The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 04, 1904, Image 11
. , tf , . I' . . r - , LL OTN I Rs I TOWtRS. . : , I PeRPRp , \fJ. " QJLED CIOTNI NG = t l1CtiasT : 3TAiOARD / Or QUALITY 1 f Poll MOH THAN Ts . iiAL ! A CltN UPY. II t t ( gOWER1 i i U I Q , tYytuoty I l . J.r - AaroNllt mw3TO &ttAUu1A. Z" " " 1ONilfklilMlUllAfr0.i0R01T4iY. ( r _ " ' ' : E- = . . f $ D SIOCaltLKAlegEYtRh"LL ' - , t.Tr- . - L t WESTERN OAr ADA'S Magnificent Crops for 1904. - Western Conaao'r 'i Wheat Crop this j Year Will be 60.- 000.000 Bushels ® 411 and Wheat ot PrSD- Ga' ent Is Worth $1.00 a Bushel. J' The Oat and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abundantlr. a. Splendid prices for aU kinds ot grain cattle r11' . and other furor produce for the growing at i ' which the cllmato Is unsurpassed. I I About O.OOOAmerlcans have settled In West- I I con Canada during ! the past three years. ! t Thousands of tree homesteads of 1M acres i each still available In the best agricultural dis- trlcl.s. I I It has been said that the United States' will i be forced to Import wheat within 0. very few , yenrs. SecurtJ a farm In Canada and become one of those who " ,111lll'oduco it. - Apply for information to Superintendent of ' " ' Immigration : Ottawa Canada or to authorized Canadian Government \Rent-'V. V. Bennett , l 1\01 \ New York Life Building , Omaha , Neb. 1 . Strawberry and Vegetable Dealers The Passenger Department of the Illinois . , Central Railroad Company have recently Issued ; ' r publication known as Circular No.1 : ! , In which is descried tbo ! : the \r : best territory in this country for the growlnlf of early strawberries and early vegetables. Every dealer In such products should address n. . postal card to the undersigned at Dubuque , qwa , requesting 0. copy of "Cfrculil.r No. 12. : ' J. F. MERRY , Asst. Gen'l Pass'r Agent 'Many ' who formerly smoked 10 Cigars now smoky 'LEWIS.SINGL BINDER _ _ . STRAIGHT 5C C O G A tot Your Jobber or direct from Factory , Peoria , 111. . It i/ / w. N. U. , Omaha. No. 44-1904 J The Wabash is the Only Line Landing } You at the World's Fair. Rround trip rates from Omaha are as follows : $8.50 sold daily except . . . . T . Friday and Saturday , good 7 days. . $13.80 sold dally , good 15 days. The Wabash is the only line that \ land's passengers at the main entrance of the World's Fair grounds. Also the only line that can check your baggage to the World's Fair station. Think what L , a saving of time , annoyance and ex tra car fare. All agents can sell you through " ticket and route you over the Wahash. " . Very low rates to many points South. Sout.east. ! For beautiful World's Fair folder anti all information call at 1GOl Farnam St. or address Harry E Moores , Gen. Agt. Pass. Dcpt. Wab. R. R. , Omaha Neb. It Is easier to win a girl's heart than It is to earn her hand. P ' J I \frll. : ! Wlnslow-s SootIllnl : ' Syrl1p. ( . . . 1 i For > children teething . softens the gutn , redut' 111- tlaminaUouailsyapalacureswlndcwlh. . 2ao Ii > bottl - , Butter is not always a strong point in favor of the boarding house table. " rcnnlLnently cured. 1n tits or nervC1lsnellll afte" fiTS Drat day'e , use of Dr. lIn6'a Orrnt Nerve ltl'.to r. flendror Tithe : S : .OO trial bottle and treatl.e. I.IA. 4r. R.1L &LIE , Ltd. , 831.ucb 8trtct , 1'itllade1Dbla , l'A We cnn forget fully half of all we hear and not lese much. "Dr. David 1 f'nllt'(1y' f'1n"lJrl Iterot'tly I. . . . . 'urtd . . . , after ehrht ' 8"n 01 s ca ! dent for the \ 1.r. t.e yearn : , WtIering. : " 8.1'eprou1111111 , Y. Y. World t..WC.UII. & 1. ' . P " T A little elbow grease : is worth 11 lot of oily . Oaks Named for British Queen. Many English queens have chosen oak trees in Windsor forest whereon their names , with the dates of their choice , have been commemorated by means of brass plates. In different parts of the forest , with seas around them , are oaks bearing the names of Queen Elizabeth , Queen Caroline , Queen Charlotte and Queen Victoria. . London's ItLittle Italy. " Reporting upon the ULlttlo Italy" one at London's most crowded dis- tricts , the health officer ot the dis- tries says that the Italians are ugen- orally superloru to the English per- sons who are their neIghbors. They also take more care of their children , among whom the death rate is low , and they are aober. Did you know that you can get more LIGHT for less money from a 1\1 narch Carbide Feed ACETYLENE GENERATOR than from anything else in the world-except the sun ? Why not investigate. Send for catalogue D , Monarch Acetylene Gas Co. , 1012 Farnam street , Omaha , Nob. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch because they have a stock In hand ot 12 oz brands , which they know cannot be sold to a customer . mer who has once used the 16 oz. pkg. Defiance Starch for same money. GIraffe Unable to Swim. The giraffe is the only animal which is unable to swim. ThIS is on account at its long neclt. Every other anImal can , if put to ft , manage to keep itself afloat. Those Who Have TrIed It will use no other. Defiance Cold Wa- ter Starch has no equal in Quantity or Quallty-1G oz. for 10 cents. Other brands .contaln only 12 oz. Oil on Roads Prevents Mud. The practice of oiling the roads has been introduced in India , at Bombay. I It Is found that if the all Is allowed to to soak In slowly no obnoxious mud is produced , and the result is a succcsss. Plso's Cure is the best medicine we ever used for nIl affections of the throat and lungs.-WM. O. ENDSLEY , Vanburen , Ind. , Feb. 10 , 1000. . . . . Healthy Occupation. It is remarkable that men attending the pans in salt works are never known to have smallpox , the grippe , scarlet fever of cholera. More FlexIble and Lasting , won't shake out 01' blow out ; by using Defiance Starch you obtain better results . ftults than possible with any other brand and one. third more for same money. Then He Went to Bed. "Poor old Prof. Thlnlmrd went home the other night , and he knew there was something he wanted to do , but he couldn't think what it was. " Write lUnnE EYE REMEDY Co. . Chicago If your eye are Fore or inflamed , aDd get ocu\l \ t'l advice and free ample lIUltINt' : ltcures all \ eye.IIs \ Little Objection to Slavery. It may be better to be an old man's darling than a young man's slavo- yet there are more slaves than dar- lings. No chromes or cheap premiums , but a. better quality and oue.thlrd more or Defiance Starch for Hc ) same price or other starches. Tourists Enrich Greece , It is estimated that about 4,500 trav- elers from the United States have vis- ited Greece during each of the last four years , and have annually len about $15,000,000 in the ldngdom. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This Is whY Defiance Starch Is taking the place of all others. The female shopper doesn't have to ; o to the exchange desk in ardor to change her mlnd.-Phlladelphia Rec I ord. t . . - . . , .411 - t. . . tAS ' ° i EM'1 ( ; 'f' ' " , , r La4 - ' . ! ' - clk _ _ _ - - . 4I * 4 ! ! _ ' . . . . Jt. " " ; " . . . ' . " . 1 . \ \ , h \i- ! , . . .N ; ! : ; . . " . , \ . . : \ , . : . . : . . : : ; : \ t : ' ' . ' \ . . " ' . . ; . . : . : : . ; / . . \ . , \ill\II\I" \ \ , . : . . < . . - \ " . ' " , , . ( ' . . . , \ . : . : . : . \ \ ' . . ' . . . . ' : . . , " : . , \ , , , \ , . . . . , \ , \ ' . . . . ' . ' " . . . : ' . : . " \ . , . " . \ . ' , A" ' . . . \ . : " ' p . " ' . ' ' . ' . , - : . : : : " . . .f/ . " . 'J ' .1" " : : .f.i" --S : , : " . . . . . , , . . ' " , ; 4" p . , ' / " - . . .f' . , . : " - . - - , . . ' . . . .l. / , f f. ? ; ' / , l b / ' . . , : ' : ' : , . .1 " . . , , ' / , . ' . . ' . : . ' : ' " : " , " : " a. : : : ' . . . ; .1:1 . : . 'I' A . . ' . . : . : . " . " . . " , , : ' - : . \ . . ' . . . " ; " / , : . , : . I , ' : . : . : . : . . f . : . . " ' : . ! l . " : : . : . ' : . ' . . / . . . , ' ; ; . t\ : . . . , . . . . cL11I " / . . / _ ' / /a' ' : : : . ' : ' " : ; , . , . . ' . . . . (1' , . : yt : : . t. " " 1:1 : 5 ' . . . ' . . . . . . b : : , 'y' ; . S. . . : ; . , . . . ! ' h I ; : t ; ) . 5.r ' ; : : : \ , . . ) . , : , t\ " ' ' : . " \ : \ , \ ; t \ f : . : ' ' ii" ti ( tlx : . ' . . i" " - . ' : f ( y 0. I . : . t- . . . : : . . . . . i"- ; : : . _ . . / , f. / . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . -If. . 1. : , , . . . . . . " ; ' ' 0 : : ' . . ' Miss Agnes Miller , of Chicago , speaks to young women about dangers of the Menstrual Period - how to avoid pain and suffering and remove the cause by using Lydia E. Vegetable Compound. . . s . F It To YOUNG WoaflNI Buffered for six years with dysmenor- rhea painful : periods ) , so much so that I dreaded every month , as I knew It meant three or four days of intense Imin. The doctor said this was due to an infian ed condition of the uterine appendages caused by roeatcd } and neglected colds. "If young girls only realized how dangerous iti ; is to take cola at I this critical tIme , much Buffering would be spared t.hem. Thank God for Lydia E. Pilllcluun's Vegetable COllllHmtl , the " , ns the only medicine which helped 111e nny. Within three weeks after I started to take it , I noticed a markCfl improvement in my general health , and at the time of mv next monthly period the pain lUll diminished consider- ably. I kept up the treatment , and was cured It month Jater. I nm like another person since. I am in perfect health , my eyes are brighter , I have added 12 pounds to my weight , my color is good , and I feel light and happy.-MISS Amms MILLER , 25 Potomac Avo. , Chicago , Ill. The monthly sickness reflects the condition of n. woman's health All 'thing unusual at that time should have lU'oJ1lpt and proper attentIon. Fifty thousand letters from women prove that Lydia E. Plnlcham's Vegetable Compound regulates menu . . . .truation and napes those periods pninlcss. - READ WHAT MISS LINDBECK SAYS : "DEAR \fRS. PINI\ITA ) r : - Lydia E. Pln1c- . I ham's hn/3 ' ' bene- a Vegctahle CnmotIJHl / greatly - ' fitted me. I will tell . YOU how I sufi'ered. 1\1y \ ' ' trouble was 'painful mc.nstruation. I felt as each month went by that I was getting worse. I had ' severe bearing.down pains in my back and abdo- . t men. . . _ r ' men."A friend advised me to try \frs. Pin1dHlm's . t'.r& medicine. I did so and mn now free from aU . pain during my periods.- JESSIE O. LuwnEoK , 1201 6th Street , Rockford , Ill. FREE ADVICE TO 'VOJ\EN. Remember , every woman Is cordially invited to wrIte to 1\rs. jllcham if there I y I is anything about her symptoms she docs , ' ' not undcrstand. 1\Irs. luJchnm's uddrcss is Lynn , l\Iass. , her advice is free and cheerfully given to every ailing - ing woman who asks for it. Her advice has restored to health more than one hundl'cd . thousand vomen. Wily don't you try It , my sIck sisters FORFEtITif we cannot forthwith produce the orlailln' : loUcm , and sln : turc. ul $5000 uboVQ t"Umon1aIl , which will lrn"o their absolute 1Z11I' lI"I1" ' . . e LJdl + u E. l"lukhlUU Medici Cu. . Lynn :1I'1U' : MEXICAN Mustang Lininnenk cures Cuts , Burns , BruisCB. t.IJ Save : on Drugs i. tI.J write for our eataloguo . showing 10.000 articles , at cut prlccs. " " PATENT ! MEDICINES : . RUBBER I U. GOODS StItRMAM , & I ( toN'NElL DRUG f0. J . Car 16th And Dodtlo. Omaha , Neb . , x . 9 . , PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color n : ore Oooda brlahter and faster ( colors than any' other dre. One 100 package colors silk , wool and cotton equally well and II jlulrinleed ! 10 give perfect results , . \ 1wor or wewllliond pOst paid at tU01i tckfsQ9. Wrltt for tree ov"let-How to Dye , leach ono MiX CoiOff. ctlVA'lttltS.Utt l(1 ( , U. , UnComllU , JZLlltu i t