The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 04, 1904, Image 20

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. , " . . , .
The Week's . s
In the Realms of Society
'L'he Ladies Kcnsington club of
the Presbyterian church met
Thursday aftcrnoot with \Irs.
- - -
The Christian Endeavor of thc
Christian church were entertained -
et b.y 1\lisscs Jennie and Pearl
Prater 'l'ucsday cvcning' Light
refreshments added much to thc
pleasure of thc c\'cning.
llisslinnic Ncff entertained a
small party uf friclll ; last li'ridar
evening in honor of Jesse and
J.4inn Long of Phocnix , Ari.Ona. :
Music , giUl1CS and dainty refrcsh-
mcnts coil tributed to a delightful
evening for thc young , peoplc.
- -
1\1rs. glla Niclclson cn tcrtain-
ed her Sunday school class at her
home FridhY ; c\'cllil1g" About
thirty little girls were present
and the evening was spent in
playing gauzes pf various .ldnds.
After lunch the little girls returned -
turned home reporting lovely
1\frs.J. Lore was the victim of
a surprise party 1\londay' evening
at her hume on 7th and Fulton
strccts. About twenty of her
friends were present and spent a
most enjoyable c'cning1'ooth -
some refreshments were served
and the guests departed at a late
Miss Pearl Hanna entertained
h r scholars at thc home of J H.
' ' ' - . Thc
Peeht on 'l'ucsday c'cningThc
lawn was decorated with Chinese
lanterns and received a good
share of attention during thc
e'cning. Various games " , ere
indulged in but thc center of attraction -
traction was a witch who interested -
ested the guests with ghost
stories. Refreshments were served -
cd during thc evening and all reported -
ported a pleasant tithc.
The ladies of the Episcopal
church gave a Hallowc'cn party
at Ryan's Hall 011 Monday c\.c.
The hall was elaborately decorated -
cd with autumn leaves and chry-
santhimum. Supper was served
during the evening , and dancing
headed thc program until the
early morning- The ladies netted -
ed a neat little sum for their
ff orls.
Irs. Henry King entertained ,
the gentlemen who are respon-
siblc for the manufacture and sale
of the Ki-Ho. Ma remedies at six
o\lock dinner Friday c\'ening.
Those in attendance were Icssrs.
Maddox of Lincoln , Iewhor of
Iowa , Houston , Gist and King of
this city. It was a jolly little
crowd and ) Ir. and \frs. King's
bounteous hospitality was en-
joyed by a11.
'l'ltc young people of thc Presbyterian -
uytcrian church enjoyed a novel
party al thc home of 1\11' . Gohccn
south of town. A hay rack with
gleaming jack o'antcrns ! on each
corner , conveyed thc guests to
1\11' Gohccn's rcsiucnce and was
also the meads of their arrival at
homc "SO early in thc morning. "
'I ' he spacious lawn was lit up
with lanterns of all sizes and
shapes , thc Chinese being thc
most prominent , while the house
was profusely decorated with
leaves , palms and cut Howcrs.
Wierd and uncanny hollowc'cn
jokes were played to test the
courage of those prcscnt. Ap-
propiatc refreshments were served
and all spent a most delightful
evening with 1\1' . and l\rs. Go-
- -
Frank McClure Chalice appeared -
cd at the Gelding theatre Satur-
day evening under the auspices
of thc Sphinx club. After a hap-
py inlrududiul1 Ly George Hall
1\11' ChalTec precceded to entertain -
tain his large audience in a highly -
ly satisfactory manner. 'hilc
he docs not pretend to bc it
heavy philosopher nor a flowery
orator. Mr. ChalTec dccms it suf-
ficient to Malec his audience indulge -
dulg-c in honest thinking. His
subject " 'I ' lie Goblins of our
Grandfathers" furnished opportunity -
tunity for many apt illustrations
and wcn termed truths. This
was thc first of a series of lectures -
ures for thc winter and The 'I'ri-
butte trusts the Sphinx boys will
be accorded unqualified success in
their undcrtak ng.
At thc home of of Mr. and frs.
W' P. Long. Oct. 30 there occur-
ed a very pleasant reunion of thc
Long family. Those present
were l\frs. E. E. Stephens of this
city an aunt to the children.e.C.
Long of Lincoln , Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Shildncck and three sons
of Salem , L. L. Lung of Pata-
gonia , Ariz. , J. C. Long of Red
Rock , Ariz. , Howard and Fred of
. . . . . . . , .
this cny. A nice dinner was
served and all departed hoping to
meet soon again. They not
ha'ingbecn all together before
in ten ycars. X
The Heart and Hand club entertained -
tertained about thirty , young people .
pIc at the home of Grace Hoppc
on last Monday e\'ening. In the
early part of the evening they
enjoyed a hay rack ride. The
remainder of the evening was
greatly enjoyed by all prescn
Dainty refreshments were served
and all departed at a late hour
thanking thc club girls for their
evenings tenainmen
. - - . _ - - - - - - - . _ > - = -
r rk I
Clus I < .1Ufmm :
i. tires
i I Mo } oj'
. ' 1cJ"hnc
l Chrhdy
\ C0.71R. y , , I
ek. , R.uI/4M . , 0.01
. . . . . . ,
- - - - - - - -
That we have the Largest and Most ' Complete :
Line of Clothing Shoes and Gent's Furnishings ever .
shown , in the county , and our prices are the cheapest , { ' 5
quality considered. Let us show you. ' r
. , . . . . .
- - -O - - -
----0--- - -
1- F. W. Cle-tJeland . ,
l _ _ , . . Falk . . , , Cizy- , ' ; .f- : _ _ J
Prof. 'fobie entertained thc
teachers of thc Falls City schools
Monday evening his home in
thc western part of this city. '
Various hollowc'cn pranks were
indulged in after which a good
old fashion Ha1110we'en lunch-
con was scn'cd. 'rhc guests d c-
partcd in the wee small hours , all
voting l\r. and frs. 'fobic most
delightful cn tertai ncrs.
L 1 1 ' Falls Clt.y. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha I Helena
Chicc Butte
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portlnnd-
St. Louis and nil San Francisco
points east and and nil points
south. west.
r AIs LEAVE .AS ro.wws :
\o. 4 : ! . Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south. . . . . i4 : p m
\0. 13. Yestibuled express ,
f daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33am
Xo. 14. Vestibuled express , .
daily , St. Joe , Kan-
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east > ,
and south. . . . . . . . . i:43 a m
1o. Ii Local express , daily
Wymore and points
westllorthwest 1:17p : m
Closing Out Said - )
. . . . . . . ,
- - - - OF - - - - , " ' "
: ifI ,
. ,
\Ve have 200 high grade \ ;
Overcoats which we will close
out at cost.
- . ' " _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . . - - - . _ _ 1' I
Clearing Sale--'Shirts
\\le : have a fine line of Madras - ' .
ras Shirts which we sold at ' .
$ J. 25 , but to close them out we 1
have reduced them to 75c. Now
is the time to buy as these are r
Genuine Bargains. ,
- - - - - - . - . - . . . . . - - - , :
:1\0. : 15. "cstibulcd express
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest . . . . . . . , . 1:24 p m
Xo. 16. Vcstibuled express
daily , St. .Toc , Kan-
sas lity , St Louis
Chicago and points
east al\d south. . . . . 4:30 p m
Xo. 18. Local express daily
Atchison and points
south and wcst. . . . 3:8 : p m
Xo. -ll. St. Louis-Portland
SpecialI..i ncol nHe-
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:0i : p m
\o. 115. Local accommodation -
tion , daily except
ccpt SundaySalem ,
Xcmaha ande -
braska City. . . . . . . . 10:30 p III
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and bagg'lge checked to
shy point in the , States $ r Canada. For
information , time table J maps and _
tickets , call on or write fo G. Stewart , . . .
Agent ! . Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis ,
G. P. & r. A. , Omahl. ;
Lands bought and sold ,
Hartford Fire Insurance
Houses in city for sale
floney to loon
Telephone 18
The rest of this month wc wi
give a lead pencil free with each , _
scent C tablct. King's Pharmacy. ' ; : , : . ;
; . . . .
" 'W : ' ; 1