The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 21, 1904, Image 11

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. -
: ' _ - , October 21 , 1Co4 ) THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE
r , . . EducationalVepartment- .
. ,
Conducted by CountySupermtendent
'rhe winter term It the State
. . Normal bcgi.s Novembcr 28.
, - - - - -
. . . ' t
In Richard county there are
6,4,5 children of school age.
'rhe next meeting of the "Rich-
'reachers' A.soci-
ardson County , : : -
ation" will be held in Falls City ,
Friday evening and Saturday ,
November 11th and 12th.
l\liss.l\Iabel Whitaker teacher
in Dist. 78 was thrown from a
. horse last Saturday and seriously
hurt. Miss : Btiz'lbcth i Hossack
, : " . , who is taking a vacation while a
new floor is being placed in her
school house taught for Miss
\Vhitaker this week.
' -'he com ulsory education law ,
, which has been for so long iso-
- latcd with impunity on every
hand in this city , ( Humboldt ) is
, to begardcd in the future , as the
board of education announce
their intention of causing trouble
for some one. They are making
i a quiet canvass and promise
I prosecution where warnings ; are
not hceded.-Hut11boldt Leader.
Dist. 26 , James Wiltse , teacher
-\Ve have a nice school of about
31. School has been 111 progress
for six w eks.Ve have about
_ . fifteen of the larger pupils taking
I L . _ ' : the musclar movement in pen-
manship. They arc advancing
niccly. Huble's Mathcmatscal
, cards are very handy and we are
very grateful for them. Several
of the boys have had to stay
home on account of fall work.
Those who are attending are
doing nicely.
The Dawsl)11 teachers' Reading
J - Circle held its second meeting
. '
Eat Sowles Candy.
- ft See \Vanner for tablets. I
y \V. H. 'Vylie was in the city
t Monday.
' Mr. Falstead left Tuesday for
I' , .
' '
! ! - L1I1coln.
f. Books of all kinds ' at A. G.
. \Vanners.
r Dr.Houston returned from Vcr-
i don I\'Iouday.
When you need a tablet call at
A. \Vanncrs. .
I . Dr. A. Gaiscr , dentist over
I Richardson county bank.
' ) . . . . Richardso.n
t ' ' Mr. Holihan left Monday after-
noon for Hamburg , Iowa.
I , Frank Grabill at tended thc
meet at Friend on \Vednesday.
A compete line of fresh and
cured meats at Coupe & 'l'horn-
. . tons
Judge 'Wilhite and wife and
Sallie Shoenhite retured from
> Stella Monday aftcrnoon.
last Friday c\'elling. ' 1 ' liere were
. nine teachers present including a
visitor , P'Of. ! 8chlaiter of Hum-
boldt. 'flH\ next meeting will be
held I Friaay l even ig i O . : t. 29 tit.
The basket ba)1 ) l game [ bet wren
Dawson and Hmnbuldt tea ins was
forfeited Friday . evening 0 " ing'
to a misunderstanding of the
ruhs. :
The board has purchitscd a
large wal1-map of Nchr ! k i and
U. S.-Rand : , IcNally Publishers
Dawson now has a lecture
course consisting of seven I1ml1-
uers. They were placed by the
Glazier Lyceum Bureau , and are
exceptionally g'ood.
Dist. 27 , 1\Jamie Kanaly , tcach-
cr-'l"he last log school house in
Richardson county is gone , and
Dist. 27 now has in its stead a
fine new school building. School
began Monday Oct. 10.
Our enrollment is ,8 wi than
average attendance of 55. The
interest is good. Our reading
circle met last Tuesday evening i
October 25 , a meeting of teachers -
ers , school of11cers and patrons
will bc hcld. Paper and discus-
sion will be on the general subject -
ject , "Coopcration of the Home
and the School. "
The Shubcrt teachers arc do-
ing work with water colors. They
have a regular time for brush
work. Each week three pictures
arc painted. The work in music
is good , it would do your heart
good to hear those little folks
sing the notes. Prof. Carr will
deliver an address at Harada ,
Oct , 2 ,
\Ve heartly commend the action
Qf thc council for ordering all
trash removed from the streets
and hope the good work will be
extended to the alleys in this city.
Zola Jones went to Lincoln
Tuesday afternoon to attend the
general assembly of the Rebecca
lodge which is in ccsion in that
city this week.
\Ve guarantee all the cider
from your apples No waste in
the new cider mill , creamery .
Will Vcach left Monday for
New London , Iowa to take part
in a shooting match at that
pace. .
Dr. Rush treats diseases
of the lungs successfully.
New nl thod.
\Vanncr is the place to buy
your pen , ink , pencils and tab-
lcts. -
Frank Wilson went to White
Cloud Monday.
" . . . . .
- - - - - ' - , - - - - .
' & . ) Il : . A J.rWA"lI'ft" : - ! lr' nc " c
Mercy Hospita.l
= = = =
I Opened to the patients of all Lc-rally , Qualified ri l
Physicians. Equipped throii : Bout with all the modern
l conveniences. : Steam heat , Electric lights , City water ,
i I-lot and cold haths , I-lot air appl1ances , X Rays , Sur- i
t gical and Electrical : appliances of all kinds.
. .J 'c.\
r . '
I' . t . , l _ . I
t c -.1
I , I = ' . r , .
. .rl Rrmnaf ilifi ti.l wr I : , : = , , .
r -rr
- . w rat
ai. 4 y
{ r I
' . , . , - .
: The Hospital is especially fitted up for the treat-
ment of surgical cases , Diseases I of \AT omen and Chronic -
ic diseases. It is the place par excellent for the treat-
ment of fevers. Trained nurses in constant attendance
Teims reasonable. Call or address
Mercy Hospital ,
Palls City , Nebr.
. . _ .r7&Y . . . . - " . ' L'f !
_ _ u" . .L" " , _ _ . _ . . . . '
Attention !
- . .
Teachers and pupils , do you know you can save
money by purchasing your School Stationery of me ?
Yes , it is a fact. Please call and see. I carry a full
line of History paper , History covers , Legal Cap , Examination -
amination paper , Print paper , Colored paper , assorted
for folding , I-lard paper , Nebraska \\Tood Chart board ,
Envelopes , Ruled writinff paper , Mat Board , any color ,
Blotting paper , de. , de.
H. P. Custer , Prompt Printer
Over Richardson County Bank
. . . .
New cider mill at thc creamery
building four blocks north of the
Douglas mill.
Joe Norris of Lincoln visited
with his parents , Prank Norris
and wife , thc first of the week.
Florence Daugherty of Vcrdon
visited with Clarence Simmons
thc first of the wcek.
Don't fail to call at \frs. : Breith-
ilupts and inspcct the new line of
Hats just rcceived.