The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 14, 1904, Image 14

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October 14 19U4 Tl.l1 l l.LL l-ll Y KIUUNg :
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Among tjle Sports
Jake Norris bagged the first
Jack and Mr. Schnutc thc first
cluck of the scason. .
The Colts and thc All Stars
will do the war dance at Poteets
park nest Sunday nernoon.
This is the season when the
hollow boom of the guns on the
bottom land tell of the gay and
festive mallard and the elusive
" "
A IIU1110er of the local sports
have leased thc Keim & ' [ 'owle
lakes during thc open season.
'L'hose who participate in thc
lease pay four dollars each for
the scason. Anyone not a mC1l1-
her of the club wilt bc prosecuted
f hunting on the premises
'Yhat's the matter with a lo-
cal foot ball team ? .l'hanksg-h'-
iUg" without fool ball is about as
hollow as Christmas without
Santa Claus. \Ve have an abun-
dance of good material alHl have
the best foot ball town in seven
'he ) Nebraska foot ball team
met with a surprise at Boulder ,
Col. , Saturelay. They expected
to rout the free silvcrites without
mercy but were humiliated by a
score of G to 0 in favor . of the Col-
l era < 1a tcam. The high altitude
may have contributed to the defeat -
feat but the chal\ces are that Ne-
braska is not as strong as has
been licved.
- -
Josephi Burns , the fish trapper
who was lined ten dollars and given -
en back his traps is still pursuing
his illegal busincss. Hc takes
his fish to Reserve , Kansas and
ships them around thc adjoining
country. When 1\11' Carter , the
state game warden comes down ,
this fellow is going to be taught
a lesson-and there arc others.
And is Falls City a sporting
town ? . If it isn't it should be
when it can boast of two base ball
nines , as the game : Sunday denial -
al onstrated. The line up was a'
follows ; .
Fred Paxton Pr W. Sears
H Messier Cr J. McKiever
H. Foehlinger S S G.IIolt
E. Gagnon Ii' D D. IcKie\'er
C. Foster S B G. Ruegg-c
I Ii' Noah 1' n C. Cornell
H. Sanford R F J. Norris
H. Foehlinger 1.J Ii' J. ll'l'cnchy
B. Messier C Ii' L. Sherbon
Umpires } Clarence Heck .
\ \ ill h.anobe
It was a ten inning \ game , the
9 score being 10 to I ) .
Chas. Davis and Irvin Bode lost
about ' ' dollars
se\'enty-fh'e ;
two Omaha ball games. The only -
ly way left for them to get even
is through the gate receipts of
the remaining games to be play-
cdYe have had a summer of
ball games of the best amateur
teams in the state , and Messrs.
Davis & Bode ought not to be
compelled to pay for it. Let
everybody attend the ncxt gamc.
\Ve have . all dai1ced now let all of
us pay thc Hdel1er.
- - -
'J'hough we have seen doyens
and dozen , of presidential cam-
naig'ns , never before on memory
was there one so void of t.tercst
to the people of this community ;
or at least one in WhICh our
people feel such little interest 1n
the result.-Salem Index. The
editor of this paper must have
lived about as long as Henry G.
Davis to have seen dozcns : and
dozens of presidential campaigns
This is about as bud as Dr. In-
skeep's statement 1I'1'h\s \ is the
worst spring I ever saw , and I
have seen hundreds of them. "
'l he usual services will be held
at the Baptist church next Sun-
day 10:45 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
Iii the evening Rev. Selinger
expects to repeat the address
which he delivered recently with
great acceptance at Lincoln , entitled -
titled " 'What the World Owes
to Baptists. " Tomorrow 7:30 :
p. 111. Miss Lena Spear , a returned
missionary , will give an address.
1'0 all of these services the public
is cordially vited.
1\11' and 1\1rs. 1. B. Loucks and
: Mr. atul Mrs. Aaron Loucks will
leave tomorrow for southern
California where they will spend
the winter. The trip is in the
interest oj Aaron's health. The
Tribune joins their many friends
in wishing a safe and pleasant
America Frank , than whom
there was no more popular young
lady in Falls City in its day of
small things , is visiting with her
father M. A. Frank , and her
man , } ' friends among the early
residents of he town.
Just think of it ! You can get
'I hc 'Prihunc together with either
\IcClures , E\'crybody's or \Iun-
seys magazine for S1.i5 a year.
Just twetifS'fivc'cents
- cents more than
the other county papers cost
All roads lead to the cider mill
at the creamery building four
blocks north of the Douglas milt.
everything new. Bring '
oJ h " ' us your
For a dollar you can get The
Tribune and the Weekly Kansas
City Star the Weekly Atchison
Globe or the Wc lay BtateJourn-
al for a year. Two big papers
for less than the price of one.
1\1rs. Ed Howe and daughter
l\atille of Idaho are the guests
of M. A. Frank and family.
Just received a fine line of
street hats at the Bon Ton Millinery -
linery store ,
. .
Th E
. < < . ,
JjLi A N D
: i\:2 : : : ; ; - j
. ,
r.t V .
Fast Trains ! : egging Service
-$25- Portland ; I- : Tacoma : - ; and ; ; " " " ' Seattle September ; g
' 15 to October 15 , 1904. f ;
' . $25 to LosAng'les , San Francisco and Sacramento t. .
' ' Cal. Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 , 904. r. ; '
M To California and return $45. 00 August 5 to SClt. "
t ath , return limit Oct. 20. . . . . : J
: .
St. Louis . 60 day limit. . . . . . . . . . . . [ 3. S5 ; '
Y . 1 St. Louis 15 day lImIt. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00
, St. Louis 7 day limit daily during . September - .
, tember 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7.2 5
. - Remember there is no change of cars to St. Louis.
Take the Worlds Fair Special at 8.45 : p. 111. Leaves
St. Louis at 8:10 : p. m. and arrives here at 8:35 : the
next morning. Best train through Falls City.
I For further information see local agent. .
= ; .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : : u.w _ . . . . . , . . , . . , . .
John , V. and George E. Dorr-
ington left for Yuma Arz. , Mon-
day night via i \ ro. Pac. They
have visited with relatives and
friends for the past four months.
'Yc guarantee all the cider
from your apples. No waste in
thc new cider mill , creamery
Ira Johnston left Tuesday for
Plattsmouth , where he will spend
some time in the employ of a telephone -
ephon company.
: Mrs. John Hossack and daughter -
ter Nellie spent Sunday in Ver-
don with Mrs. , V. C. Sloan.
Cider and pure apple butter at
the new cider mill at thc cream-
ery building.
Boys Take Notice.
'Vantel1-100 bushel walnuts
will pay cash.-lIeck's feed store.
Dr. Rush treats diseases
of the lungs succ.cssfuHy. =
New 1l1ethod.
"The Little [ iiol11estead.
The blind infatuation which
turns a wife from her fireside be-
side her loving young husband to
go forth to misery and abuse
with an unscrupulous scoundrel ,
brings about all the sorrow and
happiness in thc magnetic story
toldbr ' 'The Little Homestead , "
which will be this attraction at
the Gc.'llling for one night on
Saturday Oct. 15.
All the repentance and remorse
of a woman who has sinned once
, - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . I
against her home , her husband
and herself is shown in the simple
character of the wife who sees
through her blinded eyes when ton
late to atone. The dying plea
for forgiveness and the unselfish
response of the husband , strike
to the heart. Thc just retribution -
ion for his sins which fall upon
the destroyer of the home , is a
fitting climax to a malig-ant life.
'l'hroug-hout 'rhe Little Homc-
stead" is of intense interest and
appeals to the finer sensibilities. - .
The play IS from the pen of W.
B. Patton author of "The Minis-
ter's Son . .
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ; '
No one who is acquainted with
its , good qualities ' can be surprised -
ed at the great popularity of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It not only cures colds and grip
effectually and permanently , but .
prevents these diseases from resulting -
suI ting in pneumonia. It is also
a certain cure for croup. Whooping -
illg" cough is not dangerous when -
. .
this remedy is givcn. It contains --If ]
no opium or other harmful sub-
stance and may be given as con-
fidently to a baby as to an adult.
It is also pleasant to take. When . \
all of these facts are taken into I
consideration it is not surprising
that people in foreign lands , as
well as at home , esteem this i
remedy very highly and very few ,
arc willing to take any other .
after having once used it. For . j
sale by A. G. \Vantier.