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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1904)
- - " - - _ - - - (1 ( t I I October 21 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . . " , thtl11boldt. Clull1 launtotts was clown from 'cumsch thc fore part of the wclc. : The Gicsckcr stock of hard- ware was sold again this week to It gentleman from Antelope county who wilt remove thcsall1c to Orchard , thus leaving Hum- holdt with only three establishments - mcnts of this kind trs. 1)r. 'Wilson has returned from Essex , la. , where she was called recently by thc death of her sistcr A boy baby W.lS born one day last week to Mr , and Mrs. Chas. C rsh. . Mr. amt \Irs. Julius Brock ar- rived here this week from Silver City , New Mexico , for a visit with her mothcr. Mrs Brock was formerly Miss Anna Schll1cl- zel of this Mace but after an extended - tended stay in thc southern country , was married last spring to 1\11' Brock , and this is their first visit homc. John Hilt and Will Crawford drove to Peru Saturday and vis- itcd over Sunday with fricnds Mrs , 'r1l1a Crawford and little Mark Philpol have been visiting friends in Lincoln this week and ( in her absence Miss Lena Cope had charge of thc City librarr Jas. Atwood and wife returned Saturday from a visit of several weeks with their children in Furnas county. \Irs. Mar'urg-cr and \Irs. But- terfield are representing thc local Hcbclmhs in graltI lodge ill Liq- coIn. Miss Gertrude Bant : has been quite sick thc past week or two. J\I111hol,1t's typhoid fever pati- ents,1\Iiss tae Uhri and 13m n Webster arc on thc road to rccov- cry. ' - , John Ball was in thc city a few clays this week , and left Monday I to . visit a brother at IlauluauiKas. I Our high school team went to I Dawson to play basket ball on Friday c'cningbut before thc II game had progrcssed : very far , thc . ; players got into a controversy t and thc game was given to lImn- r boldt by dctault. Irving li'illcy wife mo\'cd L i' , 111 l over from Auburn rcccntly. Mr HI Fillcy being engaged as helper ii at the dcpot. R j Will James and family moved down from Lincoln last week and I will again make their home in I Humboldt. I Mrs. Frank Todd went to \\T\- more Saturday to spend a couple A f II l of weeks with rclative's. II T. J. Fcascl has returned from I Nelson , Ncb" where he ( had been attending thc trial of Mrs.lIutch- ' insoll and her son whe were charged with thc murder of 1\11' ii 9 . - . - . - - . - . - - - _ . - - - - . . - - - - - - . . - - - - - - . - - - - - 1r1-W e& _ _ " _ _ - j Ohe CITY MEAT MARKET . . Is opened tip for business again at the old _ _ : stand and will always keep on hand tile 1 choicest oJ ' , \ K : FRESH AND SAL-T MEATS = Poultry and Fish ' . , . . . , : . I , , , ' . . ' , " ' > . , We will pay tile highest market ! price for X11 l ! kinds of Live Stock and Hides. Call and see t . , .J ttS when in need of anything ! in our lireo WESLEY f1iLLERF L- . . . . . . 1 I ' " ' - - ; ; Jr .2.:1'i' : :15. : ; I Fcascl's brother. A conviction was secured and thc woman was given ascntcncc 01 ten years in thc fJcnitcntiary , while thc son , who was thought to know more about thc affair , wasgiventwelveyears. 1\11' and 1\1rs Homcr Howc left this week for a visit at Kansas City and Butler , 1\10. Norman Bu11is arrived here this wcck from Jameston , Kas. , where hc has been conducting a bakcry. lIc has been rcccntly and came home to recupera tC' , \ Irs , \Vm. Lonuckc ws ; : called to Table Rock Sunday to attend thc funeral of an unclc Jas : a business visitor - tor to Lincoln thc latter part of the wcck Will S. Jay of thc State Journal - al was ill the city a few clays recently - ccntly , going to Falls City Stn- clay. . Friends to thc number of more than one hundred gatheredrcd - ncsday afternoon at thc.Dry Branch church where at four o'clock RcLchrcr performed thc ceremony which united thc lives of Fred Duchcr of liddlc- burg and hiss Lucy Hunzckcr , daughter of Jacob H. I-Iunzeker. .Phc guests tlmen repaired to thc home of thc bride where an elegant gant and elaborate supper was scn'cd. dlr. and \Irs. Hanscll was up from Falls City on business Mon- day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Dr Marsh returned from a couple of weeks visit at Em- poria , Kansas. She was aCCClll- . ptllJiccl home br her husband's sister , Miss Dora Marsh who will make a visit hcre. Al Branson of Bcrn Kansas was greeting his Humboldt accqllaintanccs on last 11'riday. Lou Howe and Miss Jennie Fellcrs drove to Auburn last Sat- urday and spent thc day with , ricncls . .A surpri.c : party was given Friday evening in honor of V crn- ic Graves who will leave soon to spend the winter in western Kansas - sas Some twcnty-fivc of his young assocmate5 gathered at thc homc of his parents and spent a very enjoyable evening and before - fore thc departure of thc guests refreshments were serve ( . HarryIann and wife arc thc proud parents of a baby boy who came to their home last Saturday Will Perkins , a young colored lad who has made ( his home here occassicnmaily for several 1 years was placed under arrest one day last week on rather a serious chargc Representing that hc had been sent by Mrs Anna Mc- Kenny to collect from several : parties for washing she had ( donc lIe was given a che 'k by Qco. Segiist of the N I ; .on : d bank , an.l in a short time he returned with the same pro : erly endorsed with the :1.(1y's ] : ntne and : ! received - cd the cash. A coulc : of days later it was determined that thc lady knew nothimg : of thc collec- tion , and a war amt was sworn out for P r1dns. ? On Monday hc appeared im : court and asked for a continuance until thc following the Monday which was " granted , and on the latter day be waived examination and was bound over to district court. Being unable to give : ! : bonds he . was taken to Falls City by con- ( t stable Dungan and Placed in jail to a\rait trial. Perkins ws : much surprised to learn of the serious penalty attached to his iced as hc had not realisel the t extent of his rimc , . . . . . . . . . . . w.-v--crux .e. rs.arortr.a. . 1 . REASONS1 . 1 IfrTt - 't - --I , , , ! } ' a , i t - . r : tJ J Why you should buy Jewelry frolll ; usvill be found " " us \ by looking through ' our line of fresh , desirable ; goods- up-to-date in i style and hOliest ill j' quality-priccs lower than thc io v- est. Jewelry is something that the , ti ) : average person knows so little i about that he must needs depend . . . . j , , .1 almost entirely upon the jeweler of ; . whom hc buys. I The Old Reliable Jeweler lA. E. JAUET . - - - 'Van ted-A girl at the Mercy Hospital to learn nursing' . . ; -