The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 04, 1904, Image 23

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, r r t
; eel.
The peacock hoard the nightingale
- - singing.
"That seems easy to do , " said the
big bird. "I'll see It I can't slug ns
well as that. "
At the dismal squawk that followed
a moment later every living thing
within hearing distance fled In terror.
, "Cursos on my fatal gift of beauty ! ' ,
. exclaimed the peacock. "Why wasn't
t \ I made plain , lIIeo all the great muss
clans ! " , .
: J'
, ' " . r Acting on the Hint.
"Mlno Is a fashionable congregation
t tlon , " whispered the young minister
as they entered the pulpit , "and 1 hope
you will not use any-or-vulgar OJ
I plebian terms to-day. "
"I'll try not to , " replied the old
fashioned preacher humbly.
And , turning to the assemblage , ht
stated : "My friends wo will begin
services by singing "I love to embez
. . . ' "
7.le awhile away !
Took a Rise Out of Himself.
"Ho was In an angry passion. "
"Yes ? "
"Ho tried to poison himself , but
mistook a cake of yeast for the poi
< : on. "
"Yes ? "
"And the yeast cake made his angry
; passions rise. "
The Old Problem.
'How do you ; like houseltOeplng ? " '
'VeIl , " answered the recently mar
vied man , "It's only a partial success
The people who come to visit us ar
g well enough pleased to stay rt lon1
, - , time , but we can't get the servant
girls to agree with them.-Washlng
ton Star.
Not Quite So aiid.
Irate Caller-3ay , what do you mea
by publishing the statement In yester
day's paper that I had eloped with n .
Cleveland girl ?
Editor-Why , Isn't the report true
Irate Caller-I should say not. TIIf
j Indy In the case Is a native of Colum
Quickly Concealed.
"My boy , " said the benevolent par
I son , "I hope you do 110t hide your :
light under a bushel ? "
I'rI.lght ' ? " echoed the lad , who was
learning to smoke In the barn. " \V h ) ' ,
. . .
, - when 1 hear dad coming I hide the
whole cigar under a bushel. "
, Voice of Experience.
"You have no Idea , young man ,
. how Injurious tobacco Is ! Why , the
: . { . ' effect at nicotlnc- "
. . . . . . "But you use snuff , sir , and that Is
tobacco. "
"Well , how do you expect me to
fil' ; out that It Is Injurious unless I
try U-Heltero Welt.
An Impression.
"Do you think that music Is at any
practical benefit In life ? "
"Well , " answered Miss Oayennc ,
"judging tram the photographs ot em
anent violinists , It must leeep the hair
- from falling oot "
r- ' - !
f' , . r
" ' \
- - -
- - - -
Nolc-'rho followIng article has
boon widely published md Ie one oC
the most remarkable illustrations or
the value or careful marshalling and
analysis of facts In IlreSenH'1 : a sub.
ject to the public
The Mission of Whisky , Tobacco and
The Creator made all things ( , wo be
1I0ve. )
IC so , Ho must have made these.
Wo know what 110 made food and
water for , aiHI air and sunshine , but
why Whisky , Tobacco and Coffee ?
They are hero sure enough and
each performing its worle.
There must he some great plan behind -
hind it all ; the thoughtful man seeps
to understand something oC that pllll }
and thereby to judge these articles
for their true worth.
Let us not say "bad" or "good"
without taking testimony.
There are times and conditions \
when It certainly seems to the casual
observer that these stimulant narcotIcs -
Ics are real blessings
RIght there IR the ambush that con.
coals n "ltllllng" enomy.
One can slip Into the habit ot either
whisky ) , tobacco or coffee easy enough
but to "untanglo" Is often a fearful
It seems plain that there are circumstances -
cumstances when the narcotic effect
or these poisons Is for the moment
beneficial , but the 'fellrful argument
against them Is that seldom ever does
one find a steady user of either whis-
ky , coffee or tobacco free from disease
of some tlnd. ]
Certainly powerful elements In their
effect on the human race.
It Is a matter of dally history , testl"
fled to by literally millions of people ,
that Whisky , Tobacco and Coffee are
smiling ! : , promising : , beulllm : friends
_ . _ - - - ---OJ' . . _ _
on the start , but always false as hell
Itself In the end -Once they get l1rm
hold enough to show their strength ,
they Insist upon governing and drive
the victim steadily towards III health
In some form ; If permitted to continue
to rule , they will not let up until phys-
Ical and mental ruin sets In.
A man under that spell ( and "under
the spell" Is correct ) at anyone at
these drugs frequently assures himself
and his friends , "Why , I can leave off
any time I want to I did quit for n
eck just to show I could " It Is n
sure marl of the slave when one gets
to that stage Ho wiggled through a . .
week , fighting every day to break the
spell , was finally whipped , and began
his slavery all over again. I
The slave ( Coffee slave as well as
Tobacco and Whlsley ) dally reviews his
condition , sees perfectly plain the
steady encroachments of disease , how
the nerves get weaker day by day and
demand the drug that seems to smile
and offer relief for a few minutes and
then leave the diseased condition
plainer to view than ever and grow
Ing worse. Many times the Coffee slave
realizes that he Is between two fires
Ho feels bad if he leaves off and a
little worse If he drinks and allows i
the effect to wear off.
So It goes on from day to day.
Every night the struggling victim
promises himself that he will break
the habit and next day when he feels
3. little bad ( as ho Is quite sure to ) .
breaks : , tint the habit , but hiM own res-
olution. It Is nearly always a tough
fight , with disaster ahead sure if the
habit wins.
There have been hundreds at thou-
sands of people driven to their graves
through disease brought on by coffee
drinking alone , and It Is quito certain
that more human misery Is caused by
coffee and tobacco than by whisky , for
the two first are moro widely used ,
and more hidden and Insidious In the
effect on nerves , heart and other vital
organs , and are thus unsuspected un-
til much of the dangerous work Is
Now , Reader , what Is your opinion
as to the real use the Creator has for
these things ? Take a look at the
question from this point at view.
There Is a law at Nature and at
Nlitur 's God that things slowly evolve
from lower planes to higher , a sturdy ,
. .
- - - - - - -
steady and dIgnIfIed advance toward
moro perfect things In both the Physical .
cal and Spiritual world. Tim pOllllor-
ous tread of evolutionary development
Is fixed br the Infinite nI" ' will not bo
quickened out at natural law by any
of mlln's methodR
Therefore wo see many illustrations
showing how nature checks too rapid
advancc' Illinois raises phenomenal
crops of corn for two or three years.
If she continued to do so every year
her farmers would advance In wealth
far beyond those at other sections or
countries So Nature interposes n bar
every three or four years and brings
on a "bad year. " .
Hero wo see the leveling influence
at work.
A man Is IIrOlOrOus ) In his business
for a number of years and grows rich.
Then Nature sets the "lovellng Influ-
onco" III work on him. Some at his
investments lose , ho becomes htxurl-
cus and lazy. Perhaps It Is whisky ,
tobacco , coffee , women , gambling or
some other form. The Intent and purpose .
paso Is to level hlm-lwoII him from
evolving too far ahead of the ma3303
A nation becomes prosperous and
great IIIco ancient Homo If no leveling .
ing influence set 111 she would tlomi- I
nato the world perhaps for all tlmo
But Dame Nature sets her army of
"lovelers" nt wm'le-luxury , overeat-
Ing and drinking , licentiousness , waste
and extravagance , Indulgences of all
lclmls-Uibn comes the wrecle Sure ,
Sure , Sure. . -
'rho law of the unit Is the law or
the mass. Man goes through the same
process. Weakness ( In childhood ) ,
gradual growth of strength , energy ,
thrift , probity , prosperity , wealth , comfort .
fort , ease , relaxation seH-lndulgenco ,
luxury , Idleness , waste , debauchery ,
disease , and the wreck Collows. The
"levelers" are In the bushes along the
pathway at every successful man and
woman , and they bag the majority.
Only now and then can a man stand
out against these "levelors" and hold
his fortune , fame and health to the
end. t'
So the Creator has use for Whlsley ,
Tobacco and Coffee to level down the
successful ones and these who show
signs oC being successful , and keep
them back In the race , so that the
great "field" ( the masses ) may not bo
left too tar behind.
And yet we must admit that same
all-wlso Creator has placed It In the
power ot man to stand upright , clothed
In the armor at a clean-cut , steady
mind , and say untohlmself , "I decline
tJ exchange my birthright for a mess
of pottage.
"I will not deaden my senses , weale.
en my grip on affairs and keep my.
self cheap , common and behind In fortune .
tune and fame by drugging with wltis
Icy , tobacco or coffee Life Is too
short. It Is hard enough to win the
good things without any sort of Handicap .
cap , so a man Is certainly n 'fool trad-
er' when ho trades strength , health ,
money and the good things that come
with power for the half-asleep condition .
tlon of the 'drugger , ' with the certainty .
ty of sickness and disease ahead. "
It Is a matter each Individual must
decide for himself. He cnn bo a leader .
er and berni-god it ho will , or ho can
go along through life a drugged clown ,
a cheap "hower of wood or carrier of
water "
Certain it is that while the Great
Father at us all does not seem to
"mind" It some of his children are
foolish and stupid , ho seems to select
others ( perhaps those ho Intends for
some special work ) and allows thorn
to be threshed and castigated most
fearfully by these "levelers "
If a man tries flirting with these levelers -
elers a while , and gets a few slaps as
a hint , bo had better take the hint , or
a good solid blow will tallow.
When a man tries to live upright ,
clean , thrifty , sober and undrugged ,
manifesting as near as ho knows what
the Creator Intends he should , happi
ness , health and peace seem to come
to him. Does It pay ?
This article was written to sol pee
pIe thinking , to rouse the "God within .
In , " for every highly-organized man
and woman has times when they feel
a something calling tram within for
" " "
- -
them to props to the front Ind "b .
about the li'nthor'g business " Don't
InlstnlO It ; the spark at the Infinite
Is there and It pays In every wuy-
helllth , l'llpplnoss , peace and even
worldly prosporlty-to break oil ( ho
habits and strip clean for the work
cut out for us.
lt has been the business ot the
writer to provide 11 practical and easy
way for people to break away tram
the coffee habit tumid bo assured at 11
return to health und all of the good
things that brings , provided the abuse
has not gone too far , and oven lion
Iho cases where the body has boon rebuilt -
built on a basis at strength and health
run Into time thousnnds.
It Is nn easy and comfortable stop
to stop coffee Instantly hy having well.
made Vastum Hood Coffee served rich
and hot with good cream , for the color
and flllvor Is there , but none at the
caffeine or other nerve- estroylng 010-
money or ordinary coffeo.
On time contrary , the most powerful
rebuilding elements furnished by Nature -
turn are In Postum und they quick ! }
set about repairing the dnmao. ; Seldom -
dom Is It more than two days after
the change Is made before the old
stomach or bowel troubles or com-
plaints of kidneys , heart , head or
nerves show unmlstalmblo evidence
of getting bettor , and ton days' time
changes things wondorfully.
Literally mllliona of hraln-worltlng
Americans to-dny use Postum , having
found the value anti common sense In
the change
Royal Prerogative In England Has N
Its Limitations. .
It Is a prevalent and popular notion
that the power possessed by the mit -
arch Is absolute and almost without
limitation , says the Hour Glass This
Is 11 fallacy , IlS the following facts
will attest. The privileges and pow-
ers relegated to royalty are manifold
and peculiar , but there are certain
things that a king may not do.
While it Is quito within the provInce -
Inco at the royal prerogative to dls-
paso of the entire army or navy and
alBa to declare war without consulting
anybody , yet our king could not utilize -
Ize a penny of the public funds with-
out permission from parliament. How-
ever excellent and beneficent his motive .
Uvo may bo for so doing , the king Is
debarred from communicating with
any of his loyal subjects and the same
limitation prohibits him tram accept'
Ing gifts from any of his people ex'
copt In CURes where the offerings are
presented through the medium at an
officer of the state or an Intimate
friend of his majosty. After an in'
i dlvldual has been elected by his constituents '
I sUtuents to take his 1 seat In the Brit- -
Ish senate at Westminster it Is not In
the power of the Icing himself to prevent -
vent the member from occupying his
place In that august assembly.
Of his own royal prerogative King
Edward possesses full power to pardon .
don a murderer , even after ho has '
been found guilty and sentenced to
death by the representatives at the
law. Yet , by n curious statute of one
of the Georges , the king Is prevented
from exhibiting mercy or grace to a
willful sabbath-broaker. To render ev-
ery now law absolute and irrevocable
the royal autograph must be Invaria-
bly attached thereto , nor Is his ma-
jesty ever permitted to perform his
duty by proxy. Even the salaries of
the Idng's servants are fixed by state
and ho cannot raise the salary at his
own butler except by permission or
out at his own private purso. That
the Icing can done wrong Is obviously
the view taken by his counselors , for
by the lllws that hedge the throne no
person can talta action against his
majesty and ho cannot bo arrosteJ by
the emissaries ot , the law on any pretext .
text whatever.
This One of the Years.
Johnny-Pa , when was the year of
the big wind ?
Father-Any year when t' : ore was
nn election.