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' " C _ : ! ) bcr 21 , IC)04 l - TI-IE FALLS I CITY TRIBUI\E _ _ _ _ _ " , ' ' ' "
Alllong tIle Sports
There has never before been itl
this vicinity such a scarcity of
game : at this season of thc year
as there is this fall.
- - - - - -
George Die tsh . Peter PI'cde-
rick atld Clay Davis went out
west on a hunting trip a'urday '
'Ve predict that if i Jake Norris
keeps in practice he will he as
good : if not a. better trap shot
than Will Veach within thc next
Capt. Hunger of the state game {
dcpartmr.nt. . was in town Friday
of last week. Something will
soon be doing , though it is prob-
able it will be already clone before
this is in pritlt.
The nigh school foot ball team
went to Oregon , Mo. , last Satur-
- day and were defeated in a warm-
ly contested game. however the
local team will redecm themselves
after a few more practices.
'Plic University of Colorado
foot ball team which beat the
celebrated Nebraska team last
week , played a tic game with
Kansas last Saturday. Is it pos-
sible that Kansas has a better
team than Nebraska ?
' . ( 'lie fish ill the Nemaha have
earned and will now receive a
rest. Aaron Loucks is in Cali-
fornia aim Hank Shaw has hung
np the poles and lines for the
year. Hank figured up his total
for the year last week anal says
the arregate amounts to 716 fish
and one turtle.
Bob Rule , Geo. Holt , John Os-
waM , Dr. Foster , Jas. Powell and
Jule Ruegge , Toni Frank , Martin -
tin Banal } , Clarence Heck and
other dead games arc in Friend ,
Nebraska this week iii attendance
on the National coursing meet.
The boys have the local dogs
entered with which they are
hopeful of winning some of thc
- -
George Dietsch and Pete Fred-
erick 'will have to be enjoined
from further hunting of Jack
snipes. Not a snipe has been
seen since they brought in the
thirteen they tell about. It is
suggested that they killed all the
birds in the country and that
other hunters must wait for an-
other year.
Scouting parties have investigated -
gated all the promising snipe
grounds for ten miles around and
find nothing doing The old
Preston grounds arc covered with
r a rank growth of grass ; the Brush
lake bottoms are too dry and
Fishers pasture is in the same
condition. Knick has sonic cattle -
tIe edst of the Mo. Pac. trestle
and they may get the grass down
in time to make it good ground
before it is too late.
- -
May ; Startzel went to Atchison
Bessie Alexander left for York
last l\Ionc1ay.
David 1 Davies was a Verdon
visitor last Friday.
1\11' Wherry was a Beatrice
visitor rph ursday.
Earl Marti left Saturday after-
noon for \Vymore.
1\Irs. " \Vilhitc visited in Stella
the first of the week.
1\1rs. Cah'ert of Omaha stopped
at the National this weck.
Dr. R.P. Robertsdentist
over Kings Pharnu.cy.
Ethel Mitchell spent Sunday
with her mother in Shubert.
Peter Frederick made a busi-
ness trip to St. Joe , 'l'hursday.
Mr. Denton of Leayenworth
Sundayed with friends in this
ci t ) ' .
He\ Pougeon returned from
St. Louis 011 Thursday of last
Colonel Bradley of Sabetha
visited friends in this city Sun-
Pork sausage and ; hamburger
fresh every day at Coupe 'l'horn-
l\lrs. George Jennings and Mrs
Pittock went to Salem Friday
Chjr. Cess , one of thc promi-
iicnt lawyers of Omaha wa a
business visitor Saturday.
The school children arc invited
to call at \Vanncrs for their
school supplies , ,
1\1' . and j\rs. Lawrence and
daughter Pearl left Monday after
noon for li'airbury , Nebr.
1\1rs. Clara Neal's cottage on
north stone street is rapidly progressing -
gressing' towards completion.
Baltimore oysters in bulk and
Michigan celery at Coup and
l\lr. and 1\1rs. J.Y. . 'l'owlc' of
Omaha stopped over Sunday with
their parents . enroutc to St. Louis.
Ed Miller returned home the
latter part of last week from his
trip in Iowa and 1\1issouri.
Mr. and Mrs. \Vinterbohom Ie-
turned from the Exposition thc
latter part of last week.
1lrs.Vm. . Watkins and children -
ren arc visiting relatives ill St.
Joseph , having left for that city
Geo. Ahlrup and family left
Sunday for SantaBarbara , Ca1. ,
which city will be their home in
the futurc.
Mrs. John Hall nee Cornelia
Thomas was operated on in New
York City quite recently for ap-
pendicitis. 'rhe operation was
entirely successful and Mrs. Hall
is on the road to rccO\'ery.
- - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. _ . . . . . . . . . , _ x.
_ _ _ c- 11 T : * f-.yCa7.1.LM Y.L a. K IYJMIr. r
TO ST. LOUIS I . -.tt
# fffr4 THE EAST i . J
- = = = I
Fast Trains Elegant Service I
: : :
_ _ _ . . . . _ - : - _ . . > , . . . . , . : . .
$25 to Portland , Tacoma ' and' Seattle September . '
15 to October 15 , 1904. .
$25 to LosAngles , Francisco and Sacramento , . i
CaI. Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 , 1904. : ' : : R.
. . . 0 , ,
To California and 1 return $45.oq August 5 to S''j ! I
oth , return limit Oct. 20. ' - i
St. Louis 60 clay limit. . . . . . . . . . . . I3.5 . _
St. Louis I5 day limit. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 '
, .
St. Louis 7 day limit daily during Scp-
tClnber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.25 s
Remember there is no change of cars to St. Louis. ' b
Take the ' Worlds Fair Special at 8:45 : p. m. Leaves n
I St. Louis at 8:10 : p. 111. and arrives here at 8:3 : the rc 1
next morning. Best train through Falls City.
W For further information see local agent.
1. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ " " _ " " " ' - p " " - - - : . , , , = < : , - . . . ! _ , = " " ' .hIU.-- . . . . . . . .I : . P
A. G. \Vanncr sells everything
nccded in the school room.
Mr. L. D. GrusH has sold his
Chase street home to Lewis l'dc
Pherson and with his family will
remove to a farm near Salem in
thc Spring
'l'he old \V.\V. Abbey farm
near Salem was sold a short time
ago for SlOO per acre. l\Ir.
Abbey purchased this land iu
1866 for seven dollars an acre.
Mrs. Diver and daughter who
have spent the summer with Mrs.
Kate Steele returncd to their
home in Washington , D. C. this
week , ,
Hon. Ralph Clark of Lincoln ,
a prominent lawyer and ex-speak-
er of the house of representatives
was transacting business in Judge
Wilhites court Saturday.
Mrs. \Vi11iam Wilson of this
city was elccted by the state
federation of wom < , ns c1u's to
thc position of vice president for
the first district. This is a distinctive -
tinctive but well deserved honor
and the Sorosis of this city is to
be congratulated thereupon.
Judge \V. II. Kc11igar held a
short adjourned term of the dis-
trict court on Saturday , Several
l'x-parte matters were heard. The
motion for a new trial in the
damage suit of Blau "S. Huett-
ner was argued and submitted ,
the court taking it tinder ad \ ' s-
mcnt. Court adjourned to November -
vember 1st.
. . "
" " ' - ' ' . " . . ' ,
A new line of IIats just rec ' \ ' - (
cd at 1\1rs. ' Breithaupt's. ,
, ,
Carrel Pryor Pearl and Jennie , , '
Prater visited friends in Preston" : {
Sundar. " ; 'J
George Shields and Jack 1\Ic ' .
Kicver left Monday night for"\ "
Friend , Ncbr. I
Hazel Jellison , Mrs. John Os-
wald left Sunday morning for . , :
the Exposition at St. Louis. - '
, ,
Will H.esterer and son of St. , ,
Joseph visited the former's fath- .
er : All sterer this week.
\Vinterbottom and Harry' ,
Mozena went to Hamlin Monday
to put in a steam heating apl'j ; '
County Sup1. Gco. Crocker ,
read a very interesting paper on
the subject "County uniformity
graduati01.from the 8th grade of ,
village and rural schools" before
the state convention of Superin-
tenden and Principles held ill
. .
Lincoln this weck. .
There is no place more beautiful -
ful during this Indian summcr
weather than the woods along ,
the Nemaha and Muddy rivcrs.
Time rattling of the falling leaves
the chatter of the squirrels and
the many , many voices of thc
forest together with the flaming
colors of the vines and shrubbery
make a picture of perfect beauty.
'fakc an afternoon ofT and go
nutting. You will find worth , .
while. : ' , .
, . " v. ' ;
' . . ; , . \ , . - ; ' . . . , . . . - . . . . . " . . . , v. , " . ' 'J . " ' - . . . :
. . . V
' , . ; . . - . . . . . , . < o.iJ. . . " , ' " Joi . 'M .