The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 21, 1904, Image 5
October 21 1904 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , - - , - - , . - - , - ' THE - FALLS - CITY - STATE BANK ' COl\HHANDS ' your attention and solicits your business because it is a safe and conservative institution-incorpor. ated under the laws of the state of Nebraska. It I is a bank for all the people.rjch and poor , men , women and children. It is courteous and accommodating its patrons , according" them all the privileges consistent with good banking' It accords equal privileges to the small as well as the large borrower or depositor. It seeks to ; 'I ' advance the best interests of the customer and the community and is always pleased to offer suggestions to those of its patrons desiring counsel. - - " - . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GETTING RICH t . . Sonic people become wcaHhy. Why ? Because tily spend " " ; " " less than they make. The average man ( lees not save 1I10nc\ , I " , , -that's why we have so ' - ' . - is w many average m'n. Saving but a ' ! : ' : , , : habit at first-later it becomes an art. Save a part 01 your ' ' . : : " , . ' carni lg-s-open an account with this bank , the results will I.j I . < , . , surprise . you. r . , : " , FARMERS ACCOUNTS If t ' , ; , \Vc desire farmers accounts , even though they may he " smal1. Many good farmers have accounts with us-those \ : ' , that have not would do well to start onc. It will help you to . . : : > M : ' save your money ; it will assist you in keeping tab on the , " " . ; : amount of mone\ ' you take in and in the manner in which you : . . / " it. Chec1ismake ( - : 11III spend make good receipts and often serve as a ( luabl.itnes when the payment of account is in c1i Jltte. . I : luabl. _ _ ' _ _ nn _ . _ _ THRIFTY WOMEN \VomclI arc thc rtioncy savers of thc family. In many instances , if thc wives anl mothers dl ) riot save there is 110 saving dOlle. Ladies , a hauls account will help you to concentrate your little savings against thc "timc of IIccd. " Nl ) IIIlIttcr how small the sum \ , wc will he pleased to open all IICCOllllt with ) ' 011. Wc enter the dcposit 011 a little hook and \ provide you with a check hook frce. It will familiarize you with the ways of banking and shollld you ever hc called upon to take charge of . thc business affairs of the family you will find thc cxpedcllcc hclpful. CHILDREN-'S DEPARTMENT A new feature of this hank is a ChildrclI's Department , and any cltiltl under thc age of eighteen call start an account with ONIi D01-4" Io\R : utd upwards. Smaller amollllts will hc received latcr. These accounts - counts will draw interest at the rate of four \ per cent per atuituninterest computed twice a year. If hy this IIIcans we slIccccd in encouraging thc child in self denial and thc proper use of mOllcywc shall feel amply repaid for thc extra work pcrforlllcd. 'l ' ime older folks may receive in- tercst 011 their 1I10llCY by taking omit one of our interest hearing Time Certificates of Dcposit. - , . _ = - - - - - - - . - - - - - J - - - - - . --n , . . . - \Ve' are now distributing little booklet . The a on banking. little book contains 11any } helpful suggestions I i and if the ! mail don't bring you one , will be pleased to have yon call for one or send us a request on a postal card r . and it will be forthcoming- I THE FALLS CITY ! STATE ' BAN FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA 0 " CAPITA ! AND SURPLUS - - - - - - $62-,000.00 . . . - - - - - - - - I , \N. : E. DORRINGTON , PRESIDEXT \V. A. GREEN\VALD , ClImR I T. .1. 1 GIST , VICE PRESIDE ' GUY P. CREENV'/i\LD , Ass I' . CAHIlIER . , . . " " ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' i"'L.w"'IIL'- 41 ! ' ' ' ' - : J.\- = - - .1Xo' ' ' ' ' - - - - - - - - - \ , - ' I _ . Real Estate Transfers. \ ' John Ncsladek and wife to I ti August Dicsner w d lots 1-2 blk I 32 , I hails City. Cons. S1000. i ( Richardson County to Eveliii e Benid i.t q c d lots bik 196 , Falls C't y. C ons. $25 . : C. D. Lamme and wife to "T. A. M"rgra\'e q l c dn6 ; of n e 1-4 34 -1-17. Cons. $2660. New books at Register of Dl eds. Mortgage and Deeds and Quick Claim egistcrs. Bernard Riley and wife to Thomas Ii' . . d . Murphy w ( pt. s w - _ , 1-4 of s c 1-4 15-2-14. Cons.SI75. Mary : J. Hoops to Maria Combs w d lot 3 blk 8 Verdon. Cons. S(150 Francis Marion Banker ( single ) to Win Andrew Inks , w d pt 12-1 15. COlts. 8250 Emma L. Jorn and husband to Edward C. Frauenfelder w d pt of s w 1-4 -11-2-15 Cons. S180 Alois James and wife to Ed- waid l Frauenfelder w d pt s w 1- 4 of s w 1411215. Cons $200 . S. 1'.1. Mayfield to Jennie L r' j Mayfield w d lots 13-14 blk 37 Falls City. Cons. S2250 Frank Albin and wife to Ne- maha township w d J pt of s e 1-4 of n c 1-4 2-1-4. Cons. $54 Sanford N. Mayfield to Jennie L. Mayfield w d lots 15-16 blk. r 187 Falls City. Cons. 8700 Joseph Culley and wife to \VI11. Wallace Colley w d und 1-2 into in n w 1-4 21- 2-16. Cons. 5975. John H. Curry ( single ) to Fred 1 T. . . Gilbert w d lot 2 blk 1 Clark's S. add to Stel1a. Cons. $800 Marriage Record. Edwnrd f4' 'rholltpsollK.C.,1\Io. 2 Myrtle Sarvis , Stella--------------- .18 Married Oct. 15 by Rcv. .V.H. Pool. Albert E. Stevens , V crdoll. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28 Carrie Crouch , Vertloll. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ .23 Brcllllnl A. SitivelyShelton3 3 Bertha n. HeilltDawsoII _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . :1 Charles S. CookEmporiaKas. _ _ _ . _ 26 Lillian G. PaytollH l111I1tOlltl , Kas. . _ 20 Market Report. Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42-43 WliiteOats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 25c Mixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23c \ \ heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1)5c Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.25 Hogs . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 Bu ttr ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tic Eg-g- : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llc j , Mrs. Breithaupt has just received ccived a new line of hats and .in- vitcs the ladies to call and see them. Wait for E. Bode's big cloak sale next week , For Sale-Hollo J. Murphy . proprietor of the celebrated tour- ists hotel in Table Rock recently , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - _ . - - - - " VN JNW I t19iiJ It ? - . . - - - " - " ' - _ _ _ _ . . .noa- . . _ _ _ . . . _ - - - - - - - - \ \ Till you let us fit you in a pair of \Vinter Shoes , if you are promptly and politely waited upon ; rightly fit- ted and you get the best style your price ] will purchase ? If youget the utmost comfort that can be put into a shoe ; and have the guarantee of a straight-out shoe house : ; to have any complaint , no matter how slight , promptly satisfied , and to know that you get a dollar's worth for every dollar you pay ? How About It ? . . GEORGE HOLT Tile Shoe flaIl. \fI wH _ _ purchased a fine specimen of .tll elk , which was recently captured in the wilds of 'Vyoming- Mr. \urphY being an animal trainer is very proud of his new posses- sion.-Informant H. C. Lowe , Cowboy. The ladies are invite to call and look over the new line of hats Just received at \\1rs. \ Breith- 'lupt'S. Wait for E. Bode's big cloak sale next week.