The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 04, 1904, Image 13

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_ . . ,
Judge Parker's , Statement an Amazingly Reckless ,
Falsification tf Facts and Figuresl
Which Has Been Repeated . by Bryan Olney
Hill and Other Delnocrats-Real
Cost of Islands in 'Money '
, . . : J . and Life. '
, ' , '
It hag been stated : repeatedly : during the campaign that Judge Parker , the
Democratic candidate for the Presidency is a disciple of D B Hill , who is
believed I
. be such that he could give his
. ed that Parker had proved to an apt pupil
mentor points and easily beat him in the art lit falsi6catian : yet such appears ) to
be the crse. Judge Parker has outhilled Hill in a campaign ) : that wiil pass into
history as n re'tml.hreaker for Democratic untruths and l11isrellreoentation : Ills
recent speech , in which he distorted the t:1ct. ' as to the cost ot the Philippines
in money and life is such a grotesque perversion ot the facts that William E.
, Curtis , one oC the most : ; eonservttive and impartial writers in the country , calls
n Parker to account in the Chicago Record-Ill'raM , an independent newspaper ,
which hag not always been fair to Itoosevelt In a letter dated Washington ,
D. C. , October 7th , Mr. Curtis says :
"In order to please a' few admirers
110 ( Parker ) det..jded the destiny and im-
periled Wle welfare : of several : millions ot
people without regard ; ; to the facts or con
8iderin the c\Jn cqueuces. IIe accuses
President Roosevelt of reckless speaking .
but Roosevelt never made half Ui reck-
less a speNlJ. Judge Parker demonstrated : -
.d with his own tongue that he is not fit
to exercise the authority and assume the
respansibipities < or the presiden
" ' 'He is either a demagogue ; ; without
conscience or else the victim ot hlalid-
enemies foolish ad\'ise-s. The
ou or \ : :
1 statements be utters are so false and
, absurd and ridicuiousl that he deserves :
more pity than blume. For example , he
. tells u that ' \Ve have : wasted over $ wO-
. 000,000 or the ! IIcOl'c's ! money and : tcrl-
fice over ? OOOOO lives' in the PIrilil- )
pines. lIrDr 'an , Mr. Hill and several
t other gentlemen bare : asserted that the
: \ Philippines ) have cost : the people of the
: United States $ G09,000.O00. I . Mr. Olner .
' f put the figure ; at $ 00,000,000. Judge ;
: l' Parker splits ) the difference. It would
, I t 1 be interesting to know where he gets his
t J figures.
' 1 " . \ . resolution was introduced in the
t1 l'
( Senate in the spring ot 1902 inquiring
; . or the War Department ) : as to the exact
amount or money expended for military
, purposes in the Philippine Islands frOlil
8 Ma3 ' 1 , 1898 , and a detailed statement
t . . : was then submitted by the 'ary of
. War which toots up $17 . 5SG.11.
The principal items arc as fol . s :
Quartermaster's department . . . $14,3H,3D5
/ , . Subsistence department . . . . . . . . . 21 , .i2 ; ; 2T 2
Pay department , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,9 ! -6 , = : : ! 6 =
a dl . I' 'artment . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,8TSTG6
. _ _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . iit" : . . . . . . . . . . . 4.802,033
, . . . d 61gunl service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,322,712
" ' Amazing J\XRJJcrntion.
, "Tblt brings the accounts down to
, April : 0. : lnO : : ! . Since that : tl t the expenditures -
pcnditures have lrobably been- WOOO-
000 a year. At the outside figures the
total expenditures ot the United States
government since Admiral Dewey en-
tl'red the Bay ot Manila with his fleet
have been under $22,000,000 ; , including
the S " _ OOOOOOO paid to Spain under the
treaty , and every other charge , direct or
Indirect , that could possibly be construed
as connected with the acquisition and
retention ot the Philippine archipelago.
civil , naval and military. If Judge
Parker should add to this total all the
money that has been spent since May 1.
1898 , for the support or the army and
. navy , for the construction of ships , fortifications -
tifications and navy . yards , and for the
pay ot the "clerks in the War and Navy ,
_ Departments . at Washington , he could
Bet pile up the figures : as high as he
makes them .in his spee h.
"His assertion that 200,000 lives have
been sacrificed is even more absurd and
eensatibual ! , alllI it would not be true if
every m'1I1 , soldier sailor and civililn.
who has gone to the Philippine archipelago -
pelage for any : reason slice May 1 , 1398.
had died and were buried there. The
total number of soldiers , regulars and
volunteers , that have served in the Phil-
Ippines at any time does not exceed
' 150,000. I cannot get the exact figures ;
since the islands were turned over to
, civil authorities , but between Jtine 30 ,
1S'S ) , and July 4 , 1102 ! , 4OG7 officers and
122.101 ; enlisted men were sent to the
islands : . Of these 2,185 officers nail
47,807 enBsted men were volunteers , and
1S8'2 ; oUll-crs and 4.534 were regulars.
. Totnl I. . Lcss Than 4,500.
"Ot these the entire death list , including -
clnding those killed in battle , those who
died from wounds , disease , accidents ,
homicide , suicide , drowning and all other
causes was 140 officers and 4.234 enlisted
, men.
"The mortality for the year ending
June 30 , 1003 , was thirteen officers and
457. men , and for the year eliding June
BO 19o-t it two officers and '
, , was se\'enty-
eIght men , making the total number of
deaths ill the army in the Philippine
Islands during the six years of American
occupation : 15 ; : ; officers and 4,769 enlisted
" 'be number ot pensions applied for
ItJ' soldiers who were engaged in the
Spanish war In Cuba , Porto Rico and
the Philippines and by the families or
those who died in battle or from wounds
and disease up to date is 68m3. This
Includes men , women and children.
"Hence you will perceive that Judge
Parker has either . been betrayed or is
guilty ot gross ' prevarication. Which-
ever way you look at it everybody will
agree that such absurd and reckless
statements do not recommend the man '
for President ot the United StatE'S. '
Too Prcpotterous to Hen ) ' .
Jude Parker notes some anonymous -
mons person who has been giving him
information about conditions in the ij i -
Inuds. If he would name his informant .
the public might : judge ot the value of
. the statements , but be appears to vouch .
for them , and may therefore bc held re- .
.pousible Some of them are infamous :
some or them are ridiculous , and some
are too preposterous to tleny. They are :
Quite as reckless as Judge Parker's own
assertions : to which I have just referred.
It would be difficult for anybody to I
crowd ao many falsehoods into the same :
, . - - -
' " " ' - ' -
pace I will take some ot them seria =
tim :
"No 1. 'Thc ollJl'llls ot the government : -
lIJent arc dishoncst , corrupt and Ilespotic.
'rhe islands seem to have succeeded iu
getting the very dregs of our peopie :
"Xu government iu the world has a
more intelligent ; , honest ot' industrious
corps bf employes ) than is serving ; under
the Philippine cllll\lIli \ < iou , and the as-
ertioll is lU insult to the families and
friends who remain in the United States.
The records ot the Philippine government -
ment to date will show a degree of efficiency -
ciency , honesty and fidelity equal to tile
executive and judicial branches of any
government in the wOI'llt
"Xo. 2. ' .lgrieulturally the country
ii ; for the time ruined. Land is going ;
out of cultivation , the population is ill-
fed , and in some places unable to get
work : .
Prosperity i ow Rehns.
"Two years ago there was a terrible
drought all over the Philippines and the
farmers lost their crop Falllille was
averted by an appropriation frolll Con-
Dless which was expended for rice and
other foods and distributed where it was
needed among the peoJle. lint is it
honest for Judge Parker to hold the government -
ernment responsible for an act of Provi-
dence ? Last year , however , prosperity
was restored and at the present date
there is no spot on earth where the agri-
cultural population is in better condi-
tion than in the Philippine Islands. The
only difficulty is the lack ot labor. It jp
impossible for farmers or other emphd -
ers to obtain ' the , help needed , althoug i
wages are three , and i:1 some cases ; four
times r.s high rs they were ( before . \u.ll. > 1.-
lean i occupation. The people are cluq- :
oring for Chinese coolies , who arc pro-
hibited from seeking employment in the
Philippine Islands under thc same exclusion -
clusion laws that prevail in the United
"No. 3. 'The country is overburdened
with taxation : disease is prevalent and
the farm animals arc dead :
"The rate of taxation : will average 35 ; :
per cent. lower than under Spanish
domination , but under American rule
taxes are collected from everybody im-
partially. Formerly those who had a
'pull' or were disposed to bribe the col-
lectors : : eva . led payment , while others
were compelled : to pay the last penD
The revenues , therefore , arc three and
four times as large as they ever were.
Since the enforcement or sanitary laws
and regulations ; : : the construction of sew-
ers an.l 1 thc purification or tIle water
apply the death rate has been decreased :
50 per cent. It is true that more thau
half the farm animals in the Philippines
died , frolD the plague during the great
droughtof ; JU02 , but is it honest for
Judge Parker to charge that calamity to
the administration ?
"No 4. Whole districts are in the .
'hands of ladrones. '
Lndronct "
! J"xtermlnnte(1.
"Ladrones are highwaymen , freebooters -
ers , who live in gangs in the woods , raid
the settlements and blackmail the plant-
ers. III Spanish times they used to
flourish , but the vigorous and vigilant :
operations of the native constabulary
have practically exterminated them , and
the Philippine Islands : arc now as safe
as any part ot the United States.
"Xo. 5. 'The price of products is
poor and unreDluncrative. '
"Any pcrion interested in the det.1ils
oil this point can obtain the quotations
on Phi ' . ipJline staples , such as hemp ,
tobacco , sugar , copra and rice , from any
commis iol -honse , where Judge Park '
( x'uld have secured accurate information
if he had placed any value upon his
word. He ought to know that prices oC
agricultural products are not ixed in
Manila , but in the great markets of the
"No G. 'Public opinion has no tree
expression : ; newspapers are bought up
or are browbeaten into silence. '
'The editors of the Manila American ,
the Cable News , the Times , the Sunday
Sun and others ' '
newspapers published
in Manila wm smile when they read that.
They differ in opinion as to the merits
ot the men and the wisdom of the policy
of the administration. Some ot the
papers support it and some oppose it ,
and the latter lambaste the officials with
an energy that is unequaled in any other
editorial room in the world. Before
Judge Parker made such n preposterous
assertion he should have examined a file
of the Manila Times or the Sunday Sun.
The editors ot those papers have good
ground for a libel suit against him.
Rare Caw of Incon\i trnc , .
"Thc criticisms ot the administration
which appear } daily in the Manila papers
often bitter and violent , are almost with-
out exception based upon its liberality
toward the natives ; for doing e.actly
what Judge Parker says it has not done ;
for giving the Filipinos too ranch sel- I
government ; for promising them inde-
pendenct and for appointing so many
natives to orHce. Every governor ot
every province , every mayor ot every
town except Manila , and almost every
provincitJal and municipal official II a
. . - . - - . . . . . . . .
- - - -
. . .
. . - -
- -
native Filipino. More than 8,000 natives
are on the : pay rolls , and it is the opinion -
ion or the newspapers or Manila , both
Democratic and Republican , and or every
foreigner , European and American , that
'our little brown brother' already has
about 'fiS much independence and selt-
government as he can stand. It is a
little provoking for Judge Tart and , his
successors to be condemned in this coun-
try for giving the natives too small :1 : '
share in the government and in the
Philippines for giving them too much I I ,
"Xo. 7. 1'Ir.8 produced in the theaters
are ceusoretJ. ' , I i
"J'here is Ito censorship whatever in
thc Philippine Islands , and there has
been none since civil government was
tablished. Somebody has evidently
been telling Judge Parker about the suppression - , .
pre ; : ion ot a play based upon incidents
in the insurrection , in which the Uni-
ted States flag was pulled down by the
actors in a very dramatic manner , torn
into pieces and trampled upon. The play
was presented but once. It the police
had not prohibited a second production ,
the theater and the actors would have
been torn in pieces by a mob ot indig- t I
Jlant soldiers and citizens who had 01'-1
g-tuiz : I for that purpose. To satisfy I I
clamor Tolentino , the
public , t5enor
author , was arre'sted. He was \ released
tinder bonds , but jumped his bail and ran
away. ile afterward fell in with lJicarte , ! :
the ' a'reme chief ot the National Demo- ,
crttic Republic ot tile rl1ili pine Islands - ! I
lands , ' and prepared his proclamations
and conducted his correspondence , for. .
Hil'arte cannot read or write Both ot : ;
the e gcrtleuaen ; arc now in the peni-
Trinls Arc Fnir.
"Xo. 8. 'Dctecti.e.- ' appear in the guise
of en'ants , and , the oath or a single
one is enough to destroy a mau's repu-
tation , property ) , liberty ) or even life it-
self. '
"When I left Manila last summer
there had been four trials for sedition
since the e tablihJllent ; ; ; ot the civil government -
ernment , the latest , in which Dr. Gomez ,
editor ot a native newspaper , was defendant -
fIHJant , having lasted four months , and
he was acquitted upon technicalities ; lGU
people had been convicted or what ncay
bt' termed political offenses , including
the deluded victims of the Hong : Kong
junta and other treasonable organizations -
tion , and thirty-three persons had suffered -
ferefi the capital penalty . each case hav-
ing been carefully reviewed by the Supreme
II1'eme Court. Tlll'Ir crimes were murder - I
lieI' , arson , rape and highway robbery.
There are two detective organizations ;
--one connnede with the city police , I
which works ; : within the municipal limit I
The other , connected with the ( 'Onstahu-I
lary , works in the rural districts. Amer-
ican , Spanish and native detectives arc
employed. Their method ; are exactly
the ! same and the weight or their te"ti-
mOil ) ' in court is similar , to that ot the
police oC New York ot' any other efty.
I Shop : " ) Brent , or the Episcopal ) church ,
in fin interview with mc published last
June , said : Iauila is i : : comparatively ! I
from crime , disorder and drun ; : enness. :
Few cities of the size are so well go\ern-I
ed OT arc so free from saloons or vicious
classes. There is a surprisingly small
amount ot crime and yice. '
Rxtrnordinary Stntt"l11ent.
"No. U. .Tudge Parker himself declares
that 'the islands remain to-day utterly
untouched for any guod' that the United
States might have done for them"
"This is a most extraordinary state-
meat for an American citizen to make.
It can enl ' lll accounted for by ig-l or-
ance , malice or llrejutice. Does Judge
Parker see no good in the establishment
of -1,000 schools and the education of I
more than 2)1)OOO ( children Doe ; he
realize the value of the moire [ improvements - !
ment : : that lucre heir made the new
harbors It Manila , which have cost !
$ : ! , GOG,311 to late and $ G'j43G ; : ; at Iloilo
and Celm ; thc widened streets , the pavements -
meuts , the ) > ark.o : , the sewers , the new I
water systems : , tale public highways that I
have been extended and improved at a J
cost of $ 800OOO ; the lOO : school houses I
that have been built , and the various
other imllro'ements ) upon which millions I
or dollars have teen expended , not from f I
the treasury of the United State , but
from the local treasuries or the islands : : ?
It would require :1 page in a newspaper I I
to tell what has been ! done in the way of
public utilities alone by the American
Felf- " tipporting .
" . \n 11 , finally , the Democratic candi-
date for the Presidency asks : ' . \re the I
Philippine Islands a r-supporting coin-
munit . , ? , 0111-1
"IIe confesses his ignorance upon this
point i in almost the same breath that he : I I I
declares them fit for independence and
sclf-goyernment. If Judge Parker had i i
made any preparntion for his speech , it
he had taken the : trouble to inform him-
self upon the most important conditions ,
he would have known that the custom
revenues alone during the last three 01. I
tour years have been seventeen , eighteen
and nineteen million dollars a year , an i 1
increase from three , four or five millions I I
a year during ; ; Spanish rule ; and that the I
other revenues have improved in a similar -
liar ratio. The islands i arc not only self-
supporting ; they not only pay every cent
or the expenses of their government excepting -
cepting the maintenance of the 11,000 , .
regular troops now on duty there , but
they could afford an exhibit costing n
million and a quarter at the St Louis
exposition ) , and are spending between
three and five million dollars a year in ,
the construction of harbors , railways ,
Jighwar } : , water works electric light
plants ; ; ; , buildings aillI other public [ .im-
' 11 roVllII ent : < .
"It Judge ; Parker wishfs accurate information -
formation and wise advice on these sub-
jrds he can obtain both by asking
Bishop Brent , ot Manila ; Bishop Graves ,
ot Shanghai ; Bishop IcKim , of Tokio ,
all ot whom are attending the E iscopal
convention at Boston , or from FaTher
Vattman , or the Roman Catholic church ,
recently retired as chaplain In the army ,
who now lives at Wilmette , Ill. They
have no political prejudices or affiliations -
tJon , and iC they had they would not al-
low themselves to Lt' intluencefl thereby
in their judment or their stttements.
01' why will not Judge Parker consult
Governor Luke P. Wright ? He is a
Democrat from emphiil : IIe has occu-
pied an eminent position upon the bench
and is regarded ; by all who know him
with admiration , respect and eonfidence.
"One ot the most essential qualifica-
tions in a candidate for the Presidency
is i : to know the truth and speak it : . " :
Only $104,150,000 Expended on the
rhlJtol1ine Up to June :4W : > .
The Washington correspondent or the
New York Tribune shows that the actual
cost or the Philippines : up to June 30 ,
. . --J.r.s.--- : : . . - - - - i- ;
. . ; : . ' . -
. .
1904 , was only $19.180,0 le says :
"The avidity with which Jude Parker
and swallowed the
ex-Secetary Olney \ '
statement that the Philippines had cost I
this country tG50,000,000 , and the pertinacity -
tinacty with which they cling to it , '
after its falsity hs been proved gain I
and ag.inare past the comprehension or
persons in 'Yashintol who arc familiar I
with the real conditions in the Phip
"That the cost ot the Philippines , including -
cluing the : OOO paid to Spain ,
amounted , up to May 1 , 1002 , to $ : s9-
000,0 has ben established : beyond dis-
pute. Xo Democratic member of either
house of Congrcss' dared to challenge
Secretary Root's statement to that ef t'l
The cost to this country for the follow-
jag year thus ben shown to be $3,080-
000 , and for the year just closed $ 2,100-
000 , a total ot $1480,000. That has
been the actual cost of the Philippines . .
up to June 30 , 190t
" Mr. Parker permitted
"The statement P.rler peitc
himself to repeat when he declared that
'over 200,000 lives have been sacrificed'
is equally false. The total loss ot life
II of American troops and Filipino in the
American army from all causes bas
i amounted to 4OGi privates and . 1,5 o'n-
cers , a total of 4,22 : mnen. Even adding
to' this number the loss ot Filipino insurgents -
surents , a liberal estimate of which is
! less than 10OOU ) , the grand total aggregates -
gates 1,0 against ) . Parker's
1200.000. : Moreover , the totals here given
include deaths from wounds , sickness ,
drowning and other accidEnts , and , ftn
' , the contagions -
important contributory cause
taious diseases which , unrestrained ,
; . ' when
_ and Filipinos
ravaged Americans
: I.'ipinos
r\ : (
American . occupation bean. Only 126- (
000 American soldiers , all told , have
been sent to the Philippines.
"As a1 offset : to this loss of life should
be set , the magnificent work 'of the army
medical eorpc and of the health ollJcers
or the Philippine , Commission , whose
unremitn efforts have stamped out the
plague , reduced smallpox and other con-
I tagious di-eases : to a miniluum . and ren-
I dcred " the Plippiles as healthful as ,
i Cuba.
. ,
Dne to Uepnhlcnn Policies.
It bias been the aim of American manu-
facturers and the Il'sire of our people to
increase . the exports ot mauufactures
Under the old Democratic regime nmanu-
factures constituted : mal Hem of our
. rule they
exports. Under Republican )
have steadily increa ed. During the ten
years ending with ] 8,0 they averaged ;
10 per cent. of our total exports , and
during : the ten years ending with 1860
they averaged 1 per cent. of the
whole. During the last ten years of
Democratic rule our exports or manu-
fadured product increase only one per
cent.The Republican party came into power
iu 1S130. : end during the ten years end-
big ; with 7370 our exports of manufactured -
ured product forleJ 1H per ceut
of the ttal exports ; daring the ten years
ending with It-nO they averaged 18 I
per cent. of the total , and during : the
ten years ending with 1000 they were
31 per cent. of the total. In the fiscal
year 1UOl they were 28 per rent. of the
total , and in 1002 they Were 30 per cent
le tota I
Ile fJnes show conclusively that the
great system of American manufactures
geat o
and our increased exports of manufactured -
ue product which contribute so largely
to the wealth ; bud prosperity ot the coun-
are . due to Republican policies and
a0UUstraton3. -
Buvintr front broad.
Thc less'the ' United States , through a
protective tariff , imports of the things
that its own , labor at home can manufacture -
fcure just 18 well as foreigners manu-I
more it is able to import of necessaries
and luxuries that cannot be purchased [ ,
at home. The consumption of coffee per
cUlla in the United States , whiLh in
18)0 : ) was eight ; pounds , is now twelve
pounds. Our impojt of sugar ; , teas
spices , silks , lace , etc , have increased
considerably during the Itt eight ) 'cals. I
, With the American workinman sure of
home ' market for what he -
i a good 110-
duces it goes almost without saying that
lie will have enough money to hay for
himself forei"u luxuries : that he could
not dream of having : : in Democratic times.
Day after day the New York Times . ,
the New York World and the Brooklyn
Eagle : repeat the lie that Chairman Cr-
tt.lyon has extorted contributions from
wealthy business enterprises on pledges ; 1
redeemable on the re-election of Presi- I
dent Ro : e\'elt. They have been ur < ell
I and challenged to name a single concrete
case and have replied by merely reiter-
atn the slander. \s a result the un-
founded chare : is recoiling ipon its inventors -
I nntors with the propel effect ot im-
pairing , their credibility on every issue
of the ampign.
"Undoubtedly It wonl:1 b" possible
at the present time to prevent any of
the trusts from rCIAinina prosperous I ,
by the .Imp'e expedient nf making ; '
such a " , ecpinl chnnJe in thc tariff us
to parllze the industries : of the country - I '
try- The trusts would cease to prosper ,
but their smaller competitors would ,
beruinel , and She wfW-yorkcrswauld ; i ,
starve , while it would not paT the
farmer to haut h'8 produce to market. " :
-Roosevelt'a : letter or acceptance. i ! n I
If Bryan Democrats are sincere in
I Dryn sncere .
their expressed desire to rebuke the Hill-
' Sheehan-Parker combination for the affront -
front to thgr leader , they could make
the rebuke more stinging by voting for
Roosevelt. The greater the , plurality '
against Parker in-Bryan strongholds , the
greater will be the sef-sltlsfac ! ot
W. J. Bryan , for ) Ir , Bryan is but
human , anti no man licks the hand : that
smites him with sincere relish.
Sealed independent voters who , profess - ,
less to see little good in either of the I 1
great parties might profitably follow the I
wise maxim " ( If two f\il . , choose the I
lesser. " No man cm : be ! o blindly nonpartisan -
partisan . as not to see that the Republican -
can party has done more good for the
country than the DeDoerac .
Dou't fail to return a Republican
Consre " s. lime election of Rooevel
and Fairbanks will be almost n barren
victory it the Ic : islative branch of the
government is in control of the oppo-
eitioa. If Republican policies are to
be continued it i absolutely neCS83ry
that all branches of the government
be in accoreJ.
I you wish a continuance ot the present -
ent prosperous times , Tote to retain the
Republican party in control of national
_ " -t- : : _ - : : : : - -
: : : : - " : i' : :
- - - - - - - "
, _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Quotes Unnnmed Authorities and Misrepresents -
represent History in nn Attack I
Upon the Honor and Honesty or His
Own nton I
Once more the Sphinx of E-opu : has I
spoken. This time , aithl1h the voice
i ! that ot Jude Parker , the words are I
those or the hired .ntimprialst of the
New York \Yorld. Abandoning for this I
occasion his stand upon the archaic : platform -
form of Buchanan and a petrified interpretation - ,
pretltion ot the Constitution , JUtb '
Parker p\rot : the imperious views o
Joseph PuHzer , demanding the abandonment -
onlent ot the Phipphies ! to the force
or savagery and reaction from which
American civilization lass rescued them :
There can be no doubt tllt the cc-
cl"ion for the soun.ling of this belated
"Ic 'notc" of : t:1- : C : : .lp.Ill : was
deliberately l planned ad carried out.
Two hitherto unhearlof marching club . .
led by "Colmel" Charles n. ( ' 'lman ,
of Bastou and IIenryV. . I.udon , or
New Iork , fervent scuttlers both , appeared -
pe3red before the judge on his porch at
Isemount , and bombarded himtl1
"two extended addres-es" on the infamy
of American rule in the ! Phiippincs _
Then Judge Parker unr.iet the speech
that bears internal evidence in e'erlinc '
or having : been written for him , and went
them one better in falsifying the record
and misrepresenting : the beneficent dim
of American control in the islands res-
cued from the oppression of Spain
: o justify himself in his smack upon
the American position in the Ihilpine : ,
Julge Parker quoted from a" ' anoay-
'mous "student or conliim : there , "
. I
whose phrases also bear a , t.dll ; resemblance - I
semblance to the balance or the address . :
in which they were fittingly 0111halnted. '
This unnamed malignant , in the face ot
overwhelming testimony ' to ti" t'mtrry ,
anus : the effrontery to qy : of oar officials
there , "At the be"t tliY have bCl in-
eHdent ; : t the worst + li'li.test , corrupt
rIlt ) and desllt , The islands seem
to have succeeded in i etting the very
dregs of our ) Jtole. " This w'/id classi-
fy Secretary . WHi.l1 H. ' ant his
' associates all St.'lI's n : . in : Ialil : as
: long the dregs or our peaple.
Jude Parker further quotes from this
mtonymous defamer of American rule in
the Philippines ) : " . \crculturally , the
country is for 'Uie time ruined. Land
is going ; out or cultivation ; the popula-
tion i8 ill-fed and in seine places : unable
to get work. The country is overburdened -
dened with taxation , disease is prevalent ,
the farm animals dead , the towns in
lan ' places in ruins , whole districts in
the hantls of ldrone : : ; , the price ot prod-
uds poor and unremunerative "
I this were a true or even nn approximately -
mately true indictment of the conditions
existing in the Philippines as the effect
of our occupation , what would be the
verdict of mankind ? Would it not be .
that American nation was not fit to
go\'er itself , let alone a . semi-h'mzed
and dependent race ?
Affrct . the Whole Peop1c.
In this mater it is impossible to distinguish -
tinguish between the Republican party
and the American peple. The former
i3 merely the in tument of the Iqtter
in the Philippines , and it Judge Parker .
were elected President in November , it. .
would not , could not change the char- , .
acter of the American government : in.
the Philippines ! pending the time even
he would allow "the islanders to prepare
themselves for self-gove1lent'
During that period docs Judge Parker
think that hc could find , in the rank
of , Tammany , any men better fitted to
uphold the honor , justice and liberty of
American rule , than the men who have
I established peace , order , schools , and
courts of justice in the islands : ' The
question suggests its own an we1-Ie
could not , though he were to draft his .
own favorite counselors . David H Hill
William P. Sheehan , Charles Murphy
and Pat IcOarrei 10 assist in the dill- :
cult task.
Upon such absolutely false and ' malig-
1at premises Judge Parker proceeds to
arraign the American administration in
the Phmppine- terms which . from
the 1.IWI of history demagogues have
employed in their attacks upon success-
ful g'ernmen Here is a specimen I
pagf :
nlt atle ! from the duty we owe the Phi-
I""hl : II preparation . for the enjoyment or
the privileges we pos'ws we"luhl
guard carefully aaln"t the danger to 011-
selves ( ! an IIPlrialstl' poaey , History
tl'ua' ! that from rcpnhl"unlsm tu huper-
lallsm the not'emeut : Is ! > IIunl ant unperceived -
pereln't ( t the lleQple. Its ominous prog-
lf ! > when discovered : , leaves open IJtt two
' resort to violence
tuur""ssulJlssIon 'or 'rolencc
\Ye C.1 picture ) "Coonel" ! Codman
and Mr. Harden and the serried ranks
of the " . \"on Beach . Regular Democratic
Club oC Long Island" shivering in awe-
struck unison over this horrible alterna
tire conjured out of the miasma of
Joseph Pulitzer's diseased imagination. I
That Judge Parker should chmtdt at it
a" a drowning man :1t n straw only
proves the l1 ' peI.tion ot his campain.
Nut ( 'ontCt with citing history : to sup-
port nft.roll iy false testimony against
his eountrymeu in tIle Phippines , he
also Invokes its aid in support or the
geuelJizl1tion that there is "no instance ,
ot a nation receiving from her colonies
anything like : n adequate return for
the blood and treasure : p nt , " "En -I
land's National debt , " be ; but
deb. Soemuly I
ignorantly averred , "was doubled by the I
revolt of the thirteen colonies it h'ld
\ e thireen : cost I :
so mmiim t : secure. Thc .nld'an ex1 1 .
: : m.iolist. following European argument , I '
alleges that : aneX:1tiol : of tIre Ih ] jp- I ;
pines must ) promote P"ogres. : . foster com-
coerce and iudttry i . amid into.hh'e the
leaven ot ci"ilizatIo'l into 3 backward
and inferior ract. The evidence oC history - I
tory is to , the < 'oltr.- . " : I
However : l'h alletls : to history may
have tickled the ears or the "A\on
Beach Regular Democratic Club ot Long
Island , " they must have made "Colonel"
Codman and lfr. Harden wince I i
Truth of Hi"tory.
The evidence ot history and of contemporaneous - I
p rneous conditions afford . iaeontrovert-
' ( I
nle , proof that Enland's : greatness to '
day i the direct return for her colonizing -
ing efforts on this continent , In Asa , in
Africa , and in the islands . ot ocean.
Good has gone ont from her and good
has returned to her a hundred fold for :
all the "blood and treasure spent" in the
colonizing she has done in the four corners - i
ners of the earth. cor-I :
This republic , the highest and mot I
successful development or selt-zovrn- J
- - . , -
' .
- - -
men time has seen o "this earth 'e
inherit , " .is the best possible proof that
Judge Parker takes a purblind vets or
the possibilities ant benef t . of colomza-
10 ; : Although separated from ; l ( conn-
try that pushed " ,1 backward and inferior
race" the I'arkers
from senc or Judge Parkers
speech to the "Arom Iieaeut Regular
8tccCh te , Bt'Je1 Rcglr
Denocratc . Club or Long IInI , , " float
hI think for a moment that Englandhas
not shared in what was . conquered for
mankind when the independence or her
American clonil , was achieved ?
But , beyond I the narrow , petty . md
mistaken view - Judge Parker takes or -
history ant the onward anti upward
sweep or 1:1t:01.1 : affairs : , -ant di.clo-
ed the fact that the Democratic candidate -
date for President or the United . s
is willing to bdit"l t'erythevi the
lying I ton mtof ll.llr can utter ains
_ \llr.l government ' in the Philippines ,
solely ber.tuse ! . there is a Uepublc4n ul-
niinh . trilion in \Yhintou. : ; I seems
almost hur"fble that : Presidential I can-
didat" should becouie time willing herald
of eery I'ilt nlnlr bred in the pur-
lien of llanila.
, I : Ianil.
And tl think that he has descended
to this depth , not to force immediate
ahandonment of the the
Philippines to
PhmIin te
tender mercies of their own corrupt and
inijmteuct t.ivizliln. hit to turn over
their prep rntivui for independence to the
party man ! of 1:11:1) ' . Tweed and " 'ri-
Never before [ has tic lmdiJc ! sf 1
: Scat . 1)1till oraniztion t'olf : revealed -
efl before the . \m.r1 : people in the
role of l'rc.lnlll' defamer If the gov-
enuueut. , , hii ] cnuutr ' . It inks Judge
I Parker far helel- the level or his party. : .
Continuation of Prosperity 'Yil Do
Much to Secure It
Xhc Democraic platform accuses ' the
Republican l)1rt ) ' of au attempt , "kin-
dle anew the embers of racial } and see-
tional . "
; .
An incident at the recent . \mercau
Bankers' COJyentiol in New York il
trted the falsity . of his statement anti
bow , 01 the contrary , the cpu ! lcln
party , by policies which promote the
business prosperity of the South , has :
promoted also a feeling of mutual good
will between the bet r elements , at least ,
of the two raccs.
A colored banker from PJclnmmJI , Va. ,
John W Mitchell , made Ja speech which
brought forth tremendous appll'e , In
whhh the delegates from the South joined .
ed with the delegates 3 from the North.
Mr. : ltchel said he attended the eon-
.cntion not only with the consent . but
upon the advice , of tar : white businessmen
: < :
men or the South. He then went un to
show how time prOIf'nt- thc Southern
negroes waa contnully iimcreasing , and
that thIs , was leading all the time to a
better understanding between the better
elements lt the two race As to ts
share or the negro jn the present phenomenal -
lwt prosperity of the South he smith I
Do you know that we produce $1.1:8O
worth ot crops a year ? Do you know tnat
or the outher prosperity our people pro
duce n heavy proportion ot the tobacco
crop ? Do yon know that we ned oes produce
duce $4,143,939.39 worth or wheat mint pro 70
cents a bushel and that the mukct has
ant ' las
gone to $ 1.20 a hushes' } Do you know that
we produce $40.350.7 north or oat ? Do
you know that we pI Ice $ It t.30111
0 rye ? Do you know . tat we prod1ce S7G8-
: S 4 worth of potatoes : ? Do you know
that we produce $2,691,939.85 worth at
sweet potatoes ? . \lt do yon know that we
Jo'toeslt tltO
produce > rttih8T,430.T6 worth or tern , mak-
Ing 1 total protuct : ( ; c the negroes or the
South of $ 2 : .4:7 : : , l : er yea ?
When be had f reel , Cot. Robert
Lowry , a Georgia , l ker , made :1 elo-
1ItUt speech in which be said : . "I is the
L loafing negro and the loafing white m:1
that makes it hard ; " and HJt"I \P
me a great deal ot pleasure to her from
our colored brother of Virginla. > : Ic. has
stated the fads , and I am glad t8 bav. .
him here. . "
Republican prosperity , like the rays o
the sun , dispels gloom wherever it goes ,
and , without distinctions n8 to section ,
race . color or religion , makes men hap-
pier , better and more mindful of their responsibilities -
sponsibilities t ( Mcety , It fulfills il detail -
tail IV..1. Bryan's definition of .
taiY. .J Dr. 1's defuion "f a prosperity
periy which "reaches the mase and
then wrk"I and through ever cass _ "
Brynn' Revelation.
Bryan's reception in Indiana sh\ws
conclusively : , that the Democrats of the
Middle West are not yet cured ot the
free silver craze with its accompanying
"igiols , The silence of the Sc Louis
platform on the money question was elo
quent Parker's telegram satisfied the
New Yorkers and enabled them to pre-
sent a "gold stnndard" candidate to - the
conservative . wing of the party , while the
sih'er wing , , 'as coolly set aside to be
fooled and cajoled into humor
good dur- .
lag the campaign.
.s a matter ot act , the rank ant io
of the Democratic party stand on the
money question and on aU other jut
where they stood in 1SX. The logic of ,
events has not convinced their reason ,
ther r.son
because , on economic questions , they
have no reason.
4lryan , who could not car Indiana
for himself , cannot ot course , carry , that
State , or any' other State , for Parker.
He has . however , revealed the a which .
hides under the lion's skin , assumed , for
a purpose , by a once get . : lioI'
The People _ Know aDd Trust Roosevelt.
I J3 fortunate for the Republican
party that its candidate for the Presidency ' -
dt'ncy is s well know to the people ' 'of .
the United States that no tory , no re
reetionipon his char ter' M his work
affects the mind in the
: tfeLs public slightest
degree. Time . \merran people have had
ther : .ye 0 : President Roosevelt for
many Yl'al1 : they know him They re
spe ! t , and trust him The falsifications
ff the tllemy against him are useless.
Eve-ybody Pro : by the growth o
uiamafarturei. : ' 1'lmo'e who are eDgaedI
time bloincso : either .8 capitalists . or , wage
carvers prtit first or all , but in aUIo
tiol to these are the merchants who
huide ! manufactured products . the rail that distribute them , the farmers
who enjoy al in reed demand 'tor their
product , and all other classes who shar -
I . '
in general prosperty.
In his speech before the Union League
Club ot New York , Secretary Taft sid
that when he asked Professor Vincent ,
of the University ot Chicago what h4
thought ot Jude ; Parker's letter of ac.
c'ptance the latter replied , "Wen , i re
minds me of a recommendation ot a
good old family horse whIch run .TD
ladies and children tissue can drive It" . .