The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 28, 1904, Image 12
. q A + . yVf/rw - + .N ws ' rr raw wmr . . .m. . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ r-.r _ . . . . _ . _ . . . _ _ . _ ' - ' . _ . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . w . , . . ' " . _ . _ ' " . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ . . , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ . .r + - - _ _ . - . . . - . . . . . . . , W.xur . . . - - . . . - - - Y- _ , + _ . _ - - .r. - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ( a October 28 , 1904 l TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . . I. Among tile Sports \Vakefield was a horse of an- other color he wouldn't be play- ing ball in an amateur company. - - - - - - Frank Crabill is at present the champion field shot. Linn Him- mclrcich tells of a remarkable shot he made on Mallards last Thursday that will probably remain - main the rccord for the scason. Clay Davis , Peter Frederick jr. and George Dietsch arc back from their western chicken shoot. They report the chickens very plcntiful. They returned with I eighty nine birds. What Newt Van\Vinklc , Irvin n Bode , Fred Cleveland and George Hinton will do now thc base ball season is closed , is a matter of f doubt to their friends What n great thing it is to stay young enough through all the years a s they pass , to enjoy a good ball 1 fJ" n 111 ( ' . _ n _ _ . n 111The The Tribune regrets thc unfortunate - fortunate ending of the Rube ball g'ame. The visitors had played a gentlemanly l game and that thc game should ( have had such an unfortunate termination i s a source ol regret to thc local fans. That there is no greater bore than a drunken base ball crank will bc admitted by every attend- ant at thc Rule game who was so unforfunatc as to come within the notice of. thc young stranger who wanted to bet a hundred dollars l- lars on the game , and who had nothing on his person more val- uable than an empty whisky : bot- tlc. I saw what to mc , was a pathetic - thetic sight one afternoon last wcek. One of thc local hunters has a crippled pointer dog. The old fellow has seen better days , but his spirit is as young and brave as it was when hc was a kid and his body was so md. His master was going hunting and - . . . . , . . . came out ot the house with IllS gun. The old dog saw him and crept so stealthily to the side of his owncr. If I ever saw an ap- peal in a brutes eyes , I saw it in the eyes of thc old pointer. He wanted to go hunting so much. He wanted to feel the Autumn wind in his face and thc scent of game in his nostrils. He was young again. He had dreamt uy the kennel of the days in thc field so long , now for a short after- noon he wanted to live to li\'c. And as he looked up into the face of his master his eyes were full of entreaty and appcal. But thc old body was worn out and the man with the gun put his hand gently on his head and said "no. " So Jack went back to his straw a disappointed and unhappy old dog. That whole afternoon in the field was a failure-I thought . too much of a dog. " . . LOCAL AND PERSONAL. I Dr. Gaiser returned from Republic _ public City Sunday. Laura Scholl spent Sunday with Mela cischick. Russell Keim left the first of the week for St. Louis. I M. Dickson of Forest City was in our city Sunday. Al Roberts and wife left Sun- day for the Exposition. 1\11' . and Mrs. James Specrs spent Sunday in St. Joscph. c. M. 'l'ownlcy and wife of Stella were in this city Saturday. O. Pryicie of St. Louis registered - ered al the Union Housc Monday. : Judge Lambert and daughter of Auburn were in this city Sat- unlay. Sadie Smucker of Merrill was o visiting with friends in this city i Friday. l ' \ ' cO'nllnercial 'l\vcnt-two men stoppcd at the Union House Sun- day. 8un-1 Nellc McMahon and Lillian Oswald visited at Mrs. Ross Wills Sunday. Mat McMahon and daughter Kathcryn arc viewing the Exposition - position this wcek. Mr and Mrs. G. Richardson returned Friday from an extended - cd visit in Indiana. Mrs. John Oswald ai\c1 Hazel Je11ison returned from St.- Louis thc first of the week. Peter Kaiser of Nebraska City spent a few days in Falls City the first of the week. Dr. Wiser has spent the week in Si1verton , Col. , looking after his mining interests there Ernest Brown and Harry Rammcl of Verdan transacted business in this city Frida ) ' . Mrs. Chas. Hoffman and Mrs. R. D. Messier left Saturday evening - ing for the fair at St. Louis. Prof. Barrct's cosy new cottage on First street has been plastered and will soon bc ready for occupancy. 1\frs. E. H. 'l'owle left this week for Wisconsin where she will visit relatives. She will stop a few days in St. Louis en routc. Money. Private funds to loan on good farmland security Good terms can be arranged. Optional - al Payments. Call on or write , -Henry C. SithFalls City , Ncb. Physicians say the past few weeks have been marked with less sickness than during thc summer season. Its too late for cholera morbus and too early for grip and pncumonia. J. Achcnback and wife of Ger- many , who arc touring the United States on their wedding trip , arc stopping at thc Union Housc this wcck. ' . , - 'oii - - . ( ' $ > MS' ( ' . " How About It ? ' ' - - _ - . . - . . . . . . . - . . . _ . . _ . . . n _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ - - - _ . - . . - - - . . - - - - . . . " . . . ' . 0 'Vi11 you let us fit you in a pair of 'linter Shoes if you are promptly and politely waited upon ; rightly fit- 4 ' ted and you get the best style your price will purchase ? . If you get the utmost comfort that t can be put into a shoe ; and have the . . ' > > I 'uarantee of a straight-out shoe ' house ; to have any complaint , no matter how slight , promptly satisfied , and to know that you get a dollar's fit worth for every dollar you pay ? How About It ? " - GEORGE B. HOLT The Shoe lIan. , THE WINTER'S WIND , , vVlll soon blowout of the north and the Storm King will be with us.Vhat have you to read about the glowing embers of the evenilg's ; fire ? Every Falls City paper except . . # . ' 1 f The Falls City Tribune t ; costs $ I. 5o a year. Look at the following : i The Tribune and the vVeekly State Journal a year ; 1.00 ' The Tribune and the Weekly Kansas City Star I. oo Two papers for fifty cents less than one. The Tribune and McClure's : Magazine , one year $ I. 75 The Tribune and Everybody's Magazine one year I. 75 The Tribune and : Munsey's Magazine , one year 1.75 The best local paper and a one dollar magazine for' 25 cents more than the other papers cost alone. Are You Interested ? Write to Us. ! " , " " - - , , y . ' c - - - t- , W'SIF' ! _ No. 15. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver , and B I I TIME TABLE c all points west and , northwest 0..0. 1:24 : pm' Falls City. Ncb. No. 16. Vestibuled y < : ec ! . . express . . Lincoln Omaha Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points cast and soqth. daily , : : st. Joe , l an- Denver sas City , Sl LOni3 Helena Chicago and points ' : Butte east and south . . . . 4:30 pm' , y Salt Lake City No. 18. Local ! express daily I Portland Atchison and points , . San Francisco south and west. . . . 3:8 pm" and all points No. 41. St. Louis-Portland . ' west. : : ; pecia.LincolnHe'I ! I lena , Tacoma and TRAINS I.HAVH AS FOI.I.OWS : Portland without No. 42. Portland St. Louis change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p m. . pedal , St. , Joseph , No. 115. Local acc ) t111noda- it 'It- Kansas . City , . St . hon , daily e x- , ' , . . , LO l1S and all points cept SundaySalem , . . r _ ' , east and south. . . . . 7:24 : p 111 Nemaha sica and Ne I Jt i bras1m City. 0 . . . . . . 10:30 : p 111 JJ. No. 13. shbuled < : express , Sleeping , dining and reeling chair dally , . Denver and cars ( seats free ) on through trains. . . " all p01l1ts west and ' r tfickets sold _ and baggage checked to . northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a m , in any point the States or Canada . For ) J No. 14. Vestibule express , information ! , time tables , maps and ' : daily , St. Joe , Kan- tickets , can on.or write to G. Stewart , sas City , St. Louis Agent , Falls City , : Neb , or J. Francls , , and all points east G. P. & I. A . , Omaha. and south. . . . . . 0. . . 7:43 : a m . No. 17 Local express , daily Pork 1 sausage and h am b urgcr , , " _ . Wymore and points fresh every day at Coupe &Thorn- I eastwestnorthwest 12:17 : pm tons. . u. . . . . . . . . . ' , ' " . : ! , ' , .0 ' - : . J" _ - 1' ( " . . .