The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 28, 1904, Image 20

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Oclob r 28 19011 THE ( ( FALLS 1 CITY TRIBUNE - < ! s ;
' . _ l . . . J
, I At t the home of the brides par-
e cuts in this city , Miss Sue HoIT-
ncl and 1\1 r. 1 ! ; ilrl ; North were
; united in marriage at 6 o'clock p.
II ' 111. Saturday , October 221HI , Rev.
R Alexander of York officiated , in
'j ' the prescllcc of a few friends and
h I ; relatives of the bride alld g-room.
II ( i The bride is the accomplished
, I daughter of 1\11' . and 1\11'5. S. B.
I .
i HolTnel while the groom enjoys
I .
I highest respect of f all who know
him , being formerly employed
I in this city. 1\11' . and Mrs. North
left Sunday afternoon for Lincoln
where they will reside. 'I'he'Pd-
bUllc joins with thc many friends
of the young couple , in sincere
cong-ra ; t ul a t ions.
Basket Ball
The high school basket ball
team went to Peru Saturday
where they played with the first
tcam ; in that city. Our girls were
discommoded by thc fact that
they had a twelve mile drivc from
Auburn to Peru and no time was
allotted for practice before thc
g'amc. Grace layford , Miss 'olill- :
leI' and Mrs. j ! ; . A. Hill accom-
panied the local team which is
composed of the following play-
Ramona Wilcox , first center ;
Anita Wilson , second center ; Mil-
( I red Holland , rear forward ; Gertrude -
rude Lyford , center forward ; Rutli
Heacock , rear guard l j 'letta Cam-
blip center guard and Dorothy
Moorchead subst itutc.
Referee , 1\1' Howe , Peru , Neb.
1' ' Umpires , Miss : Miller , Falls City
and l\lr. Bing-Ie. Peru. Score ,
Peru 11 and Falls City 1.
Burkett Meeting.
On of republican meet
tug of the year was addressed by
TT. . u , 7 T , . . . . _ ' - _ LL . . . . t. . . . . _ _ _ _ L
Jll1l1. 1 ! , . J . Burkett ilL the court
house Monday nig'ht. The court
room was beautifully decorated
with flags pictures and strcam-
. Time room was crowded to
suffocation and the hallway was
filled to hc t windows. Mr. Bur-
kctt made one of his most effective -
hc speeches , especially was he
clear and logical on thc question
of thc revenue law. Hc exposed
thc insincerity of thc opposition
in a dignified and courteous war ,
i and made a lasting impression
upon an fair minded auditors.
The meeting will bc productive
of great good to thc party in gcn-
eral and to thc speaker in partic-
A Social Event.
Rub , Ncb. , Oct. 25-Spccial (
to The 1'ribunc-Last Thursday
evening , Oct. 20 will long be rc-
mcmbcrcd by all parties present
at thc bionic of Mr and 1\rs. D.
VanValkcnburg , it being 1\rs.
VanValkcnburg's 61st birthday.
Airs Frank Simons 'quictly plan-
nedto ; surprise bier by inviting a
11 4. L . " . . _ . . . , \W ' _ . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . .rI'- > . . .
mm unmher of friends to spend hc .
Time guests met at thc home of
D. VanValkenburg in thc north
part of town.
Much of thc evening : was spent
in social convcrsc. 'l'hc musical
selections of Miss Vcsta , thc
charming daug"htcrof thc hostess
and i1lessrs. Richards and \Valk-
cr wcre rendered in a more than
pleasing manncr.
sumptuous repast was served
by the ladies and at midnight
they presented l\frs. VanValken-
burg with an elegant kitchen
cabinet as a token of their love
and 2stecm. At an 'carly' hour
the guests departed wishing1rs. .
VanValkcnburg many more hap-
py birthdays.
Don't be fooled I The
democratic party is talk- _
ing the revenue law be-
cause they have nothing
else to say. What they
desire is to elect W. J.
Bryan United States
Senator and defeat Elmer
J. Burkett. , Don't be foo1 . . .
ed I
Sad Ne\vs.
Time distressing news reached
Falls City this morning i hat Mrs.
John Hall nec Cornelia Thomas
died in New York City early this
morning as thc result of an ope-
ration for appcndccitis. 1\1rs.
Hall was thc daughter of the '
late Judge B. \V. ' 1'homas. Fails
City never claimed a more accomplished -
complished and beautiful laughter -
cr , caul 1 thc sad and uncxpccted
news of her death will be a
" f
source 'lf grief and sorrow to her
mammy friends and a quail1 tances. < 0
Mrs. l'homas was with her
daughter at thc time of her leatim
rlcNall's Barn on Fire.
J4ast Friday afternoon fire was
discovcred at thc home ot O. J.
McNall. 1\1'3. 'McNall was in
thc back yard and saw smoke
coining from the barn window.
1'hc fire department responded
immcdiately but thc flames were
undcr control before thcy reached
the barn. It was very fortunate
it was discovered when it was for
thc wind was blowing a gale.
How thc fire started is not known.
The body of Charles W Wells
was found hanging in thc barn
at his home in Fairbury early
Wednesday morning. Time ( ! e-
ceased was about 43 years of age
and leaves a wife and five children -
ren to mourn his dcath. Time
body \ \ 'as brought to this place
and laid to rest in Steele Ccmc-
teryThnrsday aftcrnoon.
Don't fail to call at Mrs. Brcith-
aupts and inspect thc new line of
Hats just rcccived.
. " 'filmil'Dfi ; ! m 1' , '
I Stransky ! 't
ran. 51 y , { i i
. : r
: 'STRANSKYI ! : . I
: . r ; .
I !
I Look for the name
r , 1 ,
Best Enameled Ware Jlade . I :
! j
I ,
: Meyer Sells It. !
. . . . . . . . .
y : u. S.1570.Yi3Lk3iL221naS1t1LLS.L Y.11.3:1f/5m EZ. V' 111iLLYl.R14I E
, " " . _ , . _ , . , . , . . -
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: i !
Picture Display
' ,
- - - - - - -
A representative of all
eastern art house will
have a line of framed . : ;
pictures on display at '
\ tWall Paper Store .
Saturday , October 29 ' 04 ' I
which the public are
invited to call and see. . ,
' .j
W 8 l. WHTE . ' ;
_ _ . . . . . . . , _ f
ak--- : u."l : "d. : .d.a.P : ' ' ' ' ' ; ' j m n <
At the Theatre. '
"O\'er thc Niagara Falls"which I'
played at The Gehling- last
.rhursday is certainly a marvel of
scenic cffects. The play is of interesting - I .
tcresting scenes and thrilling
climaxs while thc reproduction of
thc Pan American Exposition ,
Hock of Ages and thc gigantic
Horse-Shoe Falls tend to dis-
count thc beauty of thc reality.
T. Hcndcrson registered at thc
Union House l\Ionday.
The best furnaces on earth for
sale by \V. I-I. Crook and Co. ,
Baltimore oysters in bulk and
l\Iichi'an celery - - - _ _ at n Coupe and
. _ _ _ . . . _ n. . . .
. .
Mrs. 'Vindlc of Oklahoma is i
visiting with bier son , Grant\Vin-
die of this city.
Nice line of street hats sold at
reduced prices from now 0n at thc
Bon ' 1'on Millinery Store.
Mrs. Grant 'Vindlc and daught-
cr 'l'hclma returned from St.
Joseph Wednesday afternoon ,
. - -
We carry a. . . .
Building Material
And all kinds of
'Vanncr sells ink.
' i
'Yinelow glass at City Phar-l
mac ) .
Baby hoods sold at reduced
priccs.- Bon Ton Millinery.
Call on W. H. Crook and Co.
for guns and ammunition.
Every week swell new hats
made at thc Bon Tote Millinery
Store at thc lowest living pric s.
. .
ci 1