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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
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Mrs. Carrie Quiggl of Ogden Utah is with thc Shubcrt people I again , Ethel Mitchell from Falls City spent Sunday with her parcnts. } I Fred Colglazier Oscar Pond and several men from Ncmaha went I on a hunting expedition in the 1'1 ' North-western part of the state. ' I Mr. and : Mrs. Decker and two 'I' children went to Fall City on I Monday : where they will hereafter ! f make their home. ! Mr. Spence the new hotel pro ' prietor took possession Monday. \1 \ I I The Relief corps inspector was here Saturday the guest 'of Mrs I J. 1\1. Wheeler. I I Mrs. Roberts died at the home ' of her daughter 1\-lrs. Logan , Sunday eve. They have the sympathy of the entire commu- nity. Quite a crowd of young folks took a journey to the hills Sun II . I I bay. I : Mrs.Chas. Felt left for 111. last II i week where she expects to remain - main several weeks. I I Quite a crowd of our most pop ular people went to Verdon Sat I urday eve to see East Lvnn. i I \Villiard Shubert has built a large ware house back of his new brick block. Mrs. Louie Brisby and Mrs. Win Harris were Falls City visitors - itors last week. Verdon. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Petty rp - turned from St. Louis last 'Ved- nesday after spending a week at the Fair. Mr. J. A. Sheffer came over from Salem on Thursday he has just returned from an extended visit 111 the east. 1\lrs. W. J. Johnson and daughter - tcr Mrs. Ira Houts drove eve near Merrill , Kas. , last Friday to visit John Raebuck and family they returned on Sunday. Mrs. Aton went to Falls City on Tuesday night to meet her mother who i is eighty years old She and her son came horn Ill. Ruth Wheatler gave a birth day party on Wednesday evening to about twenty of her little friends. Married on Tuesday eve at the horns of the brides parents 111r and l\lrs. Crouch , Carrie the eldest - est daughter to l\IrBert Stephens They at once went to house keep ing in the Henderson house where they will be at home to their friends. L. A. Kinsey and his mother . \ in-law Mrs. Lafferty were in Falls City on Sunday. Dr. Meyer was up from Hia- watha Monday. Geo. Lum went to FilleyNeb. , Sunday afternoon to look after his farm. Mr. Hargrave and family were up from Falls City Sunday. Herbert Hay an'a friend were down from Stel1e : unda } : . Mr and Mrs McPherson of Falls City visited W. J. Moran and wife on Sunday. Liana Timmerman of Salem visited Mrs Corn and Miss Shaff- er the latter part of last week. Mrs Mike l\cliza went to Shu- bert Monday. Chester Logan of Shubert was on our streets Sunday Grace Sailor left Sunday for Falls City to commence studies at the Business College on Monday. Miss Martha King came down from Peru Friday. The mother of E. M. ) 'Vheatly seventy years of age was married last Saturday afternoon in : : Au- burn at the parsonage to 'Mr. Luthborough of Peru. Immediately - ately after the ceremony they left for Peru where they will make their home. Re\ Brewer preached the fu- neral sermon of uncle Jack Harris at Maple Grove last Fnday. The show at the Hall Opera House last Thursday Friday and Saturday nights was a success and enjoyed by large crowds The parts were well played especially - pecially East Lynn on Saturday . - , r nigh Mrs. Roberts sister of Mrs. A. took died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Lewis Logan near " ' f - Shubert 011 Sunday night after " months of suffering from cancer of the stomach. On the following - , 'J Tuesday she was laid to rest in the Verdon " , Cemetery. ' . Funeral . was conducted by Rev. Brewer of . , the Ev. Church. ' ' ' I : ' j Dr. Houston : ' was called on . " Monday in counsel with Dr. Guy , _ - , . ' . _ ' Taylor in Grandma Kellcrs case. M ; : k- . . Geo. Hall returned from Lin- coin Saturday. , . } . Jo Parson went to Kansas City on Sunoa ' " ) night. _ . I Irvin Reimers was down froth / . . , Stella on Sundar. ; . . F. . Face to Face ' . ' , Look your watch square in the . . face and ask yourself if you are treating this old friend right in allowing - , " lowing it to tick its life away for . _ _ t. need of timely attention. _ P Perchance a drop of oil " ' now , a . little grit or dust brushed away will . prolong Its period of timeliness for - many days _ 'Ve clean , repair and put in order _ , timers of all kinds , from the costli- ' J est chronometers to te cheahpest 5- 5 Roberts , The Jeweler 5 . " , . ' ) ' . - ; . . 1