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. . .
October 21 , J904 l TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE : . 'l' -
- -
- - -
Pub1i-1ltcd ! Nvcry 1 + rililY at
' ' co.
lItcl'cd 1 ali ficcoIHI-cas l ) : ; matter , .Tallll-
Ill' y 12. 19Jtul : ! the poet \ uniccal I..tlh
.1 , City , Neb. , IIIIlIel' the Act of COllgrcss
. . of March 3 , 1879.
. ,
- - - - - - -
ON.J 1)OI4TaAh pml YJDAH
Telephone No. 22 ( ) .
For I President ,
'J'hco1orc Roosevelt , N. Y ,
L.'ol' Vice President ,
Chas N . l.'airhalll , Iud ,
- - -
Presidential lcclors-
' 1 ' ' . A . Barton , Pawnee
A. C. Smith , Douglas
A. C. Abbott , Dodge
' 1' . r . Norval , Seward
\v. 1' . Eall , Phclps
M. A. Brown , B\lffalo
II. II. WilSOIl , T.ancastcl'
J. C. HohillSOIl , Douglas
Governor _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ u..J. IL Mickcy
I..iclltcllanl ; Coveruor.- . G.:1t'Gilton : :
Secretary of State --------A . Galusha
AI\l1ilm'.u..u \ E . M. Scarlc , JI' . .
S1ipcrintcuclent- -----J , T , , lr'Brictt
Attorney GCllcl'lli _ _ - . . _ .Nords Browll
I.amI COllllllissioIlCl'.I1. , . M. Eaton
101' ; Congress :
lrMutu J. BUHl-t'1"r ! , Lincoln
- -
L.'ol' State Senator :
I' ; } . A. 'l'UCI-I\H \ , Ilumboldt
I'or ! "Tcmhers of the I.cg-islatnrc.
] . 1. ' GitiNs1.1A1t : , Salem
G1iolWlt . S\II'1'Jr ; , Dawson
, W. H. IIoGluiJlH , Stella
Per ; '
COllllty Attorney
v II . I01mo\\ , Shubcrt
l"ol' Supervisor Dist. No. 1 :
t CIIIUS 11.UO'SIt ;
1.01' Supervisor Dist. No. 3 :
CII.\S. A'1'woon.
her ; Supervisor 1)ist No , 5 :
CIIMi. I. ' . ZOlHTIt1
For Supervisor DisC No 7 :
The ti inc ig rapidly approach
ing when thc selfish and short
t sighted policy of seeping ] : thc
I uttttual lines out of Falls City
1 will bc universally condcmcl in
y this cib'Vc now have thrcc
! Hues in' Falls City , \'i : ; : The Bcll 1
i Telephone Co ; 'I { 'he Tnter Stat
Company { and thc local compan .
Not one of these companies has
paid thc city of Falls City a dollar -
gar for this pridlcg-c. No reduct-
I ion has been or will be vatic to
thc patrons of thc telephones
1 The citizcns of halls City pay
j thc highest telephone rates of
any town in Richardson county
. and will continue to do so a s
long as the franchise orditanc e
remains \Yc could have rccch'-
/"r . cd a reduction in telephone rate
if thc Inter state company had I
I been permitted to conic in. But n o
the council refused , saying you
cannot come in unless you pay
. $1000 for thc right. Ware they
1cpt out ? Look at thc red , white
JI I. and blue telephone poles l , owned ,
l' ' .
operated and controlled . thc
Inter statc company that have
reccntly been erected 'in halls
City Did they pay thc city a
dollar ? Not they. But they pay
\Veavcr , Morchcad and Miles
thc money which the ) ' once on'cr-
cl , to thc telephone patrons of
this town. If wc can let ill thc
Bc11 ComlJany and thc Inter state
why not let in thc farmers com-
\Vcavcr and i\rorcheal1 : have
said to then , I'we w ill let you in
if you pay us.Vho owns thc
streets of halls City anyway ?
By what moral } right docs thc
city council say in effect to thc
mutual COlllpa111e5 "No , you
cannot build into Falls City unless -
less you sign thc contract offered
by Morehcad and \Vca\'cr ? " Repeal -
peal this ordinance and restore
the good feeling which prevailed
among our business men and thc
farming comunity before these
gcntlemen began to trallic in
Falls City strects.
- - - -
Thc people of thc 3rd supervisors -
visors district will bc well rcprc-
scntcd in the futurc.
Charles Atwood has been
nominated for thc office of super-
visor by the republicans 01 that
district a1111 l anyone who doutts
his election doesn't know Charlie
or his consl tucnts. The writer
knows ! ' of no man in the county better -
tcr fitted by businessjudg-cmcnt ,
tempermcnt and. character to bc
supervisor than Charles Atwood.
lie is the soul of honor ; is a man
of un usa 1 mental capacity and
withal a prince of good fellows.
His rcpublicansim is nut of thc
spasmodic brand , nor is his party
all liaition founded in personal
ambition or self intcrest.
\Vc would rather live l in Falls
City than in any other place in
the county , but just the : .amc wc
would like to live in Humboldt .
long cnough to vote early and
often for Charlie Atwood
More and more it becomes apparent -
parent that a whipped Jap is
also a dead one.
. . - - - . -
' \Vithin a few weeks certificates
of election will be issued to Grin-
stead , Hogrefe , Smith and 'l'uck-
If any candidate on thc republican -
lican ticket is defeated , thc party
will know where to place the rc-
Sp01151b111t ' .
. YV } - tTY.HlYf.C . . . . . . . . . -
Cut this out for refcrencc. The
republican county candidates will
receive majorities of not less than
three hundred \'otes.
- . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jude Parker will acccpt a
position in a New York law firm
at fifty thousand dollars : a year
to look after the interest of ncl-
mont if hc is dcfeatcd. Well that
is what he wilt get fur doing it
if hc is electcd.
The new revenue law has resulted -
sultcd in the collection of forty
thousand dollars of delinquent
taxes this ycar. With a proper
levy next year thc taxcs in l ich-
ardson county will be less than
for man ) ' } , cars .
_ _ -v- _ _
'l'he Falls City News was thirty
one . years old last Irrida . Y . The
News has succcedcd because it
has descrvcn succcss. It is a
good newspaper and wc extend
sincere congratulations upon the
completion of another year of its
life l .
_ _ _ _ _ --vo
\Vc wonder how many subscrib-
ers of thc mutual telephone lines
will support George Carpenter
for representative ? Hc more
than any other one man , has
been responsible for keeping thc
farmers line out of Palo and has
never lost an opportunity to cm-
harass the progress of mutual
lines in the south eastern part of
count , .
- - . - - - - . . . , . . . . -
Some fellow hearing a strong
resemblance to Ani111ias rites a
letter to the News which hc sighs
"a republican. " Hc says that t hc
is fighting two republican candi-
dates and } that hc live ! ' in Shubert.
\Vc must take issue with this fel-
low on his rcpublicanism. Republicans -
publicans do not write letters to
democratic newspapers in oppo-
sition to rcpublican candidates.
Hc takes a little lung at C. F.
Reavis as usual. By thc way ,
have thc republicans ; of this
county ever noticed that the
abuse which has been heaped on
Crook. Reavis and men of like
party service , always comes from
some self styled republican who
is IIGII'rING thc ticket t , and never
from a republican who is i SUPPOH'f-
IN'G thc ticket
. . . . . . " . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . , _ .
'l'herc has been a great deal of
fever in Falls City lately and thc
source has been thc subject of
much anxious inquiry. Apropos
of this , a lady from Illinois is
no\\ ' visiting in halls City who
tells of a similar condition which
existed in her house city. Investigation -
tig-ation established thc fact that
the water was the foundation of
the t1'Ouule. The
standpipe was
open at thc top and at thc suggestion -
gestion of local physicians thc
interior or the pipe was explored }
. . , " ,
which disclosed - that there was I ; .
three feet of dead Bnglish sparrows -
rows at the bottom. It 1l1igh be I
well for the council to look into
thc local stand pipe for while thc
- .JJ : :
pipe has a wire netting over the
top now it has not always been
so p'11c1oscd. ,
- - - . . . . . . . -
Don't bet grouchy : . Don't go
about the streets with sour mc I1.
Don't imagine that you arc misunderstood -
understood and undcrcrtimatcd. a
Don't always speak ill of YOLir
fellowman and prctend to great
personal ] virtuc. You only make
yourself miserable and your fel-
low man to hold a secret of con-
tempt for you. You arc not fool-
ing' auybody Noolie is deceived
by your false prctensions. 'Vhcn
thc total of your days is compiled .
ed it will be found that you have
got about what is coming to you
for men arc measured even by
their friends by what they arc
and tot br what they pretcnd.
One of tlit' wisest and best of
business men said : "The mcn
wh01l1 I have seen succeed best i11
life have always been cheerful' '
and ltopef tll men . who went about "
their business with a smile on
their faces , and took thc chances
of this mortal life like men , fac-
ing rough and smooth alike as it
came. " Cheer , up. Don't pout
and above all things don't be
a . / . .
fraud. c
n. . . . . . . . . -r.mn = = . . . , . . ? . . . .
- '
The citizcns of Richardson
county arc entitled to the services .
of a good and experienced lawyer .
No political party should attempt
to foist an incompetent and inexperienced -
pcricnced man upon hc tax pay-
ers for rount\ attorney. ' 1'he ,
office is too important to make it '
a political foot ball , and every
tax payer should feel sufficient
interest ill the matter 10 at least
make inquiry as to the respective ,
merits of the candIdate's. The
republican party in presenting " 7' , rrr
H. Morrow for this office , docs so - '
with full confidence in his ability
and integ'rity. A vote for him is
rl'otc in favor of having thc ,
duties of the office carefully antI L
ably performed. \Ve make the
assertion that his 'oppcn ut has I
never had a case in either thc
county or the district COlirt. Do
not ep ni11cn.t. 'Be sure you " ' : <
arc right then go ahead " - .
r .
. It's a Good)3 grr
' Of thc high grade of the coal wc . A ;
k sell and of the excellence ! of our
methods that 1 our custumcrs stay
: with us rear in and year out. 'rhc\
dent go around mat'ing experimenter '
01' trying to get more coal or better
coal for their monc ) ' . : l'hey arc sure
' the feel no unccrtaint ) . An army
' of pleased and satisfied customers is
, the best ad\'ertisCll1cC1 , a business
tR can have
ll' ] A V.5' T : ' 1 { ( } s
- - . - 'DL , . . . ' s.
Phone 3t3 . " ' -
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. ' . - . .