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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
f" October IL } 'I904 , ; . I1-1h PALLS lll Y 'I K 113 U 1V L . . . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : LOCAL AND PERSONAL. : ' Sec \Vanncr for ta.blets. / , - ' , John Holt returned Sunday . . . .l from . St. Louis. -L. . . V. G. Lyford was a St. Louis ; visitor 1\Ioticla3 Joe Miles returned from Cali- fornia Sunday. E. O. Lewis was Kansas City visitor Frit1ay. , Ike Lyons. sr. , was a incolll . visitor Saturday. I F. V\T. Cleveland left 'Vcdncs- day for Chicago. Mrs. Win Mohlcr : went to Kan- J sas City Wednesday , Will Casey is now employed on M. Giannini's Bus Linc. . Simon Davies returned to Auburn - burn Monday aftcrnoon. Mrs. Sullivan and daughter arc ' ; I visiting in Lockridgc , I P. ' 'k . George Wertz came up from St. Joseph on No. : 15 Monday. \ \Vintcrbottom and wife left Sunday morning for St. Louis. F.1. . Pearl and wife of Hia- watha spent Sunday in this city. Pork sausage ! and hamburger fresh every day at Coupe L'el'llOrn- tons. tons.Dr. Dr. R. P. over Kings Pharnlacy. . . . . . A. Stevens and wife of Hia- ' ( watha were Falls City visitors Sunday. l\Jrs. Clegg and Anna Poteet , . are viewing the exposition at St. , Louis. . Hev. J. Bennett and C. F. Bar- . rett came down from Humboldt Saturday. Dr. Keller ] and wife were B. & 1\1. passengers for St. Louis \1on- t day. day.Mrs. Mrs. F. C. Wiser is at home after viewing the exposition in St. L l1is. Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. 1na San- L ' 'del's and child left Monday : for St. Louis. H. C. Smith made a business " . , trip to St. Louis the latter part last wcck. Thomas McLain and wife returned - turned from St. Louis the first of the \veck. Baltimore oysters ill bulk and Michigan celery at Coupe and trllOrn ton s. Thc school children are invited to call at \Vanners for their : school supplies , - - . l'frs. 1. M. Houston and daugh- \ . tcr returned from the exposition thc first of the week. ; _ George Holt and wife , J. L. . SlOCUtl1 and daughter were B. & M. passengers for Kansas . City tl'hursday. Bring your apples to the new ; cider mill at the creamery build- ing , four blocks north of the Douglas 111i11. ' ' " ! . . . Chester Fisher and wife , I [ rs. George Cleveland , the Misses Fisher , Mrs. Beachy , J.P. Barnes Albert Zimbcl' , Fred De\Yald , M. Giannini and wife , I\Irs. Jacob Dacschncr and two daughters , 1-1. S. Myers and wife and Herbert Hcdg-es left on the the M. P. special for St. Louis Sunday c\'cn- . mg. mg.A A couple of crate of hogs while standing a truck close to the track in thc M. P. yards Monday afternoon were struck by a local freight , breaking the crates and turning the swine loose. However owing to the activity of Fred McI-icvcr ; : the porkers were soon secured in the crates and all was quiet. Miss Pearl Hanna took her seventh grade for a picnic on the Muddy Saturday. They went in a hay rack which broke : down as they were starting home , not reaching town until about nine o''hcrc were a I1lUuber of anxious parents by the time the children arrivcd. Dr. Houston reports a baby boy who arrived at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Uhlig Sunday . Mother and child are doing wcll at this writing and here arc hopes of 'Vil1's rccovery. Mr. W. A. Grcenwald went to Plattsmouth Sunday to attend thc funeral of Frank Morgan , grand financier of the A. O. U. \V. who died Saturday af cancer of the stomach. 1\1rs. Jennie Ewalt and daughter - er Magnolia will spend thc early part of thc winter visiting relatives - tiyes in Ohio , departing later for Galveston tl'cx. , to visit with George Ewalt. . Bert Siman ton and wife , Mrs. J. Pickett , Z01a Jones , Mrs. Roberts and daughter , and Neal 1'lwrntoll returned from thc Ak- Sar-Bcn festivities Sunday cvcn- ing. , John Plant and wife arc visit- i ing friends in this city after an : absence of seventeen years. Mr. Plant was formerly employed in the First National Bank. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Laweruce : arc visiticg with their son Ed. in Jefferson County. They expect to bc absent two weeks. Guy Spencer and wife who have been visiting relatives in this city returned to Omaha Mon- day. day.E. E. A. Manst and Gm Strauss were l\I. P. passengers for St. Louis the first of trc wcek. Mrs. D. C. Kirkpatrick and Miss Boosc returned from Kansas City thc latter part of last weck. Rcv. Hey and family moved to Portland , Oregon were the rever- end has an appointmcnt. Frce ) Parches and wife spent Sunday in St. Joscph. - - The 'Be ri M aitr ° e , s . . i For health and comfort is a Felt IVlattress. Every- body knows it . hence the extortionate prices asked ill every magazine you reacl. But if they only knew that this $ 8. 50 Sanitary Felt l\'fattress is positively unexcelled in any point they would have no other. t's I made from guaranteed corded sanitary felt , . by the largest manufacturer in Cincinnatti , Ohio , the great cotton market town. It I weighs 45 pounds , will not absorb moisture will make over like a hair mat- tress and is as soft as down. A Flowery ' of EOJe. Not half the people who read this add have a bed wQ.rth sleeping on , yet they spend every week for foolish things more than the price of a good bed. You spend one-third your time therc. Why deprive yourself unconsciously one moment of comfort by sleeping on a poor bed when so great a portion of your life is spent in that way. Of all friends a mat- tress is the most personal. See to it that it is cleanly , sanitary and comfortable. - V - - - - - - . . " " , . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . - 'Rea.i. $ ( ( Q , Abbey Falls Ciij Neb . rasla gJ ; WA ' [ ' ' TIME TABLE r * P Ir Mr fU ! t , Palis CIty. Neb. Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte St. Joseph Salt Lake City Kansas City Portland 51. . Louis and all Sun Francisco poInts east and and all poInts south. west. TRAINS 7.1AV1 ; AS l'or.TOWS : No. 42. : Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , K ansas City , St. Louis amI all points cast and south. . ' . . . 74 : : p m No. 13. Vestihulcd ' express , daily , Denver and all points west and northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:33 : a 111 No. 14. Vestihllled express , daily St. Joe , Kall- sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south. . . . . . . . ' . 7:43 : a 111 No. 17 Local express , daily \Vymorc and points eastwestnorthwest 1:28 : p 111 No. 15. Vcstihuled express daily , Denver alld all points west and northwest . . . . . . . . . 1:24 : p 111 No. 16. Vestihulcd express daily , St. Joe , Kansas - g sas City , 8t Louis Chicago and points east and south. . . . . 4:30 p 111 No. 18. Local express daily Atchison and points south and wcst. . . . 3:58 : p ni No. 41. 81. I..ouis-PortJaml . Spcchl I , Li ncolllHc- lena , ' 1'acoma alld Portland without challg'c . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p 111 No. 115. I..ocal : accommoda- tiOIl , daily l c x- ccpt SIIIHlaySalcm , Ncmaha and Ne- braslm City. . . . . . . . 11:30 p 111 Sleeping , lining alld reeling chair cars ( scats free ) 011 through traills. ' 1'iclcts sold and baggage checked t.1 allY point ill thc States or Callada. For infol'lllatioll , till1e tables , maps amI tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , G. P. & ' 1' . A . .Omaha. Cause or Lockjaw. Lockjaw or tetanus , is caused by a bacillus or germ which exists - ists plentifully in street dirt. It is inactive HO long as exposed to the air , but whcn carried beneath thc skin , as in thc wounds causcd by percussion caps or by rusty nails , and when thc air is exclud- cd the germ is roused to activity and produces thc most virulent poison known. These germs may be destroyed and all danger of lockjaw avoided by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely as soon as thc injury is rccc \'cd. Pain Balm is an antiseptic aI1d causes cuts , bruises and Wee injuries - juries to heal without maturation and in onc-thinl thc time required by thc usual trcatmcnt. Sold by A. G. 'V anneI' . . I