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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1904)
- , QuEfl - l ' 1A [ Of 11 (11&1N WAR 1 ! - . - Copyright , 1597 , hy F. Tennyson Nccly I CHAPTER I. Perhaps a Fool's Errand. "Stop-we drop off here , " sings out Jack 'fravers , us ho thrusts his head tram a carriage that has just passed the magnificent Scott monument facing Princes street In the beautiful city or dlnburgh. , 'I'he Caledonian Jehu draWs up to the curb , and his two passengers alight. Jack seems to bo a young man ; there Is nothing at all extraordinary . dlnary about his appearance as seen on this moonlit night , only that his Quick actions would marl him ns a fellow of considerable energy. Ills companion , on the 'contrary , promises to attract an abundance of attention In the streets of Edinburgh , being a Chinaman , who Htlll wears his queue , and insists on dressing , to some extent , at least , In his national garb. 'Vell , " says Jacle , when the vehicle t rolls away from the sllot. "hero wo i are , Ah Sin , safely landed In Princes street. . You see , we have loads of ' time ; twelve wall the hour appointed - ' that witching hour when church yards yawn and graves give UJI their + dcad. ' Lot us then saunter along Princes street In the direction of Cal- ton Hill ; and when wo come to the north bridge over the railroad , we cross to High street , from which wo can easily reach our destination , the I historic Canollgate. " If Ah Sin hears he malees no reply. being accustomed to such soliloquies on the part of the remarkable ! gentleman . ' man with whose strange fortunes he has for several years been united. T In adversity as well as prosperity ! this simple follower of Confucius had proven as faithful as the needle to the ' Pole. Ho knows more of Jaclfs life than any other person on earth , but secrets remain inviolate In his heathen . en breast. He walks beside Jack , a trifle to the rear , as though he would not prCmme. ! Ah Sin knows his place , and In his eyes this tall young man Is (1 god whom ho worships In secret. Sauntering slowly on , Jack casts nn occasional glance aloft , and presently J1hb , 1 1 \ _ \ _ I \ , t 1 II The face Is that of a young girl. Ands that they are exactly under the treat clock suspended In air far up the face of the Old Tolbooth. "We go no further , Ah Sin. This Is the camping ground , where we are to cool our heels waiting on the pleas- tire of-wel1 , someone. It we fall tonight . night , then to.morrow at the same hour-any night this week will do. . - - Copyright , 1899 , by Street and Smith. I've passed through something of wild life as a cowboy and ranch owner , and finally a miner ; but the last state that has fallen to my share Is perhaps the most singular of all. Don't fancy It-cnn't believe I have any right to accept : that's why I am here searching . Ing for her. Find her yet , If I have to turn old Edinburgh upside down , or follow that rascal over the sea to Havana , whence he came. Will I find what I seek ? That's an open question ; but since this photograph fell Into my hands I must confess to a1 Interest In the hunt second to none In my whole lIfo. Jove ! I haven't looked at the divine creature for over an } tour. " From a pocket he takes out a notebook . book , and unfastening the rubber band o : this , gently draws out a card pho- tograph. The face Is that of a young glrl- a charming face , that could hardly be found outside Scottish borders : for the claims of Scotch lassies as I queens of beauty have long been recognized . : ognlzed us well founded , and hardly need the inspired pen of a Burns to court the favor of the world's Judges. "YeR , " says Jack almost savagely , "I believe It with all my heart. This Is my fnte-sweet Jessie Cameron : and could I win her heart , gladly would I forego all those wonderful blessings Fortune has of late seen fit to shower on me. And It Is to find her I have come to this northern cap- Ital. visiting the Canongato like n thief In the night , and courting not . nly arrest as a prowler , but what Is worse , a cold In the head. Well , hero's wishing luck to the most respectable enterprise I ever had anything to do with In the course of my natural life ! Who knows but what , If Fortune fit- vors me , It may be the little angel herself I set eyes on next ? " lie actually sighs as he carefully replaces the picture In Its receptacle , and then casts a quick glance around to discover If anyone has been a witness . I ness to his action. Not a soul appears to bo In sight save Ah Sin , and that acute Celestial has his back turned toward his young master , ns though he would avoid gtv- Ing him nn awkward feeling-wise old Ah Sin , reader of human nature and pupil of the greatest of diplomats , LI Hung Chang. Jade has just started to return to his former stamping ground , where he can rest his broad shoulders against the stone stairs leading above , when a strange thing happens-the most remarkable - markable event In his experience so far as the vagaries of chance are con- cerned. He hears a sound of wheels , and realizes that a vehicle of some sort Is advancing from the direction of High street-a vehicle that Is being carried at a raplll pace by the animal In the shafts. 'fhey come spinning on at a joyous pace , and naturally Jack bas his eye on the vehicle as It approaches , little dreaming how much of his tate Is bound up In that cab. Alf though the inmate has become somewhat anxious over his whereabouts . abouts , a face appears just as they are passing the lamppost , a face that Is 80 familiar to Jack that Its pres- once here In old Edinburgh almost takes his breath way. He opens his mouth as It to call out a name : but before It can leave his lips the strangest part of the whole affair comes to pass. Why It should happen just there In the presence of Jack Travers must be left to those more skilful In solving the problems or Fate. The three sisters . ters spin their threads , and weave them Into ache warp and woof that go to make up the fabric of human lives with marvelous skill : and , Jook- ! ing back , we sometimes shudder to contemplate what a change must have come over our fortunes If certain events , upon which our plans have been based , had not occurrell. At aU events , one of the wheels ot the cab takes a singular notion to proceed . ceed on Its own account , having secured - cured a divorce from the axle and Its running mate. The result naturally Is a sudden wreck of the vehicle ; the horse takes It upon himself to fling up his heels and might have beaten the cab Into kindling wood , as the driver sprawled upon the stones , only that Jack ! springs out and grasps his bit In a firm hand , effectually quelling the devil that had cropped up In the usually . ly sedate animal. CHAPTER II. The House With the Seven Gables. The driver has been momentarily overwhelmed by the disaster that has come upon him without a second's warning : but he quickly recovers his head , and picking himself up from the iAcp' ¶ W t I 1 I - c- i Effectually quelling the devil. street , runs to the assistance of the young man. "I have the beast all right ; look yon to the passenger-I'm afraid he's been hurt , " sings out Jack. Obediently . I ly I the Jehu turns toward his dilapidated . . dated vehicle , and the Inmate of the forlorn hansom Is assisted out . Fortune has Indeed played him a scurvy trick , for he Is badly haltered , and doubtless believed the case far worse than It will turn out In the end. Jack remembers the glimpse he had of the gentleman's face and Is more than curious fa ascertain whether . er It can be possible ho knows this unfortunate traveler. So he bends over him , and discovers I . ers he has made no mlstalce. "How- ard Spencer ! "he exclaims. The man , who has been groaning with pain and Is evidently consider- ablY bewildered by the blows he reo celved , looks at him vacantly as he mutters : "That was my name once-heard It somewhere or other. Badly hurt , ain't I ? Too plagued mean It comes just when I was about to tale a leap Into the lap of Fortune. Say , who are you , anyhow-to Jack , who bends over. "Why , Howard , old boy , don't you remember mc-Jack Travers ? " says the other , cheerful1y. The man on the pavement breaks out Into a laugh , that grates on the nerves. "Tel1 that to the marines. Jack Travers ! Why , he's dead , and I'm his ghost-take my oath on It. Haunted by the name What's all this ? Blood ? Then I'm badly hurt , ain't I ? Must go on-promised to be there by twelve. A fortune at stake , you know. Show mo the house with seven gables at the corner. I tell you I must get there , or aU Is lost. " The man has an amazing amount of pertinacity about him ; at any rate , he reels forward , takes three steps , and falls headlong , so that It Is .only a . . . . - , ) " quick movement on the part of Ah ' Sin that saves him from crashing to \ the pavement. ' "Badly hurt. I will send for help .I' and have the gentleman taken to a hospital , " says a police officer who has . arrived. "u would be a wise plan , " remarks Jack , for he may have received Inter- nal injuries. You see he talks as If he's off his head. " At the same time the words that . . fell in such broken sentences from the . i lips of the wounded and dazed trav- eler seem to have been written on his 1 brain Indelibly , as If seared by letters or fire. By this time numerous heads havs J appeared at windows along the Canon. gate , and a small crowd has collected around the broken hansom , which the j driver Is endeavoring to patch temporarily . rarlly together , so that he may drag It away to the mews where his quarters - tel's are located. Jack attempts to question the man , . whom he has apparently known at' , _ ' I some former period of his adventurous ' . 1 , . past , hoping to tliscr'r where he puts ' ' up ; but the other . .I1YS no attention , muttering to himself about his appointment - r" polntment , and swearing horribly every time he moves his wrenched or broken arm. Turning to the hansom driver , Tray- ers learns that he picked up his fare . at the station , the gentleman having come by a delayed train. Qulc1cly , In response to the police- man's call , an ambulance arrives , showing how systematically every- , thing Is done In this beautiful city on the Forth. The unfortunate gentleman . man Is lifted Into it . and almost before Jack realizes the fact , the vehicle van- ' ' Ishes down the street. He turns round : the Jehu Is also I' , leaving the spot , with his horse tow- ' Ing the wrecked hansom : the little . . crowd disperses , heads are drawn In from windows and almost like magic \ the Canon gate resumes Its normal state of midnight silence. Jack rubs his eyes In bewilderment. "Come , was all this a dream , or did tt' : I It really happen ? That poor devil had . .r s an awful shalce . up. . Once we were ; chums , and many times have we slept , I under the same blanket , until that lit- " tlo affair down at Santa Fe separated , 11S. I never could forgive Howard his . treatment of that blncl.eyed beauty. , What brings him across my path . " ' I I again , and , of all times , now ? Helgho ! ' 5 ; ; . . , what o'clock Is It up thcl'C'-clo\'en fif- q1 'ty ' ? How the minutes drag ! Have I , . r' . ? really been asleep and dreaming ! Ah Sin , did a vehicle smash to pieces { here ? " he demands , turning on his faithful follower. . . . " , ( To be continued. ) POINTER FOR THE IMPECUNIOUS. Scheme That Enabled Young Man to ' Keep Up Appearance. T , t The cashIer In the candy store who . ' had married the telegraph operator ' had just returned from her hone ) ' , 1 i moon , and was receiving her friends . tin ' In a new lIat. "Did he get on to the way you ' crimped your hair , Mamie ? " asked the I mischievous manicure girl. "I don't know whether he did or , not , " replied Mamie , "but I twigged " the way he pressed his trousers. 1 When he used to call on me I noticed ticed that they were freshly creased every evening , and I knew he couldn't afford that pace at a tailor's. I noticed . J tlcell that before going to bed he straightened his trousers carefully and , I put the front edge at them Into the jam at the bedroom door. Of course 3' he hall to gd up some time In the , ' ] ,1 ; night and change sides. But he told me he had been doing It so many years he was accustomed to It. , "He had to be very careful putting them In , or the door wouldn't shut. , But I'll tell you , girls , In the ' morn- 1 Ing he had a crease that had e tail- 1,1 , or's job whipped to a suspender but- . ton. Men saving up to get married r have their little tricks ot making a il t good appearance on little money , just . as girls have In making themselves so , pretty that men want to marry them. " ' rj , 1 j i .