The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 04, 1904, Image 24

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    r ,
i\uvcmber.4 , H)04 Tl-il _ . r\.LLt Cll Y TRIBUNE 'f
- - - - - <
Surprised the Sheriff. .
Yesterday being Shcriff 11m-
sacks 52n 1 birthday a very plcas-
ant surprise was planncd for Ii iin.
After enjoying six o'clock dinner
the evening was very pleasantly
. spcnt in m\1Ric and 'ocial ! conver-
, : , salion. 1\11' Crocker acting as
: I : spokesman for the county officers
. .
presented ! Mr. Hossack Wlll I a
beautiful casy chair as a token
. of true friend < ; hip.
Notice to Bidders.
Notice is hereby given that the
hlrmcrs : Mutual ; ' .I'elephonc Co. of
Preston will receive bids for the
running of their central office by
thc month. The committe reserves -
serves the right to reject any or
all hi ds. Lcc J. Va ; ' \ 'c1 ) , Sec ,
Hulo , Ncb.
- - - - - - -
1Zulo. .
.Anna and Ida Davis spent
Saturday and ; Sunday with their
uncle in Missomi.
Jttd Carpenter was a Palls City
visitor ' 1'h ursday.
Born , to AIr. x11(1Irs. . Dan
Hatikcn and wife 'J'hurscay ! a
Horn , to \r. and Mrs. Will
l vuts'fhttrsday ; a g'ir1.
Bert Big'g's : carne down' from
cbraskalonda ' ' ' .
\londa c\'ening'
\Irs. Chas. Story is on thc sick
j ' 1 ottlllooney is visiting with
his parcn ts.
t . Shilling of Ara , , ' o was in
Hulo Saturday.
Mrs. Chas. Huber who is at the
hospital in St. Joe is 110 bettcr.
Hey Dunn left Weilncsday < for
Grand Island where he will at-
tend business colleg'e.
H. J. Dunn purchased a parlor
organ of 1\11' Job last wel'k.
'Vissing'er spent Saturday
with 1. A. Dunn.
B. B. Butler and family were
pleasant callers at the home of N. .
J. Dunn Sunday.
Frank Butler and wife spent
Sunday at the home of 1. A.
Dunn. .
IIazeh Dunn and gmma ! ; Sim-
mering' spent Sunday . with their
friend Ida Bowers.
Lena Gcrwick and little sister
were shopping in Harada Satur-
day ,
C. Steinbrink and wife spent
Sunday with the hatters paren ts.
J. Arnohi and wife were in
halls ! City Saturday.
The dance given by Ralph
Wheeler at the home of Ed Voe-
g'le was enjoyed by all. A very
large crowd was pr sent amr ( le-
parted for their homes at a late
Dora 01'1' is visiting her sister
Mrs. Shan'er.
Verd on.
\Irs. \L J. Sailor received word
'Yedncsday from Mrs. Floy
Sterns that her husband who is
in the hospital at Lincoln is re-
coyering from a recent operation
but not out of danger. Mrs.
Sterns is a ncicc of Mrs. Sailors
and known as AlirlnieIcPhersomi
she has ululy ; friends here who
hopc that her husband clay soon
be well. .l'heir home is at Hialin-
is , Neb. , ers a ranch.
henry Gerdes of Harada was
looking after the voters in these
parts the Jirst of the wcek.
Henry \Vhitrock attended thc
stock sale here 011 'l'ucsday of
this week.
C. 1''yReavis held a rousing republican -
publican ; mectin g here Monlay
evening , the house was filled to
Its utmost capacity. \Ir. eavis
is 110 doubt one of the most ablest
speakers in this part of the state
as he alwaysdmws ; large crowd.
Whose of the county candidates
present were g. A. 1'l1cker\V. H.
Hog-refe , H. E. Grinstead and \V.
H. Morrow , each making short
: Hld rc scs.
rielly's stock sale took place
as \'crtlscd 011 'l'ucsday and
everything brought a good price.
Mr. l 'riedly knows how to raise
the very best uf hogs which was '
demonstrat'd by parties cooling
from all parts of the county , as
well as from abroad to purcha e.
harry Mendenhall and family ,
from Pierce , Neb. , are visiting
with lips Hout and family this
week. Mrs. 1\cndenhall is a sis-
ter of \11'8. : ; Hout
John l\IcClaskey of Lincoln
has been here for the past week
soliciting accident insurance fir
the National Benevolent Society
of Kansas City , Mo.
J. S. Parsons was in Falls City
'rucsday on business.
J. 13. Nu Sbauml is laying the
foundation for a new barn this
Mr. J. Beller who bas been confined -
fined to the house on account of
sick ness is \1p and around again.
Oscar Lesley , James Malone ,
Lee and Dock Snyder of Salem
attended the Odd Fellow lodge
here Monday evening.
Dr. Houston of Falls City was
on our streets 'l'uesday.
Hen ry Kuker of Harada was
looking after business here the
latter part of last week.
Dl' 1. 14' Myel' of Hiawatha
was up Monday looking after his
pa tien ts. '
L. A. Kinsey " was in Falls Cit\ " " .
MMon ( lay.
:1\1' : Relf of Salem was over on
business 'l'uesday.
'l'he Verdon basket ball team
are making preparations to play
Humboldt team at Falls City Fri-
day afternoon. The girls are
practicing hard this week.
DOll't Fail
I 0 OtlSttlt
The Greatest and Most
' Famous Astrologist
and Paln1ist
Madam Stetson
Have the lines in your hand
read which are as plain as an
open book. Every line in
your hand is a mystery. Have
your life read as the stars re-
veal it.
Stopping at the National
hotel , Private entrance side
door on Stone street.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - " " " " = - " " " " = " - - . , . > 4
Better Than Gold Bonds ' , w . , f
- - u
Is the Investment in Good Lands Where the./ j
t Prices are Yet Very LoVe \ " .
. .
" \Ve havc mo\'ed our office from the Samuel .Vahl building .4
to r00111S over Klng"s Pharmacy across hall from caver's .
law omce. Anyone who is not willing to pay the high price
asked for land in this county and is thinking of buying else-
where will do well to see us as we have a large list of Kansas I
t and Nebraska farms where prices are yet reasonable amid satisfactory - I ; i
bfaelo1' terms can be had. 'l ime following is a sample of :
'some of our man ) ' bargains in 'Thayer , Nuckolls , Webster and \ . .
Clay Cos. , Neb. , and Smith , Osborne , Jcwel1 , Iitchcll , Republic - . . .1
public and Cloud Cos. . Kansas.
I No. B 114-A fine SOa farm , )5a in cultivation , 15a in Ci t
pasture : , mile from Stoddard , 6 Miles froth Ilebroii , Neb. ,
g'tod 5 room house , stable , granary and good wcll. Price for j '
' , : a short time , $24 per acre. .
. : These lands ! ' are located in the wheat and corn belt of to
Kansas and Nebraska. Come and g'0 with us. Your time to
. go is ours. H.emcmbcr we will assist you in getting in or t + -
i out of business , buy , sell or insme your property as cheap as L
, . any firm in the - state. . t
' I " \Ve have for sale 12 general stocks of merchandise , four i.
drug stores , one hardware , an(1'One inlplcmrlent store in good :
t locality. Also a long list of Oklahoma lands ] at swap prices. '
. : A 12 acre tract 2 : - : : ; miles west of Falls } City , this is a
F beautiful piece of land and will make some ore a fine hOI1)i g
E 1 _ price S1,200.00.Vatch for larger list of both city and farm .
t .
1 properly.
' !
\ Thomas Je 1VVllntake ' .
- .
The Real Estate l rlan. j
g ; t -l. < : < : ! l . . . S.-.a.J EtID.I < " . . "
That Porter 111eeting.
At a republican meeting' held
in Porter center school house the
other evening 110n. , Vm. McCray
waR present anu after the speeches
were through he made a few observations -
servations relative to the work-
ing' of thc new revenue law and
said that he WOUID ADl\II'I' 'fHA'I'
IHVY 1'00 HIGH ( AND 'l'IIA'l' 1I1 WAS
OPl'OSlW 1'0 1'1' Yet .111'1cCrav
voted for nine mill levy. Knowing -
ing- it to bl too highvll } ' did he
< 10 it unless for political ! purposes ?
. . . . . .
I .i MY./Yi LYOLOI4.'iti72YiA/I.AiV. IPJt IY1i lYf.TY1RN
: ;
l'2X ? 'E
. . .
John L. Cleavers
. _ _ _ .r- . _ _ _ . . . _
Cht.mberhun's Couch Remedy is
Pleasant Take.
'l'he finest quality of granulated -
ed loaf sugar is used in the manufacture -
facture of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy , and thc roots used in its
preparation give it a flavor similar -
ar to maple syrup , making it
quite pleasant to take. Mr.V. .
L. Roderick , of Poolesville , l\Id. ,
in speaking of this remedy , says :
HI have used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy with my children
for several years and can truth-
fully say it is the best preparation - .
tion of the kind I know of. Tilee .
- -
children like to take it and it 'has
no injurious after effect. For . '
sale by A. \Vanner _ . . , . .
Dr.R.P. Robertsdentist .
over Kings Phat.nlacy. r
_ _ _ _
r - - - = u
Face : to Face j
yo- ; ; : i
Tool : your watch square in the
face allli ask yourself if you are '
treating this old friend right in allowing - .
lowing it to tick its life away for
t necd of tilllcly altcntion. .
- I' '
Perchance a drop of oil now , a 1
- -
little brit or dust brushed away will
prolong Its period of timeliness for
luau ) ' days . i " " 4 11
I 'We clean , repair and put in order ij
tilllers of all Idnds , from the costliest -
est chronometers to te cheahp ,
i ! Roberts , The Jeweler 1M
, aw.wwwawrnew ' - _ . _ . . e. - ' .
' - - ' - " - ' - ' - -
I' We carry a . . : . --1 0" ,
I OF I .
Buildil18 , Material -
And all kinds of
COAL ' ;
Lumber @ . Coal Co.
- . . - . . . . .