The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 04, 1904, Image 3

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I ( November 4. 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE .
- . - . . " . LOCAL AND PERSONAL
. . '
. . . 'Vanncr sells ink.
. . . , .
. . . Eat Sowlcs Candy.
} ; . . . Window glass at City Phar-
' , , _ . . tnacy.
" , , ' r' , 1\1rs. E. H. Towlc left 'rucs-
. . . . . .
, " ' . ' . day for l11cago.
- : t . , . , , " Scott Saylor come down from
iit i Q * ; f. " : . . Vcrdon last 'l\\esday.
2. . . . . " . . < . ' . . . A"lrs. . F. Jarrot of RubO was in
i ; : ; . ' ; . this city 'Vednesday.
i ! : : - ; I . . G. V. Inskcep spent Tuesday .
r , . : . : . ; ' ' ' .t . ; at his . home in this city.
t . : . < . . Elsie Culp of St. Joe is visiting
i : ' , , > . . . . . . , her parents in this city.
: . . . ' D. H. Scars came up from Reserve -
. " " . : ' serve thc first of the veek.
. . . , ? : . ,
, : - : - < . . Call on ' T. 1.1. Crook and Co.
. . . : , : . for guns and ammunition.
' : . ; : . . . Mrs. 1\kCullen of Rule was a
' F' , . . Fails City visitor vVedncsday. .
1. , " . ' returned from \
" . C. Hargra\'e fromVy -
, . . ,
' - '
1- :
. , " , jt } . ' more Wednesday af.ternoon.
\ : < " , ' . ' The best furnaces on earth for
Ii : : ' ,
) " " . sale byV. . II. Crook and Co.
Jf . : : , ' - ' . , Mrs. Iabcl Miles Gray return-
" "
\ : '
l' : , : . , ed from Lincoln , \Vedncsda\ .
; " "
" . ; . \ / ' Mr. Fellers was down from
' .
. . . . . : . . ' . .J - Humuoldt the first of the weck.
, -
r.j ; : : v John Berry returned from
' . ' - - . _ . . Table Rock the first l of the wcek.
1' .7r'- ' "
ft' : ' W. B. Sch-hucker went to Lone
' . ' Wolf , Okla. . Tuesday via thc B.
' ; : . & IvI'
. .
) IvIr. Long 1.ckcr and wife removed -
" : Iowa thc first d thc
} ; " 1" . , . moved to
, " } . . /t . . . week. .
: ? ; . " Clarence Peabody went through
> ; t'l : " " , { " _ this city on No , 18 Tuesday aftcr-
: ; . . ' ' . , noon.
, . ( : . . . .
' : . . t' Hal Sowles wl.b has becnviSttll1g
; t , : . . . ' : . ; with his parents in this : : city , rc-
r ( - \urned to St. Joseph Tuesday
w : ( , - aftcrnoon.
, . : .
The finest fish catch of thc fall
scason was made by Frank Cra-
bill at thc Bigelow lakes 'rucs-
day. Hc returned with innumerable .
crable croppy , six bass the laq. cRt
of which weighed seven pounds
and thc smallest weighed two
and a half pounds , and an im-
tI1cnce wall eyed pilic. This is
no fish story either as wc saw thc
Thc speech of John 'Viltseat
Fargo Tuesday night was pronounced -
nounced by those who were fort-
unatc enough to hear it as an exceptionably -
ccptionably able address and one
whose telling points will materially -
tcrially assist in the accomplish-
mcnt of a solendid republican
victory next ' ruesday.
Make a note of this : President
Roosevelt will carry Richardson
County over Parlicr' by seven
hundred majority. Merely out
of curiosity the reporter talked
with eight of thc leading democrats -
crats on Presidential preferences ,
and .ascertained that only one of
the eight intends to vote for Par-
ker. ,
A boy while jumping on a car
in the ' B. & 1\1. yards thc first of
week narrowly escaped being
ground to pieces 1Jy the car
whcels. Only the presence of
mind and quick action of a. bystander -
stander averted ; a serious acci-
de'nt. This should be a warning
to all boys to keep away from
moytng' trains.
Albert .Maust returned from an
extended visit to St. Louis Sun-
day.Vc predict something do-
ing in the tr.t11onial line very .
Pork Satbag-e and hamburger
fresh every day at Coupe 'l'horn-
Mrs Minnick returned Wednesday -
day from a visit with relatives in
Ilia wa lha.
Mrs. J. n. Pecht went to St.
Joseph Monday to have her eyes
trca tcd.
Baltimore oysters in bulk and
Michigan celery at Coupe and
Thoruto' " s. .
John Evans of Verdon transacted -
acted business in this city Tuesday -
day cvcnin/ /
Do you want a good lead pencil -
cil with rubber ? Buy il 5 cent .
school tablet at King's.
Will Rcsterer and son of St.
Joe arc visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Al Rcslerer tnthis city.
School children buy yourtahlcts
at King's , and get a lead pencil
free with each tablct.
. Grace Reavis , the littledaught-
er of D. D. Reas has been quite
ill with fever this weck.
l\-Ioorcs Hog Remedy guaran-
teed to kill lice cure mangcscalcs.
For sale at A' G. 'Vanner.
Mrs. A. Gaiser returned 'rues-
day from Stratton , where she has
been visiting with her parents
for the past month
Elsie Goldner left Tuesday via
thc B , & : M. for a months visit
with her sissel' , Mrs. : ' 1'Vhet -
stine in Co eel , Mo.
" 'Vc guarantee all thc cider
from your apples. Nee : waste in
thc new cider mill , creamery
All roads lead to thc cider mill
at the creamery building four
block north of the Douglas mill.
everything qew. . Bring us your
Call on \V. H. Crook & Co. and
sec his full line of Garland Heat- :
ers and Cook Stoves , also his
Quick Meal I angcs. Hc has a
nice display.
The Tribune regrets to announce -
nounce that Mrs. Shafer of Mor-
rit , daughter of 1\.1' and Mrs.
George Peck , lies very ill at her
home with pl'atically no hope for
her rccovcry.
Louie Godfernon while work-
ing on thc telephone line in Pres-
ton last Saturday had the mis-
fortune to fall from a pole and
breaking a finger on his left
hand. The snap on thc safety
belt broke causing the accident.
At this writing the injured member -
bel' is mending niccly. .
District Court. .
Judge W. H. Keligar } of Au-
burn commenced court Tuesday
afternoon and heard several
motions and other minor mattcrs.
Wednesday was taken up in thc
trial of thc partition case of Sarah
Staats et. al. , vs Stanley Wilson
et.'he court finding in fav-
or of the dcfendant. Other cases
had been set for trial before Judge
Babcock but were continued be- t
cause ot the inutility of thc
Judge to ue present. Court ad-
journcd Thursday morning until
Nov. 9th at which time it is expected -
pcctcd that Babcock will be pr S-
en t.
Public Sale.
John S. Nixon will sell at his
farm six miles cast and four miles
north of Falls City on Monday ,
November 14MulesCattlc. Hogs ,
li'ann Implements and household
. . .
Stubborn Coughs and Colds
Obstinate racking coughs that settle on the lungs and may . develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by
, : . . : . ' .
' " , t- . c .
, , . . ) . -
' . : . ' . . . - ,
. . . . '
. ' It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages , stops the cough , heals and strengthens the lungs. FOLEY'S
_ { . N ' . . > " HONEY AND TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs , and is safest for children and delicate people.
4 : Remember the name-FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR-and insist upon having the genuine , as no other remedy
Ii : . . ' . is so safe or as certain in results. R
r ( : : . Given Up to lIe With Croup. . Editor Cured of Lung Trouble.
" - Mrs. P. I. Cordier , of Mannington , K y. , writes : liMy three-year W. L. Straub , Editor of St. Petersburg ( Fla. ) Times , writes
old girl had a severe case of croup ; the doctor said she could not live "When coming across the bay from Port Tampa I got wet and caught a g
and I gave her up to die. I went to the store and got a bottle of cold that affected my throat and lungs. I neglected it , thinking I would
' FolcJ" Honey and Tar. The first dose gave quick relief and soon recover ; but I kept getting worse , until I bought a. bottle of Foley's
saved her life. " . Honey and Tar , and it cured me completely. "
r - Three , . sizcs-2Sc , SOc , $1.00. The 50 cent size contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the
$1.00 bottle almost six times as much. Refuse Substitutes.
DR. McrI i i _ , LAN , Proprietor City PI1artnacy. c