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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1904)
- T11E BALLAD OF TfJE SAUCY [ ( [ Try rot 1i ; j1 r. . : _ r i/ : : ' i 2 - - , L - - Once 1 wnR shipped ) n'1 1'lIgIrH'CI' upon thl' Saucy Kllt ' , AR good II tug 1114 1.1'1'111111 tn seuSs II I'll toni thl' Illy. 'Vo 1I0\lllllell down thl' Hoole one lillY , nut oily swell a-I'olllng-- Olle or those hl.'l1110E"g'r days , will all the bell buoys tolling , " ' ! 1'hrl'c' \\'Pllthcl' III the south , " fJlI'fI I , " 'Oll het , " says Bill 1\Inguhe , "And If wo get a $ itiiing , ship , WI"11 nlnkt' her Jar ) our hhe " " ' 0 HrlIttrred ) Clown till sliding lens , and ! splutu red III the trough , Until the JclHey shorn uheum lay li west miles on' , And there wo hulled n Hpnlliult Ing' ! with flJlal'M : Ul tall liS thunder , Anti she wars freighted , to the leeks nil 1U1l11lg" gllll\\'nien under , "Now , tinily 111I11 , " siys Bill \Iagllll'o ; i "tho \\'euther'l l'omilltllicle / , Ant If WI tlllw that hrig wc'lI have a Job to lIIalw liS Hick " ' \'n 1'11'111111'11 ' to hCllpnth ) hoe delft al1ll , 'llny ' " I'II'U Cup 11:111111'0 : : , "IJ' ) ' ! ! wnnt a tow ? 1'011'11 need Il 1I01l , Hpcnle quick , fet I'm a 11)01'1" ! 'I'ho HpnnlBh : enptaln ulrnlel'll his 1'al'lI allli 1001e"1\ \ \ \ 'hllo0 uloOI l'e/llly "Uow lunch , " says hI' ' ' ' 1'\\0 hundred "tmlght , " says hill , 'ail t ' icing HtCIllY" "Honol' , you JGit : ! " the I'aptaln : ualll , lull threw hu ! wheel hard 1I0wn . "Throe hllllllr'I'1I Ilollal'lI now , " UII'II he "anll ( ! mote IIdol you drown : ' "No , 1I0 ! " Uw Spanish captaIn crlell Bllt LIlli ! Maguire thlllulercd , "Look south ! For o'er' 1II11111to note , I'll I'harge another hundred ! " The captain looked and Ical'I'll ' alltl'rll " 1'II pay you for you i ' towing ! " Hut' Cap 'IllIglIll'o : twirled ' hbl wheel lIIul lIahl : "Still more 'oll'rc owlig I'll charge you seven hundred now to pay lIIe for lilY walllu : You hn\'oll't Got Il mlnllto Il'ft ! , for here the sl\lIall \ conies sleatlns ! " "Jon ! " cried the GIIIIIIIIIIl , lack triIii ! rae ; , hot h his dark eyes a-It\utlle \ "I only hope you low ollc-half aH well liS you can swindle : ! " 'Vc'lI bnrvly the ' ' ' hCI' to the ha\\'II' got tho'I'SSl'l fast allll swung \ \ ! ! ! before the wen 1I Ie I' hit 1111 Htl'llighl Illld how the IlIluall did yaw her ! 'Vo 1Il'II11ed ) III the smother IIlIml 'Yo'd SCIII'CO como ollt ll-drlll11ln Before again wo'd bury deep III greets that carne ripping ! 1fhiguire allllllloll for full peed : then down the lllhu ho Rollers : "Now , If ' host thai ha\\'Hol' lose ' hllndl'elt dollars ! " you ha'Hol':0 : seen \'e rolled to right , we rolled to left , each roll looked like our last , Ant In lho reeling pilot hOUHO Alaguire held leer faHt , Vo coulcln't IICO lho brig aslel'lI 'I'ho stir WitS thick nH night And only the tense hawser told thin 1 we HUll had her tight , 'Ve rolled to right , wo 1'0111'11 to left ; we drowned from bow to stern , 'Vllh heart III ! 1II0ulh I hmced lIIyelf nod .watchell my ollgiliell turn ; And each time the propeller raced , 1 thought : " 1'hiH Is her last ! " nut every tllllo 1\111':1111'0 ' : lllrned nod held hel' 10 the lJlasl Now , It 'OIl'\'O seen thai Jersey shorn hit lJy a gllle from seaward , YOII'1i need 110 sworn Cel'tllll'llte tll tell you death'lI to leowlln , So when \tnplIll'o : ; down the tube said ; "JIm , sinus i08111g IIlcmlr ! " I saw that tle\ ' II of a bench aH If wo'd struck IIlrend ) ' , . . I saw Its wicked , tawny glint , wl1\'re , deep In tons : of. water , " H walled for the crested sea to bring ! IIH to the slallghter " ' \'o cnn't held Oil , " lilY helper auld ( ltis lJreal carte In short catches : ! ) , "It wo don't east that Spanla off , we'll go ashore liS matches , " "M ' engines call't do any snore , " I yelled III to 1\lagulro , "And we nrt taking seas aboard that sure will drown our tire ! No man will bionic you If you cast a ship elf In this weather ! " " \\'u'll hold the brig , " 1\lagllll'o Halll , 'or go ' ashnl' ' t"gelhor ! " \o rolled to IItarllOalll and to port , \\0 rolled from left 10 right Once ItS we wullowed , font I11Y post the beach vests 11111111 In sight " 'e came HO close that 1 cOIIIII see the while foam 011 the slrallll , All every grnyh nick rolled ashore 11I111 poundell on the lallll Then Magllll'o down the lobe : 'You' io holding to her fine ! Now keep your engines stesuly , man , and don't you bust that line ! " "She'li almost In the breakers , " Imlll my hl'ltlel' "Now' we're done ! ' 'hen will Ihlll 111alll111\n al the wheel cast off his line and lun ? " ] Iut BIII'I voice down the tube 1Il\l1i ; snug cheerily , " 'ou bet ! It wo can lcel'p her 1111 she II , we'll hold that 8plllll01'I1 yet ! " Ridge litter ridge of crested sea tried to twist IHI around AIIII roll Wi ,111 a foundl'l'l'li wreck to wal'll the Jersey gl'ound. Stroke after stroke the block squall bent to turn her nose and twist 1114 headlong In the trough will'I we would \ 'alllHhlice \ a mist Turn litter turn 111) engines made : ! 1 nursed them all I knew ; Straight with her nOSe to open sea Maguire ! held her true Ho held her true for seven hours , all of II steady squall , And wo were ! just outside the IIno of lJl'eallI'H-that all , 'hen the black storm napped at last and left UII where wo shook , 1'0 110ulldOl' on the tossing son and crawl inside ! the Hoole No word came from the roIling bug , until we reached smooth water AIIII took ! our hawser and slcal11ed 'roulIl1 to lie beneath her quartel' The Spanish captalll then leaned dow n , bearded and tall and grave : "SonOl' , the tugboat cnptnin , your pardon 1 must cl'a'e A thief IIf the sell 1 thought you when this little trip began , But 1 stand In port on my rescued ship to say I that you arc a man ! " -Boston Herald , fI - - - i ' . / . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fashion Always Supreme The excavations which Dr Evans hM been making in Crete reveal that On woman ot fashion 111GOO n , C. fQ . ' ' 11114 t < the llr'il'u w'xist and rtlure > , . . . . . . _ - - - - - . . . . . . and probably : the GrecIan figure was regarded as n barbl.rIsm : Barbaric I flSllro5 , however sensible , can never hope to conpete with those of lash , 1:1dlct tu ( : \ , , " . . , y . . . , . - ; - . . - ICKL [ t4 6RASS _ BY , - BYRON WILLIAMS . " Yip.0 Joy 111 not kept In II Hirons-box ! 1'II.'I\fUU'I' knows little of pelf ! living HIIII loving IIlIti being / Spring ) ftotn OIII"S lIatuml self ! Peace Islet found In omI\81111' : rents In It CII1'1'11 or gloom ! l'/ICl' Is 111 showing ' the weary Nooks full of ruses III bloom ! DolIlIl'li weigh nol In ! the balance : Woo hi nol lifted by gold ! Scorch hhw own peso for lit /Indness- / Hem tJ the III1Hwcl'-Beholtl ! Finding Jimmie She was a wan little woman with the embers of 11 lying hope In the flame of her cheels , the hectic flame that lolll a story of the black ! camel kneel- : log at her gate ! Her clothing ' vas ii rahblcl allli thin , like the. fralllo that sllpporlel1 IL , antI her shoes Were sloppy ( allll run over Ilt the side U1I1 heel. To ] add to the HUllleSH or aspen , at her angular breast , lay a fretting baht' , sharing her deplorable squalor of poverty ! alld want ! One of those strange tend pitiable bits of suffering humanity that arc tossed nJ to the IlHblic gaze by lug unllnd fate : , she tapped t rom illingh' at the door of the ' ' POOl' supervisor alld aslclI for help Winchell } , Tllst enough to help me hack where Timmie Is , please , sir ! It's only such n little wa ' -and I am too tired to walk ! " Timmie ? JImmie , he's my boy ! We left him when wo went out West lo malee 0111' fortune In time mines at Dark hills ; left hlin with some neighbors who were good to him He was not well and we feared ho could not make the trip "YOl ! , wo hind hall luck In the IIlIlfl Father , " swallowing , and wiping aWIIY a tear , "father died , Minnie died and , and , " with a sob In her voice , "the expenses seem to take all there was left ! ' 1'hero wasn't anything for mo to do there and I started back to Jimmie ! Oh , sir , If you only can help us \Vlllchell , I'm sure the Lord wIll send IIIH choicest blessings ! to ; you for your fanciness ! " l' I ! ' : I : Captain Drools of the Winchell police department , dozing over his desk , was awakened by the sharp telephone - phone bell. " ' " 'Ella ! "Pollee deparlment- "What's that ? Patrol to the cemetery . etery ? Here , come ofT ! You quit your monkeyshines wllh the police department 01' 'ou'll glt-What's that ! Jl's Hanson ? Patrol to the cemetery gate ? Yes ! Meet the wagon there ? All right ! " Clang went the electric button ! On the floor came the clatter of horses' feet , the quick "Glt ap ! " the rumble of wheels , and the captain leaned back In his chair and pondered ! In his long service he had had many calls , but this was the first , for patrol \ wagon to dash at full speed to the city of the dead ! "Gravo robbers , I s'pose , " ho mut- tered ; "tho dirty thieves ! I' v . 'I' s There upon the new made grave of little , Jim they found a wailing babe and beside It , face downward , u bl'ol- on.hearted , shattered piece or earthly ela ' , The body was motlonlcm In that strange fascination wo call death , hut the spirit winged Its way on high to welcome Jim ! - - - - - - I Memories I At the Big Bend , In the deepest "hole" in the Cedar , there dwelt a monstrous plclerol. All the boys knew of him and kept their distance when in bathing a few rods lower down the stream This king fish was a whale among fins ! lIe swished about In the liquid depths as confident in his : strength as a giant in a village of pigmies Fishermen , renowned of rod And reel , came for miles to angle . . , f for this old veteran-and he bit with cwldlty , snappln ; their minnows with deJ.1rmlnation and skill like the old cannibal that he was ! And then came the fun A lashing of water , n leap . . . into the air , n crash under the bont- ( and freedom ! In his wake ho left broken f1shlIneE , twin ted poles all - swearing anglers ! When I said good- bye for the stern realities of lIfl , the big pickerel wan still monarch of the "holo" at the Big Bend Some day I slur going back , hack to the zephyr- Idsscd- ] country , back , to the high-banks. , ; and the wl1lows , back : to the Big Bend , to catch that fish ! There have been big fins In the water where I have fished since then , but none so worthy of my rod and reel. Some day , Ah yes : , some day ; I'm going back ! - " There ] were eight of us , typical , happy lads , and Olll' camp was in Wat01'llH\ns : woods along the sinuous I'I\'el' Snuggled In a cove , amid the With Chel'l'leH , time chlpl11onls and the slllging birds ! , we made our temporary - ary abode In tents Our table was supplied . plied from the rl\'cr from \ , the wood- and ! from the gocurt that came dally from our several hOllies ! Occasionally - ly We hall squirrel , fried brown and crisp ! Ah , delectable dish ! One day six or the eight went fish- ing.Ve arrived home late to find the remaining two had been hunting and had prepared a feast of squirrel They had found vlllage of the frisk Ing beauties ! , young and tender , and , vandal-lIIcc , the guns had done their duty WellVe ! were hungry and "fell 10" with greed haste ! how good the squirrel tasted ! Yes , wo would have another , thank you ! At last the dish was depleted ! Then ] up rose one of the two villain- OilS chefs and apprised us with shriek and shout that we had eaten gophers ! Common field gophers ! They had snared them while we were absent ! and coolccd them fit for epicures ! Wo gagged and went away Into the darkness , six of \IS , to run our fingers down our \ throats ! It was a sad end lug for It regal fast-but boys Will b9 boys , even to the limfi ! ) fI. : Underneath the little white school. house built on the hillside , was a en \13- like cellar , and within that cellar was 11 hoglc man ! The janitor told mo about it when first I passed that way , 1\ youngster In kilts ! At night I ran past the bogie ! man's abode ; hy day I peered curiously yet warily In at the window to catch a sight of his bogie- ship ! \Vhen I had grown older , I refused to believe the bogie story and laughed at It , but In the meantime , other f bogies had arisen ! These , one br one , \ save way before experience In their ' stead came other bogies , not to bo scouted at until disprove ! Life Is J filled with Imaglnlngs , grave , fright- fu ! hobgoblins ! that worry and despoil -4 \ our happiness Could we disarm them . i promptly upon their appearance , how ' : much brighter this world would be ! ' , - " A hay had a dog for sale He had : . . . paid a quarter for the pup and hmid " found the ownership onerous He wanted lo dispose of the canine , but , , at a profit. I argued ! I was willing \ to give the twonty.fivo cents , hut no mOl'e Then I remembered a tobacco ' box the cigar man had given me , a i mere bauble , hut gaily painted ! I pro' posed exchanging the quarter and the box for the clog ! 'rhc offer was accepted cepted with avidity ! . : flan are like \ the boy , A mere nothing - Ing with a bit of paint or JL gaudy I feather attached to It , has influenced many a trade : Man has a weak spot ' " ' . touch It ' : ! always. Frequently we can ' with a hit of fantasy , or tickle it with " a feather l\Ioral-Study your customer . : tamer ! II I I I Some Interpret It this way : " 'Work j for the night Is comlng'-when it , i takes good money to bur ; good cheerer . --er , \\0 mean , good beer ! " ' : . - - An over poUt" m usually has ID I\X to rind . , . - _ j : , , , , - , . twill