- - - ' . , ; Supplement to : . I FALLS CITY TRIBUNE. , , . " Friday , November 4 , 1904. ' ' ' KEBRASKA. FALLS CITY - - - .HEVIEYI OF THE CAMPAIGN l great Issues at Stake , bui There Has Been No Fever- ish Excitement. f , . ; Z1f 'INDS OF VOTERS MADE UP Present Conditions Are Satisfactory , and the People Will Elect Fair , banks and Roosevelt and a - - - Republican Congress. I TIle Presidential campaign which is just closing has' some unique features. . There has been from first to last , an , F .al.sence or spectacular features. The unusual feverish excitemeut the election Fear collapse or business , the general uncertainty and anxiety which used to characterize a national campaign are lacking this 'enr. Yet the issues at stake , with choice to be made between the two great parties = . are tremelllous. The cause of the general calm , the , even carrying 011 or business , the nb- foence ot public excitement is not the " " which much far-fnmed "aIlathy" of so b said just now. The people arc not . .pathetic. They are only satisfied. They have what they want , they have made tap their minds to keep it , and they know they are amply able to keep it 1i- casting their votes on election day. Republican rule Republican work , Republican - publican prosperity . peace and justice. t that is what the people or the United States have and that is what they are , determined to keep by the election of . Iooseyelt : and Fairbanks and a Republi- - < .an Congress . " . The two great national parties : stand .i or the two kinds : of people into which 1 broadly speaking ; . the whole complicated 4.p mass of human beings / may be divitled. 1 , The people who work the people who / live each day for the best that day af- fords , the people who accomplish things , these are naturally and inevitably He- Imblicans. The other kind or people the ' Sookers-on , the critics the fault-finders . the IJromisers of great , things and doers -tt nothing , these make up the Demo- crntic ' , I party. i The Republican party acts. The Dem- ocratic party protests. Policies of the Par " This progruuDle of the to parties , carried out for many years , has never jbt'en so clearly shown as during the dis- ' < ussion of national affairs which has .r h'eu coin ; : 011 this ' ( > ar , The Republic - . . LJ CI uc before the country , 4 through President Roosevelt , to give / an account of its stewardship from the day when President McKinley took the chair of Chief Executive in iS97. .e first four rears : of the administration ' P.resi- I dent McKinley must : be considered in ounectton : with the last four years of McKinley and Roosevelt , for the carry- ing ; ont or Republican policy under He- publican principles during those years iiS the basis upon which Republicans ask for another term of po\ver. The Republican platform and Presi- dent Roosevell's speech and letter oC nc- C'ptance : show how closely the Republican - can party sticks to the practical work of the present how well it knows what the people want and how surely it is planning and gloving : to carry ont the desires of the pcople Upon the money question the part occupies the J.me "round where it stood , under attack , in 181)13 ) mill 1900. In its internal policy it stands for pro- tection , the irrigation of arid lands , the construction of the Panama canal , the regulation of illegal trusts that run coun- " , ter'to the Interstate commerce laws the payment of just pensions to disabled , honorably discharged , veterans of the War for the Union and other measures and ideas : familiar to the peoIlle. The hopes and labors of the government have been - to bring the Philippines into close relations with the American people , to " . iit them for self government , and to give theme form of self government 80 clearly defined as to its future and so well set forth that all may see what has been done since the fortunes and fate ot , war threw upon the United States the direct responsibility for millions of fel- low-beings in the Asiatic seas. The foreign - 'ign policy is but a record of peace and good will with all the nations of the earth Prosperity industry and hopeful- l1e.8 II.t home confidence and respect abroad , such is the brief story of Republican - publican rule during ! the past eight rear : What bas the opposition to offer ? Upon the gold standard its platform is silentIts candidate who voted for Bryan in 1S9G and 1900 now firmly declares - clares his conversion to honest money doctrines. Bryan is on the stump for Mr Parker , and the mass of Democrats today are for free silver or any kind of money that will ere to call the ig- ignorant " 1'I0rant to their standard. Upon nil the questions of government policy and practice - tice the Democrats are as much tt sea os they arc upon finance Their whole plan of campaign fO far as any plan bas been developed is the 'World-1'ithout- end scheme of finding fafilt wish everybody . " body and every institution which accom- pushes thing . Democracy's Weak : Protest ! ! . . There are feeble and more or less intelligent - telligent protests against protection. Not daring to oppose the Panama canal , the protestors content with protesting against : everything that has been done , GO tar , to make the Panama canal a real thing. Upon the gigantic trust evil , which menaces individual-prosper- ity , not a word of sincerity bas been "poken by a Democr:1t. The efforts of President Roosevelt to apply the United States laws to infractions of the Interstate - terstate commerce laws by the trusts (1:1'0 been roundly condemned by the Democratic candidate and his tol\\ers \ The payment of disability pensions to aged veterans of the civil war hal ! been bitterly resented by the same candidate , and by his political associates. ' foreign policy , inaugurated aDd i - , - . . ' . - - - : 3' " . ' 1 R R ; . / ' k Y 11 Np hOTtcft0tl 1N ' ' C t tp4r " ii r E [ TRABL 11 pIP > n r y4N % - # li ' y , * i : . h P A I r : / ; 4 ' IIIIIi P " 'tt5 f frfrf j t i r - a _ . r. , .tut . , tutu 111 I 1 u i.l . . . Inl . uf trff fl frf rf l- : , r I i , , i : , , rrr 1 l. rr r r r f. ' ° - ; r ; rrr ' J'8 11 IP ltn pii ffTr'fPff ( ( ( % = i r r $ ! % rr 4' 1' - c \ . . . . t J. F , rr - t V R ) /N , , : - , . , . . . . . . i ? . \ .1'/ : .1'J ? f . ; ) uR . - - : . Ci : n : ; iJ : j/ } I - = - -.z i . . \ ' ' , t i . tf . t \ //A- / , Iuur { . - / / / \14/ ' - ' i ( ; t 1 Il hi . 9 l , , a y ' " , t 'c" . j . , , I l i rrt , - r , : : : . . : ? j / / " - - - ? 4'a \ ( I j . = ! . ' . r ; AA ; / > - . . , I ; f' , . . " . 1 I " ' , " - carried on 'by .Tohn flay greatest of modern diplomats , receives nothing but condemnation from the would"be admin- ittrators of the affairs of the nation. The serious ' , toilsome task of making ! a new , free people ont of the mixed peoples - pies of the Philippine Islands , a labor which must he characterized by delibera- tion care and the highest conscience , and which is only at its beginning has been ignorantly and wantonly assailed and mi'represented. ! And in connection with this gigantic i task , which must try the strength of American statesmen yet unborn - I born , the "bogey man" of "Imperialism" has been constructed. . It is all , literally : , "gr'at cry antiAitt- tIe wool. " . The : Democratic candidate , in one o'r his few public speeches , has given oh a childish expression of fear of tliS { amusing bogey man of American Imperialism - perialism "History teaches , " he said "that from Republicanism to imperial- ism the movement is gradual and unpre- cch-ed of the peoplc. Its ominous pro- gress , when discovered , leaves open but two courses-submission or resort to "iolence. " A Hnmillatins : Cry. It is humiliating that an American man who has : had the benefit of a com- mon school education should so mistake the philosophy of history as to raise in his own mind , or that of anyone else , the ancient fear of kings mid emperors in a country which has been governed br the people for a hUllllre years. All the trend of human thought and human destiny is toward the government of the people for the people Even in the old world the principle works , and is Her ad'\'ancing. The planet upon which we lire may fall into the sun , or it may be muffed out like a candle hy some ot the mysterious powers of the uninrse But in the epoch of the world's history in which we live no seIr- governed nation of tree people will take the road back to Bubjeetion. And ot all people the Americans are the lost to look tearfully forward to such an anti-climax. Xo one regards these ! "Imperialistic" warnings seriously , but they show what kind of people make up the Democratic party. "Anything , " they soy , "for a cry ! anything , from a whine to a shriek , anything , to get us a bearing ! And , perhaps , such tools these mortals be , we'll bowl ourselves into power ! Once again , all shriek ! " But 893 is not tar enough back. The black shadow of Democratic rule is still " remembered , ruefully , by American vot- ers. ers.The people have made .up their minds , and "the shouting ; of the capt:1ins" can- not turn them one point from their source They will elect Roosevelt , Presi- dent ; Fairbanks ! , Vice Presidcntb and re- turn a Republican Congress. Domestic l\lanufacturel. : The exports of domestic manufactures from the United States have grown from S40.345SG2 in ] 8GO to $403,1341,401 in IG02. Nearly all of this growth was under Republican administrations Since 899 the exportation of manufactures has averaged , over $400.000,000 per an- nnm , being : more than twice as much as in any year prior to 8G13 , tour times as much as in any year prior to 1877 , and ten times as much as in any year prior to 8137. ' Could there be p. stronger argument in favor of Republican policies than that afforded by these figures ? "Within the limits defined by the National Constitution the National Al1mlnlatration has aonsht to secure to each man the full enjoyment of his right to live his life anti dispose of his property and his labor as bll deems best , so tons as he wrongs no one else. It has slitvn In effective fashion that , inl cmleavnrlnJ to make good this unrantce , it treats aU men , rich or poor , wlmtever thclrcrced , their color , or their ttirtlt - place , as standing alike before tile Inw.-RooIt.\"cl : letter ot 11.0- ceptauce. I . Never mind the certainties yon hear about as to Hooseelt's election Do your part. Cast your Tote , rain or shine , mud , snow or dust , cast your rote ! . DO WE WANT THAT AGAIN ? Republican President Harrison had : 8UOOO.UOO ! government receipts in his last fiscal year , Stl3 ; the next year . Democratic President Cleveland was only able to show $298,000.000 , n decrease - crease ot $88,000,000. Do we want that again 1 Republican President Harrison had an excess : ot' receipts over expenditures of .341OOO in his last fiscal rear : , 18G3 ; the next year , Democratic President Cleveland had an excess of expenditures over receipts or li9,803,000. Do we want that again : ? Democratic President Cleveland also had nn excess of expenditures over receipts - ceipts of $4OOO.OW : ) in 18\1-1. \ and or $ : ' 5OOOOOO in IS9 \ : ; . Do we want that again ? Republican President Harrison had $ G,8tH ) .OOO postal receipts ill his last fiscal year , Snt : ; the next year Demo- cratic President Cleveland had nearly a million less. } : : Do we want that again ? Democratic President C\t\'eland \ ! , ill his four fiscal years 1S11t ! to 1897 , had $1- 132,000,000 of railway securities wiped out by recei\'erships Do we want that again / Democratic president , Cleveland can only show $82,000.000 of manufactures exported in his four fiscal years 894- 8\)7. \ . against $ lG ' OOOOOO so exported in Uoose\'elt's foil fiscal years , 001- OM , n shortage ; of $ S ; ; 1,000,000. Do we want that again : : ? Republican President = Roosevelt shows $3,300OOO,0 on deposit in our savings banks , while Democratic President Cleveland could only show $1.03UOOO- ' 000 so deposited in his best \"ins-b:1nk ; : year 1897. In other words $1,2G1OOO- , 000 less of such deIloBits. Do we want that again ? Republican President Roosevelt can show $ ; ; ,7'lSOOOOOO total exports in his four fiscal years , 1901.1904 : Democratic President Cleveland : in his four fiscal years , 94-189j , only reached a total ' export of $3,631,000.000 , or $2.117,000- 000 less. Do we want that again ? Republican President Roosevelt can show a total foreign commerce ot $9- 490.000,000 in his four fiscal years , 1901- : 1904 ; Democratic President Cleveland for , his tour fiscal years 189-1-81)7. can only show $ G,559oOo,000 , or $2,931,000,000 : less. Do wet / want that again ? Democratic President Cleveland wit- nessed , in 189 , 13 , i30 miles ot steam railways sold under foreclosure , an ex- cess over the 1904 foreclosure sales ot 13,275 miles. Do we want that again ? Democratic President Cleveland , in 1896 , had $1,015,000,000 less money in circulation than Republican President Roosevelt bas now. Do we want that again / . Democratic President Cleveland in 189 , was paving ; $10,000,000 more an- anal interest on our public debt than is now being paid. Do we want that again ? Democratic President Cleveland , In lS913 , had $ tH4.vvO.OOO ' less gold in the treasury than Republican President Roosevelt now has. Do we want that again ? Democratic President Cleveland , in 18913 , bad $4,757,000.000 less total bank deposits than Republican President Roosevelt can now show. Do we want that again ; : ? Democratic President Cleveland , In 18913 , had Jooooooooo : less life insur- ance in force , than is now protecting those dependent upon us. Do we want that again 1- Democratic President Cleveland , in 18913 , exported $ 8,000,000 more gold than he imported , while Republican President Roosevelt , in 1904. imported 7,000,000 more than be exported , thus making n showing against Cleveland or $05.000.000 in a single year. Do we want that again ! Democratic President Cleveland hauled - ed down his country's flag in Honolulu. Jude ; : Parker and his party say they will do the same in the Philippines Do we want that again ! Republican President HarrIson's last calendar year , 1892. was one of the most prosperous years the country bad enjoyed ; Democratic President Cleveland - - . . . . - - _ _ - - - , , ' - , " ! : " ' > i" . and his tariff-for-rennue free-trade policy destroyed that prosperity , undo- ing- in a few months the good ItepubH- : can work of the years since Lincoln's i first election. Do"e want that again ? Democratic l'resident Cleveland's en- tire second term engagement ; was played to the accompaniment of weeping wo- men and wailing children , hungry for food Do we want that : again ? ALTER J. B\.LLAHD Schenectady , X. y Sympathy for Pnrker. _ Possibly some Democrats may want tote : for Parker , because they would fed very sorry for him in the event of his defeat But it is a matter of com- nlO'.l gossip in New York that Parker , if not elected President is to have a tat job anyway ; that in act he bas already li ! 1t 1 < offered by august Belmont the posi- tioLl of counsel of the Interborough Tran- sit Railway :1t a salary ot $ : : JO.OOO a year , the same salary he 'would get as President of the United States , and that in this position he away also do outside legal work as member of a law firm to consist of Hill , Sheehan and Parker. In any event Mr. Parker bas 'secured a fine advertisement for himself by his candi- daep for President ' , 80 that there will be no danger whatever of his not being able to earn a good living in . private life by the practice of law It would seem to be better for ) Ir. Parker to get 50OOO per year from ) fr , Belmont as direct counsel for that gentleman . than to get $ OOOO per year from the United States government , for official services that maybe : be largely influenced by the suggestions orIr. : . Belmont , who is in the trusts ! \ { neck high , an0 who once organized ; a syndicate which got a rake-off of nearly 3OOO.OO on bonds issued during the. second Cleveland administration to make good the deficits resulting from the Wil- " ' ' " bill. son "tariff for revenue only" In the minds of voters the personal prosperity ot thousands of Americans who would be adversely affected by Dem- ocratic victory should count for more than sympathy for the Democratic can- didate ; who will doubtless continue to grow personally more prosperous , notwithstanding - withstanding a disappointment in his Presidential a JJira tion ! ' ! . Growth of u.ucturinlr. Manufacturing never attained much growth under the old Democratic regime Democratic legislation and Democratic administration were not favorable to it , They favored the importation of manufactured - factured products from foreign countries. The real development of our manufacturing - ing industries dates practically from the birth of the Republican party and tbe establishment of protection. In 1860 there were only 1-10,433 manufacturing establishments in the United States ; in 1900 there were 512.i34 In 18GO the value ot our manufactures was $ ] ,885.- 861,000 ; in 900 it was $13,039,279,000. The figures show that our present great manufacturing system dates from the organization - ganizatioo of the Republican party. How Is 1hit , \Ir. Cleveland ? Ex-President Grover Cleveland says in a solemn letter advising young men . that his first vote was cast for "the experi- enced , undramatic Buchanan , " rather than for Fremont , the "Pathfinder " According - cording to the record , Grover Cleveland was born on the 18th day of March , 1837. He could not have reached the age ot twenty-one years in 1856 , when Buchanan was elected Not until 858 was Grover Cleveland of legal voting ; age. age.But , as the Washington Star remarks , "they used to vote early and often" in those days ! Overconfidence has lost many politi- cal battles. It is well to reel sanguine ! , but don't be cocksure until the enemy capitulates ; and the only way to force capitulation is to overwhelm your opponents - ponents with an avalanche ot' votes Cast your ballot early on November S for Roosevelt and FJ.irbmks. : If you htaii : to return to the disastrous times that followed " the election of Grover Cleveland In 1892 , stay away from the polls or Tote for Parker aDd Davis . . . . . , . - - " ' - rtcr L . .4 . _ . " _ ' P : ; = 1 - . , . WHAT DO YOU WANT 1 If Ton Desire the Cor..ntry' Welfare Vote for RooseTelt. Vote for Roosevelt and Fairbanks and elellt a Republican ! > s It you want the honor and..dignity of ! the country upheld ; I If you want present prosperous con- ditions continued ; If you want the affairs ot government ; : administered intelligently and economi- call , } " ; If you want the books kept open and dishonesty punished wherever found ; If you want grasping monopolies repressed - pressed and forced to obey the law ; If you want justice administered to all. rich and poor alike ; Ir you want a hungry horde or Demo- cratic looters kept out of office ; If you want such tricksters as D B Hill gh'eI no place in the cabinet ; If you want illegal trusts rebuked for contributing to the Democratic cam- paign fund ; It you want corrupt Tammany not to , be given a chance to raid the national treasury ; If you want the Tammany grafting system not to fasten its clutch on every branch of the federal government ; Jr you want a manly man retained in the 'hite House ; If you want a Democratic nonetity , a weak tool of tricky politicians , kept out or the Presidential chair ; If you want the nation to retain its lead among the world powers as a peace promoter ; If you want firmness displayed when firmness will protect American lives and property interests ; ; In short , if you want everything that a good , patriotic citizen should want vote for Roosevelt and Fairbanks and elect a Hepnbliean ! Con ress. Republican Policies Promote Foreign Trade The official figures of foreign com- merce during September show that the gain was $1,670,000 a day , a record which bas been equaled only once in the September exports in a number of years , and which is $3iOOOO a day more than the average gain ot the preceding six J'ears. This is shown by the following table : Excess ! Gain Septemberof exports. per day. 1898.$42,189,000 $1.400,000 lSG9 _ . . . . . . . . . , 39,174.000 1,300.000 l1oo _ . . . . _ . . . . . 56.333,000 1,860,000 IGOl . _ _ . . . . . . . . 40G3ooo 1,333.000 1902 _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ 27,702,000 923,000 11103 . . . . . _ . . . . _ 28,38.'J.000 WGooo Aver _ ot 6 years 38.U91.ooo ,300,000 1904 ( . . . . _ . . . . . _ 50,135.000 .G70OOO It is evident from these figures that Republican policies cannot be unwholesome - some for this country in any particular Thus notwithstanding we preserve our home markets under the protective tariff yet Woe are able to increase our business in foreign markets as well The "trade follows the fla : ; " doctrine and the "open door" help accomplish this result An Extravagant Ol1tlllY. Talking about the alleged extravagance of the war department under Republican - can rule Judge Taft reminds the Atlantic - tic seaboard that one item in the increase of recent expenditures has been the guns to effectually protect the great harbors ot the East. In ) fr. Cleveland's day there was just one gun mounted along the whole line of the Atlantic coast from Maine to the Florida keys. ' "t 18 a IItrikinl evidence of our op- ponents' insincerity in this matter [ protection Americanl ! abroad ] that with their demand for radical action by the State Department they conp'e n demand for n reduction in our small military ct:1bti"hment. Yet they mUst know that the heed paid to our pro- tests against ill-treatment ' of our cHI- ze.s will be exactly proportionate to t : : belief in our ab lity to make theee protests effective should the need arllc.-Roose\"elt' letter of accept&nce. Get out and Tote on election day Tbat's the only way you can help elect the Republican ticket DOW I . : . " " " , . . . - , . . . . . . _ . . : : t - L 1. . . . _ . _ " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : WAGES AND COST OF LIVING ' : I . i , . Another Glaring Instance of II I Democratic Juggling with Government Statistics. LAB R BULLETIN IGNORED , Ia Order to Make Pcr iticlI Cnpit:11 and Also to Misrepresent Conditions and Deceive Voters-C.am- paign Text.Book Trickery. " An examination : ot the files of the Democratic newspapers for the past few weeks and of the recently issued Demo- cratie Campaign Text Book discloses a disposition on the part of the managers : : of the Democrat c ' ampaign to discredit the report on wages and cost of living ; made hy the Bureau of Labor in its July Bulletin ( Xo 53) ) , In view of the repu- tatiou o ; Commissioner Wright for abso- lute fairness in the collection and pres- entation of statistics it is of some interest - terc"t at this time to review his report in the light of the indignant criticisms which it has brought forth , and it may bC' said at the outset that a careful examination - amination of the report reveals the some- what remarkable tact that practically every criticism made has been answered " - in the Bulletin itself Indeed , it would almost appear that the compilers of the Text Book either did not make use ot the Bulletin or hall no desire to be con- .ince ( ] of the truth of the figures pub- lisl1ed therein , and that their insinuations : - tions and clumsy misstatements of fact were made for the purpose ot mislead- lug the public mind. ' Let us proceed to the most specific of the somewhat vague charges that are nlade. jt It is first charged that the report pub- y fished in the Bulletin was ( quoting the I Text Book ) "prepared ostensibly as an si official document , but in reality , it seems . for the special use of the Republican Campaign Committee. " The "well-nigh conclusivQ" evidence submitted in support - port of this charge consists of a state- ment by Secretary Shaw in June last y that such a report would be published f As a matter of fact it had been known 1 to the public for several years that the ! Bureau of Labor was engaged in collect- i ing data far such n report and the por- tion of the report relating to cost of fir ! , ing was actually published in Bulletin h 49 as early as November 19o.1-nearly g' eight : months previous to Secretary ! SIlIlt = 's statement Not What Democrats Wanted. 11 ! i It is clearly stilted in the Bulletin Itself that the investigation : was begun in the winter of 11)00-1901 ) , and without doubt the records or the bureau and the testimony of hu redil ! ot manufac- turers whose pay r ls were examined . would have proved tae truth ot the state- merit . had the truth been desired in Dem- cratic qUlrter But l1o-Ior political - reasons the facts disclosed were not pleasing , und it s , ' i d necessary to ( adopt some method 'O ' pparently any method that would t : ct from an ex- hibit of a remarkable condition ot industrial - I . trial depression was desired. Conclusive evidence is at hand that the gathering ot these statistics was begun in the win- ter of BOO-ID01 , and that they were not "cooked Qjl" for the occasion as charged but it is not to be expected that this : absurd charge will be ' withdrawn - drawn , although as a matter ot fact the figures as to wages / and cost of living referred to have been corroborated by independent - dependent investigations which have been concluded h.r the State bureaus ot sev- eral important :5tates. : It is charged ; also that by giving equal weight to unimportant articles of consumption - sumption and articles of prime neces- sity nn unduly small increase in cost ot living is secured It is gravely : asserted that nutmegs , pepper , alum , etc" , are given equal weight with such important articles as lard , beef , eggs : , flour , etc. This chare ; might , indeed , be convinc- lug if it contained even a slight ; element of truth. Unfortunately for the criticism , however the Bulletin itself states that all articles of food are weighed exactly ' according to the amount consumed in the average ! workingman's tamily In this Bulletin the exact quantities are given and the method clearly explained , 80 that the cha e can only be construed as a deliberate attempt to mislead the voters - ers of the country and not IlS an error' on the part Of the compiler ot the text book. As a matter of fact the most careful search ot Bulletin 53 shows that the unimportant articles referred to , such as putty , nutmegs ; , alum pepper , etc. . , . are Dot even mentioned therein. These articles are found , however , among the 200 articles entering into an index ot wholesale prices which has been published - ed annually by the bureau for the past three years , but this index has no connection - nection whatever with the report on cost oC living. ; One pauses to wonder at the fact that the Democratic managers : are so lacking in resource as to adopt the . clumsy trick of injecting figures from another report into a discussion ot the report on cost of living , and pretend that they were a part of the latter report. It must be assumed that in this section there was the studied intention to misrepresent - represent and convey an impression toj the public utterly contrary to the truth' and entirely unwarranted by the tacts. , " . , The entire portion of the Text Book un- der the caption "Absurdity of Republican - can veraes" : ( pages 124 and 125) ) , and much that follows on pages 126 and 127. ii : ot the character just mentioned A Ludicrous Complaint. . The further complaint that the figures for cost of living ; are based on retail prices instead of wholesale can only be understood by assuming that the use ot the latter would have given the Demo- cratic campaign managers a little less discomfort- Bulletin w clearly explains the reasons for the use of retail prices asa basis for cost ; ; of living in prefer- ence to the wbolesale. It is true that wholesale prices have been used at tides to indicate the trend of cost ot living , but they are considered by economists : as unreliable for the purpose ot indicat- lug the extent : : of the increase or . le- cr ase. Until the present day investigation : - tion by the Bureau ot Labor no records of retail prices covering any consider- able period bad ever been collected , ow- mg to the very great expense 6f makinc , " M - JI I / : . : -4 ; _ _ .v- - - - - - " - -