. J. . . " 1. . . . THE UNITED 8TATEB WILL SOON , ' ( , , KNOCK AT THE DOORS OF ' ' ' . CANADA FOR WHEAT. A Crop of 80,000,000 Bushels of Wheat , Will Be the Record of 1904. The results of the threshing In Western Canada are not yet complete ed , but from Information at hand it is " i 1. lafe to say that the average per acre I . will be reasonably high , and a fair , ' .1' : estimate will place the total yield ot ' - \ . ' , . wheat at 60,000,000 bushels. At pres. , . ent prices this will add to the wealth of the farmers nearly 60000000. Then think of the Immense yield or oats and barley , and the large herds of cattle , for all of which good prices will be paid. The following official telegram vas , . sent by Honorable Clifford Sifton , Minister - Ister of the Interior , to Lord Strath- cona , High Commissioner for Can. ada : "Am now able to state definitely , , that under conditions of unusual dim- culty In Northwest a fair average crop of wheat of good quality has been . ' reaped and Is now secure from sub : stantlal damage. The reports of in- jury by frost and rust were grossly exaggerated. The wheat of Manitoba and Northwest Territories will aggre gate from fifty-five to sixty million . "I bushels. The quality i8 good and the -9 - - price is ranging around one dollar per bushel. " Frank H. Spearman , In the Satur- day Evening Post , says : . . , ' "When our first transcontinEntal railroad was built , lel\rned men attempted . I tempted by Isotherman demonstration to prove that wheat could not profitably . ably be grown north of where the line was projected : but the real granary of the world lies Ull to 300 miles north . of the Canadian Pacific railroad , and the day is not definitely distant when , the United States will knock at the doors of Canada for Its bread. Rail. road men see such a day : it may be , . hoped that statesmen also will see it , and arrange their reciprocities while I they may do fO gracefully. Americans ' alreadY have swarmed into that far country and to a degree have taken the American wheat field with them. Despite the fact that for years a little I ' ' Dakota station on the st. Paul road- . . " , . Eurolea-held the distinction of being , the largest primary grain market In the world , the Dakotas and Minnesota will one day yield their palm to Sas- katchewan. " . The bays of Cuba are alive with fish , but there is no fish Industry. Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they . w will save not only time , because il r ' . : never sticks to the Iron , but because each package contains 16 ' \z.-one full .k pound-while all other Cold Water ' 'Jr - Starches are put up In % .pound packages . . : ' ' . ages , and the price Is the same , 10 ' ' ' 0' . . cents. Then again because Defiance _ Starch Is free from all Injurious chem- . " , j. . . Icals. If your grocer tries to sell you . ' ( . " , , , , a 12oz. package It Is because he has - t , a stock on hand which he wishes to -f . dispose of before he puts in Defia.nce. : : . , He knows that Defiance Starch has L . printed on every package in large letters . . ters and figures " 16 ozs. " Demand ( Defiance and save much time and . . . " money and the annoyance of the iron sticking. Defiance never sticks. ' . . : . . A wise man never stumbles twice r. over the same stone : when he passes ; : ; : : , that way again the stone Isn't there. Insist on Getting It. . Borne grocers say they don't keep - ; ) Defiance Starch. This I. because they ' . - have a stock on hnlllJ of other brands . , . containing only 12 oz. In a package , : , whlchth ey won't be able to sell first , . ' : ' . - because Defiance contains 16 oz for . the same money. . . ' Do you want 16 oz. Instead of 12 oz. C" for same money ? Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. . . In fifty years suicide has increased . , In Great Britain by 200 per cent. ' 1- . ' , , r W. N. U. , Clmaha. No. 42-1904 , . ; _ . . . BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER . . CURES catarrh of the .stomacb. One Letter Makes Dlrfernece. There Is one letter In the marrlago ceremony the substituting or which by another would Induce thousands to marry who are now single , and would give a license for unfaithfulness to thousands who are married. Which Is the letter ? The letter "V. " It you could substitute the letter "K" you alter "So long as yo both shall live , " into "So long as ye both shall mee. You never hear any one complain about "Dcfiance Starch. " There Is none to equal It In quality and quantity , 16 ounces , 10 ccnts. Try It now and save your money. Gulls In United Kingdom Before the eBlrast Natural History socIety 1\Ir. J. Brown gave reasons for concluding that there are 2,000,000 gulls in the United Kingdom , and that during the herring season each bird destrayed 200 fry n day , or 12,000 dur- ing the two months of the " ason. These , if they had come to maturity , would have been worth .c 24,000,000.- -London Feathered Life. Defiance Starch Is guaranteed big- gest and best or money refunded. 16 ounces , 10 cents. Try It now. Weary Repetition. No sooner does one generation get through with Its UtIle part upon the earth when another comes along , doing . lng , thinking and acting the same things. Indeed It's a mighty hand from an exhaustless urn that pours forth the never-ending flood of years. "DYllpepllh , 'rorm"ntf'd 1\e for Yf'RrtI. Dr. Davhf Kennedy' . Favorite licuedy cured . . O. I. .1JoUllhort1 , \11I\11I8 , N. J. Used over 90 Jean. e1.00. Rarest U. S. Coin. The rarest coin In the United States Is not , as many suppose , the silver dollar of 1804 , but the double eagle of 1849 , of which there Is only one In existence , and that belongs to the cabinet . inet of the United States mint. It can not be bought. . - I am sure Plso's Cure for Commmption saved my lire three years ngo-Mns. 1'nos. RODDlNS , , Maple Street , Norwich , N. Y. , Feb. 17 , 1000. I Tragedies of Love and Life. The end of love is a tragedY , just like the end or life. Both are facts In nature , and must bo accepted In the same spirit. A person Is no more to be blamed when his love dies than when his body dles.-Now York 'rimes. l\r. Winslow e Soothing l1171'Up. For children teething , softens the gums , redces In- lIr.mmatlou , allays pain , cures wind collu. 2Sc a OOttlo. Women Not Wanted. One of the curious social laws of Peru forbids women to attend funerals and they do not appear at weddings ' ( except as one of the principals ) , unless . less they are very intimate friends of the contracting parties. More Flexible and Lasting , won't shake out or blow out ; by using Defiance Starch you obtain better results - suIts than possible with any other brand and one-third more for same moncy. Man's Inconsistency. Man has been promised an endless existence of peace and joy In another world-a life through the countless centuries of contentment. Yet he kicks like everything when there's danger or his not continuing to worry along with this world. Murlno Eye Remedy cures sore eyes , makes weak eyes strong. All druggists , 50c. III-Fortune In Spilling Salt. That III fortune attended the spilling or sail Is an Idea arising from the belief . lief of the ancients that salt was In- corruptible . It was therefore made the symbol of friendship and it It fell casuallY the ancients thought their friendship would not be of long dura- tlon. In Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper , " the betrayer Is represented In the act of spilling salt. , . _ 'c < 4 " ! t , . . . . . ' . : . ; , ; , t. : ; . . . ( . , r , . ' . ' ' ' 'N' . . . ' . . t ! ' " . / ' . \ ! ( , , : . " , - . . \ . I . . . . . . , , ' , , ' . I' . . . . . , ' ' J. . . . . ' . , . . . . I. : . ' . . , : , - "t " . ; : " ' . . . f . ' ' . . . . . : . . ' . 't .N. ) I. , : , = _ ' . . . . . " - " \ . $ . " r " ; I. " " . . . 'tL . . " . . . , . r : , I . . . . ' . , h' , . . " ' . . ' . , . . ' , . . . " J' . I'J I' : " ' : ' . ' , I : : ; " . . ' . . . : . . ; ; : . . . " ' 1 " . . ' " ' ' . . . . . . . 1.1 , r . . r. . ' . , . ' : . : \ " \I'i . , . .oI , ' , . . . - . . . I . . ' . I , ' : . ' . ' . ; ' . 'N . . : . : . : . . . . . . _ " . , " ; " ' ; " " " " . ; ' , _ . - ' : 1' ' , , : , . ' , ' : : ' , . : . : . : . . . . ) . .i . . . . [ " . - . , : : . Y" _ 1 :1 . \ } . : . . . ; . , ! I , ' . . . . . ( n. . v".t" . : ' :1 .I1\ . ' , \ , : ' , : : : ! , . , " < ; . I" . . . . . " . . . . S' .A' e' . . " " : " t : . .I. ' . . ! ' , : . . , ' . " . . ) . . ' ' ' : ' . ' : ' ' : ' , J\.r. : . .r : . . . , t ' . . .iir' . ; : : - .I 'i. : " . . . .O' . . . : .J.\ " ' , . , /\.J : : f"f . . . . . ; . : . . . \ > ' . ' . ; . ; " , ' ' . . . . , ' " . ' . . . . ' " < .1 r (0 . 'I" ' " ' . : t . . . ' . . . . ' ' i to. . ; . " ' : : : ! : oI , " . " ' ' ' ' : : , i Mrs. Anderson , a prominent society woman of Jacksonville , Fla. , daughter of 'Recorder ' of Deeds , West , who witnessed her signature to the following letter , praises Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. DEAR \fns. PINKIIAtI : - There are but few wives and mothers who have not at times endured agonies and such pain as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Lydia EO' Pinkuun'lt ) Vegetable Compound. It is a remarkable medicine , different in action from any I ever knew and thoroughly reliable. " I have seen cases where women doctored for years without perma- nent benefit ) . who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vegetable compound , while others who were chronic and incurable came out cured , happy , and in perfect health after a thorough treatment with this medicine. 'i have never used it myself without gaining great benefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite , and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true , hence I fully endorse it " --Dins. R. A. ANDERSON , 22G Washington St. , Jacksonville . .onville , Fla. Hn. Red , 242lS EO' Cumberland St. , Philadelphia , Pat , says I "DEAR MRS. PINKIIAH : - I feel it my duty to write and tell you the good I have receive from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. " I have been a great sufferer with female k ' ' trouble , trying different doctors and medicines with no benefit. Two years ago I went under an operation , and it left me in a very weak . . condItion. I hud stomach trouble , backache , headache , palpitation of the heart , and was very ' . nervous ; in fact , I ached aU oyer. I find - " ' 9\ yours fa the only medicine that reaches f ; 9'W y such troubles , and would cheerfully recommend - I t t ommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable , . \ ' I Compound to all suffering women. " When women arc troubled with irregular or painful menstruation , weak- mess , lcucorrh lL , displacement or ulceration of the womb , that bcaring-dot7n feeling , inflammation qf the ovaries , backache , flatulence , general debility indigestion , and nervous prostration , they should remember there fa one tried and true . Lydia EO' ' remedy. ' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troublcs. The experience and testimony of some of the most noted women of America go to prove , beyond a question , that Lydia ; E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at once by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy 1 and normal condition. If in doubt , write \ . iukIUl.m at Lynn , aril , as thousands do. Her advice is free and Jaelpful. No other medicine for women in the world has received such wide- spread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such' a record of cures of female trouhles. Refuse to buy any substitute. FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith produce the original letters slfJ1&tveeol $5000 above testimonials , which will . prove their absolute 1(6DUllleneli. { / IJdla E. 1'1nkham MedlcIDo Co. . Lynn , U. . . . . . r MEXICAN : : Mustang liniment GIIn8 Sprains and Straiutl. J _ _ _ _ _ Foetuses IrlllttJe gard- GINSENG I erorywbero. ens. American Easily market grown Soils 10 a' 67 to > aI2 per lb ; costs to grow less than U. Dig delllBnd roots and seed fur sale ; booklet free ! I write to-day. ZARK : GINSENG CO. , Dopt. S , Joplin , Mi . . When AnswerIng Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors Than any other de. One IOc package color silk , wool and cotton equall ) _ wetland Is guaranteed to glvlllJerleot reaulla. Ask dealer or 11I11 will send poet paldat JOe a package. Write for tree booklet-How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Color/ M.ONIlOJ& DBUU JO" , UnWin.KCHowt , "