The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 28, 1904, Image 16
+ . J j October 28 190,1 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE I Verdon. Gertrude Bowman left . 'ucs- ) ( lay for a weeks visit to the exposition - position . at SL T-4ouis. II Congressiiian E ! , J. Burkett spoke to a large crowd at thc opera house Wednesday aftcr- nooll. John hall has got a force of Ii i men laying a brick side walk around his large prick building which will make quite an impro\- mCllt to thc tOWII. .I\1i1cs'Mayfic.d has thc material - ial 011 the ground for his new residenCe - idcnce which he expects to have 'I ' ready to occupy by thc first of thc year I Ellis Houtzt left for thc coun- try thc first of thc week where hc will shuck corn for his fathcr. . 1\ln J. Lord spent this week ill Salcm. 1Irs. J. N. . Batcman of Stella shcllt thc first of thc week with friends hcrc. C. A. .Torn returned from Lin- coIn last Friday where he has been ill attendance at thc Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows , hc being a representative from this ! lodge. Henry Fritz and family visited with F. F. ! Dietrich on last Sun- day. Oscar Nussbaum rented Clifton Benedicts farm south of town for the coming ycar. Mr. Benedict will movc to town so they can Care for his mother who has been confined to thc house for thc past I ycar. J Raymond K111SCY was in Fails ! I City Stthmlay. J. O. Patterson left l Monday ' for Bcatricc. Mrs. 'immcrman's sister is ii i dead The remains i will bc I " brought hcrc. I A party waS given at the homc j of Sam Hancock Friday evening 1'1 _ . _ _ _ , . . The Knights and ladies lodge went to Salem Tuesday evening i to visit the Salem lodgc. Mr. and Mrs. L.A Kinscy went to Falls City Saturday to attend the HoITncl-North wcdding. Sherm Shiley and family moved the latter part of the week from ' Craig , Mo. , into the tenant house on John Hcncdit's farm where they put up for the winter In thc spring they will move to a i farm near Stclla. # 1 ' C. M..lleinzelman and family visited with 1\1'rs. HcizcIman's father Chas Kckcr near Barada Saturday and Sunday. G. A. Jorn and family visited . relatives and friends near Harada the first of thc wcck. Joe Cullen is laying a brick walk in front of his residence 1 this wcek. Ernest Jorn and wife visited with relatives here last Saturday. . Abc More and wife uf Stella . cable down 'rhl11'sday. Clctta Moran and Carrie Bcnc- dict went to Nebraska City 'Vcd- . . ncsday returning Friday. Mr. and .Mrs. Veal of Stella came down Frichy aftcrnoon. Ernest Clark was down from Stella Friday. ] A Scmade part visited l\r. and Mrs. Stevens Friday nig-ht. Miss Jcnnic Carry ot. y Stella was clown Monday. Mrs. Bateman camc down from Stella Tuesday evening while here she received a telephone from Mr. Batcman stating their son Orval had his hand shot off. The particulars lf thc t case have not been learned yct. Quite a number of thc young fells went to Salem Monday and Tuesday evenings to attend church. . Mr. and 'Mrs. L : A. Kinscy and Mrs. aITerty went to Farragut , r Iowa Monday to visit friends and _ , . ' _ _ u " " . . _ ' . . _ 1 , _ . rCIall vcs. llicv tUICild to be . gone about a wcck. The Senior class of thc Vcrdon 1 High school bare new class pins. : David Clark went to Salem Tuesday cvcn i n ) . ; . Mrs. J. Weaver and Bloom went to Falls City M01day. A vote for the republican - can dandidates for iegis- lature is vote for - a I-lon. I E. J. Burkett for United States Senator. Wiliamsville. i I i i I t Ralph \Vhcclcr was thc guest of Byron Dunn Sunday. , A number from t here were shop- 1 . . ping in Falls City . Saturday ' Schutz is building a barn in . . Falls City for Coon Prichard. Some of thc farmers have be- gun husking- corn but thc major- ity arc picldngapplcs. . Roy Dunn and lady friend attended - tended thc lance at Harada on Thursday c\'cning' Ralph Wheeler attended thc dance given by Fred Finch Saturday - urdar night. The Wil1iamsvillc band was reorganized - organized and has commenced practicing for thc summcr. C , Horn is spending several days in Kansas looking at land with intentions of buying' Mcssrs Nichols and Arnold and Nellie Dunn and Mary Ducrfcldt spent Sunday at thc home of C. tcinbrink Sunday c\'cning' Guy Princ and wife of Gage county is visiting his mother at this placc. Gcrtic Elam spent Saturday night and Sunday with Zol1a Vass < ; lr. The ladies in this neighborhood - hood arc making apple buttcr. - - - . ! China , Queensware , Notions , I Groceries arid Flollr. . ' . _ . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . . _ - _ _ . = _ _ . - . . . - _ . . au . - . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ " . . _ _ _ l 100 piece HavHand China Dinner Sets $25" , 100 piece White China Dinner Sets . . $20 I 100 pc. dinner sets , best English \varell ; to $151 , ? ' The finest line of Decorated = ; ; . ! . r \ I rated China in the city. . . - \ ; " " Ail kinds of Glass\vnre. See the imitations , ' , I of Cut Glass. It's fine. You are invited calf and examine the stock at . , : I CHAS h A .WLS ! On- . 7 I . . . . . - - - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . - - . . . . . _ . . . . - - - - Fanny Shaw was thc guest of her sister Mrs. Princ over Sun- Sunday. ' 1' . L. Snyder has returned from Lincoln where hc attended the 1. O. O. F. annual 111ceting. Joe ITolmes and wife C. H. McDowell - Dowcl1 and Floyd Princ spent thc week at St. Louis fait' Will Snyder of Ponca City Ok1a. , is in thc vicinity bung . up a car load of potatocs. Mrs. PJcd Wade of Strode , Ok- visited with George McDowell Saturday. . . . . If you were in the United = cd States Senate with would you vote ? Tiltllan ! , Bailey and other enemies of President , Roosevelt. You will vote one way or the other when you vote the legislative ticket this fall. _ , 'l'hc rest of this month we will give it lead pencil free with each 5 cent ta blct. King's Pharmacy. W. , H. MADDOX I REAL ESTATE AGENCY I I Lands bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance . Houses in city for sale I rIoney to lo , .n Telephone 18 Catalpa Grove. Mrs. John Williams is reported - cd quite poorly. _ Alma and Shaffcr arc imprO\- ing- an well as could bc cxpcctcd. f G.A.Slayton returned to Hillsdale - t : dale llicliigaslIonda3 . 1 - - - . . . _ . - - - - . ; Ohio Precinct ' Ivan Kcllar ; visited with his sister l\Irs. E. T. Peck Saturday ' night and Sunday. , - B F. Forncv of Navarrc , Kas. , ; ' left for his home Dlonclay , . after ' . spending a few days with ! rcla- , ti\'cs. . . ' ' : I . , f Edith Peck was a guest of her : cousins the Misses : ' ' COUSinS Knisey's Suil- . . day. ' r v- J. -\V. l\Iaust and wife Siindays _ cd 'with Eph. Pcck's. . . : S. H. Kh.scly drove down I to . , Merrill Kas. , Saturday for a vis = ' it with rclat'cs. \'cs. V ' G. \V. Peck and wife went to . f Merrill Monday to sec their daughter who is very sick. D. L. Forncy , a missionary of , India will ] ] talk at hc German Baptist Brethren church Satttr - : day evening , Oct. 29. Every one ' is invited to come out and hear him. J NY-- - _ u. . . . . . . . . -f. . r ' f COLLECTION : _ ' t . GIVEN ' " < 1 ! PROflPT ATTENTION . . . ' 'j , . - - - I \ 1 . John Le Cleaver " I JUSTICE of the PEACE ' f : : e ) ; , FALLS CITY - NEB . , - - 'Yc guarantee all thc cider from your apples. No waste in , hc new cider mill , creamery ' ImiMing. . . . - . I , 1 " . I