The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 21, 1904, Image 13

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: . October 21 1904. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . ,
. 1 ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _
. . . ; - -
J'J ,
The First Nutl1ber.
The first Itttmuer of thc series
, of 'Sphinx cntcrtaintl1cnts wilt bc
a lecture given by Frank IcCurc
I , Chaffee. Subject "Goblins of
; . ' : , jI our Gran lfathers. " On Salur-
daj'nig'hlOct. 29 1904 at thc
: Gehling' theater.
\Ve arc proud of Chaffee and
pleased to have him open thc
course of cntertainmcnts. Hc is
, a philosopher and full of wit and
( humor. He combines every
\ quality , that goes to make up a
! platform favoritc. His common
sense philosophy , 1m ; originality
of expression and his grand fund
of humor makes him universally
I popular in thc lecture ficld.
I " \V urge all our people to sec
I'V I'
' that they go and take thc familr.
i You will enjoy every minute of it
: and will feel more than' repaid
i , beside helping along a good
. : - - cause ill halls City. Such attractions -
tractions arc not bough on per
cent , but must ue paid a certain
amount. Thc promoters of thc
course must uc encouraged and
. . .
- tickets should 1 be bought by many
for this reason , even if they feel
they do not care to go. They
will care to go after they get
startcd. , Do not plead povcrty.
, Every family can afford a few
nights each winter given over to
i enjoyment which elevates and
should have it. Buy your sean -
, .
I son tickets now. Duy before
, r scats are reserved or you will not
I get a good seat. If YtlU do not
buy a season ticket buy a single
I ticket as soon as they are on sale.
Do not wait. Get a good seat.
I You will bc lonesome if you have
not tickets.
, Scats will be reserved for season -
; son ticket holders good for the
' entire course at Geldings beginn-
ing' Monday morning Oct. 24 ! and
wasting tlirce clays.
Single scats will go on sale
I Thursday morning Oct. 27.
! T- Come early to get thc . best choice
: , , " , of seats , but lo , not fall to come.
If season ticket holders are not
i there before Thursday morning
: Oct. 27 they lose the right to reserve -
, . .
- '
: , ' serve before thc single spats arc
I I. I R' . . . . . . , . , put on salc. Do - not I forget thc
' time and place , and do not forget
; .r : . you arc strongly , cordially ,
' ' ' , - earnestly invited , requested and
'I' , , ' .
. $ - , : ' urged to buy and attcnd.
! : ' - A Social Event , '
Last Monday evening wilt belong
. '
1. long rct11emb red br. a11' thc
parties who were present at thc
. , ) . . home of Mrs. John Powell. A
' farewell reception was tendered
Mr. Thomas Nancc , of Sana
, : " Marie , California , who has spent
J i the last ten days in Falls 'City
visiting at the home of Mr. and
i : Mrs. James Powell and mothcr.
'I ' lie musical elections by the
" Misses Sallie SchoenhitcQ and
Zola Jones , and thc vocal select-
ions bj : Hss Grace Maddox were
- . a
l cndcrc l in a morc than pleasing
manncr. At ten o'clock the
guests were invited by the host-
css to partake 01 a sumptuous repast -
past ; and at a late hour thanks
were tendered the hostess and
g-ood-nig : : w"'rc said. Mr.Nan.e
left Falls City for his home 'I ' ues-
day morn il1 r. 1'11 , ' , folio vi tug
were 1)i' ( ' SeatJtdgeViiliite : : ! : t and
wife , Mrf. 1-J : s' ia PO'\'j , Mrs.
James Powell , Mrs. W. . t.l\laddox
Mrs. George Pietsch , the 1\lisses
Sallie SdlOenl 1 ite , Zola ! Jones ,
May i \Iatlc1o : : , and Hc" ii' . Pou-
; eon.
Lit L. i.tail1pd.
A dclightfuliy infolllla 1 party
wa given hy l\fr , and Mrs. D. T\
Reavis Saturday nigh Those
in attendance were Mr. and : Mrs.
' 1\ J. Gist , Miss Nellie Gilman.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Reavis , B. 1.
Heavis. Mr. and i\rl's. .1 no. Plant
of California and Mr and l\Irs.
1 ; . H. 'rowle. Ali of thc guests
were old school friends of Mr.
Plant's and Hutch of thc evening
was spent in talking over school
days and associations. Dainty
refreshments were cl'\'cd. : Cards
flinch and an old fashioned qua-
drilJc furnished part of a very
pleasant evcning'
Rcy. Pougcon returned home
last Friday morning from his
trip to the Fair and as usual filled
his pulpit in the Christian church
Sunday morning and cvcning. In
the morning hc was greeted by a
large audience whom lie addressed - ,
cll 011 the subject , "l dug-e. " In
thc c'cllinghe spoke to a full
house and used for his subject ,
' 'rhe Punishment of Incorrig-a
Sinncrs. " Besides being large ,
thc audience was a very appreciative -
ciative onc. One very noticablc
feature about the . evening service
is the number of. young peoplc
attending and their number is
continually on the increasc.
There will be services as usual
ncxt Sunday morning and '
ing' Next Sunday evenings sub-
jcct will be , "Sitting" on thc
Scalcs. "
There will be a republican
speaking at thc Klocpful school
house in Dist. No.51 better known
as Fort Hazcl in Arag-o precinct
Monday , October 24 at 7:30 : p. m.
The issues of the campaign will
bc discussed by Hon. C. F. Rcav-
is and the candidates on thc republican -
publican ticket. Everybody in-
vited to comc.
Next Monday evening thc C.E.
society will give a social in the
Christ au ch urch and all arc in-
vitcd ] to attcnd. The kind of
a social it will bc is not dcter-
mincel as yct. The price will bc
ten cents. Do not forget the
time and placc. Come and bring
your friends with you and have a
good time ,
'Vanncr sells ink.
October. 25th
L"J " 11 1
J ttr li ' i ff ebrasla
{ Day
iil 1 the calendar of cvcnts at the St. Louis Exposition -
tion October 25th is "NEBRASKA DAY " On that
day will be celebrated thc fiftieth anniversary of the
formation from the Louisiana Purchase of the Territol'V .
of Nebraska.
J01n the throng aired help exploit Nebraskans
1904 Agricultural and Industrial Prosperity
Special $7.25 Coach Excursion Tickcts , good sev-
en days , arc sold daily from Sunday to Thursday in-
clusive. Daily excursicn tickets , limit fifteen clay ,
good in sleepers $ 12.20. i
- - . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ IUO. . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _
The Close of tkis Sixty Million Dol-
lar 1 EXDosition is but Six
, Weeks Away.
. . . . , . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' " - - -
General Program for Nebraska Dny.
12:00 : noon- Lunchcon for the Governor and distinguished -
tinguishecl gucsts.
2:0o : p. m.-N ebraska Day Exercises , Festival
Hall. Address of welcome by President Francis ; addresses -
dresses by Governor Mickey , -Ion. ] John ] L. Webster
and . . G. \\T. \\Tattk , PrclJicLmt : ; of the Nebraska Com-
1111 SS1011.
4:00 : p. l11.-Reception to Nebraskans at thc Ne-
braska Headquarters in the Palace of Agriculturc.
VOlt Are Expected.
L. ' 'Vakcley , Gcn. P. Ag't. Grant Stewart , Agent ,
1004 Farnam St , Omaha Falls . City , Ncb.
, ' . . -
- - - _ . _ _ _ on u. . . - . . - - - - - - . . - - . . . . . . . - . - - -
_ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
The K. P's. Goat.
Dill lllutlsoc jincd th' K. P's ,
One frosty whiter night ;
An' t h' way thct goat got after him ,
It ccrt'n , ) ' was a. sight.
'l'hcy Icd poor Bill into th' hall ,
Au' stood him on tll' floor ;
tl'hcy put a blindfold 011 his eyes ,
All' opened widc th' door.
All' then th' goat ] cent boullcill' in ,
All' talc a look ct Bill ;
'rhcII c\'cryhudy held their hrcth ,
All' all was Imm all' still.
'I'hct goal inter a Imrncl" halcd ,
All' give all oO"ul blat ;
It give a jnmp , all' Imoclcd poor Bill
Upon th' floor quite /lat. /
Agill ( ii' goat ] cent after Bill ;
Bill grabbed it by a horn ,
All' give it battle fur his life ,
J..ilfC one of thc mallllcr hOI'II.
trhcy hath struck out niter th' air ,
J..ilc a storm cloud on its way ;
au' Bill was Herd t' 10lldly cr- ,
III think that goat's too gay ! "
These : mails seemed t' please th' goat ! ,
nut they sadly soured poor Bill ;
All' tile ) started 011 thc sccond round
With vigor , vim all' will.
tl'h'goats horns locked ill Dludsoes vest
Its feet were ill his face ;
An' they went rollill' o'cr all' o'cr ,
At a mighty lively pace.
It seemed as though that ornery goal
Would never 1t Dill go ;
It chased him round ill fiendish glcc- ,
It bumped him to an' fro :
Then Bill , hc got astride its hack ,
he had it " "
Hc thought "pal ;
'I'hel goat , it like a bronlw bucked ,
.An' floored its rider Hat.
Poor Bill was dnll sli1 all' clcclI ;
Hc laid there still as death ;
tl'h' goat then calmly wallet ] outside
All' njcycd i a lccsnrc hrcth.
\Ve have a Iyal fdcl'd in 73111.
Since that he's him true blue ;
.An' hc sC7-"thcl'c's nolhill'OI1 th'arth
'I'hct lh' K. P's. goat cant do.
-l"cq Pongcon.
Ch:1mbcrlain's Cough Remedy ,
No one who is acquainted with
its good qualities can hc surprised -
cc1 at the great popularity of
Chamberlain's Cough Reined ) .
It not only cures colds and grip
effectually and pcrmancntly , but
prevents these diseases from resulting -
sulting in pncumonia. It is also
a certain cure forcroup. 'Vhoop-
ing cough is not c1angcrous when
this remedy is givcn. It contains
no opium or other harmful sub-
stance and may bc given as con-
fidently to a baby as to an ac1ult.
It is also pleasant to take. When
alt of these fads are taken into
consideration it is not' surprising
that people in foreign lands , as
well as at home , esteem this
reined ) ' very highland very few
arc willing .to take any other
after having ol1ce used it. For
sac ] by A. G. "Tanner.
Boys Take Notice. '
"Tuntcd-l00 bushel walnuts
will pay cash.-Ileck's feed storc.