The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 28, 1904, Image 19
. , , . . - . - , DARKEST RUSSIA . . DY H. GRATTAN DONNELLY. Copyright , 1806. by Street . smith , All rIghts rClerycd. . 1. , . - - CHAPTER XVIII.-Continued. Caroline was silent. "It is a brave thought , " at length ' she said. "But how are they to escape - " tram the prison ? The gates are closed. " 1\fy husband will withdraw the guards there. They will be stationed in yonder room. The prisoners will come here to capture the house and will fall into the trap. Dare you do ; your part to aid in the escape of the j man who saved your life at the risk of his own ? " and Katherine fixed her eyes on the face of Caroline. 11 "Give me a moment alone-give me r time to think , " she said. . "I will await your answer , " said Katherine eagerly. "It is , remember , to the effect the rescue of the young exile who snatched you from the jaws of death. " So saying , Katherine left the room. The girl rose to her feet. Her heav- ing bosom showed that she was under some intense strain. She walked up and down the room once or twice , her hands pressed to her throbbing tem- ples. At the upper end of the room f was a stacIe of arms. She cautiously approached it and examined the guns. They were of the old-fashioned percus- sion cap type. Taking the decanter of vodka ] which stood near , she gazed curiously around for a moment and then poured the liquor down the bar- rels of the guns. Just as she had finished this extraordinary act there was a sound at the outer door , and Karsicheff and Nicholas re-entered the room. . I They looked curiously at the girl. "The lady ] has gone , " explained Car- o11ne , "but site will return presently. " "All right , " said Nicholas , "we were afraid we might have interrupted your conversation. " - At this moment the courier's door "IIII ! ' " opened slightly. "Are you there , com mandant ? " he inquired. "Yes , " shortly answered Karsicheff. "Those pardons for Alexis Nazimoff and Ivan Barosly are not to be for warded to Chitlm until I see you In the morning. I have other papers to . Bond with them to the ispavnile at Chitka. " "Your orders will be obeyed. " "Very well , " and the courier closed his door. "You had better get the pardons - .Y , , / u , . f . 62 - Z VY 70 mI . : iIYI' N I 1iIIf from mother , " said Nicholas , in case ( , he asks for them. " "There is plenty of time. She haE them in her bosom and to ask ] her for them now would excite her still more , How has she succeeded , I wonder , " and he looked at Caroline. j She had sunk into the chair , her bead supported hy her hand and her regular , heavy breathing showed that t she was fast asleep. KarslchefJ f shrugged his shoudCl'S. ] "Not a very promising instrument , " ho muttered. Katherine came In at this moment and her eye fell on the sleeping girl. She advanced with a soft step. "Why did you come in , " she said with some annoyance. "I have got her almost to the verge of consent , " and in a rapid whisper she went over the details . tails of the plan she had proposed to Caroline. Karslcheff's eyes sparkled. "Excel. lent , " ho said. Nicholas was doubtful. "She has not the nerve to carry it out. " "Leave me-wo shall see. Go and Instruct the guard to give her free entrance to the mmera ] , and to leave the gate open if you should desire. Then get your guards ready. If I cnn bring her to nerve herself to act nIl will go well and Alexis Nazlmoff and Ivan Barosky will trouble ] us no more , " and Katherine Karslcheff fairly - ly gloated over the prospect. "Thore must be no mistake , " said Nlchoas. ] "I will get a convict's suit and go into the mmeras ] where I can overhear and see what she does. " . . , . . . - . . . - . - - ' " pJenU1u-an aamlraUlO Inea. Goat at once , " said his mother. The two men left the room. "Now for it , " said Katherine , as she placed her hand on the shoulder of the sleeping girl. Caroline opened her eyes and with a start gazed around. "Pardon me , 1- " "You are fatigued , " kindly said Katherine. "Perhaps , after all. what I suggested was too much for your strength , and we must abandon the poor fellow to his fate. " "No , I will try to do as you desire , madame. " "Brave , noble girl , you will not fail , and wo shall have the baoplness of seeing your preserver on the road to freedom. " ' 'May God grant it , " was the fervent response. "And now , madame , give - me the file and an opportunity to get Into the prison pen. " "Let the signal be a pistol shot , " said Katherine , with feverish haste. - "Hero is a file ; my husband has given orders to admit you to the lcameras. Do not fnlter. Keep a brave heart , and all will bo well. " "Do not fear , madame. My success shall surprise yon" ; and so saying , Caroline quitted the room. "Victory-revenge-oh , my plan Is perfect , " said the now exultant Kath- erine , as she went to the door and watched the girl ] enter the stocmde. ] A moment later she saw a figure slink along in the darlmess. It was Nicho- las and he was following Caroline. Even as she saw him disappear , Karsicheff approached , the guard following - lowing him from the guardhouse. Silently they entered the house and taking their arms from the rack were conducted behind a door opposite to that which the convicts were to enter. Katherine gave a signal for profound - found silence as Karsichetf disappeared - peared with his men. Then , drawing a revolver , from her bosom , she examined It carefully and replaced It ready for use. All was going well-everything was perfect , all but the pardon of Uda Barosky , and that was In possession of the courier. She stepped to his door on tiptoe. But not softly enough . 'Vho goes there ! " said a gruff voice. "Tho wife of the commandant , I coionel. I was anxious about your In- juries. Can I do anything for your comfort ? " "Thanle you , no. I simply ] need , rest. " ' Katherine stepped back. "He Is wide waIte. The pardon can not be stolen while he sleeps. " Then a thought occurred to her and she smiled. Evidently a happy thought. It was this : It Caroline could succeed In the one task , why not try to maw ] her attempt the other. Every minute seemed an hour as . , Katherine , her heart heating with anx- Ious throbs , waited the return of the glr ] . She peered out into the night , trying to pierce the gloom. It was not long until her patience was rowardCl1. With a light stop and with nn air that spoke of success , Caroline appeared on the outside of the stockade , ran across , and entered the houso. "Havo you succeeded , " asked ] Kath- I O1'lne , eagerly. "Detter , madame , than I had dared to hopo. " "Thoy will attempt to storm the houso. " "Thoy are getting ready now. " "Dravo girl. Oh , had I now but possession - session of the pardon of 11110. Darosky , by triumph would be completo. " "lIda Darosky , " said Caroline , "an absent friend ? " "No , " responded Katherine , Ole-he Is m " bitterest enemy , and in three days she will bo freo. The courier lies asleep In that room with her pardon in his possession. Could you but secure that pardon I would give you any reward - ward you could ask In my power. "He Is asleep , you say ? " asked ] Car- oline. "Yes , I think so. Will you try ? " "I will try. " "But , " said Katherine "U ho should bo awake-hore-tato ] this-defend - . . . . . - ( \ ' c Il . ' /47 4' B. " " yourself-but get that pardon at any cost , " and she handed her the 1'0- volver. No sound broke the silence save the hard breathing of the two womon. Caroline went softly to the door , opened It , and disappeared in the hall within. Katherine ran to her ( hus- band's greatcoat and secured another ' revolver. Then she wafted. Another moment and the girl en- tered the room. "Have you succeeded , " asked ] Kath- erine with feverish anxiety. "Ay , madame , but you have failed. " "Failed ! " gasped Katherine. "Yes , the pardons you have in your bosom for Alexis Nazlmoff and Ivan Barosky are false ] papers. " With a cry of rage , Katherine tore open the bosom of her dress and pulled forth the envelope. Taking out the pardons she exclaimed : "No , they are genuine. See the great seal , " and she pointed to the papor. The girl grasped the document with a grip of iron. "Yes , they are genuine . Ine , than ] God. " "Yes , yes ! give them to 1110 now , " said Katherine. "Never , " shouted the girl ] In a lend ] voice. "These pardons that make Alexis Nazlmoff and Ivan BarosltY free are mine ! " "What do you mean ? " screamed Katherine. "Give them to me , 1 say , " - and drawing her revolver she sprang ffllr the girl. "Never ! " was the reply , as Caroline struck the hand that hold the weapon a second before it was fired. One pistol ] shot. There was a 3'el1-a crash as the stockade quivered with the shock as the exiles rushed through the gates , and with hoarse cries bounded forward - ward to the house and burst in the door. . . " " "Fire ! Karslchert . gave the command , but . " - no sound t1cWQd. The act of the girl . had rendered the guns usooss. ] "Hol I" ! The courier rushed into the room. "What has happened ho cried. Caroline Cobb sprang before him. "A plot to murder these prisoners In cold blood has been thwarted , " alto oxclahned. "Theso men-Aoxls ] No.- zlmort nnd Iran Daroslt3'-have been pardoned by the czar. Their pardons 111'0 tore , " and alto waved the papers high above her head. Katherine sprang at her , but recoiled - called at the cocked revolver ] leveled ] at her head. \Vaman , devil , serpent , spy , " she screamed , "who arc you ? " Tearing off the blonde wig which had so effectually disguised her , the girl with flashing eyes confronted the maddened woman us she exclaimed : "I am 11110. Darosey I and the courier has my pardon ! I too am free ! " A great cheer went up from the ox- lies , while the soldiers looked on in helpless wondermont. As the cheer dlol1 away there came to the ears ot all thin sound of galloping horses , the jingle of sleigh bells , allli a moment later ] the voice of Soptimus Cobb , who burst through the crowd with a paper held In his hand : "It iA here , colonel , " ho said " 1 have kept ] my word ! " "Down with thom all ! " yelled Kar- slcheff In a very paroxysm of bait fled rage. Nicholas had come in , in his convict garh. "Stop ! " commanded the courier In a loud voice as ho glanced over the paper handed to him by Cobb. "Con- stantino Karslcheff you are my prison- er. Here is the order of the governor dismissing you in disgrace , and ordering - dering you to bo sent as a common criminal with the first convoy going to the mines of Kara. " At' this moment cries of "Holp ! I help ! " were heard tram the room where Olga had been confined. Ivan sprang up anti with one mighty effort burst in the door , and Olga was in his arms. There is no need to dwell further on the scenes which tollowed. Retri- bution had at last overtaken the Kar- slcheffs and a week later ] they were tn their way to the mines. About three months after the events we have just described a great ocean steamer was leavIng Hamburg bound for New York. As the mighty vessel cleared the Elbe a groupo of passengers standing on leek ] turned their faces to the east-in the direc- tion of Russia. They looked ] for a moment and then turned their eyes toward the west. They were our friends , Alexis ] and Ilda , Ivan and Olga , and Gen. Cobb , the proud and happy husband of a titled wife , who stood smiling and happy by his side. They wore silent for the time , for the thoughts of all of them were of the scenes in which they had borne n part in the past. They were going to a new home be- . yond the broad Atlantic , and as the steamer turned her stem to the rest , and they saw the glorious sun Bet in resplendent glory on the broad bosom of the waters , it seemed to bo an augur of brighter and happier days , that would banish the memory of their hours of sorrow in Darkest RutS- sla. ( The End. ) No Credit In This Pupl. Miss Harriet Hosmer , the noted American sculptor , was talking at her Watertown residence about celebrities she had known. Of a certain noted New Yorker ] she said : "Ho was an awkward dancer , but he told me once that ho had taken dancing lessons In Doston. His teacher - er was a charming old Frenchman , a true artist ; and when ho came to leave Boston he salll to the old man : " 'I am going back to New York now , monsieur , and if there is any laver I can do for you there I shall be only too glad to serve you. ' 'I'he aged teache , with an embarrassed - rassed smile , rdpIled : " ' 1 will take ] It as the greatest accommodation - commodation , sir , if you will toll no of whom ' learned to ' H one you dance -