. . , , . . - FRIJJJJS OF FASHION " AND- ; t STYLES AND MATERIALS WHICH ARE "IN THE MODE " , r. , / _ I' Full Waists Made to Form Soft and Graceful Folds-Serviceable Cos , \ tume for Young Girl-Recipe for Appetizing - I petlzlng Mayonnaise Sauce. - - . , Vogue of Light Materials. It Is astonishing how much thin mil' tennis , such us voile , crepe , ctamlne t and others of a like description , are worn by well . dressed ! ; ! women lIming the winter nowndays. Naturally this does not apply to the tallor-mado cos ( limes , but last year the most elnbo rate gowns of theRe fabrics were to be seen under the handsome fur coat , and there Is every reason to suppose that they will be more In vogue than Q\'er. There Is a fancy , too-which Is to he noticed In many of the now Paris costumes and which will he equally pronounced during the autumn months -for the skirt composed of two , flounces ( , each flounce being adorned ; with from three to five bands of vel vet in graduated wilIths. The flounces 1. . are deep , the upper one reaches above the knee , and this style of decoration ! Is naturally more adapted to dresses or the material of which I have been i ! . .peaklug that are sufficiently amena- i ' ' .Jle ! to lend themselves to elaborate i trimming. A Serviceable Costume. I Suits made with plaited skirts and tourist coats are essentially new , essentially . " , -entlally : smart and essentially serviceable - t \'Iceable. This one makes an admirable - able model and Is adapted to all suit- , Ings , but is shown lu dark blue che- I , viet with cuffs of chamois colored cloth and trimming of braid held by handsome buttons. The coat Is one , : or the newest and Is parOy- confined ' , Rt the back by means of a strap that " extends from seam to seam , while the I' fronts are loose. The skirt Is nine , gored and Is laid In plaits that conceal _ . the seams. To make the coat for a , girl ; of 14 years of age will be required - , ed 4 % yards of material 27 , 3lj 'ar'ds I - r r q 1 1 ae , : - l . . .r ; s. , " " " - , \ . ; s fl , I 'Sr ! .t. , ' ' . . . . 44 01' 23 yards 52 Inches wide , with . . - . . . ' 2 % yards of braid ; to male the skirt t 6 yards 27 , ,4 % yards 44 or 3 % yard s 52 Inches wide. Draped Shirred Waist. Full waists that are shirred and draped to form soft and graceful folds are among the latest features of fash , ion and are exceedingly attractive in i the many pliable materials of the sea , tion. : This one Is peculiarly smart and includes n point at the front and the . new sleeves , shirred to form tWJ , J , r , lengthwise puffs above the elhows The mica ' rial chosen for the model Is willow 1rOl'n nH'RRnJlno satin with : cream colored lace for < , homhwlto ( anti culTs hnndlng mind bows of darker velvet , hilt there are ninny wool ns well us silk materials that cnn 1)0 treated In the same mnnlHJI' with equal success , and , when liked , the deep cliffs can he omitted and e10 sleeves made In three quarter leugt : . The waist la made with the fitted lining on which the full fronts and back are arranged , and Is finished lit the neck with n. roll-o\'cl' collar under which the chemisette Is attached. The J 1 c -II. ; ; ' / ' ' a sleeves are made over fitted ilnlngs ; , : which are aced to form cuffs , and are ' full above the elbows , finished with circular frills below which 'fall over the gathered ones of lace. The closing - . Ing Is made Invisibly at the center I fron The quantity or material 1 required for the medium size Is 4ry yards 21 Inches wide , 41x yards 27 Inches wide , or 2 % yards 44 Inches wide , with 7/s yards of all-o\"er lace ] , % yards ot bias velvet and 21E yards of ! ace to make us Illustrated. - - - - Mayonnaise Sauce. Put the yolk of a fresh egg In a bowl , and If the weather Is warm stand the bowl In a pan of chipped - ice and add half a. salt.spoonful of salt and a teaspoonful . spoonful of English mustard. Begin stirring the Ingredients with a box- wood spoon. Stir continually always one way , describing a circle. It Is more easily done by holding the bowl ! 'I' ' ' stEad ' . After stirring about a minute or till the Ingredients are well blended begin adding the all , pouring It In drop by drop. As soon as the mixture is .stifr and waxy add a few drops of tar- ragon vinegar and the same of lemon juice. Then resume the oil , dropping It steadily. Every time the mixture I becomes too thick add a few drops of I vinegar , but continue stirring. One : yolk at an egg will stand the addition . of a pint bottle of all. Stop using all when the mayonnaise Is as thick as you wish It and when you have all you require for your ( 'fa 1ul. - - Military Effects Coming In. Military effects promise to appear largely In the outdoor garments of women the fall. A neW"'Englsh long coal lor stormy weather whch has appeared . peared on the market Is frankly called the JlHtalre. It ] has two wide box pleats In tIle back falling from the yoke and belted In at the waist The front Is double.breasted , with a high , martial-looking , turnover collar , and : t Is finished with brass buttons. - - I Pretty and Comfortable Coat. A loose , three-quarter coat , belted In across the back , exemplifies convenience - nlence and smartness In autumn coats. I it is called the "Trossack , " and is of i ncutra.colored ] cloth , which permits of Its being exploited with skirts ot any I color In walking length. The Tros- sack Is not a dress coat , but for all those day occasions when a loose sep- I crate coat Is Uesirabe ] It Is going to be lone of the smartest fjt ' 1es. . - , , f7d ' Statistics on Coal Supply. According to Statistician dwal'l ' d ! W. PUl'liCl' or the United States geo' logical survey It will ho front 180 to 230 years before anthracite coal will he exhllusted In this country , although were Ito ( present rate or exhaustion and waste to continuo the end would ! conic \ In eighty 'OIlI'S. But while ho Ilntlcliatcs } ( some , increase In this di- I'optlon III the next decade , after that ho 1x)15 : for a marlcCll tendency to l'cono'mlze the Hupply Ito ] ) notes the interesting fact thllt , although the production of anthracite flits not kept pace with that of hltu11\lnous coal , It has increased ( faster hint the IHJllIlla- lion ( In the region where most or It Is Cons11pu0d. In 1880 , he says , 1.R2 tons of anthracite were produced for each Inhabitant of lie ( anthracite using portion ) - tlon of the COllutl' - . 1'h18 was in- I'l':1sed to 2.17 tons per ) capita by 1890 , and In 1.100 ! to 2,53 tonR. Using the entire Ilolllllation or the United States as the ha sis the per ) capita production of bituminous coal was .85 ton In 1880 , 1.6 tons In 890 and x.76 tons In 1900. In 18GO two-thlr or the coal produced In thc United States was Pennsyl- vania anthracite , while In 1870 anthracite - tll1'tlcJte constituted one.halt the total , anti for he t last five years It has amounted to about one-fifth. - - - Moves Pianos Without Jar. hoisting large and bulky articles to the upper floors at a building takes skill and experience , and Is seldom attempt except 'by those acquainted with the business The method ordinarily - dlnal'lIy used Is to put up a block and tackle , which Is always very cum' bel'some and In which heavy timbers . o l I 'p Moves Piano Without Jar. arc necessary. A Canadian has devised . vised the very useful apparatus shown In the Illustration. It Is designed for the purpose of hoisting and putting through windows In the upper stories of buildings large , heavy and bulky articles The apparatus is so con structed that It can be set to communicate . munlcate with the first , second and third storIes of buildings and when the work Is done it can be quickly .taken down and compactly put together - gether for transportation One of the chief advantages Is that large articles can be put through the windows , as the parts take up little Slmce. Pianos could he hoisted with little or no strain to the instrument , with no dan- gel' or scratches. It would also do away with the trouble of getting up narrow stairways and passing around sharp corners. The article to be hoisted is placed on the carrier , which Is raised by the usual rope run over pulleys and attached to a roller turn- ed by a crank. Riggers could use this apparatus to advantage , as could also piano movers or movers of safes. Lorenzo D. Frazer of Toronto , Ont. . Is the patentee. Good health and gold sense are two of life's greatest blessings ] f \ . COMBINED BARN AND STADLE. . - - - Roomy and Comfortable and Comparatively - atively Inexpensive. G. , \ I. 1I.-PleIlBo publish u IIlnn for a small barn Ilnd stable : to contllln the following : Ilex stall , single horse stall , COW : stall , u 1'00111 for two carriages and sleigh , room for four tons of hay coal phi , wood house and water closet I wish to join Il by u hall to the hO\l8e. Whut quantity of shingles , lumber etc. , would he required ) to build 'It ? The nccomllunylng llun } provides One horse stllll , OlW cow stall , and box htllll , hUlllJcm ! coal bin , wood house laruess room , water closet and carriage . l'lugc room. 'rho loft above 113 largo enough to hold the hay ] required 'rho door ! In the drive house con bo made to drive In lit the mul us shown ! or In . the side If dosl1'el1. 'rho amollnt ; of material required roughly ostl nlllt ell , would he liB fol lows : Fourteen l HIJlmrOl ! : or shingles , 2J : pieces 2x6 or txfi : for rafters , 1,300 feet of sheeting , 1,800 ) feet oC inch weather : hoarding , ,600 feet of 2xlO II , , - _ _ . ' _ . . . , _ t& - - - . - - --u\- y A C 0 f. r i . . I . ' 'm 5" ' " : , . 1 $ - - . .1. . . . .0. . , , N - Ca I , . . , . HI ; . ) , . . / . sty i. t . . Floor Plan of Stable , Carriage House , Coal Bin , Etc. A. passage way : B. horfJc stan ; C , cow stan ; D , box stall ; B , coal bin : Ii" ca.r- riaKO room ; G. wood house ; U , water closet ; I. harness 1'00111 Inch joIsts , 900 feet of Inch flooring for upper floor , 800 feet of 2d scantling - ling for balloon cramo. The lower floor is not estimated , but should } be laid with concrete 01' made of earth especially In the wood house and drive house - - - - Building a Bedroom. l\I. N.-I wish to build n bedroom about fourteen feet by ton , to the' end of u sitting room. It will be warmly built of frame , and well , but not expensively - pensively finished. It will contain one window and there will bo no upstairs over it. 1 would ho very much pleased to obtain from you an estimate ot what It would cost to build it In this county. It is difficult to give an estimate of the cost of the addition to the house , as sufficient details are not given regarding - garding the construction-whether the roof is a gable or just a lean-to. Esti- mating on 11 building ten by fourteen , eight feet high , with a lean.to root , with walls sheeted on outside with inch lumber , then paper , and weather- boarded , the addition should cost about fifty-seven dollars , Including ma son work. . Cement Curbing for Well. S. D. M.-I am sinking a well and have ' come to a running sand bottom so that I cannot stone it up. Could I make pipes or cement concrete and put them down in sections ? How . . thick ] would they require to he and how much cement would be needed , provided the inside diameter were three feet ? You can case your well with con- crete tile as you describe but there would be danger of the tile sinking in the quicksand If the sand Is vbry bad. Tile four inches thick would be suf- cient. It would require about one.halt barrel of Portland cement for a tile three feet long. Very fine screened gravel will make a better tile with less cement than If Band were used. Sand may be used , but It will require more cement in doing so. .