The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 14, 1904, Image 18
. . . . _ . , - - - = ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - F ' . . \ October 1 4 I 190.1 TIlE FALLS CITY .LRIBUNE - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - Correspondence News of the County as Told by Our Special Correspondents - - - - - - Ohio Precinct. S. TI. KI11Hcly and wife Sun- daycd with Grandpa Pcck. Amiss Shraug-er is a guest of 1\1 rs. N. B. Burnworth this wcek. Born , to 1\-Tartin ; Nolte and wife last Saturday ; , a son. A number of young people of this vicinity drove to St. Del'Oin SunCiay for paw-paws. . Mrs. John .Wiltse spent a few days with her parents this week. A. 1) . Humbarg-cr and wife left for their home last week after a visit with Mrs. IIUtl1barg-crs par- cn ts. ts.Hc Hc\ YOdCl' and ; wife left for . their homc last week after a few days visit with relativcs. 1\1rs. 0'1\ [ am's little son . who had his arm injured a few weeks mgo : is able to attenl school again. - - - - - - Verdon. kraal \'crsolc nnd two chil- drcn spent Sunday with L. A. Kinscy and fnmily. li John Chamhctlain came down from Nelson , Ncbr Sunday morn- ing , returning home Tuesday. 1\1rs. 1\cli1.a was in Shubcrt on 1\1ol1day. Nellie Hossack carne up from Falls City Friday afternoon and spent Sunday with friends hcre. 1\rs. Robertson went to Au- burn Monday aftcrnoon. Mrs. Bruce Ncdrow returned from thc hospital at Omaha last 'l'uesday. She has been taking treatment under a specialist. Frank Clark returned home from Omaha Friday and brought homc with him a fine lot of cat- tlc. Mrs. M. J. Sailors drew thc set of tea spoons and desert spoons given away by 1h3 Vcrdon Roller Mills. A social was given at thc home of 1\11' Grifiiths , the procccds to go to thc Congregational church. It was largely attcndcd and sup- pcs was se. ycd until a late hour. , 1\11' and 1\1rs. Zook were called to Shubcrt S..tu1'llay by thc scri- ous illness of her sister , Mrs. { r 1\1rs. Robcrts. 4 Chas. Hcinzclman returned home from Lincoln Friday , where hc has been attending thc grand lokgc of thc A. O. U. , Y. k .1\11' 'Vhcatlcys mother , of Au- burn spent Sunday with him in 4 this city. John Wilson , thc popular tailor of Falls City was \ on our streets 1\1onday. Alary : Heincman - entertained a party at her home Tuesday night. I - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - J. Vaughn left for his home in California 'Vcdncsday cvcning. Hc has hecn visiting friends and relatives her for somc timc. The Verdon "Ncvcr Sweats" crossed hats again with Salem al1d defcat"d them again hy a score of 13 to 1 , 'I'hc Salcm boys wiIi remain < Iutct thc rest of thc scason. Grace Sailor went to Stclla last Saturday. l\lrs. Mary Conovcr and ( laughter - tcr Helcn left Tuesday for a visit in I11i noise Dave ] loud is rcportcd very sick. Bccchcr Cornell was in halls City last 1Velncsday. Miss Nellie Goolsby of Vcrdon and 1\11' Howcn Veal of Stella were joined in matrimony at 5 o'clock by Hev. Hohn at the home of thc brides parents October 5. 'l'hc bride has grown into woman here and is a very popular young lady. The groin lives ncr Stella where they will makc their homc. Davson. Henry Funk and family who visiting relatives in this section for sonic time returned to their home in Oklahoma last li'riday. Mrs. G. A. Alexander and children went to Omaha Fridty ; and were met there by l\Ir Alexander - andcr who had been in western Nebraska looking up a new loca- tion. They will spend a couple of weeks in thc city. John Figlc is home from a. trip to Canad.t where hc has e.dcnsivc land intcrcsts. Minnie lxutz is home from a pleasant visit with country fricnds. Mrs. Carrie McGinnis left Monday noon for St. Anthony , Idaho , her future homc. Judge Story of Pawnee , candi- date for state senator , John Os- bornccandidatc for state treasurer - cr and H. C ! Jamcscandidatc for bounty attorndy , all democrats were in this section thc first of thc wcck. John Taylor and wife were in Lincoln thc first of the wcek. John Scynolds of Beaver City is vis visiting old friends and neighbors hcrc. Dennis Carr and family visited at thc home of Mrs. Carr's par- cnts Jerry Fcnton and wifc. Nellie Harrison returned from a two months visit in Gillette , 'Vyoming. Father Corcoran spent a por- tion of thc week visiting Father Sorol1 in 1\.ulo. Gco. and John Ncsledak of Falls City visited their brother and sister at this place. S , L. Redwood and family and Ella Fisher started for St. Louis I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( - - ' : A I. SPECIAL ' SALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . . . - - ' ' . . - - - - - . . . - . . . . - - . . . . . . _ _ - . _ _ _ - - _ _ _ . _ _ - . n _ _ -OF 'fUJi' . - - - - - - - - - - - Great Majestic . Ra.nge f : ' - - - - - - . - . . . . . . . . - - . - . - - - . . . - - _ . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commencing Monday , October 17th , and ending Saturday , October ? 3rd. A $7.50 set of ware given free with every . range sold during this \veek. . . EVERYBODY INVITED J - - . . . - - - - - = - - - . . . . . . . . - - . . . Alex Fe Meyer . / Saturday. 'Ic'3damcs Cooper and Van der- vort of Salcm with their babies visited the Graham family in this city last weck. Nina 'l'ichu went to Falls City Frid a ) ' . Harry McConi1cll , the cigar maker of Hl1mb0ldt was a busi- ness visitor her Friday. The basket ball team 0 f the high school want to Humboldt Friday evening and beat thc girls of the < high school there by ten points. The game is said to have been an interesting i enc : Jack Babb and wife of Falls City were guests of relatives here Sunday. Mrs Timer Bennett and chil- clrcn are ih from Grecnlcaf , Kas. , this week visiting 1\1rs. Ida Stiers and other relativcs. E. \V. Cummings and family wcrr down from Burchard the first part of thc week visiting rclat \'cs. Frank O'Grady , sr. , who has bccn very sick for a long time , is in a critical condition and thc end is expected any timc. j. B. Davis was down from Humboldt Tuesday looking after busincss. THE TRIBUNE One dollar per year . All of the News D. S. McCarthy PROPRIETOR or CITY DRAY LINE Special Attention to tlouschold Mo\'lng. Phone 211 , Palls City - - Nebraska - . - , r ANAl\J SHOES . .1 $5 to $6 Walk OverShoes $3. ; O to $4 SNAG PkOO RUBBERBOOTS $3.50 to $4 _ _ Men's Overshoes $1 to $1.85 at Hall fgl Greenw&.ld s - - , Face to Face -a Look your watch square in the face and ask yourself if you are treating this old friend right in allowing - lowing it to tick its life away for need of timely attcntion. Perchance a drop of oil now , a little grit or dust brushed away will prolong Its period of timeliness for many days \Ve clean , repair and put in order timers of all kinds , from the costli- est chronometers to the cheapest Roberts , The Jeweler Tribune $1 a : year i . - - . , " . , ,