The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 28, 1904, Image 14

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October 28 'I90i1 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ' , I " ,
. j .
- - - -
\Vc bclicvc it a safe assertion
that most idea arc honest and
that all ] ) men arc scHish. No
political part has a monopoly of
either thc holiest or dishoncst
mcn. ' ! 'hc in,1ividual of each
part is much hc t samc. 'l'hc
candidates of each part desire
to succccd and thc part ) ' managers -
ers arc likely to "play politics"
in thc effort to win. But did it
ever occur to you that thc republican -
publican part is composed of
business men who arc no less interested -
tcrestcd in a safe , economical and
intelligent government than arc
their democratic brethren ? Any
legislature that would impose
unnccessary burdens on thc
people will effect republicans
, and democrats alikc. \Vc arc
just as honest and just ass selfish
as you. \Vc have no desire to
spend any money unneccssa ri 1) ' .
We want thc affairsof thc nation ,
hc i state , thc county land thc
township cotidnctc(1 ' . just as
economically as ittay bc consistent ! -
tent with good and cfiicicnt
\Ve arc not such incompctents-
such fools if you please , to want
to increase thc taxes 01 lXichard-
son County unnecessarily ; fur it
will Mean as much in dollars and
cents to us as it docs to ) 'ou.
Will you not give us credit with
being just as selfish as you ?
* * *
This is a campaign of cduca-
. - - . . .
tion , cspecsially on thc lutes 01
taxation and rc\'cnuc. Dcmo-
cracy has abandoned her old
idols of free silver , tariff reform
and llilcc fallacics. A search
through thc garbage barrel , of
lead issues disclosed nothing
that could bc revivified into a
semblance of life and hcalth.
I Some issue or reputed issue had
; I 1 to bc secured , so thc democratic
j party in this emergency bethought -
1 ; thought itself of the revenue bill ,
. : and with ' it is attempting to
\ i \ ( "play politics" with the voters
I of this county and statc.
t * * *
Democracy has learned to face
j thc people with : hand made issucs.
This is not the first time that
this party has been bereft of
some distinctive governmental
policy. The revenue law is not
thc first measure \\'hich thc
democratic part has seized upon
as a can1jiigmi makeshift to bc
discarded and forgotten when
thc clcction' was o\'cr. Among
thc other instances might bc cit-
cd thc l\IcClcar Bill j Militarism ;
Slavery in' thc Phillipincs and ! . ,
Tariff reform Who ever hears
of these things with which democracy -
cracy was used to terrify it timid
- - -
people in days gone by. In this 1
beautiful month of October in ]
the year of our ford 1904 , these 1
things which once contained 50 ,
lIluch of evil to the t Amcrican ,
peoplc arc as a talc that is told ]
and forgotten , leaving i10 im- .
prcssion upon thc life of thc
Amcrican people save that of thc
insinccrct of thc party which 1
used thcm for a day as counterfeit - ,
fcit issues with which to pIa ) ' :
politics. j
* * *
And so , notwithstanding thc ]
republican party has been doing .
things for fifty years , thc democratic - (
cratic party can find nothing (
which it may justly criticisc. . It ] 1
can find nothing of its past life 4
or record upon which it cares to
face thc peoplc. In its extremity
it has determined to cover thc
revenue bill with war paint , put I
a paper tomahawk in its hand
and parade it before voters that :
the ) ' may become alarmcd and
frightcncd. Oh democracy - I
stop fooling- Pardon thc ex-
pression-but your work is too
; k * *
Did it ever occur to you , my
voter friend , that a revenue law
cannot increase your taxes ? Time
report of thc assessors show that
you have property of a given
\'aluc. That report or assessment -
ment docsn't cost you a cent if
thc county board docsn't make : a
lev ) ' . It is thc levy that detcr-
mincs how much you shall pay
in taxes toward thc support of
thc various gO\'C I'll mcn ts. Pete :
revenue law does not and could
rot determine how much of a
levy shall bc made by thc county
board. That is dependent on thc
business judgment j of the mcm-
hers of thc board. \Vhcth r
that levy should bc large or small
dcpcnds on thc mailer in which
thc affairs of thc'coul1ty arc ad-
ministcrcd. Suppose for instance
that thc county board should
spcnd $100,000 a ycar-such expenditure -
pcnditurc would make a larger
levy necessary would it not ?
The larger levy would increase
your taxcs. Would you blamc
this increase on extravagance
of thc county board which spent
thc $100,000 or on thc revenue
law. Manifestly thc blame
would bc thc county board.
Suppose on thc other hand thc
county board should expend but
S5OOO a ) 'car. It would require
but a very small lc\ ) to raise
this sum. 'Your taxes would bc
greatly dccrcdscd. Now as busi-
ness mcn-would you give thc
credit for this decrease to the
revenue law 'or to thc economy of
, thc county board ? Undoubtedly
. ,
- - - - -
. .
lo thc county board.
* * *
A revenue law docs miot increase I
, 'our tax It d csn't increase thc
alary ; of thc county officcrs. It I
locsn't create a demand for more j
Jridgcs. It ' will not make necessary - ' ,
sary an additional term of court
1N : mol'r 1'1' DOTES NO'I' INCHHASH
L'Axns AHH GHHNI' OR S\lAT.l. , DH-
[ > HNDI ; N'I' ON 'l'lIH AMOUNT ; OP I
* ) * : : :
The dcmocratic county board I
nadc at : c. ccssivc and unnecessarily
sarily high ley l : ) ' . \Vhcthcr this
was \ done for political purposes ,
in order that an issue could be
made out of thc new law , wc do
lot know. \Vc do know that
after all thc expcnses of thc
, .
cotulty arc pail , that thc taxc $
collected under this levy will
cave an idle surplus in the hands
of thc county Treasurer of about
350,000. The county Treasurer
will place this money in the
banks and thc county will receive -
ceive about 2 per cent interest on
he { same. If this money was in
thc hand of thc tax payers where
it should bc and would bc if thc
county board had done its duty ,
it would be carding per cent
interest for its owncrs.
. . . . . .
r . .
"to" . . w
This new revenue law was thc
joint act of all political partics.
Time platform of thc state demo
critic con \cn lion in fJ02 , dcc1a -
cdinfa\'orofit. . .
Governor Holcomb asked for
its cnactmcn ; Governor Poynter
did likewise ; Chief Justice Sullivan -
van of thc supreme court of Nebraska -
brasl\ declared in ln opinion
written by him that it was a good 1
1aa' . : Mr. Loomis thc chairman
of thc democratic state convent
ion this year was on thc legis-
lat \'c committc which framed 1 I
thc law. illcmbers of all political -
cal parties voted to pass the law.
It never occurcd to thc democratic -
ic party that thc law was bad l
and vicious until thcy were left t
without an issuc. Then , and for r
this reason , the democratic party
began to cry down thc 1a wand !
to use it as an instrument with
which to "play politic' "
. * *
'l ' ime revenue law is a good lava
It needs certain i amendments and l
to make these amendments thc
legislative candidates , 'J'uckcr , , t
i -
Uf I
un 111v
ud vdl
® oc
C (
r t1o
& _ _ LLPN of t
+ , r c
. : .
Grinstcad , Hogrefc and Smith
pledge themselves to support and
dcmand. Time rcvcnuc law WOULD
'I'IIIS YEAR IIt 1'1' HAD NO'l' I11IN "
' "
NHHDI D. Time reason thc tax
would have been reduced is this : r
Under thc old hn\ ' taxes became
delinquent [ in February and thc
Cotmlity treasurer could not issue a
distress warrant for thc collection
of these taxes until thc following ;
January , or nearly a Ycar. Many :
mcu were feeding cattle at the
time thc tax became delinquent .
and if thc distress warrant could
have been issued thc tax could
have been collcctcd. .As thc
treasurer would have to wait a }
year however in'cr ) ' many instances -
stances thc cattle were sold , th
owner had no visible property out - ,
of which thc tax could bc madc.
The result is that there are hun-
drcds and thousands of dollars in
delinquent taxes on thc books
which thc cotulty has lost for '
this rcason. Under thc new law , , ' . '
thc distrcsswarrant can uc issued
immcdiatcly upon thc tax bccom-
jug dclinqucnt. For this reason ' '
the county treasurer has been permitted - . . .
mittcd to collect aloiE'rIAN : i : om -
OUI N'l' 'l'AXHS. 'l'hat there was
011 hand on 'Junc 30th. 1904 , at 'if'J ,
thc timc thc , ( dcmocra county
board made ninc mmilll levy °
a Ilmilc ) l\QHH
'l'HAN S4,000.00 WI'l' : : OU'I' AN OUT
STANDING WAAN'r ! , OR WITHIN : . . . ' ' '
r.c . . : < 't
' ' . . ' , ,
' ' ' ' . _
. . : . . : . . '
The rC\'Cl.UC law is a good la\ ' .
Your taxes should be less this ,
year than formcrly. That they -
will not bc is thc fault of thc . ' .
county boar ' . . ' 1'0 insure a lower ; t' ' ,
tax vote for thc republican cilndi- ' , r'
dates for supervisor , all of whom " ' _
- to lower lc . In t' . '
arc pledged a , levy. , ; '
! ! i } >
thc mcantimc rcmcmber that thc "
increase , is now being used b\ thc ' . -
opposition for political purposes # u
and to secure your vote for the ( .
democratic candidates for the 'r
legislature in order that W. J. . -
Bryan may be sent to thc U. S. j
senate to annoy and harass Prcsi- 1
dent Hoosc\'clt and that Elmcr J. . . : '
Burkctt who asks the privilege ,
sot upholding thc president in his
fight for equal rig-lits to all class-
cs of pcoplc shall bc defeatcd. -
It's a Good Sign .
f the high grade of thc coal we
ell and of thc excellence of our
methods that our customers stay
'ith us year in and year out. They ;
on , t g-o around making experiment
r trying to get more coal ors better
oal for their monc ) ' . 'l'hy i arc sure
lIe feel no uncertainty. An army '
If pleased and satisfied customers is
hc best advertisement a business ' '
an have , . .
MA VST 7R 0 S . $ ; : ' . , . . . . , -
Phone :58 r