The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 28, 1904, Image 6

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When the Back Aches and Bladder
Troubles Sot In , Get at the Cause.
Don't make the mistake ot believing
backache and bladder Ills to bo local
nllment Oct at the cause and cure
the 1dl1cY8. ! Use Donn's Kidney Pills ,
which have cured
Cl1llt. S. D. lIun.
r tor , ot Engine No.
I' ' ' , n H , PittlbUl'S , I'n" ,
( ' ' Fire Department ,
, n ! ! , I1ml residing at
272D Wyllo Avo" ,
_ says :
, ' ' "It wl1a throe
, . , f years I1go that I '
used Doan'l 11d
noy Pills for an attack ot kidney trouble .
blo that was mostly backache , and
they fixed mo UI fino. There Is no
mistake about that , and It I should
over bo troubled again , 1 would get
thorn nrst thing , al I know what they
aro. "
For sale by all deniers. PrIce 60
cents , Foater-1\11Iburn Co" , Buffalo ,
N. Y.
Cologne and Dartmund burn theft
. .n..h..n b ' " m anne of electriot / ! y
ba . " ' " go UJ . . . " , . . . . . . . . . v , , , , , . . ' ' ' ' J'
The Wabash Is thc Only Line Landing
You at the World's Fair.
Rroulld trip rates from Omaha are
UII follows : $8,60 sold daily except
Friday and Saturday , good 7 days
13.80 sold daily , good 15 days. Time
Wabash la the only line that hUHl'a
passengers at the main entrance of the
Worlll's Fair grounds Also the only
lIne that can check your baggage to
the 'Vorhl'H Fair slaUoll Think what
n saving of time , nnnoyanco and ox'
tra car fnrc
AU agents cnn sell you through
ticket and route you over the Wabash.
Very low rates to many points South ,
Southeast For beautiful World's Fair
folder aim all Information call at IGOl
l"nrnam St or address Harry B.
Mooros , Oen. Agt Pass Dept Wab ,
R. Ro , Omaha , Neb
A Cinelnnntl maim l'ccolll1y went lo
sleep In a dental chair while the dentist -
tilt was repairing his teeth. They
wore false teeth.
Every housekeeper sl10uld know
that It they will buy Defiance Cltld
Water Starch for laundry USe they
will save not only time because il
never sticks to the Iron , but because
each package contains IG oz-ono full
pound-while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In % } -llound pack ) .
ages and the price Is the same , 10
cents Then again because Defiance
Starch Is free from all Injurious chem ,
Icals. If your grocer tries to sell you
a 12 . oz. 'paclmgo It Is because he has
1\ stock.on hand which ho wishes to
dispose of before ho puts In Defiance
; Ho knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package In large lot ,
tars and figures " 1G ozs. " Demand
n _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ 1. U _ _ _ _ _ .1
Deuauco and save much time nUll
money and time annoyance of the iron
stleldng. Defiance never stlcls
Mon love nt first and most warmly :
women love last null 1oll cjt. , This is
l natural enough , for Nature makes women
mon to bo won , and men to win ,
Allen's Foot.Ease , Wonderful Remedy.
tillavo tried ALLEN'S FOO'I'-EASE , and
find it to be a. certain cl1ro , and gives com-
fort to one ButTering wIth sore , tender and
swollen feet. I will recommend ALLEN'S
roO'I'-EASE to my friends , as It is
certainly n wonderful l'omcdy-l\Irs T
ilL Guilford , Now Orleans , La. "
You may bo able to see your faults
as others see them , but you will derive -
rive much less satisfaction from tslk- t
Ing about them
IAwis'"Sin leBinder"straight5ccigar.
No other bran of cigars is 10 popular with
the smoker , lieltas learned to rely upon
its uniform high qualit 1. < . \\'i8' J\acwl'.r ,
Peoria , Dl.
06 H H Att EWE AIIS.
meat 'ouyh Syrup. Tastcy fwd. Dse
in tlna eotd by druggists.
c , J&
- . 4
4 w2 A.
- - -
- - = - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . .
falls City Tribune
- - - - - - - -
_ _ _ " . _ , _ , r _ . , _ , = d
"Can ladies smoke In automobiles ? "
qtan'Jes : an exchange They can . : but
they don't
Hops have gone up , but they will
go down Just as steadily as If nothing
hull hnlllJelled.
For wearing a dress with a low
neck all the street Mrs , Pat Campbell
was annoyed by a lot at rublJernecls
C ! , jk'ches are uniting at a great
rate. Is the religious world becoming
sUJerdenominutionallsticallY ) inclined ?
Whew !
A blue book of the cat aristocrats '
or America has been pulJlIshed. All
cats look alike tram the bedroom
window. ,
The college young man If desired
- -
wilt cheerfully look after time coeds
-Chicago Tribune
! tuhber ?
Dr GUllsaulus says that the day of
the boy orator Is gone , Sure The
boy orator has grown to a man and
quit the habit
The world's fair airship race was a
fv.zle Still , It is worthy of praise for
one thing It dllln't result In the lelll.
Ing of an'body.
Those lamas who pray ] even for the
microbes they swallow might save
tlmo by following our example and
boiling the water ,
The Parisians are now engaging in
falconry In uutomoblles. Dy my ha11.
torn , messieurs , medlnovallsm up to
date Is really hot stuff
In his new novel entitled "Autonmo-
hollsll1o" It Is thought that Jules
Verne will considerably lower his for-
mOl' record of eIghty Ilu's
The loss sustained by the University
of Minnesota by reason of the recent
fire Is not so great as at first report-
OIl. They saved the gridiron
How would It do , for instance , to try
the recently discovered and much
talked of sour milk elixir or life on the
frequently \ slaughtered Kurds
'rhOl'o Is nothing to show , however ,
that the Harry Lehr dogs try to tin-
dog timemselves so to speak , when
they attend one of his parties ,
WIlliam Waldorf Astor Is still able
to tolerate America : as a financial In-
. . " t melt 1. . . . . . . . , , _ . _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ H . . ,
n , : < H'U"'H. UIIL uottilmg more lllan that ,
marle you , must bo expected of him
The RadclilTe girls have been cau-
tioned not "to look at the boys" In
their travels In Cambrhlge It's a slow
girl that can't see the boys without
1\11' harry Lehr whose latest Hash
at genius Is the Invention of ten parties -
ties for dogs is said to object to
newspaper notorlot ) ' . We should think
ho would.
An Asheville hen scratched up lathe
the poultry : yard a diamond worth $2 , .
000 that had been lest two 'ears , Be
kind and considerate to your hens : it
may be worth while.
President Butler wants $2OOO.OO
for Columbia unIversity. Dr. Harper
may bo able to furnish him with a
prescription , but ho will have to look ; ! .
for his own apotbecnr R
The small stockholders In the $2-
000,000 New Jersey corporation which
has been sold out for $200 hereafter
will believe just one t6n.thou6andth
ot what prospectuses say. _ . J
Long LIves.
A contemporary has discovered that
no person who over deliberately set
out to live 100 years accomplished the
feat. What of 1l ? A great many men
and women who have deliberatelY set
out to live honorable and useful lives
have lIven ten centuries In point of
usefulness to time wOI'ld-l\UnnoapolIs
Liquefies Illuminating Gas.
A German chemist named Dlau has
succeeded In liquefying llluminatlng
gas In that form It gIves a good
light , which Is useful In country
houses , railway trains elc It costs
more than ordinary coal gas , but less
than electric light.
Giving Conscience a Jolt.
A man does not realize that ho has
corns on his conscience till some one
tramps on them and calls hIm up
By C. W. Post to Publishers at Banquet at Bi"4ttle Creek.
The sunshine that makes a business
plant grow Is advertising
Growing a business nowadays Is
something like growing an apple-tree.
Yon may select good seed , plllnt It In
good soil , water and work with it , hut
the tree will i10t produce fruIt until
another and most powerful , energizing .
Ing and life-giving element Is lJrought
to bellr You most have sunshine and 1
lots of It. Can you expect to riper n
apples in the dart ? Can you expect t
to grow a profitable business plant t
nowadays without the sunshine of pub
tic favor produced by advertising ?
This PostUlll plant Is a good Illus ,
tration of that law. It seems but a
short time ago when I put a few meat n :
at work In the carriage house of lh e
barn you have seen today , where w e
began making Postum coffee.
Time seed then planted , less than 9 !
years ago , was a new kind of app !
seed and It was not altogether certain
how the people would like the apples
We did our work thoroughly anI
plenty 01' Il , .w'o knew we had a COOl
er A a yy = t r
+ 't
R ,
Pure Food Factories that Make Postum and Crape Nuts. _ J-
apple tree of fine quality but how to
develop our work and turn the apple
tree into a productive and profitable
tree was another question
It needed sunshine and time kind ot
sunshine that Is spread by the newspapers -
papers and magazines It Is au absolute .
lute certainty that without the pub
licity thus given-In other words , the
sunshine-the business never would
have developed
You have seen today factory ulld.
Ings-thlrteen or fourteen In number
-covering many acres Dr ground employing -
plo"ing hundreds of worlcpeople , pro-
duclns food and drink In an aggregate
at four million packages per month ,
which goes to every cIvilized country
on the globe , and yet the entire enter-
prise Ls less than 9 years old 'Vo
have found It necessary , Inasmuch as
the tree has grown and the apples ma-
tured by hard work and sunshine to
continue the work and the sunshine
day In and day out , month In and
month out , the sunshine appropriation
amounting to approximately a million
dollars a year for advertising , for ex-
perlence teaches that it you mature
the tree under strong sunshine , and
bring it up to a thrifty and hellltbful
state whore It produces profitable IlP-
pIes , you can not withdraw that sunshine .
shine else the tree will gradually die ,
- - - - - - r - - - - - - - - -
- '
, \ J'I :
. '
Japanese "Tea Ccremony. "
No servant III ever permitted to -
servo tea In n. Japanese house It Is 4' " j .
the privilege of the daughter to make - \ .
the beverage , while the guest who 'I ;
has last arrived serves It. The tea Is 'f ;
made fresh for each guest In the same
bowl , which has to lJo washed and
dried each time , and so the "tea cere-
mony" Is apt to bo a long one. It Is .
probably for this reason that strict
etiquette forbids the presence of more . . - ;
than five at such tea parties ' t
Don't dwell too much upon New- J iI ,
ton's discovery of gravitation when (
impressing your children with the I
value of noticing things Newton discovered -
covered something he couldn't make ,
a cent out of , "
OhIo has second place In the value I"
of mining products , of which the prod-
\lct of coal mines forms nearly one- ,
I half .
Some thoughtful man might say that
if what you manufacture has merit , a
onto you get a trade established peo-
plo will continue to purchase , even It -1
the advertising 1s stopped , but to act _ i
on that conclusion would be a fatal '
mistake for there are always bright ;
men on the lookout to steal your ap-
pies , and if l you give them the chance I
they will come In and take the fruit , j
sure. Right here let us drIve a nllll ,
not a shingle nail but a forty penny ' (
spike Your article must have merIt ,
far and away beyond the ordinary unadvertised . /
advertised thing It should be the
very best that human Intelllgenco and
ingenuity can produce Then you have
I.L foundation to build upon that will
not sUp out tram under when the
building grows heav ' , There are per-
SOilS ignorant enough to believe that
a poor article , can be advertised Into
e a succes.s It cannot and any one who . . . , * ,
1 tries the experiment will pay heavily
, for his exporlence Critically examine
1 any well known and advertised article
d that has been years on the market and
it will lJo found to possess exceptional '
In ancient days newspaper publishers .
ers considered an advertisement an
evil but a necessary evil , and that it
should be hidden away IlS carefully
I as possible , so that no one would discover .
cover that the paper was trying to
maim a little money lJy Inserting pub-
lie nouncemcnts A paper run that
way today would fail
The most successful exponents of
the new plan ot doing business with
ink and paper are using every possible - ' :
ble means to make the announcements " .
attractive and sought after by the
It Is safe to say that thousands of
women rend the newspllper-not the
telegraphic page , but the pages con- . .
tailing announcements of bargains In , . > '
stockings , skirts , hats , gloves , pianos , I
furniture , food for the table , otc
You have been Invited to visit Bat-
the Creek for the purpose at viewing
one of the most unique advertising
buildings In the world , also to lQPk l
over a large business built
up , sua-
talned , nourIshed and kept active by
sunshine , and , nt the same time , have
un opportunity to see one at the most
thrifty , active and prosperous towns
ot Its size In the world , built up large-
IY by the same kind of sunshine.