (
made possible and waS in reality
accomplishcd right here in halls .
City. 'L'his crowd has been in '
constant communication with
l\lilcB , Morehcad and Gag'non mtticl } . .
received thc election returns in 4
the First National bank building
in com pan \ ' with the above named -
ed gcntlcmcn on election night
In thc fight through which we . . . .
have just passcd there was never
a line in the Journal in defense "
of thc revenue law 'l'hc Journal s
did not mention thc Haute of a
candidate until thc last two issues
and did so theft only because thc R
silence was becoming a source of
general comment. If it had ! not
been for the 'Pritmnc , and we arc
merely repeating what has been
said many many times in the past
few days , the republicans in thc
cast encl would have been with-
out defense in the face of the
hard tight thc News was maldng.
\Vc do not publish this : from
choke , wc would prefer to say
nothing concerning it because
many will think it a personal
quarrel and thc public in general
have no interest in such maltc'rs.
But a great many republicans
have expressed time desire to have
the true situation made known to
thc mcmbcl's of thc party in thc
county , and clefering to their
wishes we have stated the facts
as they are.
H is much pleasanter to speak
of the splendid service of John
Hossac1 , John 14. Cleaver , Will
Hicg'er , Martin Zook , Ii' SchoW ,
Q. J. Crook and the many zealous
inch who have contri'mtcd so
much to thc election of ' Er. Ho-
1'uckcr. Such
g-refc and Mr. .
men as these have earned thc
right to a vacation next winter
that they may attend thc joint \
session and witness thc election
of Elmer Burket as United States
senator 1'0 the many who have
written 'ncc Tribune in appreciation -
tion of its part , wc take ofT our
hat and make our best bow and
say to you that wc arc very glad
that wc have been of sonic ser-
Wc will have better luck next
time. 'hc influence of the bolt-
ers clan is much less this year
than it was last , it will bc further
diminishcd in thc next twelvc
months. 'Elie republicans at large
arc refusing to contribute to thc
perpetuity of a paper which is
being used as an instrument with
which to destroy thc party and
thc few who persist in fighting
republican candidates will bc
class where they Lclong. In that ,
time there : 'ill bc no necessity for
a scolding aftcrmath. ,