The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 28, 1904, Image 15

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    , .
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Put your rInger i -
ger on our
trade mark. Tell your
dealer you want the best
starch your money can buy.
Insist on having the best ,
It Is 16 ounces for 10 ce'nt
No premiums but one
pOund of the very best
starch made. We put all
ow money In the starch.
It needs no cooklnc.
It I. absolutely pure.
It gives satisfaction or
money back.
Omaha , Neb.
. . . .
Magnificent Crops for 19 0 4.
; Western Canada' "
' - " Wheat Crop his
, . Year Will be e o'-
000,000 Bushels ,
and Wheat at Present -
ent Is Worth $1. 0 o a
. Bushel.
, The Oat and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abunda ntly.
. Splendid prlc06 for all kinds of grain , cattle
and other farm produce for the growIng ot
which the climate 18 unsurpassed.
About 150,000 ! Americans have settled In W cst-
ern Canada during the past three years.
Thousands ot free homesteads of JOO ncres
each still available In the best agricultural dll-
It has been said that the United States will
be forced to Import wheat within a very few
years. Secure a farm In Canada and become
one of those who will produce It.
Apply for Information to Supcrlntendent of
Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or to authorized !
Canadian Government AKent-'Y. V. Bennctt ,
801 New York Life Building , Omaha , Neb.
Mustang liniment
- fa a positive cure for Piles.
l r
- Strawberry and
Vegetable Dealers
. , The Passenger Delartment of the 1 11Inohl
,7 Central Railroad Company have recently Issued
a publication known as Circular No. 12ln which :
i Is described the
best territory in this country t
for thegr owing of early strawberries and early
vegetables. Every dealer In such products
E should address n postal card to the undersigned
. at Dubuque , qwa , requesting n copy of
"CircUlar No. 12. '
J. F. MERRY , Asst Gcn'l Pass'r Agent.
UJ Save 2 on Drugs J
UJ write for our IOO-page catalo guO'
showing 10.000 articles at cut pr Ices .
tI. S"IRMA" & MO""ILL DRUG (0.
Cor. 16th and DodAs Omaha , Neb.
} 'ortunelln little gash
GINSENG I enl Easily grown
American everywhere market , Hal ! e In DC
$7 to 812 par lb. ; costa to grow lell than U. otII1K
demandS roots and seed for Bale ; booklet free ; wrIte
io dal. ZABK GINSENG 00. , Dept 8 , lopWl.o ,
Select Wife's Toilets.
Il Is a common thing In Paris for ' n t tie
man to accompany his wife to the
drosHmnltcr's. The young wife who
has lmown no gayer attire than the
coming-out gown of the jeslre 1111e
needs careful advice as to her toilets ,
and her hiiabanee , If ho Ue a certain
type of man at the world , knows how
. to give It.
, Try me just OI1P.O and I am sure to
come again. Deflance Starch.
Hunting In Japan.
The Japanese , always keen shorten ,
I men , used to tape most of their gam o
i I with goshawks and sparrow bawl { s .
'rho molly dogs they used were spanIels -
eels , which flushed the game. But now
they are taking to dogs , and many
good animals are elng Imported from
I'r. . Wlnslow's Soothln" ; lIIyrup.
For children toethlng , Buttens the IrUI1I1 , reduces ! Do
QammatloD , aUa18 pain , cured wiu4 collu. 23cs butt/e. /
Significance In Colors ,
Colors have three significations
when used In decorations , ono relatIng -
Ing to things , one relative to time , one
of direction. In the first relation red
means trIumph or success ; blue
means failure j lack signifies death ;
white stands for happiness or peace.
Many who formerly smoked lOc cigar
now smoke Lewis' "Siugh Binder" strnigh ! 't
Ge. Lcwis' Factory ! , Peoria , I11.
Pay for Abusing "Hello" Girls
An angry IIeaIt who called It telephone -
phone girl a "sheepshead" over tl leg
wire In Nuremburg , Germany , has
Ueen fined 6.25. A Viennese who called -
ed the W01l1an operator a "Chlneso" ;
in similar circumstances has ruffs
ed to the extent of $8.
"I - went JIome to Din from
Gravel Trouble ,
. Doctors Called. Dr. DAvltl Kennrdy' . F4vur is ReID , e t , .
cured me. " ) ! rs , C. W. lIrown , l'eteraburg , N. Y.
Antidotes for Microbes.
A French ] bacteriologist declares
that lemonade , cider , seltzer and simIlar -
liar drinks will kill typhoid germs ,
while alcohol at 25 per cent destroys
microbes , an dllt 2 per cent prevents
theIr development. .
Murino Eye Remedy cures Bore eyes ,
makes weak eyes strong. All druggists , 50 o. .
"If I wrote on till I told
you everything -
thing , l\Iavourneen-so ran the closIng -
Ing paragraph in a certain impassioned :
ed young IrIshman's love lotter-lOrd ]
still be having a volume : to tell you ,
darllng.-New Orleans Picayune
Plso's Cure for Consumption Is an InCalllbio
mcdlcino for coughs and colds.-N. . SAMUEL °
Ocean Grove , N. J. , Feb. J7 , 1000.
First Use of Bayonet.
The bayonet was first used by the
French In 1671. It was first made In
Bayonne , France , and was considered
a very deadly weapon. The British
army quickly copied it , and other na.-
tions promptly followed suit.
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Defiance
Starch , you
may be sure he is afraid td keep It until -
tit his stock of 12 OZ packages arc
eold. Defiance Starch Is not enl ' better -
ter than any other Cold Water Starch ,
hut contains 16 OZ to the package and
sells for same money aM 12 oz. bran ae
There have been unearthed at Bury
St. Edmunds , England , traces of n
Roman villa , yIelding fragments ofa
Samlan and Romano-British potter y
Dr. O. S. Wood cures Rupture by
a new process , In a few weeks , without -
out loss of time or itlconvenien
Rectal dIseases cured without the [
knife Send for circular. O. S. Wood ,
1\1. D. , 521 N. Y. Life Bldg" , Omaha
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than anyother !
Ask dealer or we will send post paid at 10c a packs oe . WI
When Answering Advertisements '
Kindly Mention This Paper. I' 1
- - . - - - . - O.L -
. .
r -
, . '
/ffl /
NA11s1Y/iSfiir / i 11'"e 'SZ i " . i. , .
' ' ,1 9 d
Two severe cases of Ovarian Trouble
and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs.
Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell
how they were saved by the use of
Lydia E. ] Pinkham Vegetable Compound.
"DEAR ; l\IRS. PlNInIAM : - I n.m so pleased with the results obtained
from Lydia E. PillJcuun's
> Lm's Vegetable Compound that
I feel it .
0. duty
and .
0. privilege to write you about it.
"I suffered for more than five with
years ovarian troubles , causing -
ing an unpleasant
would ng discharge , 0. great weakness , and at times 0. faintness
come over 1110 which no amount of medicine diet '
, , 01' exercise
seemed to
correct. Your
Compound found
however , 'Within n few weeks-anti - the weak spot ,
- an. ! leaved me from
> t 1\11 OICrlltion-
all my troubles had disappeared , and I found myself
and well. " \V'ords fail to describe the real true once more healthy
, , grateful feeling that is
in my heart , and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don't
dally with medicines you know nothing about , but take J.J ' .
ham's Lydia E. PJnk-
Vegetable Compound , and take my word for it , you will be a
villo different , Ont. woman in 0. . short time. " -tIus. LAURA EbUlON8 , 'Valker-
Another Case of Ovarian Trouble ,
Cured Without J
. ' -1.
{ : - For several years I
. ° was troubled with ovarian trouble and a. painful
' ' ' and inflamed condition which kept mo in bed part
, of tile time I did so . rend u. surlical operation.
" '
"I tried different rcmedie'l : hopmg to get better
but nothing seemed to bring relief until 0. . friend
' . ' % who had been cured of ovarian trouble , through
the use of your compound , induced ute to try it. I
' '
'r' took it faithfully for three months , und ut the end
of that time was glad to find that I was a well
woman. Health is '
Dature's best gift to woman ,
. and if you lose it and can have it restored
: \ : '
: through Lydia E ' Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
. . . : f. round I feel that all suffering women should
. \ \ - - - _ " ' J- : 'ter\Know \ of this , " - Mns , LAURA BELLE COLE
} \ " : " : - j--- _ 1 IAN , Commercial Hotel , Nashville , 'l'ean '
It is well to rvuermclnber such letter
: : La above when
sortie druggist tries
to to
you buy something which ho Is " " ' '
says "just as good 'l'hat is
, ns no other Impossible -
medicine has
ham's Vegetable such a record of cures as J.Jydia E. 'filk-
Compound ; accept no other and you will be glnd.
Don't hcsitate to write to l\lrs. Pinkham if there is ,
about anything
) your sielmess ' do
you not understand. She will treat
with you
kindness stud her advice is frec. No woman ever regretted
writing her md she has helped thousands. Address Lynn , ltlaSi.
$5000 FORFEIT It we cannot forthwith the orllflnallottcu . . . f
2Ibovu teStiwonlau , which will prove t r.rodl1ce olllte llllillene lotter.nndeignatnre.ert ' .
Lydia E. l'wkl1aw JIIutllcwu ! Cu" Lynn Iaa.
[ n sheets of PURE ANILINE . Nobottlc ' .
! ! NopaddlcR. No waste. Gives thosame
lmount of blueing water each wl\&hda ' . Ash
your grocer for it or bend TOO for u book ot 25leuves.
rhe Handy Blueing Book Co. " 87 E. Lake St. , Chicago , III.
ler dye. One 10c package colors silk , wool and cotton
Write for free booklet-How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Colors. equally lUONIlOE well and II guaranteed to give perfect results
AIUNItu1C1111UU CO" , Urltunvuleltl/wlow
If .eta aitllct.d ! s .e , molts sue } Thompson' . Ey. Waist BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER
w. N. U. , Omana. No. 43-1904 CURES catarrh of the stomach.