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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
. , . " . . . , _ _ . _ . . . . . . _ . . . 'M . . . . " _ fl . . , , , . . . sw.- _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . .h . _ _ , . . . . . . . . - , - - : " I' ' Octobcr 21. 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , 4. , u. lion. - : - E. J. Burltett Our member of Congress will speak at the COURT HOUSE ednesda.y , October 26 , 1904 at 7:30 : p. m. Come Early and get a Good Seat. oon. Norris Brown Candidate for Attorney General will speal in FALLS CITY Saturday Evening , November 5 Board of Supervisors. . 'L'hc county board adjourned Saturday of last week after a session of hard work for the mem1JcrR. 'l'he question of greatest - cst importance which camc bc- lore the board was thc' organization - tion of a drainage clistrict. H. ia. Grinstead and Ii' Harlow had secured thc services of Mr. Elliot was sent here by Sec'y Wilson of thc dcpartmcn of agriculture to investigate , local conditions and report to the board his conclu- sions. A petiiton signed . by nearly every owner of bottom land \ had been Presented to thc board asking for the organization of a drainage district and a bond bled f \ which represented two million - lion dollars offered thc county to hold it harmless from any cx- pcnse. Mr. Elliot reported aft : r a weeks investigation vf thc river and thc bottom lands , that thc river could bc 'strai hlcne\ ( \ and overflows prcvcnted. Hc said he had been in the drainilg'c business for twenty live years and that for a cost of sr an acrc thc whole of thc Ncm.llta bottom could \e \ reclaimed and thc land i made worth $100 per acre. 'l'his would add greatly to thc taxable \ property of the country and 1 I would 1not cost a cent to anybody but thc owners of thc bottom : lands while it would help c\'cry I tax payer in the county. Not . - i ' . , - - - ' \ \ COLLECTIONS I . . . GIVEN . . . . . I PROMPT ATTENTION . 1j j 1 - . John L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE ! i ' : FALLS CITY - NEBI c . ) . . \ . , ' , . ' . \ : " , , ' . \ . , . - - . ' 1 II . - - _ . - - v : wthtal1\in ! ' \ the fact that nIl bet tOIl1 land owners were in fa- vor of thc plan and nobody ob- jcctcd the board refused to or- g-anizc thc district. Every republican - publican II1cmbcr voting in favor of it and every democratic member - her voting , who did vote , against it. i "Thy thc bottoll1 land owners cannot bc permitted to reclaim their lands when they file such a Petition and a Loud signed by Joseph H. Miles , E. S. 'Towle and men of like financial responsibility - bility , may bc explained by thc democratic members of the board but to the outsiders is incxplica- ble. A numbel' of tax matters were acted upon ns well as a numbcr of claims. One claim was filed by the county attorney for S250 which the board cut to 200. This claim should have been cut further as thc attor.ey : has performed . no service whatso- c"cr. The hoard adjourned to Jan. 3rd , 1905. "Under Southern Skics" is one of thc most cOll1plcte productions that travels Ever ) ' scene and property used in hc presentation is carried , as is also an electric Qutlit for the proper lighting of thc sccncs. At thc Gchling' TheatiCTlutrslay , Oct. 27th. - - - - - - - - - - Is Berge Popular ? L'hc Democrats arc boasting of thc popularity of Geo.V. . Berg'c their candidate for Govcr- nor. 'l'hosc who remember thc Crashing defeat administcred him by Hon. E. J. Burkctt when hc was a candidate for Cong'resin : this district , have taken these fairy talc's of popularity with a ; ; rain of allowance. 1'0 set the matter at rest , 'l'he 'I'ribune has secured from thc county clerk of Lancaster county a certificate of the vote thc year Bergc ran 011 thc prohibition ticket. Read it and draw your own conclusions Ollice of County Clerk Lancaster Cou n ty. \V. L. Dawson Clerk Lincoln. Ncb. , Oct. 12 C)04. State of Nebraska } . Lancaster County ss' I.V. . L. Dawson , county clerk of Lancaster - ter County , Nebraska , cIo hereby certify that thc following is an extract of the records of this office , showing thc vote for Dis- trict Judge in this district for the year 1892 , with names of candidates - dates , party liaitions and number - her of votes received by each candidate , and that it is a correct copy ot said record. S. J. Tuttle Democrat 2142 \'otes. J. B. Strode Republican 5220 " 1Vut. Lcce : Independent 2715 " Geo. W. Berge Prohibition - hibition 490 votes. -\Y. I , . DawsonCounty Clcrl [ s1" ] . . , F'.f . \ : - : , , . . ; , , , , , , , ' = < < . = " , , , = . . . , . . , . < , ' The Majestic 1 , ' . ; } . . Sale Closes ' - - - . . . . n - - - - - - - If I W . . Saturday October 22nd. Don't ' . . , c : t Miss this opportunity to get a , . $7.50 set of ware free with each \ Range. Leave your order today. _ _ . . . . : r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' Alex F. Meyer L : . . " ' ! ; " . . . ' : ; 'J ll'l ' mr : ! " ; ' : ! , ; . A . ! r."f.r""J : : 2. . : . : " ' . "t.J. - - THE WINTER'S WIND \\111 soon blowout of the north and the Ttorm Ding I will be with us.That have you to read about the glowing embers of the evenino"s fire ? . Every _ Falls City paper except . ' The Falls City Tribune ) \ , costs $ I. 50 a year. Look at the following : The Tribune and the \iVeekly State Journal ] . a year $ 1.00 The Tribune and the Weekly Kansas City Star I. 00 Two papers for fifty cents less than one. The Tribune and rvTcClure's Magazil.1 , one year $ 1.75 The Tribune and Everybody's Magazine one year 1.75 The Tribune and unsey's ' . . Magazine , one year 1.7 5 . h The best local paper and a one dollar magazineJor ' 25 cents more than the other papers cost alon . ' Arc You nnterested ; ? Write to Us . . . 'Under Southern Skics" is now in its fourth successfull season and has as yet only been seen in a comparatively small portion of thc country outside of the larger citics. The increased enthusiasm with which thc play is received on its second and third visits , in- dicatc that 1\1rs. Parkcr's play will bc one of thc standard attractions - tractions for many years to come. At thc Gchling" Thursday Oct. 27th. G. " , V. 'Viltsc will sell Poland China Hogs at his place south of Dawson October 28. I t I TIME TABLE Falls City. Neb : , Lincoln Omaha Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points east and south. Denver Helena Butte Snit Lake City Portland San Francis co and nil points west. No. 13. Vcstibulcd express , daily , DCUVC1' and all points west and andnorthwest. . 1:33 : a m No. 14. VcstilHlled express , t daily St. Joe , Kau- sas City , Sl. Louis aud all points east and south. . . . . . . . . 7:43 : am , No. 17 Local express , daily 'Vymore and points eastwe5tnortlinvest 12:17 : p 111 - - ; No 15. Vestibuled express , , daily , Denver , and all points west Hud northwest . . . . . . . . . 1:24 : p i m No. 16. Ycstibuled cxprcss daily , St. Joe , Kansas - sas tity . St Louis Chicago and ! points cast and sOl1th. . . . . 4:30 : pm , ' " - " . < 4 r i"olb. . Local express daily I Atchison and ! points south and west. . . . 3:8 : p m No. 41. St. I..ouis-Portland Sl'ccialI..incolllHc- lena 'l'acoma and Portland without change. . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : poi No. 115. Local accommodation - tion , d a i I Y c x- cept SunclaySaIcm , Ncmaha and Ne- braslm City. . . . . . . . 10:30 : p 111 . 'if' . . .ct 3Iceping" dining and " . . . _ _ . . I. . . . . . . , . . . . reeling . chair . , TRAINS I,11PA51OIiOA'S ; ' \.11 ' IS l : > tiHS rree ) on tl1rough trains . riclets sold and No. 42. Portland St. Louis baggage checked to auy point iu the States or Canada. For pecial St. , Joseph , information tilde tables , 1e , maps and Kansas City , St tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , Louis and all points Agent Falls . ' Neb. City . , or J. Francis , east and south. . . . . 7:24 : p m G. P.&T. A . , Omaha. ' , . . , ' , , : , , ' ' . . . . . . . . . ' f' . . . . . . . . j , , . II I