The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 21, 1904, Image 20

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Dr. Lapponl Uses Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills In His Practice Because Re'
suits Meet His Expectations.
Dr. Lapponl , the famous physician
. . . . . to the Vatican , whose name has re
cently come so greatly to the front
_ on account of his unremitting attention .
tlon to His Holiness , the late Pope
Leo XIlI. , and the hIgh esteem and
confidence wIth whIch ho Is regarded
by the present Pope , HIs Holiness ,
Plux X. , Is a man of commandIng
genius. He Is more than a mere man
at science ; he Is a man of original
and Independent mind. Untrammeled
x by the "etiquette" of the medical profession -
fession , and having used Dr. W1lliaml'
Pink Pills for Pale People In his practice .
tlce with good results , he freely avows
the facts and endorses the value of
this remedy with an authority which
no one will venture to que tloR.
Dr. Lapponl's Letter.
" 1 certify that I have used Dr.
r W1111ams' Pink Pills In four cases
of the simple anemia of develop-
ment. After a few weeks of treatment .
ment , the result came fully up to
my expcctatlons. For that reason :
I shall not fail In the future to
r extend the use of this laudable
preparation not only In the treatment .
ment of other forms at the cate-
gory of anemia or chlorosis , but
also in cases of neurasthenia and
the llke. " ( Signed )
Via del Gracchl 332 , Rome.
r s . , The "simple anemia of develop-
I ment" referred to by Dr. Lappanl Ie ,
of course , that tired , languid condition
of young girls , whose development
to womanhood Is tardy and whose
health at that period is so often 1m.
verUed. His opinion of the value ot
Dr. WllIlams' Pink Pills for Pale Pee
( . „ pIe at that time Is of the highest sei-
.d enUftc authority and It confirms the
many published cases In whIch anemia
and other diseases of the blood , as
well as nervous diseases , such as nervous -
vous prostration , neuralgIa , St. Vitus'
dance , paralysis and locomotor ataxia
' have been cured by these pills. They
are commended to the public for their
efficIency In making new blood and
strengthening weak nerves. After
such an endorsement they will be accepted .
cepted by the medIcal and scientific
world at theIr full value.
Homes for Workers.
To encourage working people to e-
tabllsh homes of their own , Norway
has ounded' a bank for workmen. It
lends money at 3th and 4 per cent ,
and gives the borrower forty-two years
In whIch to pay the loan. The total
cost of the house must not exceed
; E 160 , and the areae of the land must
not be more than five acres.
Japanese Superstition.
The Japanese have a plant called
the atom , which Is consIdered by
many to be a type of the marrIage
. . . state. When a young coupe of "be-
llevers" marry they will take a specimen .
men of the otoma with them , plant
It and carefully tend It and be fully
r persuaded that their conjugal felicity
Is assured as long as It lives and fiour-
' Important to MothI'll.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORJA ,
: a we and sure remedy for infants and children ,
and see that It
Bears the
" Signature of - ,
ID Usa For Over ao Year !
The KInd You have Always ought.
John Keeble , an elghty-flve-year.old
man of Kelvedon , Essex , has used the
. same wooden leg for forty YE'J'l'S. He
Las just celebrated hIs jubll\\d.
If girls cultivated theIr dIspositions
as asslduousy as they do theIr complexions .
plexlons there would be fewer old
. . . , '
Some of the Latest Novelties In Dress
Effects-Norfolk Coat a Smart Gar-
ment-Recipes for Appetizing Dishes
-Bedroom Color Schemes.
Bedroom Color Schemes.
It ever there was temptation to fur-
111sh a bedroom In one color scheme
It Is certaInly this year , for all the
good shops are offering complete sets
In bed furnishings In one color In
baby blue come California blankets
bound In broad whIte taffeta ribbon.
The cover for these Is a heavy whIte
linen , done In eyelet work or broderle
anglalse In a florid pattern. The pale
blue blankets may show through this
eyelet work , or a slip of blue sllle may
be used beneath It. The down puff ,
whIch Is to be rolled at the foot of the
bed , Is of pale blue satin , with time
centerpiece and corners worked In
flowers , evolved from narrow ribbons.
The effect of the rIbbon embroidery Is
that of renaissance worle.
Norfolk Coat.
Norfolk coats always possess a certain -
taln smartness and are much to be
desIred for run-
about suits and
jaclel\ . ThIs one
Is adapted to both ,
purpose ! : and to I al
all seasonable maf
terlals. As illustrated -
trated It Is made
of wood brown
cheviot stitched ' 1
with cortlceIll silk ( 1
and trImmed wltn
pearl buttons. The /
shaped yoke that f
extends over the
- - -
shoulders , gIvIng the broad effect , Is
a specially noteworthy feature and Is
peculiarly attractive while the cuffs
harmonIze wIth It to a nIcety.
The coat Is made with fronts , that
are cut In two portions each , back ,
eldebacks and umhder . arm gores , the
plaIts being separate and applied over
the seams , while the yoke Is arranged
over all. The sleeves are In one pIece
each and are laid In box plaits which
are stitched for a portion of theIr
length , theIr fullness armIng puffs
below , and are gathered Into bands
over whIch the cuffs are arranged.
The belt Is slipped under the plaits
and closed at the center front.
The quantity of material required
for the medIum size Is 6th yards 27
Inches wide , 4 yards 44 Inches wIde or
33 : yards 52 Inches wide.
- -
Klmona Sacque.
The klmona In all Its varIations has
become an established fact with Western .
ern women and Is
eve taking onI I
now . forms. This
one Is made with
a slightly open
square neck , while
the shoulders are
' trimmed I with
straps whIch give
the fashionable
broad line. The
material I from
whIch the model
was made Is pale
blue cashmere , stitched with cnrtlcolll
silk and trimmed wIth fancy slllt
made Into bandIng but all the mate.
rials suited to negligees at the sort
can be used.
The klmona Is made with fronts ,
back and sleeves. The fronts are
tucked to yoke depth and allowed to
fall free below that point while the
backs are tucked to gIve a box plaited
effect and stitched for a portion of
theIr length , being pressed Into place
below. The sleeves are wIde and :
gathered at the upper edges where
they are sewed to the sacque beneath
the shoulder straps. The band at the
front and neck 1S cut In two portions ,
which are joIned at the center back ,
and Is arranged over the kimono on
indicated lines.
The quantity of material required
for the medium size Is ,1 % yards 21
Inches wide , 414 yards 27 Inches
wide or 2 % yards 44 inches wide ( , with \
1/ yards 21 inches wide for bundlng.
Breakfast Tomatoes.
ElmS baIted In tomatoes make n
slhUy ! and tasty breakfast dish. Pick
out apple . shaped tomatoes , cut a thin
slice from the tOll of each , anal scoop
out enough of the pulll to leave n
space that will admit an egg , says time
Chicago Nows. Season time cavities
with salt and popper and drop un egg
Into ench. Cover the bottom of a pan
with hot water , put the tomatoes into
It and balto about fifteen minutes. Season .
son with butter und serve the toma
toes on toast , garnished with Illu'sloy
" . . , '
. ' , , TeA 1)1oWS
A touch of orange velvet marks the
newest long silk conts.
Pockets , and many of them , are tip
penrlng In the fall cants.
Red currants are embroidered over
a white sllle muslin gown.
A dainty mauve and white check Is
among the 18-cont sultlngs.
Panama cloth Is a nice choice for
the light weight outing skirt
Pompadour wreaths catch Ull the
folds of the dancIng girl's frock.
Featherbonlng Is a most important
feature of the summer wardrohe.
A deep belt of orange silk finishes
one of the vender muslin gowns.
Repousse and orIental laces are
much used on lawn and thin slllts.
Long , loose separate coats are quito
the most pIcturesque Item or the sea-
son.There Is somethIng Indescribably
ethereal about the finely dotted Swiss ! :
That lavender linen you have been
lighlng for Is among the cut.prico
Apple Compote.
Peel a half dozen red tart apples ,
core and cut In halves. Have In readiness .
Iness a syrup made from a quart of
water , a sup and oue-half of sugar and !
the juice and grated peel of a lemon
and a half. As soon us It boils ! : put
In the apples and cook until they are
tender , but not brolten. Lift the ap-
ples carefully Into a glass dish , boll
the syrup until quIte thick , cool a
little so as not to break the dIsh , and
pour over the apples. Serve wIth
cream , plaIn or whIpped.
Circular Skirt With Box Plaited
Sldrt" that clear the ground and
render walkIng comfortable at the
same time that
they are hygienic
appear to gain adherents . I
herents week by r
week and month _ at
by month , until it t'1
Is fair to say that
no other sort Is "
quite correct for o
the costumes or
general wear. This
very excellent -
model Is quite new and Is made snug
fitting and plaIn over the hips while
It gives abundant and graceful flare
at Its lower portion and Is made with
a full length back whIch Is always de-
slrable. As Illustrated , the materIal
Is one of the new green and blue cite-
vlots trImmed with black velvet , but
the model Is adapted to all seasonable
The skirt Is made with a cIrcular
portion , flounce and back gores. The
circular portion Is fitted over time hips
by means of tiny tucks and time
flounce Is box plaited and joined to
It , the pointed edge taIlIng over the
plaits. The bade gores are laId In
two box plaits that extend from the
belt to the lower edge and the closIng
Is made invisibly at the center.
The quantity of material requIred
for the medIum size Is 9 yards : : .7
Inches wIde , 4 * yards 44 Inches wIde
or 4 yards 52 Inches 'Ide.
- .
. . - -
- - - -
No Sleep-No Appetite-Just a CO"
tlnual Backache.
.loKelh McCauley , of 144 Sholto St. ,
Clilcngo , Bnchc'l11 of 1'ecul11Boh Lodge ,
DOYA : 'rwo yrnrs I\O ! 111) health was
corn Pictely h'nlll'lI ! , down My back
ached . ' told ! was 10
t ; lalllo that I I1t tlmcR I
WitH hardly able to
. ' )
j-e dl't'sS myscl I lost
r q my appetite atlll was
unable 1 to sleep.
' \'horo \ seemed t.D be
: , . 110 relief until I took
1J 0 an's Kidney
Pills , but four boxes
of thIs remedy affected .
t'cted cOIl1Iloto and permanent cure
If suffering humanity knew the value
of Donn's Kidney I Pill ! : they would use
nuthlllg else , I\S It Is the only Isltlve
cure I know. "
For stile by nil deniers. PrIce 60
conts. Ii'oster.Mllburn Co. , Buffalo ,
N. Y.
There are two kinds of wlvcs-n
kind thinks her husbunll Is the greatest .
est nmn on earth and the other thinks
she 18 greater than her husblt.tlli.
. .
- - - - - - -
GTATX 0. 011I0 , CITY or TOLJIPO , l II .
FRANK J. CIIICUInllke. ! : . oath that be II 11111.
pllrlllcr of lho 11rit of F..1. CIIICNII1' & Co , doing
1saner . In the City of Toledo , County ana IHaie
nfolcen4(1 ( . and that .ald IIrlll will pay the sum 01
oNI lL IIUI'iIlHEIIIIOI.JAH ' ! : ! for each and every
I''MtI of CATAIIIIII that cannot be cured by the we 01
Sworn to before mo and lub.crlbal In my prep
enco , tills Glb day of Ueceulber , A. I ) . 18M
" . . OLI.A80N :
- - A. W. ,
J -t
1 RY i Nanny l'UDLJO.
JlIIII'I Catarrh Cure II taken internally and actA !
directly un the blood and IIIUCOll8 surfaces of tbe
IYIIOIII. Send for te.tlmmllals free.
F. J. C1IRNY : & CO" , Toledo. 0.
Bold by all Drultlthta , 75c.
Take nall'l Family l'lIIs for constipation.
( p Ormanonl11 cured. Nn naoraor.mane . aft $
FITS lint dAY' 'a use or Dr. Kline' Urcat Nerve
81' Send for I + TIIEIC ! : 82.00 trial bottle And
Va. U. u. 1L 1)E ( , Ltd. , 8U Arch Street , l'lill&dolpbJa.l'a
Bachelors were once taxed In Eng-
, _
'Vew 'WIhh riM.
I : r
rI I
L IJ !
I IIW'If '
4 , I _ A.'It'loef' . ,
1.t'I.R\'WM'.I. . .
The best rns < crid.skilkd .nmcn drib
. , uty' secn . ocr ) etperierwe hole rode
, \ r , TOWER' Jhckes . Uondtbb
. U. famous the works over Tit Me r eiein
. . , block ydlow for eq kinds d wet wen
'TGlfIS and C'JtQ' Olmt korir > Qhe "IGN Of
THe : flJH bguy l tcdtoQiveti
)10ft ufectlm AI I rely ble kder xii then
' I , A.J.i011RJ1(0J0 OI.MW..UA.
A 01195 tom CAMADWI CD. UmItedTOp011Q
Magnificent Crops for 1904.
Western Qan.dNe
Wheat Crop this
Year Will be eo-
_ G App 000,000 Bushels
and Wheat at pre.-
w eat Is Worth 11.00.
Bushe' '
The Oat and Barley Crop Will Also Yield Abunda..tI
Splendid prices for nil kinds of grain , cattle
aril other farm produce fur the growing of
which the climate Iii unsUrllaiSetl. !
About 1'A,000Amnoricsnms have settled In Western -
ern Canada durlllK the peat three ) 'CarH ,
'l'hoUSI1Utls ot free homesteads oC 100 aCfClI
each still u\'alll1blo III the best agricultural diw .
It hm been ald , that the United States will
be forced tu Import wheat within u very few
) 'OUrH , Secure a farm In 'ntla and become
use of L1lOso who will proluee It.
Aptdy for Inrurmatlon to Superintendent of
Immigration . Ottawa , ClInada , ur to authorized
Caul1dlulI Government Auent-W. V. Bennett ,
001 New York Life Building , Omaha , Neb.
Strawberry and
Vegetable Dealers
'rho Passenger Department of the I1l1nolt
Central Hl1l1road Company have reeenUy IlIhlH :
U publlcutlun known us Circular Ne,12 , Iu which
Ilescribetl the
bes'2 territory in this country
fur mho growing ot early strawberries and early
\"rletnblc livery dealer In Much products
IIhuuld address u postal ( artl to the undersigned
at OUl1uquo ' , 'qWD , relluelltlng a copy 01
"Cireulur Nu 12. '
J. Ii' . Itu zcicY , . \I > . .L Oeu'l Pass'r Aeen"